The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, has set us free from the law of sin and death?


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You are preaching that the "Spirit of Life" that was in Christ Jesus, "Is Christ Jesus". This is the water flowing from within you, that you want me and others to drink.
And the Lord is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17)

Is the Lord the Spirit?
Yes or No ?

But when I go to the Jesus "of the Bible", and I ask Him, "Jesus, Oikonomia is preaching to others that the Spirit of Life that was in you, when you walked the earth, was your Own Spirit? Is this true?
The Lord is the Spirit - Yes or No?
Your Bible says - The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you. (2 Tim. 4:22)

If you are a Christians where is the Lord who is the Spirit?
With your spirit - Yes or No?

Is the New Testament teaching that the Lord is with the spirit of the Christian? Yes or No?

Is the New Testament teaching that the grace of the Lord is with our spirit?
Check your New Testament.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. (Phil. 4:23)

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen. (Gal. 6:18)

You should go to God in serious prayer and ask Him to make clearer to you the knowing of
the Lord Jesus within you as the Spirit.

Can't hurt and it will help because God is so willing.

Good passage.
Another couple of tremendous passages.
So clearly what you are preaching doesn't align with the Words of the Christ Himself. What about the Witnesses in the New Testament? Did they believe the religious philosophy flowing from within you?
All those who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Remember?
There is no reason for me to dignify your following the mocking of an Ishmael like attitude.

But just as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so also it is now. (Gal. 4:29)

And I think I would like to hear from some others on this thread for awhile.
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And the Lord is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17)

Is the Lord the Spirit?
Yes or No ?

NO! Jesus was not born a spirit. He was born Flesh and Blood and remained that way until His Father raised Him from the dead. There is a spirit who, like you, refuses to confess that Christ Jesus came in the Flesh. (2 John 1:7). I reject the teaching of this spirit outright. When Jesus walked the earth, HE walked in the "LAW" of the Spirit of Life that was in Him. Paul is teaching that he too, as a man, served the same Law of God which was in Christ Jesus. This choice by Paul caused him to walk, "Even as Jesus walked", which is also confirmed by John's words that I posted, and you also ignored. Walking in this manner, after this same LAW of the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus, caused Paul to walk, not after the Flesh that Paul and Jesus were made of, but after the Spirit of Life, which they both chose to "Yield themselves" servants to obey.

I posted His Own Words which teach this, but you are only interested in self-justification, so you won't even acknowledge they exist. This is the curse God places on men who live in transgression of God's Laws, by their own religious traditions. By their fruits, their teaching, Jesus said I can know who they are.

You either are ignorant of this spirit that refuses to confess that Jesus came in the Flesh, or you are purposely teaching it doesn't exist. Either way, Paul and Jesus told me to stay away from these religions. And now, 30 years later, I understand exactly why.

The Lord is the Spirit - Yes or No?
Your Bible says - The Lord be with your spirit. Grace be with you. (2 Tim. 4:22)

When Jesus walked the earth as a flesh and blood man, HE didn't walk in His own Law, or Speak His Own Words, or "DO" His own Works. HE said, that is, the Jesus "of the bible" says, these things that HE did, came from His Father that dwelled within Him. The Same Father that HE was with "before the World was". He was a Spirit before becoming a man, and HE was Raised a Living Spirit after HE was murdered. But as a man He humbled Himself and became obedient to His Father, unto death. Your unbelief in His Words, don't make His Words false.

So Jesus answered your question here, and I posted HIS Answer, which is also my answer. It is no surprise to me that you will not accept the Words of the Jesus "of the Bible". Jesus said "Many" would call Him Lord, and teach in His Name, but He doesn't know them.

If you are a Christians where is the Lord who is the Spirit?
With your spirit - Yes or No?

If I am a true Christian, like Paul was, I am serving the LAW of the same Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus, when HE was a man. My Lord, who is become a Spirit, is God's Priest and is an advocate between me and His Father, "The Spirit of Life".

1 John 2: 1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate "with the Father", Jesus Christ the righteous:

This is the Jesus I follow.
Is the New Testament teaching that the Lord is with the spirit of the Christian? Yes or No?

The Jesus "of the Bible", who is my Lord, teaches in the Testimony;

John 17: 3 And "this is life eternal", that they might "know thee" the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Clearly, according to the Jesus "of the Bible's" own Words, HIS Father is the Spirit of Life that dwelled within HIM. And Jesus taught, as both Paul and I understand, that if we humble ourselves, and, as Paul teaches in Rom. 6, "Yield ourselves" servants to obey the Same "LAW" of the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus, there is no condemnation for us.

