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Then why mention it?
Because it was similar and similarly evasive.

Not the case with Christianity. We not only have a true standard we have an absolute standard. One that will completely point out the actions of a "true christian."
So any self-styled Christian that doesn't live up to this absolute standard isn't a true Christian?

(We are getting closer to the shoreline)
So it would seem...

Thanks for giving me the chance.

My use of cop-out was referring to the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy. Whether your argument was close to it or not, the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy is a cop-out.

allowing the freedom for you to assume that I thought you were indeed speaking about cops.
Some kind of non-sequitur.

By your decision, and your response. It shows me some of the goals you have for this discussion.

Seeking a biblically based response to the OP's questions or the question you spun off our original dialog is not a high priority.
No indeed, the logic of current arguments is a higher priority.

You seem to be fixated in simply "winning" the conversation much like the professor and the student in the OP, any way you can. Even if it means to attack someone's intelligence rather than the actual Merritt of the argument you are presenting.
There are no winners or losers in this kind of discussion. If someone makes an argument or statement that seems illogical or contradictory, I will generally respond.

I'm sorry you see it that way. I tend to respond in kind - although I didn't make puns in an attempt to play to someone's ego... why would you do that?

If that is the case then I might have to simply let you have the argument.
Meh. Your choice.

In this case "quotes" would indicate an actual quote from scripture
If you really thought the quotes meant actual quotation from scripture, then it was a genuine miscommunication. The meaning was "Golden Rule-like admonition" where the single quotes indicated not being literal. It's not an uncommon usage of quotes in my experience, plus I'm not a biblical scholar, but even I wouldn't expect the Golden Rule to be mentioned as such in the bible. Such is life.

I prefer Jack hammer, but if you'd like to dumb it down for me anyway, It would make life easier to come up with the sarcasm in which you speak.
"To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail". Fill yer boots.

After all "I may not be a smart man, but I know what love is.."
-Forrest, Forrest Gump.

(see, quotes means a quote)
Double quotes mean a quote. Also, context is important.
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Because it was similar and similarly evasive.
That was Not an evasive statement. The statement in question points to the mechanics that allows one to rightly inspect "Spiritual Fruit." Only one not willing to take a different perspective into consideration would label this effort in a dismissive manner.

So any self-styled Christian that doesn't live up to this absolute standard isn't a true Christian?
Which standard do you speak?

I'm sorry you see it that way. I tend to respond in kind - although I didn't make puns in an attempt to play to someone's ego...
No but as i have pointed out you did take the opportunity to change the direction of the discussion. from point out "statements that seems illogical or contradictory" to taking the opportunity (when it seemed to present itself) to personally attacking what you thought to be an uneducated fool.

This is why I did not even attempt to directly respond to the lie of Noble intent that you claimed governed your responses. Or your characterization as to the nature of your desire to "win" an argument.

If purity of the discussion was your intended goal, then you would have done a better job preserving the sanity of what you claim your true goal to be.

Instead you take the first opportunity presented to you to show me and all who care to read your work, your true intent. (The verbal lashing of what or who you deem to be a sledge hammer.) which to me is a bit ironic. Don't ya think?

that why would you do that?
To discern the true nature of your intent. (to expose the wolf in sheep's clothing)

Some like the OP are looking for answers, and some simply look to beat Christians hiding behind a fallacy of honor. There is no point in throwing pearls of wisdom before swine.

This is an on going process, it does not end with one baited question, nor does one baited question determine your status. there are many factors that go into helping me build a character profile.

"To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail". Fill yer boots.
That is why I prefer Jack hammer.
It is a loud precision tool used to isolate and destroy very dense and or stubborn materials without destroying everything around it.

As you have pointed out we are far from the point of building anything (Hammer and nails are not needed yet) we must break down and remove all the prevent us from laying a new foundation, and then we can build on that foundation we lay together.
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OK. It appeared evasive in the context by not directly addressing the claim.

Which standard do you speak?
The 'true' and 'absolute' standard you have, that 'will completely point out the actions of a true christian' - i.e. the one you asserted previously. You didn't describe or explain it, so that's all I have to go on.

