Sabbath Instituted in creation?, Written vs Reasoned

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But the Sabbath is part of the Old Testament Law, and Christians are free from the bondage of the Law (Galatians 4:1-26; Romans 6:14).

And yet when it is all boiled down 9 out of the 10 still apply to you today: you cannot worship other gods, you can't use God's name as a swear word, you can't make idols and bow down to them, you can't kill, commit adultery, etc., etc.. Now why would we have to obey 9 but not the one that points to God was your Creator? Why do they always leaved out mentioning the rationale for that law? Why is it that the law that starts with the word "remember" we are free to disobey? But, not the other nine?
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Jun 13, 2006
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Nowhere in Scripture is there any hint that Sabbath-keeping was practiced from Adam to Moses.

That is argument from silence; the Bible also doesn't say much about people wearing underwear either. That doesn't mean that they didn't. There's no record of them washing their hands before eating or after having gone to the bathroom (or using TP!), but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. The fact that Moses didn't have to explain what the Sabbath was a month before Sinai indicates that they knew what it was about. The fact that in over 100 languages (created at the Tower of Babel) the seventh day of the week is known as "sabbath" indicates that they knew what it was at that time.

:doh: I disagree, That statement is either true or false.
The fact is, you believe it's false but you have no proof:D

Rather than you showing biblical proof that Sabbath was kept from Adam-Moses, you raised some fasle arguments.

A) Sabbath arguments are not "from silence" in the bible, once sabbath was given, it's became one of the consistent violations noted in text (unlike your strawman examples )

B) There is a record of the first sabbath (Ex16)

C) 40yrs of manna means, 40yrs of Sabbaths before Sinai, So yes, they REMEMBERED the Sabbath and how to keep it holy before they were given commandment.

In addition to these facts God declared in text when He gave the sabbath to the children of Israel and not any clue that anyone from Adam-Moses heard of a Sabbath.

Example: Let's say, I baked cakes and named them #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7.
Let's say I gave you #7 as a gift to keep.
What I have given you is #7 as a gift. The gift didnt come to you until I gave it to you.

My example is to show that until I give #7 to you, it's not called a gift(sabbath) but my #7. So after it's given as a gift, we can say that God gave a sabbath.

That why Genesis 2 says "God rested on the Seventh day" and not the sabbath day because it was'nt given as yet.

In Ex16 God used sabbath to prove if they would accept #7 as a gift or not.. For 40yrsThey did not keep it..The words of Moses is clear when God first gave the sabbath...." Exd 16:23And he said unto them, This [is that] which the LORD hath said, To morrow [is] the rest of the holy sabbath unto the LORD:

Exd 16:25And Moses said, Eat that to day; for to day [is] a sabbath unto the LORD: to day ye shall not find it in the field.

Then in Ex20 God commanded that they keep it and gave the reason to keep it because it was His #7. So those who relate cake #7 as a gift back when I baked it have to prove that I gave it away in the begining

My argument is cake#7 became a gift when it was given to man, and not when I baked it in the begining.

Gen 1 through Gen 2:1-3 speaks only about the actions of God creating the world.

Sheeze.....I hope you reply in review of my comments.

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Jun 13, 2006
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150AD JUSTIN: Moreover, all those righteous men already mentioned [after mentioning Adam. Abel, Enoch, Lot, Noah, Melchizedek, and Abraham], though they kept no Sabbaths, were pleasing to God; and after them Abraham with all his descendants until Moses... And you [fleshly Jews] were commanded to keep Sabbaths, that you might retain the memorial of God. For His word makes this announcement, saying, "That you may know that I am God who redeemed you." (Dialogue With Trypho the Jew, 150-165 AD, Ante-Nicene Fathers , vol. 1, page 204)

200AD TERTULLIAN: Let him who contends that the Sabbath is still to be observed a balm of salvation, and circumcision on the eighth day because of threat of death, teach us that in earliest times righteous men kept Sabbath or practiced circumcision, and so were made friends of God. .. ...Therefore, since God originated Adam uncircumcised, and inobservant of the Sabbath, consequently his offspring also, Abel, offering Him sacrifices, uncircumcised and inobservant of the Sabbath, was by Him commended... Noah also, uncircumcised - yes, and inobservant of the Sabbath - God freed from the deluge. For Enoch, too, most righteous man, uncircumcised and inobservant of the Sabbath, He translated from this world... Melchizedek also, "the priest of most high God," uncircumcised and inobservant of the Sabbath, was chosen to the priesthood of God. (An Answer to the Jews 2:10; 4:1, Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. 3, page
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Jun 13, 2006
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And yet when it is all boiled down 9 out of the 10 still apply to you today: you cannot worship other gods, you can't use God's name as a swear word, you can't make idols and bow down to them, you can't kill, commit adultery, etc., etc.. Now why would we have to obey 9 but not the one that points to God was your Creator? Why do they always leaved out mentioning the rationale for that law? Why is it that the law that starts with the word "remember" we are free to disobey? But, not the other nine?

