can christians smoke weed


Senior Veteran
May 5, 2009
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Like I said bro, this is a demonic opening, the devil can use this drug to twist your mind into believing that you need it, trust me you don't. Drugs do nothing but warp your mind into a false reality, even legal ones, they are used to escape the reality of the situation, whether the situation is pain or even mental distress the use of drugs is to change the make up of the brain to reflect the desired affect of the drug. We are given Tylenol, it takes the pain away, but the pain is still really there we just can't feel it.

It is a false reality, marijuana though is much different animal obviously than Tylenol, its a mind altering hallucinogen like you said yourself. You are manipulating your mind that God gave you to try and find peace and joy. Now you may have it for awhile while you are high but it will not last. There is Someone though who will, Jesus will always be there and when His Spirit lives in you, you never have to fear anymore, your (His) joy and peace will be complete not fleeting as it is now.

You need to truly submit to the Lord Jesus, this is a serious problem for you personally and you need to get rid of it. Renounce this activity in your life and give your heart wholly and completely to the lover of your soul. Let Him be your joy and peace and stop settling for substitutes for His love.

God is a jealous God and He does not want part of your soul owned by this demonic tool of satan.
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Feb 4, 2011
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I think you're right, I think I need to stop smoking bud so I can clear out my brain and body and experience reality unfiltered, and I'm sure that I won't feel bad for long, I will gradually come back to my self and feel happy without the aid of it.

It's hard though, like i'm sure quitting oxy was hard for you as well, and you know how it is to quit something.

I been having nightmares, dreams about smoking it, I am always having mood swings and I'm anxious( I had this problem before) and even paranoid and very suspicious of others motives even friends, even when I'm not high. I feel like I'm always on this search in my mind for the next cosmic truth (lack of words) or revelation about life. "mundane" everyday life sucks to me, is how I think and I need to smoke to feel the real joy. I've been getting irritable, my concentration is messed up, I realized I lost touch with my interests, now I'm slowly coming back into every day interests.

honestly they say it's not addictive but this sounds like standard addiction to me. you know?

thanks for conversing with me man, and the honest advice.
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Senior Veteran
May 5, 2009
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honestly they say it's not addictive but this sounds like standard addiction to me. you know?

People that say that are living in denial, it is completely addicting, if you have a dependence on something for any reason than it is a addiction.

It's hard though, like I'm sure quitting oxy was hard for you as well, and you know how it is to quit something.

Yes it was, I was heavily addicted to pills for three years, I have been sober now for two, it was hard but it is not impossible with the Lord Jesus, He was sent here to free us from our slavery to sin and if you trust Him and submit to Him He will free you also. His love is very precious, the cross that He suffered on is a constant reminder to me to never return to my old ways, His love sustains me now.

I been having nightmares, dreams about smoking it, I am always having mood swings and I'm anxious( I had this problem before) and even paranoid and very suspicious of others motives even friends, even when I'm not high

This is a normal response to coming off of something, don't worry man these things will pass, just cast your fear and anxiety to the Lord for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7) and He wants you free from this more than you do.

and I need to smoke to feel the real joy.
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27)

His peace, His joy He gives us when we believe in Him and it is more than enough to sustain us through this earthly life, notice the words "Not as the world gives", this is speaking of the temporary pleasures like drugs, this is a false peace and nothing like the peace God can give. When you trust in the Lord Jesus you do not need to be afraid of anything, you are commanded not to fear and told to trust in the love He has for you, this produces peace in your heart. I believe the Lord brought that verse to me specifcly for you my friend.

thanks for conversing with me man, and the honest advice.

You are welcome bro and being honest with yourself is what will bring you to the cross and to freedom in Christ, you need to make a declaration that this vice will no longer be a option for you, you need to completely renounce it in your life and never look back. Jesus is faithful and we are told in the bible we can find Him if we search for Him with our whole heart. God bless you my friend and I pray you find complete freedom in the blood of Jesus and that He would grant you true repentance.

"But if from there you shall seek the LORD your God, you shall find him, if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul." (Deuteronomy 4:29)
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wayfaring man

Jan 25, 2004
Prayer and fasting can "open up one's senses" too, with some major differences.