You are drawing unwarranted conclusions. I may question your posts, but I have no interest in attacking you personally - I don't know you. I have no idea of your educational level beyond your posts here, which suggest at least a good basic knowledge of English. For the rest, if a post appears foolish I will question it. That doesn't necessarily make the poster a fool.

This is why I did not even attempt to directly respond to the lie of Noble intent that you claimed governed your responses. Or your characterization as to the nature of your desire to "win" an argument.
You appear to be creating a fictional bogeyman - I simply questioned your statements and assertions. If you take such things as personal attacks, and attribute malign intents and desires to the poster, discussions are likely to be unproductive.

If purity of the discussion was your intended goal, then you would have done a better job preserving the sanity of what you claim your true goal to be.
Perhaps, but as I said, I tend to respond in kind.

Instead you take the first opportunity presented to you to show me and all who care to read your work, your true intent. (The verbal lashing of what or who you deem to be a sledge hammer.) which to me is a bit ironic. Don't ya think?
You seem to interpret everything I say as a personal attack on you, yet form my perspective it is you who have been most aggressive in this exchange. Go figure.

To discern the true nature of your intent. (to expose the wolf in sheep's clothing)
Sounds a bit melodramatic - what sort of wolf were you expecting?

Some like the OP are looking for answers, and some simply look to beat Christians hiding behind a fallacy of honor. There is no point in throwing pearls of wisdom before swine.

This is an on going process, it does not end with one baited question, nor does one baited question determine your status. there are many factors that go into helping me build a character profile.
You appear to have already decided that I'm a dismissive liar who wants to personally attack and 'verbally lash' you to 'win' an argument. To me it seems a massively over-defensive reaction - and I can't help seeing a touch of persecution complex or paranoia in that, although no doubt, it will be held up as another plank of my 'personal attack'.

That is why I prefer Jack hammer.
It is a loud precision tool used to isolate and destroy very dense and or stubborn materials without destroying everything around it.
Yes, yes it is.

As you have pointed out we are far from the point of building anything (Hammer and nails are not needed yet) we must break down and remove all the prevent us from laying a new foundation, and then we can build on that foundation we lay together.
I don't believe I pointed out anything of the sort, but never mind.
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The 'true' and 'absolute' standard you have, that 'will completely point out the actions of a true christian' - i.e. the one you asserted previously. You didn't describe or explain it, so that's all I have to go on.
My explanation was complete in that if one's actions do not align themselves with the actions of Christ (found in the absolute standard of the bible) there are probably not "Christian."
As it relates to the OP the "course joking" at the expense of a non believer is not a recorded action of Christ. Thus allowing one to discern a non Christian act.

But calling one's ability for basic comprehension is indeed a personal attack. Especially given my first response to you.

I apologize for not spelling these things out for you in simpler language. Your previous posts gave me the impression you would be able to grasp the meaning.
If I misread the note of sarcasm here or the need you felt to write to me as a one would for a child in that post I do apologize.

You appear to be creating a fictional bogeyman - I simply questioned your statements and assertions.
Actually no, as stated in your quote above. you question my basic comprehension skills. This does not relate to the topic at hand it is a slight on my ability to understand the complexity of the term "Cop-out" among other simple concepts.

If one takes on the role, then the boo-gey man ceases to be fictional.

If you take such things as personal attacks, and attribute malign intents and desires to the poster, discussions are likely to be unproductive.
I didn't seem to have this problem with any of the other posters questions.
Then again no one else suggested that i was unable to correctly process their posts.

Sounds a bit melodramatic - what sort of wolf were you expecting?
i Wasn't. I assume everyone who approaches is a sheep. after all this is a forum for lost sheep, Not for wolves. i hear there is an atheist forum somewhere that promotes and educates one one who wants to be a wolf. However you do need to understand this is not that place.
What you fail to acknowledge here is the only personal attack i have ever pointed out was the fact that you challenged my ability to follow your posts. You seem bent on trying to dilute the truth in your effort to change the tempo and subject matter when you took the opportunity I presented to you. Simply labeling my actions as paranoid or at the least overly sensitive does not change your recorded actions that set this new discussion in motion.

