May 21, 2010
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I am currently doing a project on Messianic Judaism, So I would Like to you guys to answer these questions.

1. Are you a general practitioner or part of the congregation?
2. What do you feel about abortion and euthanasia?
3. What do you feel about homosexuality?
4. What do you feel is most misunderstood about Messianic Judaism?
5. What is your view on evangelicalism?

Thank you


Dec 2, 2009
Marital Status
1. I am a member of a congregation
2. Generally speaking only G-d has the right to determine when a life shall end, but I am open to exceptions if the circumstances warrent it.
3. The act of homosexuallity is a sin and to be avoided. People who are attracted to the opposite sex face the same temptations as the general public and should be treated the same. We should focus on the standard of G-d and on his power to change us rather than condemn.
4. The most misunderstood aspect of Messianic Judaism is (from the general Christian perspective) that we are trying to earn our salvation as opposed to obeying our G-d and following in the example of the Messiah and the apostles. From the Jewish perspective they see all Christians as Catholics instead of examining the writings about Yeshua and the apostles and judging them on their own merit.
5. Evangelism is a mandate from our Messiah.
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להיות טוב ולעשות טוב
May 12, 2005
United States
Marital Status
. From the Jewish perspective they see all Christians as Catholics


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Nov 19, 2010
yes I am part of a congregation or shul

i believe any act that interrupts life, starting with the spilling of seed, is against G-d, so that must include abortion and euthanasia, except abortion to save life of the mother
the act of homosexuality is an abomination to G-d

I will pass on the part about messianic Jews

as far as evangelicasm, Im not against it per se, but problems i see with it are I dont think the way most christian churches do it is how G-d would do it. I cant say Im 'against' it, i just dont think its done from the right place or heart, 90 percent ofthe time. I once had a lady at my daughters school tell her as she waited for me in the office that she 'needed G-d'...then she invited my daughter to a church and mydaughter told her we're Jewish, and the lady shut up

I cant stand that kind of thing, when a stranger basically approaches someone to inform them they 'need G-d', its so presumptious (first of all how do they know, in this case with my daughter, that she doesnt already 'have' G-d)

they even do outreaches for little little kids, 2 or 3 years old to tell them they need to 'accept Jesus' for their sins. first of all how would a 2 yr old understand the concept of sin..and then coach the child to repeat words after them and everyone is like yay! he's a Christian now, you could have had him repeat anything at that age
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Riot Riot Riot

1. Are you a general practitioner or part of the congregation?
I don't belong to a congregation. I'm still struggling to get my Saturdays off from work so I can attend an assembly.
2. What do you feel about abortion and euthanasia?
I believe very strongly that abortion IS murder. However, I have no problem with euthanasia as long as both parties have consented. Why watch someone suffer if they don't willingly want to do so?
3. What do you feel about homosexuality?
I believe it goes against Father, and therefore is a clear abomination.
4. What do you feel is most misunderstood about Messianic Judaism?
Christians see us as trying to 'earn our salvation' through following the Law, when in fact we follow the Law because of our salvation!
5. What is your view on evangelicalism?
I think it can be done in a very positive manner, but most of the evangelists out there do it for profit or for recognition, or to 'win souls to Christ'. It's like it's a competition almost. I'm torn on the subject.
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1. Are you a general practitioner or part of the congregation?

Yes, I currently go to a Reformed Covenanter Congregation.

2. What do you feel about abortion and euthanasia?

How do we define what is murder? Not in our own views or mind but what the scriptures exegete and interpret as murder by the case laws found in the civil code. So yes Abortion and Euthanasia are clearly murder.. Defense of person or nation and capitol punishment by magistrates are not murder and are legitimate.

3. What do you feel about homosexuality?

Clearly against God's moral law..

4. What do you feel is most misunderstood about Messianic Judaism?

There are two.. First is that we keep the law for justification but that is not the case. I hold to the 3 fold uses of the law, first it teaches us our need for a Savior and draws us to Him, second it is our duty of sanctification, God must first put the fear of Him in us (Justification and Repentance) but then we must strive for sanctification/holiness and it is what Christ expects of us, Thirdly it is Political, God commands judges of the Earth to punish and suppress wickedness and evil in the land according to His laws. Those are the only legitimate uses of the Laws of God.

Secondly, That Messianic's keep the ceremonial laws. But here we must be careful on how to define ceremonial law. Ceremonial laws or a better name Restorative laws were types and shadows of Christ before He claim in the flesh and the dramatized and symbolized Him, His Sacrifice, and His Completed work. That means the Temple along with the Rituals of the Temple, The Aaronic Priesthood and the Burnt Offerings for the remission of sins which typified Christ sacrifice is super-ceded by ReNewed Covenant Realties for which the types have ceased but the substances of those shadows are still a reality. But Christians today as well as down through the ages have tempted to skirt their responsibilities for keeping of certain laws that they do not like by saying they are ceremonial law but are clearly not typical of Christ or a shadow of any kind. Example of this would be Beards for men which they teach is Ceremonial but the Scriptures never call it Ceremonial and in fact teaches that it is gender difference/separation issue like Long hair for Women or Clothing Issues of Deuteronomy, all which teach that men and women are different and must keep their roles. This is then not ceremonial but universally moral. Anyway, I think I made enough points here... ;)

5. What is your view on evangelicalism?

Evangelism is commanded as long as we follow the biblical defined forms of Evangelism.. But if you mean Evangelicalism, I have many many problems with Modern Evangelical movement.. I might have some things in common with Evangelicals but I prefer to avoid the name for myself and prefer Patristic or Reformed because of all the problems in the Evangelical movement...

Here is a article that I had on file entitled "Why we cannot be evangelical" It is very meaty and fits for both Reformed Believers and Messianic Believers.


I am currently doing a project on Messianic Judaism, So I would Like to you guys to answer these questions.

1. Are you a general practitioner or part of the congregation?
2. What do you feel about abortion and euthanasia?
3. What do you feel about homosexuality?
4. What do you feel is most misunderstood about Messianic Judaism?
5. What is your view on evangelicalism?

Thank you
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