That's "reasoning gone wild". Christ commands us to love, and those are His 2 commandments.

Confusion about commandments comes when His apostles teaches His commandments to love, and Sabbatarian claim that they reference to the, (are you guilty)

We all know that God is Holy, so sin has always been unrighteousness. So dont we were approve of sinful conduct. When we love out enemies, killing and stealing is not love.

Text says "we not under the law".. We're not under Law, this mean we're under love.

As a Holy vessel unto God, He walks in us and teaches us His ways (His covenant promise.) The Laws with the penalty of death are for those who live in the world.

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Jun 13, 2006
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You've said:

Cribstyl said:
This is why God's rest is not a weekly day but rather the place of His throne outside of time.
CRIB said:
God's seventh day is figurative of when God ceased His six days of creation and entered His rest on the throne.
The place of God's rest is sanctified by God and can never be defiled by man.

Do men defile the sabbath? Yes all the time

But then, you said:
Cribstyl said:
Your assessment above are comments that go beyond what is written in Genesis by Moses account.
Jon said:
Double standards, Crib?

Where is anything about God resting on His throne?

This infers that God was so exhausted after all His creation He had to slump in His chair.
:D :D That's funny Jon , but that's false reasoning.
Reply to your accusation of double standards
#1By all the text written about "God's rest" the sabbath proves to be a sign of God's rest not the real thing, so the reason why I say on His rest is on the throne is because Christ was the first(firstfruit) to enter God's rest, and He was given a seat on the right hand side of the father. God's throne does not represent rest for a tired God, it represents among other things The seat of The Kings of Kings, the seat of authority and judgement.
#2.Text doesnt say that God rested weekly, the text teaches that God's rest meant "to cease" He was finished His work of creation. So he's collecting retirement from His creation business:D .
So with no additional day of work implied the question is how long is His rest?
To read text that shows, that noone entered God rest until Christ did, is tangerble proof that God's rest was not a 24hrs day but rather, 6000yrs and still waiting for you to get into it.;)
God's rest is a place at the end of time. He is both the begining and the end, thus not restricted to time like finite creatures.

Jon said:
Exodus 20:8-11 references the Creation account. It also explicitly says "therefore, God blessed the Sabbath day..."

This plainly shows the same seventh-day that was blessed in Genesis is exactly what is called "Sabbath" in Exodus. No twisting needed Crib.
Friend, I understand your beliefs but I disagree base on understanding scripture.
Exd 20:8Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

This text commands the Children of Israel (COI) to keep the sabbath day holy....(But this is not an entrance to God's rest.)

Exd 20:9Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
This text commands the COI to confine work to 6 days

Exd 20:10But the seventh day [is] the sabbath of the LORD thy God: [in it] thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that [is] within thy gates:
This text command the COI to use the 7th day as a Sabbath, a day of rest for them and and everyone within their borders eveth the animals and visitors (No sabbath implied to those outside their borders)

Exd 20:11For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

Because, God made everything in heaven and earth in 6days and rested on the seventh day.

For that reason the sabbath day is blessed and made a holy day.

Also, you cannot get around the fact that the seventh-day Sabbath was blessed and sanctified pre-fall in Eden. It could not have served as any shadow/type to a rest in Christ, or whatever. This is a mute argument.


Sheeze, too many issues means we're just making noise and not comming to agreement on anything.

Pick one and lets back it up with truth.
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Jun 13, 2006
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Help me Oh God to be reasonable in dailog with people I dont agree with............They seem to be offended when I ask them straight questions. It seem as if unless I'm following their post they wont dialog with me. They abruptly run off or they're find someone who they can pour their teachings on. Season my words with honey and help me to be a better commi, commu, know.