I see this world has created another Jesus, with perfect profile and long flowing hair, who wasn't flesh and blood, but was God a Spirit, while walking the earth. Paul warns about this as well.

Rom. 1: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Is the New Testament teaching that the grace of the Lord is with our spirit?
Check your New Testament.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. (Phil. 4:23)

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers. Amen. (Gal. 6:18)

You should go to God in serious prayer and ask Him to make clearer to you the knowing of
the Lord Jesus within you as the Spirit.

Can't hurt and it will help because God is so willing.

Good passage.

Another couple of tremendous passages.

All those who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Remember?
There is no reason for me to dignify your following the mocking of an Ishmael like attitude.

But just as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so also it is now. (Gal. 4:29)

And I think I would like to hear from some others on this thread for awhile.

The mainstream preachers of Jesus time, and in the Prophets, didn't like it either when the Word of God exposed the spirit of error within them. They even killed Jesus for showing them their error. So I would expect nothing different from you than anger and self-defense. And that is OK. What I hope for, is that in your private moments, when you don't have to save face or justify yourself in public, you might consider the Holy Words Jesus and His Father gave you that I posted, and maybe accept who Jesus said, the Spirit of Life that was in HIM was, when HE walked in the earth as a flesh and blood man.

I only continued in this reply because of the questions you asked. I hate it when men blow off and ignore my questions in these kinds of discussion. It wouldn't be right to do the same to others.
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NO! Jesus was not born a spirit. He was born Flesh and Blood and remained that way until His Father raised Him from the dead.
This reply to your post is not for you. It is for those who might be be taken in by your false accusations.
There is a spirit who, like you, refuses to confess that Christ Jesus came in the Flesh. (2 John 1:7).
There is no polite to way to say Studyman is lying. In the course of this discussion I have quoted John 1:14
And the Word became flesh . . . If I didn't believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh I would not use John 1:14.

Readers can look above and see how I spoke of two BECAMES.
The Word became flesh (John 1:14)
The last Adam became a life giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45)

The next major slander Studyman accuses me of is not teaching about Jesus living by the Father and not
by Himself.

When Jesus walked the earth as a flesh and blood man, HE didn't walk in His own Law, or Speak His Own Words, or "DO" His own Works.
In the course of this discussion I quoted also that Jesus said He lived by the Father.
Go find it. I referred to John 6:57.

As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me.

Do not be misled by this slanderer's false accusations. Go find my one or two repetitions of this verse to
show how Jesus as a man, even a perfect man, denied Himself and lived by the Father.

This repy to Studyman's post is not for him. It is for those he is trying to dupe through slanderous false accusation about my posts.
If I am a true Christian, like Paul was, I am serving the LAW of the same Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus, when HE was a man. My Lord, who is become a Spirit, is God's Priest and is an advocate between me and His Father, "The Spirit of Life".
Jesus Christ who became a life giving Spirit is STILL a man.
He will be a man for eternity.

Romans 8 which we were discussion locates Christ in two places:

1.) The indwelling Spirit (vs 9-10) - Yet if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not of Him. But if Christ is in you, . . .
2.) At the right hand of God as a man interceding for His saints (v. 34) It is Christ Jesus who died and, rather, who was raised, who is also at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.

Christ the Son of God Who became flesh and resurrected as a man also is the indwelling Spirit and at the right hand of God
interceding too.

He is still a man - a God-man - For there is one God and one Mediator of God and man, the man Christ Jesus, (1 Tim. 2:5)

Paul taught that we are discharged from the Law to serve in newness of spirit.
But now we have been discharged from the law, having died to that in which we were held, so that we serve in newness of spirit and not in oldness of letter. (Rom. 7:6)

Paul taught that standing in grace we have been made dead to the law.
So then, my brothers, you also have been made dead to the law through the body of Christ so that you might be joined to another, to Him who has been raised from the dead, that we might bear fruit to God. (Rom. 7:4)

Studyman mad because the NT says Christians are made dead to the law and discharged from the law reacts by
slandering Bible believing Christians as angels of light and false apostles.

This post is for those who have to read his persecutions of us who take
Romans 7:4,6 as the oracles of God.

Another innuendo which is a lie is that I disbelieve that we have and Advocate with the Father - Jesus Christ the Righteous.
The same Father is also IN all the members of the Body of Christ WITH His Son.

One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Eph. 4:6)

Jesus and His Father come to make an abode in His lovers as the Divine "We".

