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I wish to make a fellowship post

Jun 26, 2003
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Day one God spoke the earth into existence.

There was no time to create a 12 billion mile ball of ice. Do you realize the sun is only 91 million miles away, and that Venus is only 3 billion miles from the sun? That means your reading of scripture has our entire solar system inside the radius of the ice ball. Besides that you have consistently ignored the fact that ice cannot be a surging mass if water. It is a solid.

You've ignored scripture to hang on to what evolutionists say about the age of earth as how many eons would have to pass before billions of miles of ice could form?
God created the ice in an instant as His word says. The great light melted it in a day, as His word also says. The firmament was made on day 2, and the Earth on day three. The solar system was not made until day four, according to God’s word.
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Gary K

an old small town kid
Aug 23, 2002
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God created the ice in an instant as His word says. The great light melted it in a day, as His word also says. The firmament was made on day 2, and the Earth on day three. The solar system was not made until day four, according to God’s word.
Where does scripture say God made ice? And you are still ignoring the fact that the Hebrew says a surging mass of water. I've brought this up multiple times and you have ignored it every time. Are you going to ignore it this time too?
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Jun 26, 2003
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Where does scripture say God made ice? And you are still ignoring the fact that the Hebrew says a surging mass of water. I've brought this up multiple times and you have ignored it every time. Are you going to ignore it this time too?
I did not ignore it. We have to take the whole Bible in context. We have Job 38 where God speaks of creation and Job’s lack of knowledge of it.

29- Out of whose womb came the ice; and the frost from heaven who hath gendered it 30 The waters are hardened like a stone, and the surface of the deep is congealed.

The waters surged when the Spirit moved on them. At the first instant of creation and before light was created, darkness was on the face of the deep. Yes the waters surged when God moved, but not before
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Gary K

an old small town kid
Aug 23, 2002
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I did not ignore it. We have to take the whole Bible in context. We have Job 38 where God speaks of creation and Job’s lack of knowledge of it.

29- Out of whose womb came the ice; and the frost from heaven who hath gendered it 30 The waters are hardened like a stone, and the surface of the deep is congealed.

The waters surged when the Spirit moved on them. At the first instant of creation and before light was created, darkness was on the face of the deep. Yes the waters surged when God moved, but not before
Yes, we do need to take into consideration the entire Bible, Job lived after the flood.

We know there was massive climate change after the flood that happened almost instantaneously because wooly mammoths have been found upright encased in ice and with food still in their stomachs. No other way for that to happen. Climate change happens very gradually. So why didn't those mammoths move as their food source died out? Plus, studying Antarctica ice core samples tropical vegetation has been found. That means it could not have been gradual climate change that killed off the tropical vegetation.

How was all this extremely rapid climate change possible? The same principle as we use to make artificial snow. If high pressure water is pushed through an opening at a high enough velocity its temperature drops well below freezing on the outside of the opening. It's the same principle used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems to create the refrigeration effect.
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Jun 12, 2020
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Dear Traditional Adventists, I wish to post in your forum for the following reasons.

I have been in debates and discussions with some of your members and I am impressed by the way you wish to stick to scripture. Your members do not appear to be swayed by any logic that does not include scripture. Your members Bob Ryan and Gary K and I have had some disagreements, but I have noticed that they keep the retorts scriptural.

I want to share some thoughts that I have recently come across that you may find interesting. Specifically, I want to discuss Genesis and the account that the world was
made in six days.

Recently, I have come across some data that show that it is more scientific to believe that Genesis is true as written, and the majority of the world is deceived to believe that it is myth or just made up. I grow tired of hearing that science disproves Genesis, and only people that believe it are religious nuts.

I do not believe this to be the case any longer, and I was wondering if you would like to discuss why I believe that the words of Genesis are more scientifically accurate than the
Materialist philosophies we hear today of an ancient universe and evolution.

Would you like to discuss it?

As we know, the Torah, was told to Moses by God Himself, and God cannot lie. That includes Genesis. Would you like to know a scientific explanation of how the world was made in six days, especially the mysterious first two days of creation?

I think that you will enjoy it. I know that I did, and I wanted to speak with others that hold to the words of scripture. I don’t want unfrutiful debates about theistic evolution or the “Gap theory” or that Genesis is just a story for children with no basis in science. Actually Genesis is more scientific. I would like to show you how.
If you will permit me.

I want to discuss only scripture and how it relates to science. I will answer questions about my Catholicity if you wish, but I will not engage in debate about SDA

I would merely like a scriptural discussion of science. Ironically this is the only forum where I could hope to have this discussion
Hi there,

Welcome to the Adventist forum, nice to see you.

I thought you might be interested in this video by Walter Veith. He is a professor and used to be a die hard evolutionist and Catholic. He is now an Adventist and Creationist you might find his videos interesting so thought I would post just in case. The format below is more of a pod cast so there's some back and forth, he has sermons that is just focused on the topic I can try to find if interested.

Creation vs Evolution, Is Science Right And The Bible Wrong?​

God bless!
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Jun 26, 2003
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Hi there,

Welcome to the Adventist forum, nice to see you.

I thought you might be interested in this video by Walter Veith. He is a professor and used to be a die hard evolutionist and Catholic. He is now an Adventist and Creationist you might find his videos interesting so thought I would post just in case. The format below is more of a pod cast so there's some back and forth, he has sermons that is just focused on the topic I can try to find if interested.

Creation vs Evolution, Is Science Right And The Bible Wrong?​

God bless!

Thanks for the video. I am finding more and more that evolution is a deception, and to tackle it is an exercise in crowd psychology, peer pressure and self doubt. It should not be that way if it were the truth. The truth is open and transparent and is readily believable once known.
Deception requires others to tell you that you must believe it and not question it

I was very interested in looking at Genesis as a scientific text based on the words of Genesis. Too often we feel intimidated by science that says Genesis is a myth, and science has disproved it. As Christians we tend to say yeah, but. I want to change my response to oh really ?

Genesis as written confirms to the scientific laws we have today, but secular science is locked into the deception of evolution and the quest to disbelieve God, so we don’t see it that way.

Even when science proves that what is said in Genesis is true, such as the great light of the first day, secular science ignores the data and searches for alternative explanations aka theories, which are just the imaginations of men
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Jun 12, 2020
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Thanks for the video. I am finding more and more that evolution is a deception, and to tackle it is an exercise in crowd psychology, peer pressure and self doubt. It should not be that way if it were the truth. The truth is open and transparent and is readily believable once known.
Deception requires others to tell you that you must believe it and not question it

I was very interested in looking at Genesis as a scientific text based on the words of Genesis. Too often we feel intimidated by science that says Genesis is a myth, and science has disproved it. As Christians we tend to say yeah, but. I want to change my response to oh really ?

Genesis as written confirms to the scientific laws we have today, but secular science is locked into the deception of evolution and the quest to disbelieve God, so we don’t see it that way.

Even when science proves that what is said in Genesis is true, such as the great light of the first day, secular science ignores the data and searches for alternative explanations aka theories, which are just the imaginations of men
I agree that evolution is a deception as it contradicts God’s Word and His Authority.

Sorry, I meant to post this video series……it might be helpful.

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