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Jun 13, 2006
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The Nature of Shabbat

The Sabbath (or Shabbat, as it is called in Hebrew) is one of the best known and least understood of all Jewish observances. People who do not observe Shabbat think of it as a day filled with stifling restrictions, or as a day of prayer like the Christian Sabbath. But to those who observe Shabbat, it is a precious gift from G-d, a day of great joy eagerly awaited throughout the week, a time when we can set aside all of our weekday concerns and devote ourselves to higher pursuits. In Jewish literature, poetry and music, Shabbat is described as a bride or queen, as in the popular Shabbat hymn Lecha Dodi Likrat Kallah (come, my beloved, to meet the [Sabbath] bride). It is said "more than Israel has kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept Israel."
Shabbat is the most important ritual observance in Judaism. It is the only ritual observance instituted in the Ten Commandments. It is also the most important special day, even more important than Yom Kippur. This is clear from the fact that more aliyahs (opportunities for congregants to be called up to the Torah) are given on Shabbat than on any other day.
Shabbat is primarily a day of rest and spiritual enrichment. The word "Shabbat" comes from the root Shin-Bet-Tav, meaning to cease, to end, or to rest.
Shabbat is not specifically a day of prayer. Although we do pray on Shabbat, and spend a substantial amount of time in synagogue praying, prayer is not what distinguishes Shabbat from the rest of the week. Observant Jews pray every day, three times a day. See Jewish Liturgy. To say that Shabbat is a day of prayer is no more accurate than to say that Shabbat is a day of feasting: we eat every day, but on Shabbat, we eat more elaborately and in a more leisurely fashion. The same can be said of prayer on Shabbat.
In modern America, we take the five-day work-week so much for granted that we forget what a radical concept a day of rest was in ancient times. The weekly day of rest has no parallel in any other ancient civilization. In ancient times, leisure was for the wealthy and the ruling classes only, never for the serving or laboring classes. In addition, the very idea of rest each week was unimaginable. The Greeks thought Jews were lazy because we insisted on having a "holiday" every seventh day.
Shabbat involves two interrelated commandments: to remember (zachor) the Sabbath, and to observe (shamor) the Sabbath.
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Jun 13, 2006
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Zachor: To Remember

We are commanded to remember Shabbat; but remembering means much more than merely not forgetting to observe Shabbat. It also means to remember the significance of Shabbat, both as a commemoration of creation and as a commemoration of our freedom from slavery in Egypt.
In Exodus 20:11, after Fourth Commandment is first instituted, G-d explains, "because for six days, the L-rd made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and on the seventh day, he rested; therefore, the L-rd blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it." By resting on the seventh day and sanctifying it, we remember and acknowledge that G-d is the creator of heaven and earth and all living things. We also emulate the divine example, by refraining from work on the seventh day, as G-d did. If G-d's work can be set aside for a day of rest, how can we believe that our own work is too important to set aside temporarily?
In Deuteronomy 5:15, while Moses reiterates the Ten Commandments, he notes the second thing that we must remember on Shabbat: "remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the L-rd, your G-d brought you forth from there with a might hand and with an outstretched arm; therefore the L-rd your G-d commanded you to observe the Sabbath day."
What does the Exodus have to do with resting on the seventh day? It's all about freedom. As I said before, in ancient times, leisure was confined to certain classes; slaves did not get days off. Thus, by resting on the Sabbath, we are reminded that we are free. But in a more general sense, Shabbat frees us from our weekday concerns, from our deadlines and schedules and commitments. During the week, we are slaves to our jobs, to our creditors, to our need to provide for ourselves; on Shabbat, we are freed from these concerns, much as our ancestors were freed from slavery in Egypt.
We remember these two meanings of Shabbat when we recite kiddush (the prayer over wine sanctifying the Sabbath or a holiday). Friday night kiddush refers to Shabbat as both zikkaron l'ma'aseh bereishit (a memorial of the work in the beginning) and zeicher litzi'at mitzrayim (a remembrance of the exodus from Egypt).
CRIB'S Comments: These sabbath truths do not contradict Genesis or Exodus, they are well recieved and consistent with the flow of the bible especially the Old Testament.

First observation is the Jews called the sabbath command the 4th commandment.....Why do catholics call it #3:confused:

In Ex20:8-11 They seperate the commandment from the explantion. This proves the reason for the sabbath being first instituted at Sinai is because of what God did in creation,(God rested on the seventh) rather than making a silent connection of God giving Adam the sabbath.

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Dec 29, 2006
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Hallowed by the Creator's rest and blessing, the Sabbath was kept by Adam in his innocence in holy Eden; by Adam, fallen yet repentant, when he was driven from his happy estate. It was kept by all the patriarchs, from Abel to righteous Noah, to Abraham, to Jacob. When the chosen people were in bondage in Egypt, many, in the midst of prevailing idolatry, lost their knowledge of God's law; but when the Lord delivered Israel, he proclaimed his law in awful grandeur to the assembled multitude, that they might know his will, and fear and obey him forever.