That said, once you pushed past the boundary of a potential student this simply became an argument, like any point counter point argument the objective is to win. You elected to take this discussion away from God and focused on a win.. to this point I am willing to oblige your efforts. If and when this discussion begins to push the boundaries or limits that my faith will allow I will leave you with your thoughts. As of yet I do not believe that we have crossed that boundary yet.
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So it would seem to follow that an act that is not a recorded action of Christ (found in the absolute standard of the bible) is a non-Christian act; and a non-Christian act is clearly not aligned with the actions of Christ, so the perpetrator of such an act is probably not Christian? Really?

If so, unless one's Christianity comes and goes moment by moment according to one's actions, it must be exceedingly hard to be Christian. What modern Christian can truthfully claim not to have done an action that is not a recorded action of Christ? (facetiously, those criteria would disqualify Christians from driving a car )

But calling one's ability for basic comprehension is indeed a personal attack. Especially given my first response to you.
If a post suggests a lack of basic comprehension, I think it's worth pointing that out. If it was deliberately misread, or just careless, the point is made just the same.

If I misread the note of sarcasm here or the need you felt to write to me as a one would for a child in that post I do apologize.
Accepted - I responded to what appeared a childish, petulant tone by taking a parental tone; action & reaction.

Actually no, as stated in your quote above. you question my basic comprehension skills. This does not relate to the topic at hand it is a slight on my ability to understand the complexity of the term "Cop-out" among other simple concepts.
Whether you actually comprehend it or not, if your posts suggest incomprehension, what do you expect?

If one takes on the role, then the boo-gey man ceases to be fictional.
True, nevertheless in this context it is a fiction.

I didn't seem to have this problem with any of the other posters questions.
Then again no one else suggested that i was unable to correctly process their posts.
Every discussion is different.

i Wasn't. I assume everyone who approaches is a sheep. after all this is a forum for lost sheep, Not for wolves.
So why be deliberately provocative to "expose the wolf in sheep's clothing" if you're not expecting such a wolf?

What you fail to acknowledge here is the only personal attack i have ever pointed out was the fact that you challenged my ability to follow your posts.
You don't think calling me dismissive, a liar, accusing me of wanting to personally attack you by making you out to be an uneducated fool, and having a hidden 'true intent' are personal attacks?

Empty rhetoric - I'd be wasting my time 'trying to dilute the truth', the posts are all in the thread for anyone to see.

That said, once you pushed past the boundary of a potential student this simply became an argument, like any point counter point argument the objective is to win.
When did I ever claim to be a 'potential student'? You seem fixated on the idea of winning arguments - what do you think we're arguing about, and what would constitute a 'win'?

You elected to take this discussion away from God and focused on a win.. to this point I am willing to oblige your efforts.
Never mind about winning or losing, I'm currently only interested in clarifying when someone who believes or calls themselves Christian can be considered truly Christian or not. I understand there will be a strongly personal element between the individual and their beliefs, but as you suggest, their actions are potentially revealing.

I'm curious to know if you really mean that someone who takes an action that is not a recorded action of Christ is probably not Christian, or whether someone who does any non-Christian act is probably not Christian, or if not so, just what your opinion, or consensus Christian opinion, is.

If and when this discussion begins to push the boundaries or limits that my faith will allow I will leave you with your thoughts. As of yet I do not believe that we have crossed that boundary yet.
Thank you.
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I'll take that as a 'no' then
It's not a yes or no question. Christ tells us "what ever we bind here on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and what we loose here on Earth will be loosed in Heaven."

This means If there is not a direct command telling us otherwise, what we believe to be the law, will become the "law" we will be judged by.
So when I said, unless you believe that living your life as Christ is paramount to your redemption." I literaly meant that your specific redemption will be found in what you personally bind or loose.

In Christianity Christ's sacrifice separates the believer from obtaining righteousness through the adherence of the law and binds Him to his faith. This includes the faith he puts on the Law, or releases from the law.

That is not for us to judge, that is why I ask who you those you were to judge the heart of another? we can only look at the "fruit" of another's efforts and judge them. If by inspecting fruit we see what we may deem as a pattern of negative behavior, we can assume at the very least that their "version" of Christianity is not suited to how we may be wired to believe, and our way of showing our faith.
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Apr 10, 2011
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Actually, Jesus died so that we may SHOW our brother His condemnation through God's law so that our brother may be SAVED through repentance and forgiveness of sins through Christ's sacrifice and ressurection.

