God put on my heart: Send Letter To White House! NEED HELP!


Active Member
Oct 15, 2017
Buena Park
United States
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Dear fellow Christians,

This is highly imperative that this be done as God has put it on my heart to send a letter to the white house. I am asking for your Christian help in regards to such a thing.

Pray to God, talk to other Christians, get your pastors involved. I need your help!
GOD IS GOING TO TURN the U.S.A. around but I gotta send a letter so HE can push it through!

This is what I have so far in the brainstorm bubble that is the demands of GOD almighty:
  • Put Jesus Christ first and foremost. God is love. God over government.
  • Governments are a part of the church. Not separate.
  • Non-combatant Christians allowed to go with all military forces during wartime (food, clothing, shelter provided if need be).
  • Preaching is not hate speech and thus cannot be outlawed.
  • Christian pastors allowed to visit and preach JESUS CHRIST in public schools.
  • Listen to Christian leaders especially prophets. A delegation of Christian leaders one chosen per each denomination. Chosen by the people of that denomination.
  • Don't go to war unless prophets get approval from God.
  • Put adoption/foster agencies into the hands of Christians.
  • Stop the murder (including abortion of any type) of innocent children. Outlaw it (murder charges).
  • Christian churches to be exempt from all taxes without restrictions.
  • Church in homes allowed.
  • Church capable of providing food without a food service license (or free license) whether if privately or publicly served.
  • Legal to beg/bum/ask for food/water/clothing/money.
  • Release all Christians locked up for preaching. Reimburse those Christians whom have spent money on court cases.
  • Reinstate Shemittah year and Jubilee year.
  • All of the above to be applied to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (a corporation) and it's constituents.
So far for a list of prophets I have Perry Stone, Mark Taylor, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and myself. Excluded from the list of Christian denominations are LDS (Mormons) and JW (Jehovah's Witnesses) since they are heretical and cults.

I have sent an email to Perry Stone. I will try to get in contact with Mark Taylor and Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. If someone has connections to them please direct them to this forum post or my email which I think is linked in my account.

I will do my best to read over that which you place and update the list. Also, I will have a section discussing scripture and what happens to a nation that turns it's back on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob such as captivity being the worst of it (and/or perhaps destruction).

Remember, I gotta write it but God will push it through to the core.

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  • Haha
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High Fidelity

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Feb 9, 2014
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Excluded from the list of Christian denominations are LDS (Mormons) and JW (Jehovah's Witnesses) since they are heretical and cults.

Excluded likely because of their false prophets, yet...

So far for a list of prophets I have Perry Stone, Mark Taylor, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and myself.

What a joke and hilariously ironic and hypocritical.
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Ana the Ist

Aggressively serene!
Feb 21, 2012
United States
Marital Status
Dear fellow Christians,

This is highly imperative that this be done as God has put it on my heart to send a letter to the white house. I am asking for your Christian help in regards to such a thing.

Pray to God, talk to other Christians, get your pastors involved. I need your help!
GOD IS GOING TO TURN the U.S.A. around but I gotta send a letter so HE can push it through!

This is what I have so far in the brainstorm bubble that is the demands of GOD almighty:
  • Put Jesus Christ first and foremost. God is love. God over government.
  • Governments are a part of the church. Not separate.
  • Non-combatant Christians allowed to go with all military forces during wartime (food, clothing, shelter provided if need be).
  • Preaching is not hate speech and thus cannot be outlawed.
  • Christian pastors allowed to visit and preach JESUS CHRIST in public schools.
  • Listen to Christian leaders especially prophets. A delegation of Christian leaders one chosen per each denomination. Chosen by the people of that denomination.
  • Don't go to war unless prophets get approval from God.
  • Put adoption/foster agencies into the hands of Christians.
  • Stop the murder (including abortion of any type) of innocent children. Outlaw it (murder charges).
  • Christian churches to be exempt from all taxes without restrictions.
  • Church in homes allowed.
  • Church capable of providing food without a food service license (or free license) whether if privately or publicly served.
  • Legal to beg/bum/ask for food/water/clothing/money.
  • Release all Christians locked up for preaching. Reimburse those Christians whom have spent money on court cases.
  • Reinstate Shemittah year and Jubilee year.
  • All of the above to be applied to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (a corporation) and it's constituents.
So far for a list of prophets I have Perry Stone, Mark Taylor, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and myself. Excluded from the list of Christian denominations are LDS (Mormons) and JW (Jehovah's Witnesses) since they are heretical and cults.

