2018 outpouring, are you feeling it? I am!

Are you feeling an outpouring of the Holy Spirit?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Not yet..... but I am looking forward to it. I know it is coming.

    Votes: 5 20.8%
  • No

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • I do not believe that anything like Acts 2 will happen again until Jesus is here.

    Votes: 4 16.7%

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Mar 28, 2016
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You don't get it do you, I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU CALL IT. Where does the BIBLE call it that?
King David, the man after God's heart dancing naked before Him???? I call fire tunnels as much more self controlled than that? So David must have been wrong, by your judgmental standards. The point I'm making, and you are not getting is, there was no such thing as Sunday school spelled out in scripture. Not being in scripture doesn't make it right and it doesn't make it wrong.

Even that sounds like a religious spirited answer to me also. It also looks like plain old waffling.

We are to judge between error and truth. Call it what you want. All I can say is when someone points out that these things are not biblical and should be treated with caution like fire tunnels, grave soaking, gold dust, and so on the crowd who thinks they are legit also gets quiet nasty. Usually by calling people religious spirits, judgemental, or what ever nasty thing that comes to their mind. None of which they can actually back up with scripture.

Yes, train up a child in the way of the Lord does 100% support the notion of teaching children in whatever setting you want, Sunday school, home, or otherwise. It is not that the thing called sunday school is called out but the principle applied is, that is what you are not getting. To the contrary, lining up people letting everyone lay hands on the as they move through a "fire tunnel" while they laugh uncontrollably, jerk around, fall all over the place is not in the bible period. Self control is a fruit like it or not.
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You don't get it do you, I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU CALL IT. Where does the BIBLE call it that?
King David, the man after God's heart dancing naked before Him???? I call fire tunnels as much more self controlled than that? So David must have been wrong, by your judgmental standards. The point I'm making, and you are not getting is, there was no such thing as Sunday school spelled out in scripture. Not being in scripture doesn't make it right and it doesn't make it wrong.

Even that sounds like a religious spirited answer to me also. It also looks like plain old waffling.

I read a fascinating article by a gifted Christian theologian from Uganda back in 2010 that connects the outpouring of the Holy Spirit with an increased level of real support for the Jewish people.

His ideas sounded logical to me although he did not word them in a way that is at all politically correct.

Do you believe a massive Holy Spirit tsunami is coming?

Is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit coming soon?

  1. We already got it on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
    11 vote(s)
  2. *
    Yes, a MUCH greater outpouring is coming soon!
    37 vote(s)

  3. ! think that things will continue pretty much as they are now!
    12 vote(s)

  4. No, I think that the dark side of the force is taking over until 2nd coming!
    11 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed

Eporu Ronald Alfred

Kakira Deliverance Church,
P.O. Box 3191, Kakira, Jinja, Uganda


Dear brethren,
I salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


I am mesmerized by the truth in bible prophecy that the Spirit of God has been revealing over the recent years. Secret things belong to God and those that are revealed belong to us and our children... (Deut 29: 29).

1. King Cyrus the great ruled his country 555 years Before Christ i.e. from 576 BC to 530 BC and authorised the rebuilding of the second temple in Jerusalem. Cyrus of the Old Testament is hence associated with the number 555 and is the shadow figure of incoming Cyrus II of the New Testament. You may learn more about his history from the internet and scriptures. This new truth enables us to identify the leadership of the world that will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem as prophesied in book of Isaiah before the rise of antichrist. Cyrus II is coming to revive the evangelical/Pentecostal church in Jerusalem and restore the headquarters of the church in same city where the church was born. He is set to strip Babylon of the vessels of the temple and the name of the Lord God and transfer that crown back to Jerusalem thus leaving Babylon naked. Cyrus will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem in fulfilment of the prophecy of Jesus as written in the book of John 2:18-23 and the prophecy of Isaiah as written in chapters 40, 41, 45 and 47 of the book of Isaiah. Jesus regarded the temple as the symbol of his own body while saying that he had the power to lay it down on the first day (1st millennium) and rebuild or raise it up on the 3rd day (3rd millennium). Remember that one day in the eyes of God is the same as one thousand years (millennium) as stated in book of 2 Peter 3:8. Rebuilding of the temple is thus associated with unification of the church.

