Since animals and man ate plants in Genesis 1, how does that fit theistic evolution?


Jan 26, 2013
Since Adam and Eve did not die physically the day they ate the forbidden fruit, I have to assume that the death referred to is spiritual death.

Adam did die on the present 6th Day. ALL mankind lives and dies on the present 6th Creative Day, the Day of Salvation. We live today at Gen 1:27 because God is STILL creating Adam/mankind in His Image or Spiritually in Christ. When Heaven is filled, we will advance to the prophecy of Gen 1:28-31. God Bless you
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Feb 5, 2017
Oicha Beni
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Adam did die on the present 6th Day. ALL mankind lives and dies on the present 6th Creative Day, the Day of Salvation. We live today at Gen 1:27 because God is STILL creating Adam/mankind in His Image or Spiritually in Christ. When Heaven is filled, we will advance to the prophecy of Gen 1:28-31. God Bless you


Does this mean that we haven't reached the 7th day? The narrative doesn't seem to allow for different lengths of days..."an evening and a morning." And it does seem to indicate that the sabbath day of rest is based on Elohim having rested from his work on the 7th day. So was the sabbath, instituted thousands of years ago, prophetic rather than commemorative? And what happens to the new teaching about not observing particular sabbaths (holy days) but recognise that every day is holy "unto the Lord?"

Please note: I am not challenging. I am simply asking how you put these kinds of things together.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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Amen, but that was when Noah was afraid to come out of the Ark. IOW, it happened on the present Earth. Humans can eat flesh for about 10k years BEFORE Jesus gives us dominion or rule over ALL living creatures at the end of the present 6th Day/Age Gen 1:28 in the creation of the perfect 3rd Heaven. We will never have dominion until Lions and Bears eat straw like the Ox, Isa 11:7 during the millennial reign of Christ on this Earth, which is in the FUTURE. God Bless you

But will plants still eat animals?

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Jan 26, 2013

Does this mean that we haven't reached the 7th day?

Absolutely. Notice that God rests from "ALL" of His work of creating on the 7th Day. Gen 2:2-3 That's because when the 6th Day/Age is over, God's perfect creation of the 3rd Heaven will be perfect. It's the end of ALL of God's works. Otherwise, the perfect God didn't do them.

The narrative doesn't seem to allow for different lengths of days..."an evening and a morning."

The beginning and the end of each work. It begins with evening because darkness/death was upon God's creation on the 1st Day. Gen 1:2 The 7th Day has NO evening, NO morning, since it's Eternity.

And it does seem to indicate that the sabbath day of rest is based on Elohim having rested from his work on the 7th day.

Remembering the Sabbath to "keep it holy" is only possible for perfect Christians in the 3rd Heaven. We cannot be holy/perfect on planet Earth, the Earth which crucified our God, since we are still in the flesh.

So was the sabbath, instituted thousands of years ago, prophetic rather than commemorative?

Absolutely. It happens AFTER the end of the 6th Day when every living creature is changed into a Vegetarian. Gen 1:30 The fulfillment of this prophecy is told in Isaiah 11 with verse 7 showing that even Lions and Bears will eat straw like the Ox, during the Millennial reign of Christ.

And what happens to the new teaching about not observing particular sabbaths (holy days) but recognise that every day is holy "unto the Lord?"

Amen and remember that Today is the 6th Day, the Day of Salvation, and none of us are promised tomorrow, except those in Christ. God Bless you
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