Humans are unique, not evolved


Aug 18, 2019
United States
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I don't see what assets under management has to do with it. But the point remains. Much of evolutionary theory involves a lot of mathematical work. Were you aware that information theory was first worked out for biological evolution?
AUM = Animal Units per Month. It is a basic formula for how many X species a specific area will support. It can be worked for any species in any given area.

@The Barbarian : "Predation is a specific behavior that requires killing other organisms for sustenance. This excludes plants (with a few exceptions that prey on insects), parasites that do not kill their hosts,

@QvQ Predator is who eats whom. Plants can exhaust the soil.

(lost the quote box, had to use @ to redo the who said what)
Actually, plants tend to increase organic material in soil
So do animals, Manure is a good example.. And then there are dead animals, both the feast and in time the feaster.
Neanderthals and Denisovans had a much greater distribution than what you've suggested here. And we have genetic evidence for at least one other human subspecies in addtion to Neanderthals and Denisovans.
Over at least 350,000 years, Neandertal, Denisovans, Modern Humans have intertwined in that area. Max Plank Institute published a genome study that has Modern DNA in the Neandertal Genome at 200,000 to 500,000 years. The narrative is a "middle migration from Africa" but the fact might be that Modern was there all along. Also, that Y chromosome...

Over a period of centuries, there would be a wider distribution. Man is extremely mobile. However, that area seems to be where all the action was.

Yes, I know there are other possible human (interbreeding) species. And possibly some of those "possibles" will be found to be close morphologically but generically unique thus unable to breed with humans.
I am sticking to the facts and I was going to put a ? on Nesher Romla as, so far, there is very little genetic information.
Consider those 3, Neandertal, Denisovans and Modern as races occupying the same time and space.
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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Animal units per month is for farming, not animal populations in nature.

Predation is a specific behavior that requires killing other organisms for sustenance. This excludes plants (with a few exceptions that prey on insects), parasites that do not kill their hosts, and so on.

Predator is who eats whom.
No. Predation involves killing for sustenance. If a mosquito bites you, it's not a predator. If you drink a glass of milk, you're not a predator.

Plants can exhaust the soil.
But they aren't predators thereby.
Over at least 350,000 years, Neandertal, Denisovans, Modern Humans have intertwined in that area. Max Plank Institute published a genome study that has Modern DNA in the Neandertal Genome at 200,000 to 500,000 years. The narrative is a "middle migration from Africa" but the fact might be that Modern was there all along.
Not surprising that the gene exchange went both ways after anatomically modern humans were there. Humans really like to exchange genes.

The narrative is a "middle migration from Africa" but the fact might be that Modern was there all along.
Couldn't have a middle migration otherwise, could we?

BTW, the "2nd out of Africa" would be the older. Kind of misleading for some.
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Aug 18, 2019
United States
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Animal units per month is for farming, not animal populations in nature.
AUM is used for management of natural resources by US Dept. of Forestry and Bureau of Land Management. Farmers grow and/or buy supplemental animal feed.
2nd out of Africa" would be the older. Kind of misleading for some.
The Gospel straight from the Church of Darwin!
And I asked who started that story? Darwin
40,000 yrs ago Neandertal Fossil/ Human Genes -Narrative: Man trotted up from Africa and stayed
200,000 yrs ago Neandertal Fossil/ Human Y Chromosome Narrative: Man trotted up from Africa, and trotted back
300,000 yrs ago Man Fossil , Modern Human Narrative, Not really a Man, because the "oldest real Man" came from Africa or, the alternate narrative, Another trot out of Africa

Where is the Evidence?

If there is a fossil in the last 550,000 years that is Human anywhere that is not of the Mediterranean group where is it?
When the known facts are put in systematic order, the System with Boundaries of time and space does not include longitudinal Africa but Latitudinal Mediterranean

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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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AUM is used for management of natural resources by US Dept. of Forestry and Bureau of Land Management. Farmers grow and/or buy supplemental animal feed.
Yep. Agricultural. Not used for population biology.
The Gospel straight from the Church of Darwin!
And I asked who started that story? Darwin
Darwin correctly predicted that humans would have been found to first appear in Africa. He didn't have the fossils we have now to show that, but he inferred that from other evidence.
40,000 yrs ago Neandertal Fossil/ Human Genes -Narrative: Man trotted up from Africa and stayed
200,000 yrs ago Neandertal Fossil/ Human Y Chromosome Narrative: Man trotted up from Africa, and trotted back
300,000 yrs ago Man Fossil , Modern Human Narrative, Not really a Man, because the "oldest real Man" came from Africa or, the alternate narrative, Another trot out of Africa
Actually, the first humans were a long time before Neanderthals which as you have seen, are actually a race of H. sapiens, as we are. H. erectus, for example, looks pretty much the same as anatomically modern humans in postcranial anatomy. But they lived in Africa a long time before any hominins were in Europe or Asia. They did go into Asia somewhat later, but before H. sapiens.

Where is the Evidence?
Africa, mostly. The first evidence of cooking and of taking large game come from H. erectus sites in Africa.

H. erectus was also the most geographically widespread species apart from H. sapiens. H. erectus appeared in Africa about two million years ago, evolving from either a late form of australopith or one of the more primitive forms of Homo, and went on to spread into many parts of Asia.

Scientists disagree over how H. erectus and H. sapiens relate to each other, but most agree that H. erectus can be called an ancestor of modern humans.

If there is a fossil in the last 550,000 years that is Human anywhere that is not of the Mediterranean group where is it?
Homo bodoensis in Ethiopia. Homo heidelbergensis in Zambia. Homo heidelbergensis in South Africa. Namada skull early H. sapiens in India. Omo H. sapiens, in Ethiopia. How many do you want?
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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That seems to be the case so far. The earth brought forth life as God made it to do. But I'm of the opinion that it's a very bad practice to define God in terms of what man has been so far unable to do.

If scientists were able to produce a living cell from scratch, it wouldn't shake my faith in God at all. I worry for people who don't have that kind of faith.
I don't think it matters does it. If there is a Creator God then whether He created us as we are or from simple living cell He intended for us to be here to have relationship with Him. So in that sense we were in the mix from the begiining. Whateve humans use to create life they are only taking the incredients that God created into the mix.

In some ways this makes Gods creation even more amazing in that he didn't just create us but created everything for us to be here. If the universe was not as big as it was, did not expand and cooled to such a degree the building blocks of life would not have formed, there would be no quarks and electrons, protons and neutrons to form atoms and in turn stars and no carbon and no us. God made the universe just for us.
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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In some ways this makes Gods creation even more amazing in that he didn't just create us but created everything for us to be here.
Yes. Seems like a much more powerful and amazing God than one that would have to make everything a piece at a time.
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