d taylor
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    • d taylor
      d taylor replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      - That is why i am not catholic and never will be.
    • d taylor
      d taylor replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      - So the only requirement your church states to receive God's free gift of Eternal Life is belief in Jesus. Plus that the born again...
    • d taylor
      d taylor replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      - Catholic theology is not Free Grace theology and that is my approach to Biblical study. A link to Free Grace and their beliefs. Grace...
    • d taylor
      d taylor replied to the thread atmospheric water generator.
      - Try find a spring, you may have a natural water source near you. Find A Spring - Use Find A Spring to visit the best cold and hot...
    • d taylor
      d taylor replied to the thread Assurance.
      - Your welcome, but that is not about me but J. Wilbur Chapman
    • d taylor
      d taylor replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      - And you have your catholic take on Revelation 5, which i am not catholic and do not follow your theological beliefs.
    • d taylor
      d taylor replied to the thread Assurance.
      - J. Wilbur Chapman was a 19th century American evangelist who was greatly used by God to spread the good news of eternal life through...
    • d taylor
      - Yes 99% sure, as the antichrist/false prophet is the beast from the earth/land in Revelation 13. Earth/land is in a few context a...
    • d taylor
      d taylor replied to the thread Mariolatry?.
      - Nothing to get back to you about. Whatever you are trying to make this verse say by singling it out of its context. Does not even...
    • d taylor
      d taylor replied to the thread Conservative Boast.
      - Do they use progressive instead of liberal. I am kind of out of the political news, as 24 hour news has turn me off to the countries...
    • d taylor
      - Well that sums it up, leave it to the democratic party to cause all the problems.
    • d taylor
      - The antichrist/false prophet will be Jewish as to this person being born now, not sure. Because as satan is a counterfeiter, this...
    • d taylor
      d taylor replied to the thread Conservative Boast.
      - As for me being conservative, it about is not wasting money, over taxing, limiting federal government. Change is not always for the...
    • d taylor
      - Because they were created, only a being, God who was not created could ever not sin. Satan was also created and sinned. God gave...
    • d taylor
      - I personally believe Adam and Eve were created in the image of God. Being that they were created and not only created but created...
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