This is another parable like the one's when the pharisees would tempt Jesus and he REFUSED to answer their questions directly. Answer not a fool according to His folly. And THEN, answer a fool according to His folly.

First, the student simply states His belief but DOES NOT engage the proffessor on his stupid questions because these questions are merely designed to ensnare.

Then, the student turns the tables on the professor, so that the proffessor now becomes entangled in the web he was previously spinning.

This is how Jesus handled the pharisees who did NOT question because they wanted to believe. RATHER they questioned because they wanted to trip Him up in His answer.

To say that this is not what we are supposed to do is DANGEROUS and DECIEIVING because this is EXACTLY how the Bible tells us to handle these people, as a witness to the faith. Christ enacted this same strategy. Therefore, would you condemn Christ for doing this AND for instructing us to do the same?

This generation seeks for a sign and opens its mouth to hear itself talk but on that day, while they will yet profess to know Christ to His face, He will command the, saying "Depart! For I never knew you."
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So if you act in the belief that an action is right and lawful, then it is right and lawful as long as it doesn't contravene a direct command? If so, two individuals might have contradictory beliefs on the rights and wrongs of certain actions, yet the actions of both, in accordance with their personal belief, are considered right and lawful. Doesn't this imply that outside of direct command, right and wrong is a purely matter of personal belief, and so (outside of direct command) morality is subjective?

So despite the absolute standard of the bible by which one can tell whether actions are Christian (i.e. are aligned with the actions of Christ), it isn't possible to judge that someone is probably not Christian, but we can judge that their version of Christianity is significantly different from what we would expect? (I can't say 'our' version, as I'm not Christian ).

What I'm wondering is at what point someone's un-Christian actions (as judged by the absolute standard of the bible) makes their 'version' of Christianity so different that it bears no relation to what you recognise as Christianity - in other words, is there point at which you are justified in saying "He calls himself Christian, but that is not, or cannot be, Christianity"?

In other words, are Christian actions a necessary determinant of a person's Christianity? Or are they important but not determinant (can a person be Christian despite taking no Christian actions or taking mostly un-Christian actions)?

Or perhaps this kind of analysis is meaningless in the Christian worldview - one judges who one wishes to associate with by their actions, but cannot judge their Christianity?
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That's the best paragraph; almost eloquent.
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yes (there is a reason if you are interested)

Yes, this is also why we have been commanded not to judge a heart/faith of another. We can inspect or judge the fruit of their efforts, and make a determination as to the nature of their work. (whether it falls with in the parameters of the work and words of Christ) But we are not supposed to judge their heart or intent, for if we judge in a legalistic way then that same measure will be used to judge us. We have been told that ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. This includes those of us who think they have found The true denomination, and strictly live by it.

Because there is no one call (Despite what some may believe) to one specific brand of christianity, that means all brands are flawed in some way. If "we" decide to judge on a very strict interpretation then we too will be judged on a very strict interpretation. Which will doom most efforts to failure.

We can judge another's work at any level we wish, so long as we can stand to the same scrutiny. Peter and Paul spent alot of time making those judgments, but then again they were in a position to do so. It is when those young in the faith or without one decide to take this mantel on themselves, do they lock their potential faith on a destructive or less than productive path. That is why it is better for them/us to simply inspect fruit rather than judge another's heart.

I personally say if the words and actions of a congregation center around Jesus Christ then no matter how weird their beliefs get. (and so long as those people are worshiping God in their religious effort with all of their Hearts mind, spirit and strength.) then who are any of us to say otherwise.. However if one simply claims the mantel of Jesus Christ but the doctrine or the actions tell a completely different story that what is written in the 66 books of the bible then I have absolutely no issue in deeming them a non-Christian. This is a judgment I myself am will to pass through.

In other words, are Christian actions a necessary determinant of a person's Christianity? Or are they important but not determinant (can a person be Christian despite taking no Christian actions or taking mostly un-Christian actions)?
Christianity is not a title nor a membership to be won. It is a condition of one's heart, in relation to Christ. The actions of a Christian are not what defines him or ear marks him for salvation. The deeds of a Christian are the result of his faith.

