Like it or Hate It?

Do you like or hate being a PK?

  • Love it (I'm considering the ministry myself)

  • Hate it (I'm considering atheism)

  • Six of One, Half a Dozen of Another

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Jun 8, 2007
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Tell if you love(d) or hate(d) being a pastor's kid, and tell why, if you feel like it.

I don't mind it but sometimes it can be hard. It get frusterating at times because of all the commotion that goes on. When finding out my dad was leaving the church I grew up in I hated him. I made it very clear that I did not like it at all. All the confusion and people problems that you have to deal with can get frusterating at times. I don't hate it but I would not recommend it. I feel tourn between my decisions I make sometimes.
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Jan 29, 2008
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I enjoy being a Pastor's kid. Personally I wouldn't trade it for anything. Sure it seems as though a ton of responsibility, and pressure is on your shoulders (mainly because it is) but, I love it! I would never consider considering atheism, in fact I plan to be a young earth creation scientist. I can't say that I'll be a preacher when I grow up, because I can't call myself, God has to call me. Sometimes I wonder why my Dad doesn't throw in the towel and quit, but he's obviously a greater man of God then I am.
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SAN 54 -Check out my Blog!
Sep 4, 2006
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I loved being a Pastor's Kid .My father passed away many years ago,I miss him and now that I am passed the age he was when he died .I understand him very well.
One way being a Pk helped me long ago was I knew it was in my family and my best interest not to do anything to embarrass my parents and in turn the church.I thought of it as my Godly duty as the Pastor's kid to be a goody,goody and never to get caught getting in trouble.I determined to show all the people who said
PK 's go wild when they leave home. I giggled a lot but not much else.My parent's were always in my mind.
The other good thing is all the extra prayers of the parishoners for you.You can't help but have the victory in every area of your life..
It may have helped some that dad was also my High School Counselor and I was in a fish bowl at Church and at School. Not much chance to do much mischief.LOL
I learned early social skills ,and how to mask my feelings when old ladies pinched my jaws or gave me wet kisses.
I learned to be everyone's friend because I knew the church member's paid my dad's salary.A handy skill for getting and keeping a job .
God Bless you all and enjoy the blessings of a earthly father while you have him.
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