From that day to the present, the knowledge of God's law has been preserved in the earth, and the Sabbath of the fourth commandment has been kept. Though the papalpower succeeded in trampling under foot God's holy day, yet even in the period of his supremacy there were, hidden in secret places, faithful souls who paid it honor. Since the Reformation, there have been some in every generation to maintain its observance. Though persecution, a constant testimony has been borne to the perpetuity of the law of God, and the sacred obligation of the creation Sabbath.
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If you have no way to worship God, how can you truly have a relationship with Him and come to Love him. That's why the Sabbath was given as a gift and to keep paganism and heathenism from substituting worship to the sun gods of Baal or the earth gods, or wooden gods or any gods other than the true Creator.
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"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." "And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it." Genesis 1:1; 2:2, 3.

God made the Sabbath at the time of Creation, after He made the world and everything in it. God rested on the Sabbath and blessed and sanctified it (set it apart for a holy use).

"And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:" Mark 2:27

The Sabbath and the family were alike instituted in Eden, and in God's purpose they are perpetually linked together. On this day more than on any other, it is possible for us to live the life of Eden. It was God's plan for the members of the family to be associated in work and study, in worship and recreation, the father as priest of his household, and both father and mother as teachers and companions of their children. But the results of sin, having changed the conditions of life, to a great degree prevent this association. Often the father hardly sees the faces of his children throughout the week. He is almost wholly deprived of opportunity for companionship or instruction. But God's love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.

The Sabbath is a sign of creative and redeeming power; it points to God as the source of life and knowledge; it recalls man's primeval glory, and thus witnesses to God's purpose to re-create us in His own image. The Sabbath of the Lord bears His name and seal. "It is a sign," He says, "between Me and you; . . . that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth sanctify you." because "in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." Exodus 31:13; 20:11.
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The Sabbath
"Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made." Genesis 2:1-3

"And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up for to read." Luke 4:16

"And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments." Matthew 19:16-17

"But pray ye that your flight be not in winter, neither on the Sabbath day." Matthew 24:20.
Jesus asked his disciples to pray that in the flight from the doomed city of Jerusalem they would not have to flee on the Sabbath day. This flight took place in 70 A.D. (40 years after the Cross).

His Followers
"And they returned, and prepared spices and ointments and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment." Luke 23:56

"And Paul, as his manner was went in unto them, and three Sabbath days reasoned with them out of the Scriptures" Acts 17:2

Paul And Gentiles
"And when the Jews were gone out of the synagogue, the Gentiles besought that these words might be preached to them the next Sabbath. And the next Sabbath came almost the whole city together to hear the Word of God." Acts 13:42, 44.
Here we find Gentiles in a Gentile city gathering on the Sabbath. It was not a synagogue meeting in verse 44, for it says almost the whole city came together, verse 42 says they asked to hear the message the "next Sabbath."

"There is not any city of the Grecians, nor any of the Barbarians, nor any nation whatsoever, whither our custom of resting on the seventh day hath not come!" M'Clatchie, "Notes and Queries on China and Japan" (edited by Dennys), Vol 4, Nos 7, 8, p.100.

Declares the seventh day to be a festival, not of this or of that city, but of the universe. M'Clatchie, "Notes and Queries," Vol. 4, 99
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Jun 13, 2006
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Yet Gods truth on the Sabbath still stands.....

Here is a good thread on this..

.....As long as the Sun and Moon stay in their places

Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

Gen 1:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

Gen 1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: [he made] the stars also.

Gen 1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

Gen 1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that [it was] good.
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Early Christians
"The primitive Christians had a great veneration for the Sabbath, and spent the day in devotion and sermons. And it is not to be doubted but they derived this practice from the Apostles themselves, as appears by several scriptures to the purpose." "Dialogues on the Lord's Day," p. 189. London: 1701, By Dr. T.H. Morer (A Church of England divine).

Early Christians
"...The Sabbath was a strong tie which united them with the life of the whole people, and in keeping the Sabbath holy they followed not only the example but also the command of Jesus." "Geschichte des Sonntags," pp.13, 14

2nd Century Christians
"The Gentile Christians observed also the Sabbath," Gieseler's "Church History," Vol.1, ch. 2, par. 30, 93.

Early Christians
"The primitive Christians did keep the Sabbath of the Jews;...therefore the Christians, for a long time together, did keep their conventions upon the Sabbath, in which some portions of the law were read: and this continued till the time of the Laodicean council." "The Whole Works" of Jeremy Taylor, Vol. IX,p. 416 (R. Heber's Edition, Vol XII, p. 416).