It's like when dating. Simply giving a random girl flowers and candy and inviting her to dinner does not make her your girlfriend. One gives flowers and candy and takes his girlfriend out to dinner, because they already have an established relationship. The motions that a man in a relationship Goes though does not dictate his relationship status.

Like wise going to church and doing good deeds does not make you a christian. You do those things because you love Christ.
Or perhaps this kind of analysis is meaningless in the Christian worldview - one judges who one wishes to associate with by their actions, but cannot judge their Christianity?
Such was the catalyst for our different denominations. although now their is much judgment between them.
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I do not expect that you read 5 pages of back and fourth, but I would like that you have read enough to make a fair assessment of my work. in that I pointed out that the story as a whole, grossly misrepresented the characters of the christian student and the atheist professor to illustrate an opportunity to simply battle out and win or leave one's opponent dumbstruck.

This might have been the results of Christ's works many times when dealing with the Pharisees, but at no point did a question ever go unanswered. Here in the story The end results were duplicated, but the original query centering around the Goodness or Greatness of God, were never addressed. rather than ever addressing any of the Professor's original questions or concerns. the story ended with an answer that pointed to faith. Which I believe was an answer to a question that was never actually asked.
Perhaps the author simply has to take on "faith" that God is good. however there is plenty of biblically backed truth to point to the greatness of God in a way that few can deny. Christ in light of simply winning an argument never "refused an answer, and then answer a fool according to his folly" and not answer his original question in a complete way.

This whole story was a complete mess from beginning to end, unless the point was to give permission to the faithful to attack and redirect until they find a way to verbally beat an opponent.
How is God being represented in a christian "win" within a given argument?

How is God being glorified in our showcase of our personal pride?

Again, I say pride because in this story the questions asked were never answered. Instead after a show case a pride, we were shown that it is ok to re-ask questions we do have answers to, rather than give answers to the questions originally asked.

It is my personal belief if one does not have a specific answer to a related question it is better for him to simply remain silent, rather than participate in this style of merry go round of pride.
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Apr 10, 2011
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"Again, I say pride because in this story the questions asked were never answered. Instead after a show case a pride, we were shown that it is ok to re-ask questions we do have answers to, rather than give answers to the questions originally asked."

Sir, the point of the story IS in fact the parable of Jesus answering the pharisees according to the proverb "Answer not a fool in his FOLLY." Very next verse states: "Answer a fool ACCORDING to his folly."

I will try to teach you, but please bare with me.

The story is DEAD ON and is NOT showcasing ANY type of pride NOR averting any truths ABOUT God. This story is not to convince UNBELIEVERS to know God but to STRENGTHEN believers so that they may be able to stand up to the world and the devil (which is represented by the atheistic proffessor).

Also, forget these silly concerns that the student and professor are not accurately portrayed in the story. This is a worldly cynicism and I REBUKE you for it! Here's why. Jesus said the same thing to the pharisees:

You enter not yourselves into the Kingdom of God and yet worse, you shut the door also in men's faces.

This is a parable! Stop making worldly opinions within your heart and seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God! You are nitpicking and pouring over a PARABLE restating a PRIME lesson of Our Lord Christ Jesus! This is why you do not agree with the story NOR do you see its message. Because God has HIDDEN its meaning from you, lest you IMMEDIATELY find your salvation and suffer nothing in doing so (meaning you do not learn anything because you have not humbled yourself.) Therefore, I pray that you beg the Holy Spirit for understanding (from your writing, I am assuming you are already a Christian. Please forgive me if I have misinterpreted this.)

The REASON the answers are NOT given to the student by His professor is because THEY ARE NOT TO BE REVEALED TO THE PROFESSOR (or pharisees, in the bible, when Jesus has the same arguments with them and the scribes.) Again, because the professor (pharisees) are NOT seeking to find the Kingdom of God but RATHER discredit it, ALL knowledge is denied them.


Because they have NOT asked for this knowledge with the proper humbled HEART which Jesus and the Father REQUIRE. They are asking in PRIDE AND ARROGANCE. Therefore, Jesus keeps these things hidden to them.

you say, quoted below:

"This might have been the results of Christ's works many times when dealing with the Pharisees, but at no point did a question ever go unanswered."

