How bad am I? (please don't hold back)


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May 22, 2013
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Please tell me. How bad am I?
Never mind what label we might give you. With God, He will correct us so we do not stay how we are now. Do not plan on staying the way you are ! ! ! :)

And as God proves Himself to you, by correcting you in your character so you find out how you can love with God, then you can feel for others and help them.

Yet still I deliberately disobey him at times without any excuse.
However, I still love him more than anything.
So, you know this is wrong. Do not take for granted that you are able to know things which are wrong.

If you have accepted Christ,
I would like to offer some more > Hebrews 12:4-11 < this is guaranteed for every child of God.

Stop biting the hand the hand that feeds you and realize the love it took to save yours and mine's sorry old hides :]
amen . . . thank you :)

It’s good that you’re being honest with God, he’ll come through for you.
"casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

When you see failure of yourself, trust God to change you with His grace so you then can enjoy sharing with God while doing whatsoever He really desires for you to do. It will be what we do in His love; so we are very deeply satisfied, not struggling but snuggling :)
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
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But at the end of the day, I love God. I know I am bad, but I still love God/Jesus most of all.
Even if God would throw me into Hell to suffer for eternity, I could not stop loving him.
I love you, God. I love you Jesus Christ. For ever and ever, I love you.

Please tell me. How bad am I?

You're pretty much like all the rest of us. You continue to sin because you are human and weak. The good news is, as often as you fall, if you are truly sorry, He'll forgive you and give you yet another chance.

Here's what you need to do, He says:
Mark 12:34 But the Pharisees hearing that he had silenced the Sadducees, came together: 35And one of them, a doctor of the law, asking him, tempting him: 36Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law? 37Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. 38This is the greatest and the first commandment. 39And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. 40On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets.

If you would be saved, love God, love your fellow humans, and act on it.

Matthew 25:31 And when the Son of man shall come in his majesty, and all the angels with him, then shall he sit upon the seat of his majesty. [32] And all nations shall be gathered together before him, and he shall separate them one from another, as the shepherd separateth the sheep from the goats: [33] And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left. [34] Then shall the king say to them that shall be on his right hand: Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess you the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. [35] For I was hungry, and you gave me to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me to drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in:

[36] Naked, and you covered me: sick, and you visited me: I was in prison, and you came to me. [37] Then shall the just answer him, saying: Lord, when did we see thee hungry, and fed thee; thirsty, and gave thee drink? [38] And when did we see thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and covered thee? [39] Or when did we see thee sick or in prison, and came to thee? [40] And the king answering, shall say to them: Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me.
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We are saved purely by the work and grace of God.
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Dec 13, 2015
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Hi, fellow believers.

I love God and Jesus Christ more than anything else in life. God really is my dream, and the inspiration that drives me through life.

But on the other hand I straight-up don't do a lot of things that God would want me to, simply because I don't want to do them. Also, I argue with him a lot. If I disagree with something he says, I often curse his name and yell at him.
I am very afraid of God hating me and punishing me, but I don't want to listen to a lot of the advice he gives me, and I often times break his rules.

But at the end of the day, I love God. I know I am bad, but I still love God/Jesus most of all.
Even if God would throw me into Hell to suffer for eternity, I could not stop loving him.
I love you, God. I love you Jesus Christ. For ever and ever, I love you.

Please tell me. How bad am I?


First of all it is impossible for God to hate you because God is love. God loves every sinner even when they slip up on obeying him like you do and like every Christian does. God loves you back. God hates the sin not the sinner. God has already forgiven you for all of your sins when he went to the cross to die for you. Second of all you aren't that bad. If you could follow God perfectly in this life than yes you would be "bad" but since we are in our sinful bodies you are no different than any other sinner. Give it time though. In the next life you will be able to follow every single one of Gods commandments without question! Take heart. You won't be a sinner for forever.
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Monk Brendan

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Have you accepted Christ as your Lord and Saviour?

Where does the Bible use thisf ormula, Southernscotty? BCV, please.

Kees, I think God has enough sense to know when one of His children is throwing a temper tantrum after a bad day.

He's not through with any of us yet.
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Jan 12, 2016
the Hague NL
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Hallo Kees,

Hi, fellow believers.

I love God and Jesus Christ more than anything else in life. God really is my dream, and the inspiration that drives me through life.

But on the other hand I straight-up don't do a lot of things that God would want me to, simply because I don't want to do them. Also, I argue with him a lot. If I disagree with something he says, I often curse his name and yell at him.
I am very afraid of God hating me and punishing me, but I don't want to listen to a lot of the advice he gives me, and I often times break his rules.
Sounds like you're a saved sinner. :)
But at the end of the day, I love God. I know I am bad, but I still love God/Jesus most of all.
Even if God would throw me into Hell to suffer for eternity, I could not stop loving him.
Well, i expect it will wear thin after a couple of days...
Do you believe God will put his creatures in eternal conscious torment because He didn't save them or draw them towards Him?
I love you, God. I love you Jesus Christ. For ever and ever, I love you.