Early Church
"It is certain that the ancient Sabbath did remain and was observed (together with the celebration of the Lord's day) by the Christians of the East Church, above three hundred years after our Saviour's death." "A Learned Treatise of the Sabbath," p. 77

Note: By the "Lord's day" here the writer means Sunday and not the true Sabbath," which the Bible says is the Sabbath. This quotation shows Sunday coming into use in the early centuries soon after the death of the Apostles. Paul the Apostle foretold a great "falling away" from the Truth that would take place soon after his death.

2nd, 3rd, 4th Centuries
"From the apostles' time until the council of Laodicea, which was about the year 364, the holy observance of the Jews' Sabbath continued, as may be proved out of many authors: yea, notwithstanding the decree of the council against it." "Sunday a Sabbath." John Ley, p.163. London: 1640.

Egypt (Oxyrhynchus Papyrus) (200-250 A.D.)
"Except ye make the sabbath a real sabbath (sabbatize the Sabbath," Greek), ye shall not see the Father." "The oxyrhynchus Papyri," pt,1, p.3, Logion 2, verso 4-11 (London Offices of the Egypt Exploration Fund, 1898).

Early Christians-C 3rd
"Thou shalt observe the Sabbath, on account of Him who ceased from His work of creation, but ceased not from His work of providence: it is a rest for meditation of the law, not for idleness of the hands." "The Anti-Nicene Fathers," Vol 7,p. 413. From "Constitutions of the Holy Apostles," a document of the 3rd and 4th Centuries.

Africa (Alexandria) Origen
"After the festival of the unceasing sacrifice (the crucifixion) is put the second festival of the Sabbath, and it is fitting for whoever is righteous among the saints to keep also the festival of the Sabbath. There remaineth therefore a sabbatismus, that is, a keeping of the Sabbath, to the people of God (Hebrews 4:9)." "Homily on Numbers 23," par.4, in Migne, "Patrologia Graeca," Vol. 12,cols. 749, 750.

Palestine to India (Church of the East)
As early as A.D. 225 there existed lallrge bishoprics or conferences of the Church of the East (Sabbath-keeping) stretching from Palestine to India. Mingana, "Early Spread of Christianity." Vol.10, p. 460.

India (Buddhist Controversy, 220 A.D.)
The Kushan Dynasty of North India called a famous council of Buddhist priests at Vaisalia to bring uniformity among the Buddhist monks on the observance of their weekly Sabbath. Some had been so impressed by the writings of the Old Testament that they had begun to keep holy the Sabbath. Lloyd, "The Creed of Half Japan," p. 23.

Early Christians
"The seventh-day Sabbath was...solemnised by Christ, the Apostles, and primitive Christians, till the Laodicean Council did in manner quite abolish the observations of it." "Dissertation on the Lord's Day," pp. 33, 34
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They want the Sabbath truth to be hidden ever since they made the laws to change it to the pagan day os the sun:

"On the venerable day of the Sun let the Magistrates and the people residing in the cities rest, and let all workshops be closed." Edict of Constantine A.D. 321

The nominal conversion of Constantine, in the early part of the fourth century, caused great rejoicing; and the world, cloaked with a form of righteousness, walked into the church. Now the work of corruption rapidly progressed. Paganism, while appearing to be vanquished, became the conqueror. Her spirit controlled the church. Her doctrines, ceremonies, and superstitions were incorporated into the faith and worship of the professed followers of Christ.

This compromise between paganism and Christianity resulted in the development of "the man of sin" foretold in prophecy as opposing and exalting himself above God. That gigantic system of false religion is a masterpiece of Satan's power--a monument of his efforts to seat himself upon the throne to rule the earth according to his will....."excerpts from An Era of Spriritual Darkness"
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Jun 13, 2006
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If you have no way to worship God, how can you truly have a relationship with Him and come to Love him. That's why the Sabbath was given as a gift and to keep paganism and heathenism from substituting worship to the sun gods of Baal or the earth gods, or wooden gods or any gods other than the true Creator.

Jhn 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

Jhn 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.

What prophet or apostles are you quoting? Or is this another Gospel:scratch:
Dont get mad............Truth is the understanding of God's word. Where is the source of "your truth" found?
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But the day you worship is important to God as He set the Sabbath for worship and not the day of another god, that is were Gods truth and false traditions of man will be cut to the quick, and some will be told "I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
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They want the Sabbath truth to be hidden ever since they made the laws to change it to the pagan day os the sun:

What do you make of Jesus being raised from the dead (the most notable event ever!) on the pagan day of the sun?

What do you make of the Holy Spirit descending and infilling believers on the pagan day of the sun?

What do you make of the COI being commanded to have a sacred assembly on the pagan day of the sun?
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