I will teach you with yet another parable. I pray ye listen.

In another time (instance, conversation) the pharisees sought to catch Christ in His reply concerning by what authority He did all these things. He did not give them His answer but answered them WITH A QUESTION: He said that if they could answer His question, then He would in return answer theirs. They agreed. Christ then asked, the baptism of John the Baptist, was it from heaven or of men?

And the pharisees reasoned with one another, saying, that if we answer one way, we will be rued, and if we answer the other, the same will be also. So they answered, we cannot tell. Therefore Christ answered, Neither will I reveal unto you by whose authority I do these things. MARK 11: 27-33

So here, we now find a POINT where a question DEFENITELY went unanswered.

Also, in other places THROUGHOUT the Gospel, Jesus EXPLAINS to his disciples that he teaches in parables so that the people may LISTEN and NOT HEAR; that they may SEE and not UNDERSTAND so that the Kingdom of God is hidden to them, lest they, at any time, simply lay hold upon their salvation. God has PURPOSEFULLY hidden this kingdom from man and FOR GOOD REASON! It is by His Holy Judgement and Righteousness that He will elect those to recieve the Knowledge of the Kingdom and the Gift of the Holy Spirit, so that it is not done by man but BY GOD HIMSELF. Again, everything God does is to show forth His Glory to mankind.

The story is NOT about answering the questions of the professor, which we know the truth of (that there are MANY facts and pieces of evidence proving the Bible and God.) The story is about answering the spirit of rebellion and PRIDE found in the professor as he accuses a young man of faith.

I pray that you see this point but I fear that you see too much with your own eyes and not with a humbled heart. Forgive me if I offend thee, but I think this lesson from Christ is VERY important and I feel (my opinon; I'm sure these were not your intentions) that you take away from the wonderful lesson of this story and therefore take away glory from Our Lord Christ Jesus. And I feel that is dangerous.
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yes (there is a reason if you are interested)
OK, I'll bite - what is the reason why, excluding direct command, morality is subjective?

As for the rest of your explanatory post - thanks. It certainly presents a more coherent and consistent view than they tried to teach us at school. I guess they thought kids wouldn't understand a more nuanced interpretation, so they left it simplistic and full of holes; but that's history now...

Btw, it's good to get past the verbal sparring
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OK, I'll bite - what is the reason why, excluding direct command, morality is subjective?
Simply put our greatest command is to love our lord God with all of our Being, (Heart, Mind, Spirit and Strength.) From culture to culture or even from person to person this will look differently. Because we are all created a little differently. For instance one who is more charismatic in how they obtain and relay knowledge could not live out our greatest command if they were made to worship in a stale academic setting all of the time. In turn one who mind works best in a sterile academic setting may find it unsuitable to worship in a place were people are jumping up and down and shouting amens during a bible study.
Our Worship should not be an unattainable goal that we must bend our will and gifts to fit. Worship should be the ultimate expression of adoration and love that we can compile out of all that we have to give. Whatever that may look like from person to person.

This is subsequently why we are not to judge, because we have no true idea of what another man's 'best' looks like. Just because another man's best does not look like what you are capable of in a half hearted attempt does not mean that because you may have done more, you are more righteous or more in God's favor. Just the opposite is true.

It is not what you do that is important, it is the reason why and to the degree that you do it that is.

In this one command there is power to be found to decentralize the power of God from one man or group of men (As in the Tribe of Levi/OT Priests) from setting the tone of worship and interpretation of scripture to fit their wants or needs. Christianity fell head long into this during the dark ages seeming only to prove that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There are relatively few direct commands that govern the believer (No were near as many as any of our denominations or even non denominations would have us believe.) If we simply speak where the bible speaks and remain silent were the bible is silent then little fault can be found in your personal doctrine.

However if in your "freedom" you need the constraint found in a centralize structure of leadership, then you have the freedom to worship that way if that's what loving God with all of your being looks like to you.
Mt 18: 18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Believe it or not Paul in the book of acts does something similar to the new believers he spoke to. We all have to start some where and then progress. Once we see the holes in the beginners theology the transition begins from you following your fathers faith, to making it your own. This is why am so insistant about answering the questions that were asked rather deflecting and answering something your more comfortable in answering.