Jesus answered and said to him, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make an abode with him. (John 14:23)

Do not be taken in, reader, by any slanderous accusation that I did not teach of an Advocate with the Father.
Both the Advocate with the Father and the Father come to make an abode within Christ's lovers as the divine "We".

This is the Jesus I follow.

The Jesus "of the Bible", who is my Lord, teaches in the Testimony;

John 17: 3 And "this is life eternal", that they might "know thee" the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.
Nowhere in this discussion do or did I deny John 17:3.

Clearly, according to the Jesus "of the Bible's" own Words, HIS Father is the Spirit of Life that dwelled within HIM.
Nowhere in this discussion did I deny that the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is also the Spirit of His Father.
I pointed out the interchangeable titles given to this Person in Romans 8:9-11

The Spirit of God [I said more than once] is the Spirit of Christ Who is Christ Himself.
Anyone reading through all the posts of this discussion will see I brought Romans 8:9-10 up more than once.

Don't be fooled that Studyman's "Jesus of the Bible" is not who I have been writing and testifying about.
As if only he has been talking about the Bible's Jesus.

I see this world has created another Jesus, with perfect profile and long flowing hair, who wasn't flesh and blood, but was God a Spirit, while walking the earth. Paul warns about this as well.
I said NOTHING about artist's portrayal of a Jesus with long flowing hair.
This is misdirection accompanying his slander.

I never denied our Lord Jesus wasn't flesh and blood. Studyman speaks warped untruths to even suggest I did not
more than once refer to John 1:14.

Like he Studyman believes in the incarnation but others in this discussionlike myself do not believe Jesus' incarnation.

The mainstream preachers of Jesus time, and in the Prophets, didn't like it either when the Word of God exposed the spirit of error within them. They even killed Jesus for showing them their error.
Unable to refute simple truths I have expressed here from the word of God, Studyman resorts to his only desperate defence - some kind of wild guilt by association. If you don't think the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is the law of Moses you are partners with those
who killed Jesus.

So I would expect nothing different from you than anger and self-defense. And that is OK. What I hope for, is that in your private moments, when you don't have to save face or justify yourself in public, you might consider the Holy Words Jesus and His Father gave you that I posted, and maybe accept who Jesus said, the Spirit of Life that was in HIM was, when HE walked in the earth as a flesh and blood man.

I only continued in this reply because of the questions you asked. I hate it when men blow off and ignore my questions in these kinds of discussion. It wouldn't be right to do the same to others.
Sounds real tough doesn't it?

Paul had to tell some of his critics also - If someone has confidence in himself to be of Christ, let him take account of this again concerning himself, that even as he is of Christ, so also are we. (1 Cor. 10:7b)

This post was for any who might be taken in by Studyman's slanderous false accusations of what I have presented in this discussion.
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This reply to your post is not for you. It is for those who might be be taken in by your false accusations.

If you don't want people to question and point out the glaring misrepresentations in your preaching, then perhaps you should be more careful what you preach.
There is no polite to way to say Studyman is lying. In the course of this discussion I have quoted John 1:14
And the Word became flesh . . . If I didn't believe Jesus Christ came in the flesh I would not use John 1:14.

You just told me that the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus, "was Christ Jesus". You then asked in Jesus was Spirit. I said NO!. Jesus was not born a Spirit and was not a Spirit when HE was murdered. You said HE was the Spirit that was in Christ Jesus, You asked me "Is the Lord the Spirit" that was in Christ Jesus that Paul was speaking about in Romans 8? And I gave you the Scriptural Truth, again.

If you don't believe Jesus was the Spirit of Life that was in Christ Jesus, or that the "LAW" of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus wasn't God's Law, then you shouldn't teach others that it is.

Readers can look above and see how I spoke of two BECAMES.
The Word became flesh (John 1:14)
The last Adam became a life giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45)

The next major slander Studyman accuses me of is not teaching about Jesus living by the Father and not
by Himself.

I asked you who the Spirit of Life was which was in Christ Jesus that Paul spoke to in Romans 8.

You said "The Spirit there is Jesus Christ".

Now you accuse me of lying because I posted your own answer to the question I asked.

If you don't believe Jesus was a Spirit, then don't tell others that HE was.

1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

2 For the law "of the Spirit of life" in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

And even now, you still cling to the falsehood that the Spirit of Life that is in the Christ, as HE sits at the Right Hand of God His Father, is NOT the Spirit of God?

You can get mad at me, I don't care. But you shouldn't be promoting falsehoods about the One True God, or His Son in Whom this God's Spirit dwells.

John 14: 28 Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come again unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.

John 17: 17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.