1. It occurs as a result of self-denial rather than self-indulgence.

2. It requires one to exercise their faith and ability to endure.

3. It is sanctioned by Scripture.

4. Jesus and the prophets and apostles practiced it.

5. When done properly, it's healthful.

6. It's highly economical.

7. It's rather universally legal.

8. And not addictive in nature.

9. But exerts a distinctly liberating influence.

10. Adding additional spiritual might to one's prayers !

Taking drugs/chemicals which stimulate a sense of increased or heightened spirituality are akin to trying to take the path of a "thief and a robber". ( See John 10:1 )

The word pharmacy comes from a Greek word which is translated as "sorceries" in Scripture. ( Revelation 9:21 + 18:23 )

Many euphoria enhancing drugs deplete one's God given ability to produce endorphins, and since this usually occurs insidiously ( with enhanced production initially ), after extended usage one starts feeling like they need the drug to feel "normal", and if continuation ensues beyond this point one can become so depleted that even with the drug their "sense of well being" remains absent.

Providentially, one who has become addicted can often greatly recover...though withdrawal can be gruesome, generally being more difficult the longer one has been hooked; which makes quitting sooner largely preferable over quitting later.

May The Lord Be Pleased to Help !

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Dec 22, 2006
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Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body. 1 Corinthians 6 19,20
Never tried the stuff, but I'm quite sure it isn't good for you.
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I will admit that I smoke weed and drunk once awhile and I do not believe it to be a sin. I believe if u are addicted to it, then it becomes one.

Here is my reasoning. In John, Jesus makes the best wine for people that are already drunk. And if you know anything about Jewish wine, then u know how strong the good stuff is.

Regarding weed, why do u take it? Because u had a stressful day and want to relax or numb the pain? How many things in your life do you take monthly that numb the pain or relax you? I just went to the dentist the other day to get a tooth pulled and they gave me laughing gas, did i "need" it? No, but it felt good and took my mind off the pain. My mother takes "prescription" drugs to ease the pain of life and no one sees that as wrong and she takes it everyday! Yet if I have a joint once every 2 months that is wrong?

Now at the other end of the spectrum I have friends that smoke weed like 10 times daily, is that wrong? I think so because it is an addiction. Also I feel that coffee is an addiction and certain foods. I always like to see a "large" pastor talking about addiction in his sermon, yet he cant put down the burger! True, some do have health factors, but to the other 90% what is the excuse? A friend of mine has a very bad thyroid and she gets "big" very easily, what does she do? Works out everyday and eats very healthy.

Sorry to go on a rant but the topic of weed gets so overblown sometimes.
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Living and dying in 3/4 time
Feb 24, 2011
South Carolina
United States
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God gave us dominion over all plants and animals, so what are we to do with it...I know it makes excellent rope, but, if it wasn't meant to have the pleasurable effects that it does, why are they there in the first place?
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Living and dying in 3/4 time
Feb 24, 2011
South Carolina
United States
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The fall. And its only pleasurable for a season, like all sin.

Show me where where the Bible states that smoking weed,specifically is a sin... It's not there.
It is the way that the Bible is interpreted that makes it a sin.
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Living and dying in 3/4 time
Feb 24, 2011
South Carolina
United States
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Weed and alcohol should be used in the same way...with paraphrase,"to much of a good thing can lead to ruin".
To use weed in excesses is a sin, it will consume you..I know, I was there many moons ago. Now, I only use occasionally ..maybe twice a month...and ENJOY it.Before that, I was in a haze. If it ever becomes a habitual habit again, then I will stop completely, but there is no desire for me to imbibe every day, and I doubt there will ever be again...Christ took that away from me.
To blanket marijuana use as a sin is not right.
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Senior Veteran
May 5, 2009
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What does that have to do with an occasional joint? NOTHING!

All I know is that I used to smoke the stuff before I was saved, I would never ever ever do it now. Really I don't see why any Christian would desire a drug, a false peace of the world to begin with.
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Senior Veteran
May 5, 2009
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As I asked for before in the convo, where in the Bible does it state that marijuana use is a sin?

There are many things the bible does not condemn literally but we know they are sin because of the Holy Spirit and based on scripture as a whole. Look at the fruits of marijuana what does it have to show for itself?
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You two do realize that you are both professing Christians right? You sound like the world...

Yes, I also use to be a missionary. I love God above else and would do anything for him. I also use to be very anti-weed/alcohol, then I read the whole bible(opened my eyes so much to what other Christians have said was "truth" and what the bible really said) and also I lived in England. Do you know after Sunday evening church most churches in England go out for a pint or two?

There is this strict-American Christian saying, "when in doubt, call it a sin".

I also mentioned this in my last post, that I find irony in "large" pastors talking about addiction, yet they cant put down the fork.
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