Please tell me. How bad am I?

Not that bad i.m.o.
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Mar 5, 2018
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Where does the Bible use thisf ormula, Southernscotty? BCV, please.

Kees, I think God has enough sense to know when one of His children is throwing a temper tantrum after a bad day.

He's not through with any of us yet.
Lol, Because I didn't know if he had accepted Christ before this friend. You would be surprised at the people that blame God and yet have never even confessed Him as Lord and Saviour Romans 10:9-13 --Eph 2:8-9- Romans 8:38-89 That is what I wanted him to see is the never ending love.
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Perfection of Character is a daily job
Nov 16, 2018
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My impression is you really don'y know Him, At least not at all well.
I came to Him out of fear, I am totally His because of His great love for me, for us all.
If given a choice between cursing God or having my tongue cut out, I believe I would stick my tongue out for the knife.
Get to know Him and you will never yell or curse again at Him.
(John 3:16) Which includes you and I.
I saw myself in the one caught in adultery, He said, Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more,
I am like the thief on the cross who railed on Him until I saw His love, and I said Lord, remember me....... and He said today you shall be with Me in paradise.
I am like the uttermost He is able to save because He ever lives to make intercession for me.
Forever, I want to sit at His feet and glory in His presence.

Strongly Agree with these. Maybe you need to spend time more studying His word. In fact, we all need to, daily.

I love my parents. So, I want to spend time with them. When they say, do this, I would do it. And even you can see every couples behave the same way. When the partner asks to sing a song, even though they know their voice is so bad, they will make an effort. Isn't that sweet.

The more we know about the person, the more we can decide whether to love them or not. Same as God. The more we read His word, the more we Love and want to follow everything he said.

So, you will reach to a level where you want to do everything that God said, just continue getting to know him. :):heart:
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Feb 10, 2004
Hi, fellow believers.
I love God and Jesus Christ more than anything else in life.

Well let's see.

But on the other hand I straight-up don't do a lot of things that God would want me to, simply because I don't want to do them.

And....what are you doing about it? Have you made a decision to cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God? 2 Cor 10: 5 Are you seeking to renew your mind with all diligence and have you locked in a commitment to be transformed to the image of God's son? Rom 12: 2

I don't mean to be mean to you but if you're not making a decision to carry these things out God will decide as to whether you LOVE him or not. And Jesus said if a man will love me he will keep my commandments. John 14:23 Does that mean if someone fails or their not exactly perfect that don't love God? Not necessary but there has to be a REAL showing before God that you're sincere.

Also, I argue with him a lot. If I disagree with something he says, I often curse his name and yell at him.

God is loving, patient and kind but to take your anger towards him to the point of cursing him? I'm not writing to condemn you but you should know the scripture do not tempt the Lord your God. Mat 4:7

I would think in times of great trial, maybe the death of a loved one or something catastrophic a believer might have a collapse and get mad at God and yes might even curse God.

I think God understands that but if you're talking about normal everyday type of trials how could one curse God and say they love him? And why would one want to do that anyway. You're talking about one who was beaten, whipped and spit on, nails driven into his hand and feet and a spear thrust into his side....all for you.

I hardly think there's any reason under God's green Earth that one should do as you describe. Please give it some thought and consider pulling back from ever doing such again.

I am very afraid of God hating me and punishing me....

Well maybe you need more of that. If you're afraid of God punishing you to a more greater degree then this concern will drive you more into obedience. Feed your spirit much with all the warning of Jesus. You see you claim you're afraid but the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. You're not there yet for the reason you claim you want to keep sinning. Sin needs to be to you, and me and all of us like as, "Oh my! What have I done!" If it's like oh well...I sinned....doesn't really matter....well it does matter.And I'm speaking to myself as well.

Even if God would throw me into Hell to suffer for eternity, I could not stop loving him.
I love you, God. I love you Jesus Christ. For ever and ever, I love you.

Nope. Sorry but if your disobedience was to the point where you were sent to Hell God would say YOU DIDN'T LOVE ME. I think he'd say, "You just dreamed up your own concept of what LOVE is which is contrary to what I've said in my word." We all need to be brutally honest with ourselves and if we not just you but we need to be made more sober with the word of God than let us not resist such. Sincerely wishing you all spiritual success.
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Mar 26, 2018
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Hi, fellow believers.

I love God and Jesus Christ more than anything else in life. God really is my dream, and the inspiration that drives me through life.

