Letter from a Child

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Let the human mind loose.
Nov 19, 2007
Marital Status
Ahead of time, this is a fictional letter of my own creation, inspired by children I know who've gone through struggles like these. (Literary critique is accepted in PMs but for the sake of the forum not here. Thanks though. :) )

Dear God,

It’s me again. I hope it’s nice up in heaven. There has been a lot of rain down here. Have you been crying a lot? I don’t mind the rain but I’m not aloud to play outside much when it does rain. So I just have to play inside with Noah. He’s not like your friend Noah. My brother Noah can’t swim because he’s only 3, so I don’t think he could build a boat. But he might like to be around all those animals. The only animal he’s ever around is Giblet the cat. But that cat never wants to play anymore. I don’t really mind. She always ripped up my dolls anyway.

I was wondering, are you married God? Do you ever fight with Mrs. God? My mommy and daddy fight a lot. They’ll be downstairs yelling at each other but I can hear them from upstairs. Mommy told me that it’s okay, but I don’t think it is. Sometimes they’ll yell about Noah too. He’s been coughing a whole lot lately. I think that daddy took him to the doctor but no one will tell me what’s wrong. Do you think he’s sick? If he is, I hope he get’s better. He’s been coughing for an awfully long time and sometimes he’ll cough so much that he falls asleep wherever he’s at. It’s really scary.

I’m started school also. Daddy tries to tell me that school is good and that if I learn I’ll grow up to be successful – whatever that means. I don’t like it though. All the kids play different games and don’t let me play. They all have clothes that are very different from mine and none of them wear a cross around their neck like I do. My mommy gave me one for Christmas last year and I wear it all the time. But none of them do. My teacher is nice but she doesn’t pay much attention to me. One little boy calls me mean names and the rest of the kids laugh. There is one little girl who I’m friends with though. Her name is Anna. She’s really nice but she doesn’t go to church every Sunday like I do. I wanted to invite her but my daddy says no. He says it would look bad if we took someone who doesn’t believe in God to church. I don’t understand why. Don’t you love everyone God? That’s what my Sunday School teacher told us.

So I’ll invite her over to play sometimes and one day her parents came over. They’ve very nice, but they don’t look like Anna. They have really dark colored hair and their faces are a different color, but Anna’s hair and face is the same color as mine. Mommy told me that Anna’s parents are Asian and that Anna is probably adopted. I guess that means that Anna’s parents bought her. We all had dinner but my daddy was very quiet the entire time. Anna’s parents told us that they’re Hindu. I don’t know what that means, but daddy said that it’s bad because it isn’t the same as believing in God. I thought everyone believed in God, but I guess I was wrong.

Then daddy told me that I couldn’t play with Anna anymore. I told him that I wanted too but he told me that if I play with Anna, I’ll make you sad. I’m sorry if I made you sad God. But can I please play with Anna? She’s really nice and she’s the only friend I have. She plays with Noah too and when Noah coughs she doesn’t play like the other kids and cough in a mean sort of way to make fun of him. She told me that Noah probably just has allergies, which is when you cough a whole lot. I hope she’s right. I want her to come back and play again with me and Noah so that way Noah can smile more.

I hope you get this letter and I hope you respond quickly. Anna told me she got a new doll and I really want to play dolls with her again. But I can’t do it until you tell me that I can.

Love Shawna
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