UFO or UAPs everywere


Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
Franklin, Tennessee
United States
Marital Status
Question is... why are some so defensive against the idea they might exist?
"Might"? Elves "might" exist. And ogres, and kelpies, and leprechauns, and interdimensional goomers, and any other imaginary critter you'd care to name. The problem is when you decide that they really do exist, without the tinest shred of evidence that they do in fact exist at all. They become a matter of faith. You believe in spacemen, you believe in flying saucers from outer space, you believe in all nearly omnipotent conspiracies that secretly rule the world, you believe that demons pass themselves off as spacemen for some reason or the other, ad infinitum. And you believe in all this stuff without even a shred of empirical evidence that they exsit at all, as a matter of faith. They become a part of your religion, and part of your world view, and how you perceive the structure of the universe, without being able to demonstrate in any objective way that these things/people/creatures aren't simply figments of your imagination.

That ain't good. You can believe in Batman if you lijke, but he isn't there. You can put of a picture of ninja turtles in your bedroom, but you're never going to run into them, because that're imaginary. Space men aren't going to land in your back yard. Elves don't stroll in the woods outside of town. Bloody Mary doesn't look back at you from your mirror. The UFO you saw was most likely an airplane or some other mundane human-built flying thing. While we're at it, there never was a 200 mpg carberetor, nobody has a secret machine that produces electricity from the air, the world isn't flat, Elvis is dead, the miracle inventions that They Don't Want You To Know About were designed to extract money from the credulous, and so on ad infinitum.

Faith is wonderful when it's directed toward our Lord Christ, But when it blindly believes every sea story, advertising scam, urban legend, or any other kind of made-up claptrap, then it's just dumb.
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