I have sent an email to Perry Stone. I will try to get in contact with Mark Taylor and Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. If someone has connections to them please direct them to this forum post or my email which I think is linked in my account.

I will do my best to read over that which you place and update the list. Also, I will have a section discussing scripture and what happens to a nation that turns it's back on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob such as captivity being the worst of it (and/or perhaps destruction).

Remember, I gotta write it but God will push it through to the core.


Good luck to you.
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No one important
Dec 11, 2012
God's Earth
Marital Status
Like which? God didn't tell me to remove any so why would they be bad? Please expand to help out :D

Okay, let me go a bit more in-depth.

  • Put Jesus Christ first and foremost. God is love. God over government.

I can't actually comment on this one because I'm unsure of what exactly you mean. If you mean that this is a good policy for Christians to follow personally, I would agree. If you mean that the law should officially reflect this, I would have to ask you to elaborate further on what that would entail.

  • Governments are a part of the church. Not separate.

This is a very bad idea. The founders wrote the establishment and free exercise clauses for a reason. History shows us that theocratic governments (at least those governed by humans who claim to speak for God) have a very poor track record when it comes to human rights. Under such a government, people who belong to other religions, or even other denominations of Christianity, would have their rights infringed upon. Maybe you don't care about that, but you should also consider what will happen if the group that gains power isn't the one you follow. I don't know what denomination you are, but think about what would happen if another church (one that you don't agree with) gained control of the government. Your rights would be curtailed - you would have to worship the way they told you to, you would have to defer to them on everything - this is why theocracy is bad. Until Jesus Christ Himself returns and establishes His kingdom on earth, I do not trust any government that claims to rule in the name of God. Because the people at the top will be corrupt.

  • Non-combatant Christians allowed to go with all military forces during wartime (food, clothing, shelter provided if need be).

Assuming that you mean what I think you mean, this also sounds like a bad idea. Why would you want to send civilians into war zones? That is a surefire way to get people killed.

Preaching is not hate speech and thus cannot be outlawed.

'Hate speech' is a touchy issue. In the US, there are actually no laws against hate speech - only hate crimes. In order for someone to get in legal trouble for inciting hatred through speech, there must be a direct and immediate incitement to violence (for example, if someone said 'I hate black people, we would be better off if they were all dead', that's not illegal. But if they said 'go out and kill as many black people as you can, right now', that would).

So really, this is not so much a bad suggestion as an unnecessary one.

  • Christian pastors allowed to visit and preach JESUS CHRIST in public schools.

This is also a bad idea, for similar reasons as the second one. Just to start off with, not every student in public schools is Christian, and it's not the government's job to proselytize. If they ever tried to do this, they'd also have to allow rabbis, imams, even satanists in to preach to the kids as well, as the government is required to be neutral in terms of religion. If you want to abolish that and create a theocracy, well, see above.

  • Listen to Christian leaders especially prophets. A delegation of Christian leaders one chosen per each denomination. Chosen by the people of that denomination.

This seems rather unclear. You have not explained what role these leaders would have. Are they advisors or policy makers? Also, many denominations are not going to agree on many pivotal points. Furthermore, how do you determine if someone is a prophet? Personally I am unconvinced that anyone today has the gift of prophecy, but assuming that they do, what will be the metric for determining that? Will there be studies done to determine which prophets make the most accurate prophecies? If so, why limit it only to Christians, if other people are (theoretically) able to make accurate predictions?

  • Don't go to war unless prophets get approval from God.

Again, I mistrust humans who are given political power because they claim to speak for God. They will inevitably abuse this power for their own ends. And what if your chosen prophets disagree? One might say that God wants us to to go war, and another might say that He doesn't. How do you determine who is correct?

Put adoption/foster agencies into the hands of Christians.

Exclusively? Not only would this trample the rights of other citizens, but it would also greatly reduce the amount of people working for such agencies, so far fewer children would be helped.

  • Stop the murder (including abortion of any type) of innocent children. Outlaw it (murder charges).

Murder is already illegal. As for abortion, it would be ideal if it didn't happen, but passing a blanket ban would just lead to more illegal abortions, which are far more dangerous for the mother as well. The proven best way to reduce abortion is via comprehensive sex education and access to birth control.

  • Christian churches to be exempt from all taxes without restrictions.