John 14: 10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father "that dwelleth in me", he doeth the works.

Rom. 8:2 For the law "of the Spirit of life" in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

Jesus wasn't the "Spirit of Life" in Himself, as you clearly posted. If you want to recant or edit your answer, I think you should. But it remains to be seen if you could do so.
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Paul said in Romans 8, "The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death."

The law above in the clause, law of sin is not the law or a law found in the Book of the Law or of the decalogue.
I agree. Look at the contrast of weakness of the law verses the power to set free of the Spirit of life's law.
The law of the Spirit of life CAN DO what the law could not do.

Power - For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus . . . (v.2a)
Weakness - For that which the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, (v. 3a)
Paul says that he delights in the Law of God in relation to the good that he wants to do.
This kind of frustration is surely remedied once we come to Christ Jesus. However it rarely is anyone totally
enlightened from the first day he receives the Lord. Little by little the realization should grow if our growth is

We have many self-made laws which we also desire to keep as resolutions. But we fail.
Married brothers may realize how easy it is to forget your wife's birthday or an anniversary date.
When she reminds us you also may feel "wretched man that I am."

Yet there is nothing but hope for us in Christ Jesus. And we ought not get over introspective or suprised that
we were not as "good" as we thought. God knew we were failures before we were born and made ample
provision for it in redemption.

One of the many fruits of the Spirit is "self-control".

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Gal. 5:22,23)

But then he says he sees ANOTHER law in his members. This OTHER law that he says he found, the law that when he would do good evil is present with him. It is through this law he does what he would not, because of the sin that dwells in him. He as we can't help ourselves.
I think you expressed it quite well.
Sin operating in our members is virtually Satan in our flesh.

I was relieved not troubled to learn that Satan was operating in my fallen body. While I have known some people to get offended
at the thought. To me it explained a lot of things.

You can see how this evil that is present with Paul acted like a person-
It deceives, takes opportunity, makes captive, kills, dwells . . . these expressions Paul uses in Romans 7 are not attributes of
something inanimate. No wonder he arrives at salvation being in a stronger Person who can indwell a deeper realm in him.

For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death. (Rom. 8:2)

The law, the nature of this stronger divine Person indwelling his regenerated spirit alone can overpower
the Satanic nature dwelling in his flesh.

We are not use to living BY this stronger Person - the Spirit of life. So we must learn each day to set the mind on
the spirit where the Spirit of Christ indwells.

An effect of learning to unleash His life power is He also will give life to our mortal bodies.

And if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you. ( v.11)

What Christian ever graduates from having to come back again and again to this moment by moment salvation in
setting the mind on the living Lord Jesus who is one with his innermost spiritual part.

In fact Paul's prayer is that we all be strengthened INTO that realm that Christ could settle down in our heart.

That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man,
That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, (Eph. 3:16,17a)

O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me (us) from this body of death that has sin dwelling in it?

Then because of the good that Paul wants to do He thanks God through Jesus Christ that he serves the Law of God with His mind. But there is a contrast in his flesh that he can not do what he would. He is in captivity, serving the law of sin in and with his flesh.
I believe this is the proper interpretation of his summary of chapter 7 in 7:25
Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh, the law of sin.
However there is therefore NOW no condemnation to us who are in Christ Jesus he continues in chapter 8. We who walk after the Spirit, His Spirit and not after the flesh, the sin that dwells in it. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin,
That is with the IF. That is the IF we learn to set our mind on the Spirit of Christ in our innermost being, in our spirit.
That is IF we are strenthened into that realm - Christ will move out and make His home in our reactions.

The Christian life is more in how we react than in how we act.
This walking and liberation is tested and revealed more in our reactions.

We're all who are Christians are a work in progress. Thank the Lord we have the pioneering example of Paul, John, Peter and other
writers of the New Testament.
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And the Lord is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17)

Is the Lord the Spirit?
Yes or No ?

This was posted to studyman and he affirmed it. What say you oikonomia?

Even Jesus said that the Father that dwelleth in Him doeth the work And greater works shall we do because He goeth unto the Father and that He, Jessus will not leave us comfortless but will come unto us. And be in us. Us in Him, Jesus in us that the world might believe.
John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

As Paul said it is He that works in us both to will and do His good pleasure. The Life we now live in the flesh we live by the faith OF the Son of God who gave himself for us. Know you not that you are the Temple of God and God's Spirit, His anointing dwells in you. That we are partakers of His Divine nature. That we be made the righteousness of God in Him fulfilling the righteousness of the law. Walking after, following the Spirit of God that dwells in us and not after the flesh. Now having His Law in our hearts and minds. His Word in our hearts and mouths through His Spirit. A New creation in Christ Jesus begotten by the Word of truth. The Light that lighteth, giveth life everyman that cometh into the world. The Light that is the Life of man.

