The Gift of Death


God is Truth- A. Einstein
Nov 29, 2003
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[font=Verdana, Arial]You can die as a result of having seizures. Epilepsy can kill. Many years ago, because of my epilepsy, on three occasions, it had killed me. While in a hospital, my seizures had stopped my heart, and had stopped my breathing. I had died, three times. Death was a gift. It did not, should you be concerned, make me suicidal. It made me appreciate life. It also took away my fear of death, that some day we will each die.
I understand, in my mind, my bones, and in my soul, that death is a part of life, no less than is birth, or breath. Most people have a fear of death, the death that will some day come to each of us. I do not fear it, for I know it. It is very liberating not to be afraid of death, no weight upon your shoulders. Having survived death, I know how valuable and exquisite, and how important is each day, each moment, is life.
I also know what is important, and what life is about, it's meaning, and why we are here. For me, death was the greatest gift that I have had in life. You are not supposed to commit suicide, you are supposed to live. However unfair, however depressing life may be for you, there is reason, for which you do not know it, for how and feel, and be what you are today.

Man is born with instincts. We have the instinct to live. We have the instinct to suckle at our Mothers breast. We have the instinct to learn, and the instinct to contol our world, (the instinct of power).

We are very curious. We want to know how things work, what makes those things that work - work. We have millions of questions about God, faith, and philsophy. We want to know if we are alone in the universe. We want to know why we are here, what life is about, what is the meaning of life, where do we fit in the entire universe, and for that matter, what is or is not, the universe itself. We turn to Faith for many of the answers to these questions. Still we are curious about these questions, for we also want to know the answers in the same way that we know that when there is an apple in your hand, you can hold, see, touch, smell, or taste, it - that there is an apple, or there is a tree, or that is a stone, or here you stand. The universe is immense. It is infinite. We cannot comprehend the idea of infinity. To be able to understand infinity we would have to know what it would be like to live in all places at once. The Human mind will never know that.
We can, however, appreciate immense, we can appreciate infinity. Beyond our understand of what is large, by comparison we are so very small. We cannot comprehend how small and less we could be.
Howver small we are, however large the universe may be, the universe cannot exist, unless you did. We do not know how, in what order, which place in the universe we fit, but we fit in an exact place.
You are suppose to be here.
The person next to you is supposed to be here, as too, the dirt beneath your feet. What is the purpose of life? The purpose of life is life. You are here to live. To respect others, and to respect God, or whomever it may be that you believe to be your creator.
