Do YOU have a crush on anyone? (59)


Active Member
Sep 21, 2022
The South
United States
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That's terrible!!!!!! I've had the same numerous times. Worse, I'll find out they are married. Praise the Lord you could see what she's like with someone before she became available to you. I wonder if these are self esteem issues. Like when the guy/gal is with someone they are confident and flirtatious (secure that there is someone they have). But when they don't they become insecure and it's some kind of cycle.

One guy that I knew that did this to me some years ago got really strange. He worked in a different department. Somehow he started texting..cant remember 11 yrs ago, he got upset at a work bowling event because I wasn't teamed with him. Maybe jealous and possessive. Later I learned about his girlfriend and someone said he had "Mama issues". He had a kid/baby with someone . He started becoming spiteful towards me rather than a flirteous hello. I guess he was lashing out at quite a few of his coworkers. One day while doing a quiet time while house sitting at my aunt's in the country, I heard a quiet whisper that he would be leaving. Thee next week he was fired. Talk about a holy Spirit moment. Anyways, pray for revelation and I'm sure the Holy Spirit will guide you as you navigate these situations.

Although that door closed, another one opened in a dramatic way. When you seek out the Lord, be prepared, God answers in ways we couldn't have imagined.
It is definitely terrible but it isn’t self-esteem issues or that they are with someone. Quite the contrary. It is what the NASB version of the bible refers to as ‘insolent pride’ in Proverbs. Or ‘haughty’ in the KJV. What you and the other poster describe are telltale signs of a covert narcissist..the most insidious of all highly toxic individuals. And they ALWAYS have someone, typically multiple someones in fact.

I highly recommend anyone male or female looking for a relationship in these decadent modern times to research that topic thoroughly..gain the knowledge and implement the tools; avoid a bad situation. Learn how to spot these insidious people early on so you can be safe. Because nowadays these highly toxic individuals are everywhere and date apps/social media are like a playground for them. And once these toxic individuals lure someone in it can be tough to break the cycle of abuse they put their targets through.

If something ever feels ‘off’ about someone early on..that’s the Holy Spirit trying to warn you to get away. Also, as they say, if someone ever seems too good to be true, they probably are. The narcissist will typically come off as such a person initially. Or pour on the charm..such as all the attention and cute little emojis and stuff that the other poster mentioned with his coworker. She pulled away, and came back..that’s the hot/cold or ‘push-pull’ tactics of the narcissist. It can cause confusion just as they hinted at..and this is done in order to create a ‘trauma bond’ and tether an individual to the narcissist. You mentioned that ‘rage fit’ at the bowling alley, that is another narcissistic behavior. No doubt.

I don’t agree with the world’s psychology because they refer to narcissistic behavior as a ‘mental disorder’ when the truth is it is demonic. The psychologists ignore the spiritual element. They are however, quite accurate in identifying and even predicting the behaviors. Most people never even realize what they end up trapped in and the outcome can be horrible. An extreme example being, I lost a friend to ‘self deletion’ recently, after he spent a half decade in a narcissistic relationship. The abuse he endured was brutal. He managed to exit the relationship, but it isn’t like when a relationship with a normal person ends..there is a highly toxic aftermath. So people, be careful out there. Ain’t gonna get any better til’ Christ returns.
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Mar 27, 2011
United States
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Was trying to talk myself out of my crush… but then he sent me pictures from his Grandma’s 100th birthday party today and in all the pictures he’s holding somebody’s kid or pet.

Cute uncle that his nieces adore. Animal approved. I’m not sure my willpower can overcome the squishy feelings.
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Mar 27, 2011
United States
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Y’all.. I can’t even with this guy.

So I’m a big Swiftie and a couple weekends back I got him to go to a Taylor Swift party with me and I made him a bunch of friendship bracelets to wear to it. Nobody ended up trading any that night so it was kind of lame.

Well today he took the day off because his cousin is in town and he was showing her around Nashville. He sent me a picture at one point while they were at the country museum of a Taylor Swift display he found. I thought it was sweet to think of me and send it. I jokingly said “well I hope you’re wearing your bracelets today.”

He sends more pictures later in the day of them downtown and specifically one of him proudly displaying HE IS WEARING THE BRACELETS. If that’s not the stinking cutest thing ever I don’t know what is.
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