These text are to that which was posted from 2Cor 3 in respect to the Lord being that Spirit. Let me know what you guys see.

2Cor 1:2 Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
2Cor 1:3 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
2Cor 1:14 As also ye have acknowledged us in part, that we are your rejoicing, even as ye also are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus.

2Cor 3:2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men:
2Cor 3:3 Forasmuch as ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshy tables of the heart.
2Cor 3:4 And such trust have we through Christ to God-ward:

2Cor 3:15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
2Cor 3:16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.
2Cor 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2Cor 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
I agree. Look at the contrast of weakness of the law verses the power to set free of the Spirit of life's law.
The law of the Spirit of life CAN DO what the law could not do.

Power - For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus . . . (v.2a)
Weakness - For that which the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, (v. 3a)

This kind of frustration is surely remedied once we come to Christ Jesus. However it rarely is anyone totally
enlightened from the first day he receives the Lord. Little by little the realization should grow if our growth is

We have many self-made laws which we also desire to keep as resolutions. But we fail.
Married brothers may realize how easy it is to forget your wife's birthday or an anniversary date.
When she reminds us you also may feel "wretched man that I am."

Yet there is nothing but hope for us in Christ Jesus. And we ought not get over introspective or suprised that
we were not as "good" as we thought. God knew we were failures before we were born and made ample
provision for it in redemption.

One of the many fruits of the Spirit is "self-control".

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
Meekness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Gal. 5:22,23)

I think you expressed it quite well.
Sin operating in our members is virtually Satan in our flesh.

I was relieved not troubled to learn that Satan was operating in my fallen body. While I have known some people to get offended
at the thought to me it explained a lot of things.

You can see how this evil that is present with Paul acted like a person-
It deceives, takes opportunity, makes captive, kills, dwells . . . these expressions Paul uses in Romans 7 are not attributes of
something inanimate. No wonder he arrives at salvation being in a stronger Person who can indwell a deeper realm in him.

For the law of the Spirit of life has freed me in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and of death. (Rom. 8:2)

The law, the nature of this stronger divine Person indwelling his regenerated spirit alone can overpower
the Satanic nature dwelling in his flesh.

We are not use to living BY this stronger Person - the Spirit of life. So we must learn each day to set the mind on
the spirit where the Spirit of Christ indwells.

An effect of learning to unleash His life power is He also will give life to our mortal bodies.

And if the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who indwells you. ( v.11)

What Christian ever graduates from having to come back again and again to this moment by moment salvation in
setting the mind on the living Lord Jesus who is one with his innermost spiritual part.

In fact Paul's prayer is that we all be strengthened INTO that realm that Christ could settle down in our heart.

That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with power through His Spirit into the inner man,
That Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith, (Eph. 3:16,17a)

I believe this is the proper interpretation of his summary of chapter 7 in 7:25
Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh, the law of sin.

That is with the IF. That is the IF we learn to set our mind on the Spirit of Christ in our innermost being, in our spirit.
That is IF we are strenthened into that realm - Christ will move out and make His home in our reactions.

The Christian life is more in how we react than in how we act.
This walking and liberation is tested and revealed more in our reacts.

We're all who are Christians are a work in progress. Thank the Lord we have the pioneering example of Paul, John, Peter and other
writers of the New Testament.
Thank you for the affirmation again. We are presently working through something in respect to Romans in it's context up to chapter 8 and it is eating up a lot of time. Two weeks now. I must see this through before we move onto something else. Hence why I have not been very active here. Please be patient.
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This was posted to studyman and he affirmed it. What say you oikonomia?
I say "the Jesus of the Bible" includes the truth that the Lord is the Spirit. (2 Cor. 3:17)

Even Jesus said that the Father that dwelleth in Him doeth the work And greater works shall we do because He goeth unto the Father and that He, Jessus will not leave us comfortless but will come unto us. And be in us. Us in Him, Jesus in us that the world might believe.
John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
The Lord said as He lived by the Father so also if we eat Him we will live by Him.
I honestly think the more we take Him in and walk by His nourishing and supplying inwardly the more
we will discover what it was like for Him to live by the Father.

It is mysterious how the Son lived by the Father. But as we are so honored to walk along the same way
as He, the deeper our experience of this the more we realize what it meant for Him to live by the living Father.
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