I believe that asking questions is an important process in the transition of faith. I also believe that there is an answer to every question we could ask. I also believe that no one person can answer all of those questions. This is why it is important to differ or to research rather than to simply go for the "win' in an argument.

Btw, it's good to get past the verbal sparring
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The story is DEAD ON and is NOT showcasing ANY type of pride NOR averting any truths ABOUT God.
I disagree. There is no one being glorified here except the one schooling the professor. For the soul sin of cause this student to suffer humiliation infront of his peers. One can only assume this because God was not ever represented in the students rebuke. This makes his actions very personal.

This story is not to convince UNBELIEVERS to know God but to STRENGTHEN believers so that they may be able to stand up to the world and the devil (which is represented by the atheistic professor).
To what end? Are we supposed to obtain a greater knowledge in what the world teaches, so that we may all answer a fool according to His folly? Or do we answer a fool to his folly by providing answers to questions that he believe to be unanswerable, by redirecting and redefining an archaic or elementary Sunday school understanding of what the "fool" professes to know?

If you took time to read my answers you will see I indeed answered a fool according to his folly by simply breaking down the questions to their very foundations exposing what they were based on. The idea or standards in which they were asked were based on the professors morality and not that of the God found in the bible. However because the professors morality was loosely based on the morality of God one has wiggle room to build an acceptable answer on. ( in a sense asking what make your idea of morality and more valid than God's morality, especially when your morality is based on God's morality)

This way one can answer a fool according to his folly, and still remained focused on God, rather than his apparent pride.

Also, forget these silly concerns that the student and professor are not accurately portrayed in the story. This is a worldly cynicism and I REBUKE you for it! Here's why.
Can you point to the post, paragraph and specific line that leads you to believe that I believe these are actual events? If not, know you have a "REBUKE" coming back at cha!! (Bearing false wittiness)

an actualJesus said the same thing to the pharisees:
Do you have book chapter and verse that proves this? or like your misinterpretation of my message above am I just to take your word for it?
(I have found when you have book chapter and verse you proudly post it)

This is a parable! Stop making worldly opinions within your heart and seek ye FIRST the kingdom of God!
How exactly is this accomplished in this instance? It seems here and in your follow up paragraphs you are just dropping catch all phrases that have little to no true meaning here.

If you are truly worried about my soul, and you have identified the problem as being general ignorance due to the lack of True Spirit lead interpretation, then why would you continue to speak/REBUKE in the language of the Spirit, excluding me from any true understanding? If in your opinion the Spirit has denied me understanding in what I assume is the first true God inspired parable since Christ Himself, then why do you also "REBUKE" me a manner that i would not be able to find meaning?

Is this not akin to what Paul said about speaking in tongues in 1Cor 14? IF so, do you not see yourself as the clanging cymbal Paul describes alittle later? If you do not interpret for the unbeliever then who will? How is anyone to "Hear" the word of God if all the self righteous do is point out why they do not see or Hear?

Again you have identified what you perceive to be the problem but take absolutely no initiative in helping the potential wayward soul other than dropping a catch phrase theology. Why not simply explain what you mean without using the kings English? explain your quotes, make the application or principles you are teaching clear and easy to understand. (As you have pointed out not all have been given a measure of the Spirit.)

Apparently it was not "REVEALED" to the student either. When the bible says knowledge of God is not revealed it is not kept or hidden away in a secret place. It is hidden in plain site. As in the parables of Christ. Christ did not hide the parables themselves, they were present for all to hear. The meanings were hidden from the Spiritually deaf, and blind.

I don't know who it was but they took the words of Christ and complied them is such a way even a small child could understand, but at the same time would not put off an adult.

This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine. (refrain x3)
(skip ahead)
Hide it under a bush, OH NO!!! I'm going to let it shine!

You get the idea. No where in the song or in the words of Christ found in Mt. 5 that inspired this song does it say we are to selectively share the light of those in whom we personally approve. Rather We are to be set on a hill or high on a lamp stand for all to see. We are to broad cast the word like seed in the parable of the sower in mark 4. We are not to selectively drop it in what we deem to only be the rich fertile ground.

