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Bug Eyed Aliens from Outer Space


Growling Maverick
Jul 19, 2008
Southern Minnesota
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No. The Bible is earthbound, though many believe the Resurrection operated on all the universe.
In fact, back in the 1940s, C. S. Lewis wrote a science fiction trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet, involving both space travel and aliens. The science and technology are quaint given what we know today; but you might find it an enjoyable read. Check B&N, Borders, or Amazon.
As to my own beliefs, I'd sum them up as, "It wouldn't surprise me."
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Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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Aliens are manifestations of the demonic. I have heard and read many testimonies (some from fellow church members themselves) about seeing aliens. Their experiences are real, but very discernable in terms of a demonic attack.

Do I believe in alien abductions? Sure. But the way many described them, I'm quite certain their spirits are being hijacked from their bodies- very much like an out-of-body experience. What they experience is quite real, except it's not necessarily in the physical realm.
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Jul 31, 2003
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Would it contradict anything in the Bible to believe in aliens?
Not to my knowledge.

Do you believe in aliens?
No, because there's no evidence that they exist. But I wouldn't go so far as to say that they don't exist, because we don't have enough evidence to say that either.
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comes and goes
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Dec 10, 2003
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From a Christian point of view, four possible kinds of aliens are possible:

1) Good -- not Fallen (like angels). We can admire them.

2) Fallen and beyond salvation (like demons). We would need to watch out for them.

3) Fallen but saved through Jesus. Their destiny would then have been to meet us to hear the Gospel.

4) Fallen but saved some other way (e.g. by an Incarnation on their planet -- this option is more controversial among Christians). This option would lead to a lot of theological discussion.

Having said that, there is no evidence that aliens exist. Or that they are bug-eyed.
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Regular Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Would it contradict anything in the Bible to believe in aliens? Do you believe in aliens?

As with the other respondents, I don't see a contradiction between the Bible and the existense of aliens. I believe they exist but have not seen any complelling evidence to convince me that beings from another planet have visited Earth. But who knows what tomorrow may bring?

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Spend time in His Word - every day
Aug 31, 2007
Right of center
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Would it contradict anything in the Bible to believe in aliens?
Not that I'm aware of. I've read the bible through perhaps 20 times and countless individual passages repeatedly and I've never encountered anything that ever suggested a reference to aliens.
Do you believe in aliens?
No, though I've often been tempted to question what Jesus' statement in John 10:10 referred, "I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also..." But I think since He's addressing Jews, that this statement is referring to Gentiles, which is consistent and a more reasonable interpretation of that passage. :)

Many conclude that given the sheer size of the universe, the impossibly huge number of galaxies we can see (and those we can't) that there is a certain mathematical probability of alien life in the universe. But "certain" and "probable" are mutually exclusive terms too. Does a probability exist? I think we can assume it can, but we can't conclude from that that aliens do indeed exist.

Again, as others have stated - until there's evidence, particularly like there's evidence for God, I am unwilling to state unequivocally that aliens exist. It does make for some good science fiction though :thumbsup:
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Senior Member
Jul 30, 2007
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According to a book I've read, the chances of life happening on it's own on this planet was 1 to a google. That's 1, followed by 100 zeroes. The law of probability does not exceed 1 to 500,000,000. Anything beyond 1 to 5 hundred million is considered pretty much impossible.

My reasoning is as follows:

1. Did Jesus die for all mankind? Yes.
2. Did Jesus die for aliens? No, as far as the Bible is concerned. The Bible says Jesus died once.
3. If aliens exist, and Jesus didn't die for them, they're either perfect sons of God, or they're doomed to hell. And if they're perfect, then they would be dwelling in the power of God and not relying on technology and some spaceship. Elijah never used a ray gun to slay the soldiers who were sent to get him. He just called down fire from heaven. Jesus never used a Star Trek transporter to appear to his disciples after he was resurrected. See where I'm getting at? The bible defines perfection as one who is led and walking in the fullness of the Spirit of God as Jesus did.

4. The Bible speaks of God, angels, man, Satan and demons. God and his angels don't need to abduct people and conduct so-called experiments that cause mental trauma. So I guess that leaves only one explanation as to who and what they are.
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Junior Member
Sep 14, 2008
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I need to do some more research myself on UFO's. The belief of Aliens and UFO's could be regarded a religion all its own. I think the phenomenon of UFO and UFO abductions didn't start until the 1950's. With all those zany UFO movies. But like I said, I need to do more research into the topic.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2007
I think it's more restricted to the Western world, actually.

There have been people from Britain who claimed abduction by Pleiadeans (tall, blonde, anthropomorphic aliens). And in Mexico, two boys filmed on their cell-phone an alien that tried to grab them while they were playing soccer at night. They later admitted to faking the whole episode. The sad thing is, the best UFO investigator in Mexico actually believed the hoax.
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Junior Member
Jun 22, 2008
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Would it contradict anything in the Bible to believe in aliens?

In my own ill-informed and humble opinion, I don't believe so, but I'm no Bible scholar.

Do you believe in aliens?

No. I see nothing convincing in the way of conclusive evidence to support the idea of their existence (although I am an avid science fiction fan).
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2004
United Kingdom
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Would it contradict anything in the Bible to believe in aliens? Do you believe in aliens?

As far as I am concerned there is nothing in Scripture to either support or deny the existence of alien life. I personally do not believe in such life, and especially not in the form of bug eyed creatures, but I don't mind if others do; that is their choice.

I have not enough evidence to say for certain that such higher life forms exist, but I think it very possible that bacterial life may, which suggests that higher forms; plants etc, may also exist somewhere. But we have no evidence for it, only conjecture.

On balance, given the scale of the universe, it would seem more likely that bacterial life exists in other places than not. But until we find the evidence, it is difficult to say more than that.
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Would it contradict anything in the Bible to believe in aliens?

Since aliens are not mentioned in the Bible, believing in their existence is not contradictory.

That said, I believe the Bible says that because of man's sin the entire creation is running down and death has entered creation. This would mean that if there were aliens out there, they'd be suffering the negative effects of the curse because of man's sin even though they would be innocent, and so I'm not sure that God would allow that.

In either case, God seems to be a very personal God in this world and the Bible seems to imply that God's interests lie here, which one could argue would preclude any aliens' existence. There is no mention of it in Genesis 1 or anywhere else.

Do you believe in aliens?

From the above section it should be clear that I personally don't believe aliens exist and would be - surprised - to say the least if their existence was verified. There are other non-biblical reasons why I reject the existence of aliens, but I'll leave those for another day.
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