Understanding Islam: Why People Convert

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Sep 28, 2003
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The rate to which conversions are occuring among western people themselves is not entirely clear.

It was suggest a few times on the "How do you view Islam?" thread that the reasons for conversion to Islam be examined. So, starting a thread with that purpose in mind.

For starters, some reasons for conversion to Islam include:

1. Muslims can proselytize in the West but Christians can't proselytize in Muslim nations.

2. Christians in the West can convert to any religion (or drop religion altogether) if they want to, but Muslims can't do that in Muslim nations.

3. Something new, something different, is always attractive to some segments of the population, especially if it's something un-traditional.

4. Western women are in the vanguard of conversion (two-thirds of new converts are women). Why is this important?

a. Women seem to have been at the forfront of religious conversion for all religions, including Christianity.

b. Western women are more likely to date and/or marry Muslim men than vice versa (i.e., Western men are not as likely to date and/or marry Muslim women as compared to Muslim men, who are more likely to date and/or marry Western women) - couple this with the fact that Women tend follow the husband's lead on these types of issues.

c. Women tend to be more rebellious of traditional values and of the values their parents had (polls show repeatedly that more men are conservative than women and that - in the USA - there are more women Democrats than their are men - and more men Republicans than there are women).

d. Women are more likely to turn towards something that has a tangible distinction - culturally speaking - Islam surely fits this bill.

e. Islam provides people with a seperate and distinct identity in the West, something that women who have been brought up in secularised and de-identificational West may deeply crave (probably men fit this also).

5. Islam appeals to those who have been taught that the West is evil and to hate Western history (blacks and newly arrived non-European immigrants fit this profile very well).

6. Islam may be easier to understand theologically - no trinity, no god/man concept, no need for the Greek philosphical crucible - and its sharp tenanents and commands may have general appeal to those seeking identity and order in their lives (includes the poor and those who have been marginalized by mainstream society).

7. Ofcourse, differential birthrates

8. Obviously, differential emigration rates - what's the ratio of Western emigration to Muslim lands vs. Muslim emigration to Western lands - very small!

Other opinions?


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2003
christianbeginning said:
It was suggest a few times on the "How do you view Islam?" thread that the reasons for conversion to Islam be examined. So, starting a thread with that purpose in mind.

For starters, some reasons for conversion to Islam include:

1. Muslims can proselytize in the West but Christians can't proselytize in Muslim nations.

2. Christians in the West can convert to any religion (or drop religion altogether) if they want to, but Muslims can't do that in Muslim nations.

3. Something new, something different, is always attractive to some segments of the population, especially if it's something un-traditional.

4. Western women are in the vanguard of conversion (two-thirds of new converts are women). Why is this important?

a. Women seem to have been at the forfront of religious conversion for all religions, including Christianity.

b. Western women are more likely to date and/or marry Muslim men than vice versa (i.e., Western men are not as likely to date and/or marry Muslim women as compared to Muslim men, who are more likely to date and/or marry Western women) - couple this with the fact that Women tend follow the husband's lead on these types of issues.

c. Women tend to be more rebellious of traditional values and of the values their parents had (polls show repeatedly that more men are conservative than women and that - in the USA - there are more women Democrats than their are men - and more men Republicans than there are women).

d. Women are more likely to turn towards something that has a tangible distinction - culturally speaking - Islam surely fits this bill.

e. Islam provides people with a seperate and distinct identity in the West, something that women who have been brought up in secularised and de-identificational West may deeply crave (probably men fit this also).

5. Islam appeals to those who have been taught that the West is evil and to hate Western history (blacks and newly arrived non-European immigrants fit this profile very well).

6. Islam may be easier to understand theologically - no trinity, no god/man concept, no need for the Greek philosphical crucible - and its sharp tenanents and commands may have general appeal to those seeking identity and order in their lives (includes the poor and those who have been marginalized by mainstream society).

7. Ofcourse, differential birthrates

8. Obviously, differential emigration rates - what's the ratio of Western emigration to Muslim lands vs. Muslim emigration to Western lands - very small!

Other opinions?

Hi there!


And can you differentiate between the sects of Islam? Shiites or Sunni's?

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Dec 12, 2003
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Hello all

My general experience as to why most people chose to convert to Muslim, Eastern religions, even Christian cults is because many of these converts see people in these groups actually striving to serve God whereas in the main stream Christian groups they see us hypocrites.

They believe we do lots of talking and not enough walking. Jesus warned us to tend to our witness. The witness of our walk carries much more weight than the witness of words.

With out the walk we as Christians simply disgust those who are looking for a place to fulfill their spiritual needs. So they wind up in things like Islam and such.

yours in Christ
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CL--you are missed!
Jun 8, 2004
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deu58 said:
Hello all

My general experience as to why most people chose to convert to Muslim, Eastern religions, even Christian cults is because many of these converts see people in these groups actually striving to serve God whereas in the main stream Christian groups they see us hypocrites.

They believe we do lots of talking and not enough walking. Jesus warned us to tend to our witness. The witness of our walk carries much more weight than the witness of words.

With out the walk we as Christians simply disgust those who are looking for a place to fulfill their spiritual needs. So they wind up in things like Islam and such.

yours in Christ
Amen to that.
Additionally, for some groups--Some Christians have marginalized them and even oppressed them (African Americans for example). In this area of the country, while there have been few converts to Black Muslims, those that have stated they felt more welcome there than in Christian churches.
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Sep 28, 2003
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Serapha said:
And can you differentiate between the sects of Islam? Shiites or Sunni's?

I suppose since we are trying to understand this issue on a qualitative basis we should examine how the Islamic faith - in and of itself - draws unto itself new converts in the West. So, looking at the conversion of Westerners (non-Muslim Westerners, that is) to the Sunni branch if Islam is probably more telling (given their heavy reliance on Muhammad and the Quaran and the relative lack of institutionalism vs. Shiites).

Would you agree?
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Jan 23, 2004
It is certaintly relevant. If 80% share the same doctrine and same message, think of the possibilities. Since there is such oneness in Islam they have a stronger message. Christianity on the other hand is divided into many denominations and sects. Our message is not as strong because we are not as one. Non-Christians always ask why Christianity is so divided and they cannot understand it. "If Christianity is the true religion then why is it so divided" is a normal non-Christian response to Christianity. I think this is a factor.
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