Am i turning into a pervert?


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Nov 25, 2005
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I know guys are far worse far worse for this, but girls are fully capable of looking at a guy with lust. What I find silly is woman who dress to be looked at but seem to complain if you stare. What is with clothing today? Why do women feel the need to dress like that? Woman of the forum, please don't dress like that. It draws the wrong kind of attention and yeah.
How do you know when you entered Lust? I mean what if your staring at a pretty girls face, and just seme to lose yourself? My mind does not seem to comprehend or think about the act of sex(I have conciously resisted the media's attempts, and evnetually it just had no effect on me), which on one hand is cool, and on other means i have no idea when I am lusting.
Is thinking "ohhhh pretty" lusting?
If I have things to do or important though, then obviously I reign myself in (through prayer if need be).
This is so difficult to discuss because its both embarassing and people can get defesnive, and it seems so hard to messure
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adelphoi en Christos
Jan 2, 2006
Albemarle, NC
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May I offer another suggestion for reading? I just finished "God's Gift to Women" by Eric Ludy and it blew me away! It talks about this sort of thing and building a Christ- centered love life, etc. etc. The issue of mental and visual purity is also discussed. It only took me about 3 or 4 nights to read and it really changed my perspective.
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Jan 9, 2005
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ForumGuy said:
I know guys are far worse far worse for this, but girls are fully capable of looking at a guy with lust. What I find silly is woman who dress to be looked at but seem to complain if you stare. What is with clothing today? Why do women feel the need to dress like that? Woman of the forum, please don't dress like that. It draws the wrong kind of attention and yeah.
How do you know when you entered Lust? I mean what if your staring at a pretty girls face, and just seme to lose yourself? My mind does not seem to comprehend or think about the act of sex(I have conciously resisted the media's attempts, and evnetually it just had no effect on me), which on one hand is cool, and on other means i have no idea when I am lusting.
Is thinking "ohhhh pretty" lusting?
If I have things to do or important though, then obviously I reign myself in (through prayer if need be).
This is so difficult to discuss because its both embarassing and people can get defesnive, and it seems so hard to messure

Some women may dress immodestly because they finally found an outfit they think looks good on them. Younger girls may do it because that's what's "in". They're not dressing that way just so men will stare so they can get mad, although I suppose there are a few out there just looking for drama.

I myself don't dress immodestly. I do have a lot of tight clothes, but that's because I'm really tiny and it's hard to judge whether something is going to be big enough, or just end up shrinking. Generally I wear a jacket over just about everything anyway so it'd no big deal. For instance, right now I've got on green corderoy (sp?) pants with a camo tank top. I special ordered a brown jacket to go over it, and I love the way I look in it. Earth tones all the way for me :D

As for lust, I don't think it becomes lust until you dwell on it. For example, say I look at a guy I see at school, do a double take, and then think to myself "Holy crap, yeah, I'd hit that." and then go about my business. That isn't lust. That's just being pleasently surprised at a hottie. Now, if I were to stalk him all the way across campus, flirt with him, and finally chat him up with the intent of eventually seducing him... I'd say that's lust. Same if I don't even do all that but let an infatuation with him consume me and spend all my time, oh, say... fantasizing in math class and ending up with a D. (Not that I did this last semester, oh no, not me :sorry: ) That's lust and needs to be overcome.

Man, I really hope that guy's not in my math class this semester, I'm pushing for straight A's. :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2017
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I do not think I am that attractive nor do I dress to attract this, but I know when I have caught a guy (usually a creepy old guy because unfortunately thats what I tend to attract) 'leering' at me it is an awful feeling.
it makes me uncomfortable and feel ashamed.
just dont let it get to that level of staring because it can make the female feel really awful.
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