Okay I've been wanting to ask a Calvinist this for a while

Peter J Barban

Well-Known Member
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I would sever my right leg at the knee to talk to a true prophet of God...
A true prophet's mission is to turn people back to God; telling the future and revealing secrets is just a way to get attention for the real mission.

Becoming a Christian is the beginning of cancelling all curses and punishments.

Regarding your current situation:
Do you want to repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

Do you want God's grace and blessing which can never be taken away?

More knowledge cannot solve your issues, only submission to the will of the Father can.
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A true prophet's mission is to turn people back to God; telling the future and revealing secrets is just a way to get attention for the real mission.

Becoming a Christian is the beginning of cancelling all curses and punishments.

Regarding your current situation:
Do you want to repent of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

Do you want God's grace and blessing which can never be taken away?

More knowledge cannot solve your issues, only submission to the will of the Father can.

Yes I definitely do 100 percent. The thing is God has to draw you unto him and only true repentance is possible by means of the Holy Spirit (as I understand things). The renewing of the mind can only happen by the Holy Spirit, and my mind is still utter rubbish with no real change in nearly a year of trying to repent. I feel like someone I imagine in Hell would feel like wanting to repent but can't for obvious reasons. But I'm alive and ill never quit trying as long as I have breath.
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Jun 12, 2012
North Carolina
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So I'm a vessel of wrath and have commited the unpardonable sin. I'm being severely punished by God while I'm still alive. My life is utter misery and has been for the better part of the year.
So here is my question: assuming what I've stated above is true, what do I do with my life? I can't truly repent even though in my flesh I'm abstaing from sin the best I can but it's BRUTAL! Should I continue with this and just bless as many people as I can with kindness and gifts, and be as merciful to people as I can? Maybe my punishment in Hell will be a little less?
Your assumptions are inconsistent.

Vessels of wrath are not miserable about their state in relation to God.
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Jun 12, 2012
North Carolina
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Yes I definitely do 100 percent. The thing is God has to draw you unto him and only true repentance is possible by means of the Holy Spirit (as I understand things). The renewing of the mind can only happen by the Holy Spirit, and my mind is still utter rubbish with no real change in nearly a year of trying to repent. I feel like someone I imagine in Hell would feel like wanting to repent but can't for obvious reasons. But I'm alive and ill never quit trying as long as I have breath.
People in hell don't want to repent. . .they want to defy God and get even.

You seem to misunderstand repentance. . .it is that mighty change of mind and heart from unbelief to belief in Jesus Christ, which results in a progressive change of life.
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Jun 12, 2012
North Carolina
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Okay so I posted my whole story in another thread several days ago buts it's long, so I'll give you a tidbit of the story as my evidence. I realize that my statement cannot be 100 percent determined as truth but based on my subjective experience with it, I have little doubt. BTW, thank you and others for being encouraging in your responses.

So now the tidbit: So I spent a large chunk of my adult life as a vile militant atheist and I've not only said and thought atrocities against God and Christians but I was sold into with my heart. I feel I did worse than the Pharisees did when Christ warned them of Blasheming the Holy Spirit. Hell is what drove me away into Atheism because I couldn't bare the idea of my Dad amd others being there. What I spoke from my mouth amd heart was evil amd Blasphemous for years.
So fast forward till earlier this year, (now remember I've never been saved nor did I believe in God) and I had a heart attack. I knew it was one because I had had one prior but this time was different. As I felt the symptoms I noticed my feet began to burn, hot like being afew inches from a wood stove and it began crawling up towards my knees. I then began to see a lake of fire forming from seemingly nowhere out in front of my eyes; there were people bobbing up and down as it moved a bit like an ocean.

It appeared it was contained in a cavernous place, the walls and ceiling red in color. I then knew what was happening and was over taken by sheer terror, naturally. Them the remarkable happens; a cross decends from above and gently floats back and forth and a voice audibly spoke to me, not in my head but audibly. It said "I died for you". This voice was calm yet firm. So after being ambulated to the hospital and treatment, I got back home. Maybe 3 weeks later I began to hear strange noisy but somehow macabre like druid/middle age Catholic choir like chanting and singing that comes from outside me in the environment and is still there and never stops amd sounds soooo foreboding and is maddening.

Now I want to say I've never been mentally ill, as I was so happy all my life and level headed, no belief in ghosts or demons. Still don't believe in ghosts but I do demons. At one point before the sounds started when I'd text a friend something innocuous like "my truck battery is dead" my auto correct would replace it with "my punishment". I wouldn't even notice until they replied "huh!?"
Now I know that last part is a bit iffy but I found its timing very odd. To this day I'm a mess because this incessant tormenting sound never let's me have rest, ever. I do attend church but no affect. I've tried deliverance menisters etc.. now most family thinks I'm a pyschiatric case but I know it's not that.
I wouldn't dismiss it.

The hearing of sounds is indicative.
An M.D. might think medication is in order.
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Peter J Barban

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That's encouraging.
I just read another of your threads. It seems very possible that the root source of your trouble is demonic.

When I was a younger Christian, I had to deal with several demonic attacks on my mind. Fortunately, for me, they did not last, but they were powerful.

Demons are not always in people, sometimes they just remain outside a person and harass them. It even happened to Jesus.

There is no way any of us can diagnose you via the internet, so I suggest you get counseling from a ministry that has experience with freeing people from spiritual bondage.

There are also some books you can read such as The Bondage Breaker by Neil T. Anderson.
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