But on the other hand I straight-up don't do a lot of things that God would want me to, simply because I don't want to do them. Also, I argue with him a lot. If I disagree with something he says, I often curse his name and yell at him.
I am very afraid of God hating me and punishing me, but I don't want to listen to a lot of the advice he gives me, and I often times break his rules.

But at the end of the day, I love God. I know I am bad, but I still love God/Jesus most of all.
Even if God would throw me into Hell to suffer for eternity, I could not stop loving him.
I love you, God. I love you Jesus Christ. For ever and ever, I love you.

Please tell me. How bad am I?


There is personal sin and sin against others. For the latter, you can be fined, have suit brought against you, have sanctions or warrants placed upon you, go to jail, prison or worse. One may need a relative's or close friend's help or professional help for these. Otherwise, they could get worse. For personal sins, then I think focusing on doing good for others makes one a good tree that bears good fruit, i.e. keep away from thinking and doing personal or selfish sins.
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Dec 29, 2002
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Lets make this short and true. He does not judge you.. He already did.. THE CROSS? YOU have to come to understand.. He died for ALL the worlds sins. repented.. believed and the old man died and ALL things become new. Now this FLESH loves to sin.. sorry you like every other believer has to battle this every day. Why we DIE DAILY..

So.. He does not condemn you. When you sin.. you go to Him you repent ..and He is faith and just.. HE will forgive you and cleans you from ALL unrighteousness. Now.. when we DOUBT this.. when Satan puts that lie in our head that we sinned so much.. He left.. He is mad.. thats why you dont FEEL Him.. thats why He wont answer when you pray. Thats why things are going back around you..

If we can understand HE CANT LIE! So.. when we doubt.. we are calling Jesus Christ the son of GOD..that sits at the right hand of the Father a LIAR! He will NEVER EVER EVER EVER leave you. He said it.. I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. And when you start to WONDER when you get these DOUBTS..HELLO thats your 1st clue its NOT GOD talking to you. Yeah.. HE NEVER uses doubt.. and never uses fear.. He has not given you the spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind.

See.. unlike man.. what He started in you.. no matter what you do.. HE WILL FINISH What HE started!

So.. you repent.. and then you THANK Him for forgiving you.. KNOW that HE KEEPS HIS WORD! And.. you know we walk by FAITH not feelings. As you know ...feelings are all over the place. We sin and we think were doomed.. and He gave up on us.. on and on. Then try to think how HE feels.. WHY did He die? He TOOK ALL those sins to the cross....and when we repented.. that which was dead became new.. new spirit..that spirit can not sin.. for as its written.. that which is born of God does not sin..

So.. forgive your self..and you focus on what He HAS IS WILL Do in your life. You let HIS JOY.. be YOUR STRENGTH.. read Isa 41:10

He is FOR YOU not against you. He is NOT LIKE MAN! He said He loved you.. NOTHING you can ever do.. can stop that. You are IN His hands.. HE IS YOUR FATHER! YOUR GOD! So fall into His arms and give ALL of this...all you cant do...where you see no hope.. and give it to Him.. and NEVER take it back.. if you do.. give it back :)

The enemy has been lying to you. Song playing now.. for you "WELL DONE by The afters.. haha .. playing now.. what HE will say to YOU! And us singing HOLY HOLY are you LORD!
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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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Jesus Himself said that if they love Him they will follow His commands. We need to agree with God. It doesn't all happen overnight though. We are as filthy rags to God except by the blood of the cross. We can't do anything on our own that changes that position, it's only through Christ and Him alone.

It's ok to balk now and then but to deliberately and obstinately confront God face to face regularly isn't going to go well. I mean really not well.
We all goof up, that is different. We are to do His will not He does our will. But He sometimes gives us a lot of line before reeling us in lol !
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Jul 27, 2009
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Messiah said "If you love Me, keep My commandments." Really, by extension that includes anything He tells you to do. He doesn't give "If you feel like it...." instructions, though He is very merciful. Since you asked for advice I will be frank. Cursing Him is way, way not wise. The Israelites in the desert did not curse Him but just for grumbling and complaining none but two made it to the Promised Land, but died int he desert instead.

Someone who curses a mother or father is to be put to death in the Bible. How much worse to curse the Creator?

I cannot tell you how bad you are. I don't have all the data on you, or even on others. To fall down is common but of course we need to keep praying to get up and do better. It is the cursing part that concerns me a lot.
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Kees Hogenbirk

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Jul 6, 2018
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Careful, because God hates disobedience.
Which is why God always communicates in examples of parent-ship. To obey and honor your parents. The prodigal son, who later returned to his father. There is a reason we call God, "father". God says if you were an orphan, he will take you in to be his son.

Which is why we're told to keep his commandments. Everything revolves around being obedient.