They already are? But again, if you're implying that non-Christian religious organizations should not receive tax exemptions, that would again be an abuse of power.

  • Church in homes allowed.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. By any interpretation I can think of, it's already allowed.

  • Church capable of providing food without a food service license (or free license) whether if privately or publicly served.

Seems like a decent idea, but I have reservations. Why shouldn't this apply to all non-profit organizations, for example?

  • Legal to beg/bum/ask for food/water/clothing/money.

I am unsure about this. I definitely support charity, but encouraging people to rely on strangers instead of working for a living has its problems.

  • Release all Christians locked up for preaching. Reimburse those Christians whom have spent money on court cases.

I am unaware of any such situations in the US.

  • Reinstate Shemittah year and Jubilee year.

As a national policy? I'm not sure the former would be practical - it might not be possible to feed everyone if no farming was done for an entire year. Our population, economy, and agriculture is significantly different from that of ancient Israel.

  • All of the above to be applied to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (a corporation) and it's constituents.

The United States of America is nor a corporation. Furthermore, you would have to completely throw out the Constitution to apply most of these as laws.
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Liza B.

His grace is sufficient
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Oct 7, 2017
United States
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Dear fellow Christians,

This is highly imperative that this be done as God has put it on my heart to send a letter to the white house. I am asking for your Christian help in regards to such a thing.

Pray to God, talk to other Christians, get your pastors involved. I need your help!
GOD IS GOING TO TURN the U.S.A. around but I gotta send a letter so HE can push it through!

This is what I have so far in the brainstorm bubble that is the demands of GOD almighty:
  • Put Jesus Christ first and foremost. God is love. God over government.
  • Governments are a part of the church. Not separate.
  • Non-combatant Christians allowed to go with all military forces during wartime (food, clothing, shelter provided if need be).
  • Preaching is not hate speech and thus cannot be outlawed.
  • Christian pastors allowed to visit and preach JESUS CHRIST in public schools.
  • Listen to Christian leaders especially prophets. A delegation of Christian leaders one chosen per each denomination. Chosen by the people of that denomination.
  • Don't go to war unless prophets get approval from God.
  • Put adoption/foster agencies into the hands of Christians.
  • Stop the murder (including abortion of any type) of innocent children. Outlaw it (murder charges).
  • Christian churches to be exempt from all taxes without restrictions.
  • Church in homes allowed.
  • Church capable of providing food without a food service license (or free license) whether if privately or publicly served.
  • Legal to beg/bum/ask for food/water/clothing/money.
  • Release all Christians locked up for preaching. Reimburse those Christians whom have spent money on court cases.
  • Reinstate Shemittah year and Jubilee year.
  • All of the above to be applied to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (a corporation) and it's constituents.
So far for a list of prophets I have Perry Stone, Mark Taylor, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and myself. Excluded from the list of Christian denominations are LDS (Mormons) and JW (Jehovah's Witnesses) since they are heretical and cults.

I have sent an email to Perry Stone. I will try to get in contact with Mark Taylor and Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. If someone has connections to them please direct them to this forum post or my email which I think is linked in my account.

I will do my best to read over that which you place and update the list. Also, I will have a section discussing scripture and what happens to a nation that turns it's back on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob such as captivity being the worst of it (and/or perhaps destruction).

Remember, I gotta write it but God will push it through to the core.


Question for you. Why should you and a handful of others be the only prophets of God who determine when letters should be sent, and when we should go to war, when our Lord and Savior said He would send the very Spirit of God, and when many of us know this is true? If I have the Spirit and you have the Spirit, why do we need a few prophets then to decide things like war?

I'm asking, honestly. I don't think we need this. I don't think it wise.
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Feb 29, 2012
Marital Status
This is what I have so far in the brainstorm bubble that is the demands of GOD almighty:
No offense, but how do we even know that what you've written is of God? I mean, He didn't tell the rest of us any such things. And why no "main stream" pastors?
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Κύριε, ἐλέησον.
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Jun 13, 2016
Nashville TN
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Eastern Orthodox
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Dear fellow Christians,

This is highly imperative that this be done as God has put it on my heart to send a letter to the white house. I am asking for your Christian help in regards to such a thing.

Pray to God, talk to other Christians, get your pastors involved. I need your help!
GOD IS GOING TO TURN the U.S.A. around but I gotta send a letter so HE can push it through!