The Class room in the story represented all types of Ground. Even if the student found hard pan with the professor, he could have had a seed of truth reach someone who would have yielded much fruit. As the story was told, everyone potentially seeking Christ had to take a back seat to this boys pride. Because as I have pointed out over and over God was not even mentioned in his rebuke. It was all him. A good way to win an argument, just a bad way to witness for God.


Because they have NOT asked for this knowledge with the proper humbled HEART which Jesus and the Father REQUIRE. They are asking in PRIDE AND ARROGANCE. Therefore, Jesus keeps these things hidden to them.
Well considered yourself directly asked!
(Much like the student was asked)
(I want to know how to practically apply all of the catch phrase theology you dropped earlier to this specific conversation.)

I will teach you with yet another parable. I pray ye listen.
I will read..

Actually no, Christ made a bargain, because he was not teaching. According to Mark:
27 They arrived again in Jerusalem, and while Jesus was walking in the temple courts, the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders came to him. 28 “By what authority are you doing these things?” they asked. “And who gave you authority to do this?”

Christ knew what they wanted, was to bring charges of Blaspheme against Him so they could stone Him. If they truly wanted to know if Christ was from God then they would have petitioned God Himself, and accepted the proof in the works of Christ.

This was not the case in the classroom where your parable takes place. This is an academic setting where study and exploration is expected. No one is/was under the threat of death. The only thing being threaten in this story is pride.

In the story of the student and the professor the teacher asks a very answerable question. Why doesn't the student answer?? (hint: reread the story it tells you.) (another hint: it was not for the same reason Christ did not answer.)

And yet were the parables kept from the unbelievers?

So because GOD takes this liberty we also should take this liberty and make these judgments as to whom shall be saved? Or should we give a response to all who ask of the Joy that is with us?

The only real answer to Pride and rebellion is humility, your response and my planned follow up will prove this point.

I pray that you see this point but I fear that you see too much with your own eyes and not with a humbled heart.
Why stop at praying? God has obviously given you some gifts, why do you fail to use them? What good is it to wish someone well if you have it in your power to make them well and Fail to do so? Can't your words/prayer be counted as hypocrisy at this point?

The same could be said from me, but to the truth of the matter my intentions are geared more towards upsetting your apple cart. Why? out of genuine desire to show you that if someone does not worship or see Christ in the same light as the Spirit has given you sight, that it is not a sin, nor has the Spirit failed to act.

In truth Loving the Lord with all of my Heart, Mind, Spirit, and Strength simply manifests itself differently in me than it has with you and all who worship and think as you do. Again this is not a sin, lest "thee be" the Christ and thou hath commanded-outh to do so-ith.

Likewise it is not necessarily a sin for you to see this as the only way to approach an atheist professor who is hell bent on spreading a little humility to one who cares to share his faith.

My whole approach to this story is to simply point out two things. One both parties are grossly misrepresented here. the professor is a doofus who does not understand basic high school physics, and two the "Christian" is not representing Christ. His own answers that were evidently designed to "answer a "fool' according to his folly" did not even once point into the direction of God, Christ, or the Holy Spirit.

..And two, That said this does not mean it is not a good argument. I commended the student's technique for 2 or 3 pages of this thread. But, again just because a Christian (by name/association) can verbally humble a man who is trying to do the same does not mean it is in the interest of God.

Again if it were. Would not have God come up in the students argument? Because there is no mention of God, all this story is; Is a show case on how to verbally battle (and "win") against a potential convert/Lost soul, and a classroom of on lookers.

One more time I do not think this to be a sin, IF in all of you Heart and Mind this type of thing is all you can hope to aspire to. I personally think "we" as leaders and teachers of men should NOT endeavor to set the bar so low.

Why not teach those who look for this type of story for direction, a way to "Answer a fool according to his folly" in a way that focouses on and Glorifies God in the process? Not to mention this way also ministers to any pontiential believers as well?

Why teach the only way to answer a fool according to his folly is to first serve one's pride, by droping the "God" out of the conversation completely and speak to what it is you personally know best?
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Apr 10, 2011
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