Right now, you appear to be the son who left his home in disobedience. But perhaps worse than that, as you said you curse at God.

Faith itself is essentially obedience. It means to trust. But to trust without obedience, is no faith at all.

Jesus says, "why do you call me Lord, and not keep my commandments".

Jesus says, "if you love me, you will keep my commandments".
If you truly loved Jesus, truly truly. You would not disobey. You would take every measure to avoid sin. Even at the cost of your life.

Remember, from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. What are you speaking?

God says, "they worship me with their mouths, but their hearts are far from me".

Then you can't say you hate God, but also love him.
The fruits of the Spirit are love.

Also, you have some nice comments like, "keep going, you can do it".
But don't filter out the rebuke and reproving you need.

I think I love God, but I don't want to obey him. If that means that I don't love God, then how can I love him? Because if the thing I love right now isn't God, then I don't know if I have ever experienced him. If so, how do I do that?
And appearantly thus far God hasn't scared me enough to keep me from disobeying him.
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Kees Hogenbirk

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Jul 6, 2018
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one of the ways God measures love is in obedience... so you recognize your own hypocrisy if expressing your love for God and your resistance to what His will for your life is. This is bothering you and it should. You can do one of two things that is pledge to God a heart that will obey Him and start that process that is His spirit trying to bring you to maturity and usefulness in the kingdom. Or you could ignore and live a life of disobedience. Life is fast and short and eternal things are settled on earthly choices. Choose wisely. Imagine if a a saved guy did not give up the sins in his life he would continue to reap the harvest into his future and would not produce the good he could have done. This is an eternal regret because your life will effect many other people including perhaps a wife and kids. When you pass you want to hear well done good and faithful servant be spoken to you. God has the best for you in following him and you will reap love joy and peace into your life and your eternity.

Hey, my friend.
The reason that I don't want to obey God is because it causes me too much pain. For example: God disapproves of both my job and my girlfriend. Also, I sometimes do work on sunday.
I don't want to change those behaviours because doing so causes me pain. Too much that I'm unwilling to change them.
On the other hand, if I keep disobeying God I'll feel miserable and maybe end up in Hell.

So whatever I choose, the choice is always about two choices of pain. And maybe one is better on the long run, but I am simply tired of all the pain. I don't feel that I can go on avoiding sins. It's just too much for me. I may be weak, but this is more than I feel I can handle. It is not rational, but I don't have the willpower to obey God anymore. I have already apologized to him a lot about this, as have I told him that I will still love him, even if he throws me in Hell. But I guess that wouldn't make much difference to him. But I wanted to say it anyway.
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Kees Hogenbirk

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Jul 6, 2018
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What part of what he says do you disagree with? Are these inner promptings you hear in that soft still voice or the actual written Word?

I asked a priest on this forum once if his church would accept me even if I didn't agree with all the doctrines. His response was something like 'if you don't believe or like a specific doctrine pray for illumination' (or something like that) Maybe that advice could apply to you?

I don't agree with his choice not to erase all evil and pain from existance and change the entire universe into an eternal paradise for everybody.
I really don't get why he does this, and I am positively livid about this. I love God, but I am really REALLY angry at him for this.
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Kees Hogenbirk

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Jul 6, 2018
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My impression is you really don'y know Him, At least not at all well.
I came to Him out of fear, I am totally His because of His great love for me, for us all.
If given a choice between cursing God or having my tongue cut out, I believe I would stick my tongue out for the knife.
Get to know Him and you will never yell or curse again at Him.
(John 3:16) Which includes you and I.
I saw myself in the one caught in adultery, He said, Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more,
I am like the thief on the cross who railed on Him until I saw His love, and I said Lord, remember me....... and He said today you shall be with Me in paradise.
I am like the uttermost He is able to save because He ever lives to make intercession for me.
Forever, I want to sit at His feet and glory in His presence.

DUDE!! Then tell me how I can get to know him better! Please!
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Kees Hogenbirk

Active Member
Jul 6, 2018
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Jesus Himself said that if they love Him they will follow His commands. We need to agree with God. It doesn't all happen overnight though. We are as filthy rags to God except by the blood of the cross. We can't do anything on our own that changes that position, it's only through Christ and Him alone.

It's ok to balk now and then but to deliberately and obstinately confront God face to face regularly isn't going to go well. I mean really not well.
We all goof up, that is different. We are to do His will not He does our will. But He sometimes gives us a lot of line before reeling us in lol !

Yes. I know we should obey him, but I really really don't want to, because quite frankly I whole-heartedly disagree with a lot of the things he does. So I am mad at him for that. So no, I don't feel like obeying a leader that I don't feel is doing the right thing. I still feel that I love him though, strange as it may sound.
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