This is what I have so far in the brainstorm bubble that is the demands of GOD almighty:
  • Put Jesus Christ first and foremost. God is love. God over government.
  • Governments are a part of the church. Not separate.
  • Non-combatant Christians allowed to go with all military forces during wartime (food, clothing, shelter provided if need be).
  • Preaching is not hate speech and thus cannot be outlawed.
  • Christian pastors allowed to visit and preach JESUS CHRIST in public schools.
  • Listen to Christian leaders especially prophets. A delegation of Christian leaders one chosen per each denomination. Chosen by the people of that denomination.
  • Don't go to war unless prophets get approval from God.
  • Put adoption/foster agencies into the hands of Christians.
  • Stop the murder (including abortion of any type) of innocent children. Outlaw it (murder charges).
  • Christian churches to be exempt from all taxes without restrictions.
  • Church in homes allowed.
  • Church capable of providing food without a food service license (or free license) whether if privately or publicly served.
  • Legal to beg/bum/ask for food/water/clothing/money.
  • Release all Christians locked up for preaching. Reimburse those Christians whom have spent money on court cases.
  • Reinstate Shemittah year and Jubilee year.
  • All of the above to be applied to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (a corporation) and it's constituents.
So far for a list of prophets I have Perry Stone, Mark Taylor, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and myself. Excluded from the list of Christian denominations are LDS (Mormons) and JW (Jehovah's Witnesses) since they are heretical and cults.

I have sent an email to Perry Stone. I will try to get in contact with Mark Taylor and Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj. If someone has connections to them please direct them to this forum post or my email which I think is linked in my account.

I will do my best to read over that which you place and update the list. Also, I will have a section discussing scripture and what happens to a nation that turns it's back on the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob such as captivity being the worst of it (and/or perhaps destruction).

Remember, I gotta write it but God will push it through to the core.

This is a Saturday Night Live skit making sport of evangelicals, isn't it?
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Active Member
Oct 15, 2017
Buena Park
United States
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First off, please read 1 Corinthians 12:28-29 in regards to the order of authority in the church.

Did God send prophets or not? Did every prophet know what all other prophets knew and did they all live at the same time as the others? Did you even pray before replying? Have you not heard of impartation?

Not all work in the same office and yet we're one body. Not all walk with the same gifts and yet we're one Spirit. Not all preach and yet we're one mind.

I am not stating to remove any freedoms of speech so no, it would not require a change in Constitution as far as I'm concerned. If a preacher preaches in school do you have to listen? Do you not understand the power of the Holy Spirit and the will of the heavenly Father?

If you brought together a Christian preacher versus a preacher of every other religion do you not then trust God that He is greater and we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us?

God owns everything and thus He will do as He pleases.

Why is Jesus the head of the body? Couldn't Jesus make a body without any of us included? Maybe Jesus is a floating head and we're not much of a body anymore...

Does not God soften or harden hearts at will?
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Active Member
Oct 15, 2017
Buena Park
United States
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No offense, but how do we even know that what you've written is of God? I mean, He didn't tell the rest of us any such things. And why no "main stream" pastors?
You pray... Do you have the Holy Spirit? It guides and will help confirm. If not, pray for a dream/vision from God in Immanuel's name ;)

Question for you. Why should you and a handful of others be the only prophets of God who determine when letters should be sent, and when we should go to war, when our Lord and Savior said He would send the very Spirit of God, and when many of us know this is true? If I have the Spirit and you have the Spirit, why do we need a few prophets then to decide things like war?

I'm asking, honestly. I don't think we need this. I don't think it wise.
I didn't decide to write it; God did. Did God depend on Moses to cast down his staff so it could be a snake or hold up his hands in order to part water? Did David slay Goliath? Did Solomon build a temple? How many examples are in the Holy Bible using a single person to do God's will? What about Judas? Was he needed for Gods will?

Remove every single person and God is left with no creation (I'd imagine 'cause He wanted a family as I'm told so He created everything for that purpose other than glorifying Him, Honoring Him and praising Him).
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Active Member
Oct 15, 2017
Buena Park
United States
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No offense, but how do we even know that what you've written is of God? I mean, He didn't tell the rest of us any such things. And why no "main stream" pastors?
Main stream pastors? they usually want your money and don't teach ALL of you how to be a leader. Just to be a servant of their money hungry ways...
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Consider making a one-time or monthly donation. We appreciate your support!
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