Anyone trying to make excuses for women to have abortions, is literally just trying to justify the killing of babies. There is no justification for the killing of babies ....ever!
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The only "solution" I can see you suggesting is to make condoms free across the board. Otherwise you just derailed and devalued the discussion by bringing in your political views to attack people.I have tried to offer solutions, which have been rejected.
Of course not. And as long as people can sin and have free will, we will continue to make poor choices. But what's important is that Christians at least recognize that the 98.5% of abortions, which are preformed for convenience reasons, are immoral and wrong.But as long as women can self-abort we'll never completelyl get rid of abortion. We can only end LEGAL abortion.
Perhaps it's because he like to test us and our moral character? That's the whole purpose of living on earth for a short time. We get to chose either life or death, Christ or not.
If we choose eternal life and friendship with Christ then it has to manifest itself in our life as a holistic faithfulness towards Christ and his principles.
I think its brilliant of God to be honest and I stand in awe.
To test us like this and to give us this unique opportunity to choose fidelity is truely wonderful in my eyes.
Wow. You make this comment as if it is not the women's choice as well to abstain and that it is men's fault..How about Mandatory Vasectomy's for all Males post puberty?
They are fully reversible, and when a man can demonstrate he is mature and responsible enough, and has the financial wherewithal to be a father, and is old enough to sign a legally binding document committing to care for any child he conceives, then he can have the vasectomy reversed and begin the process.
The Abortion rate would drop to Zero.
We've been legislating the Bodies of the wrong gender. Lets legislate men's bodies for a change and we will get some REAL, pro life, results.
Wow. You make this comment as if it is not the women's choice as well to abstain and that it is men's fault..
Pretty weird huh? Especially for a Catholic to say. Does not line up with Church teaching. At. All.Wow. You make this comment as if it is not the women's choice as well to abstain and that it is men's fault..
One case for abortion is that it is healthcare.
Men don't get pregnant and, outside of rapists, they do not force women to become pregnant.
Ya...we pretty much do. Its an animal thing.
And then we change our mind after the "peak experience" and leave.