Cyrus II will rebuild the temple in honour of our lord Jesus Christ. The temple will be the unifying (rallying) point of the world wide evangelical church as the original headquarters of the church. Psalms133 denotes that there is such a powerful anointing that comes along with unity among brethren. Unification of the whole body of Jesus Christ will make the church so powerful that she will overrun the world within a short time before the return of our lord Jesus Christ. A divided church is a powerless church whereas a united church is a powerful church. The church can only be able to fulfil her ultimate mission of revealing Jesus to the world once we get united as one body of Jesus Christ following his last prayer for his disciples as written in John 17:20-23.

Cyrus II will erase that false image of Jesus that the counterfeit and Idolatrous state church of Babylon has been projecting around the world and revive the original church that projects the true brilliant image of Jesus Christ. Haggai 2:9 says that the glory of the latter church (temple) will be greater than the glory of the former church (temple).The rise of Cyrus will also usher in the ultimate fulfilment of the prophecy of Joel 2:28 where God intends to pour out His Spirit on all flesh in these last days. The era of Cyrus brings the gentile period of grace to its close and leads to the restoration of the Jewish period of grace and salvation.

2. King Manasseh was the shadow figure (forerunner) of the antichrist in the Old Testament who ruled over Jerusalem exactly 666 years Before Christ i.e. from 697 BC to 642 BC. (2 chronicle 33: 1-2 and 2 kings 21: 1-17). Antichrist is associated with the number 666 as written in the book of Revelation 13:18. Manasseh was the most evil king to have ever ruled over the city of Jerusalem and kingdom of Judah.

Manasseh is reported to have killed so many innocent people in Jerusalem that the streets of Jerusalem were flowing with blood; he worshiped pagan idols and stars; he built pagan alters for idols and stars in the very courtyards of the temple; he sacrificed his sons to idols; he consulted diviners and mediums; he even set up an abominable pagan image at the temple that causes desolation just as the incoming antichrist will do. It was on that basis that God decided to have that first temple destroyed completely since Manasseh had desecrated it.

3. Prophet Jonah was the shadow figure (forerunner) of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament who undertook his prophetic ministry around 777 B.C. Prophet Jonah is hence associated with the number 777. He arose from the shadow and demise of Prophet Elisha. His preaching radiated such great power and authority that turned the city of Nineveh as the rising super power of that time up side down within 3 days only (read the book of Jonah). Jonah was the prophetic force behind the restoration of the lost territories of Israel in the reign of King Jeroboam II of Israel between 782 BC and 741 BC as written in II Kings 14:25. Jonah related with God more or less as his own father and God loved him more or less as His own son. He volunteered to die save occupants of the ship and was raised to life after three days just like Jesus Christ. Jesus compared himself with Jonah as his forerunner in the Old Testament as far as his earthly ministry, death and resurrection was concerned in Mathew 12; 38-41, Luke 11; 29-32. Jesus will also oversee the restoration of the lost territories of Israel just like prophet Jonah when he comes to rule as the king of kings and Lord of Lords. We can therefore correctly associate Jesus Christ with the number 777 just like Jonah as our commander-in-chief, Lord of the Sabbath and fountain of life.

The more we know where we came from the more we know where we are going. You are cordially invited to visit my face book home page for more information and messages. Feel free to share this truth with other brethren just as I received it free of charge from God.

Your brother in Christ

Eporu Ronald
Scientist & Minister of Bible Prophecy
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One 4 Him & Him 4 all
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Jun 12, 2009
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We are to judge between error and truth.
I believe I am, you just disagree and are failing miserably in even presenting a 'logical' argument based upon your 'bible thumping' authority IMO.

Have any of you naysayers here ever heard a personal 'WORD' from God concerning this whole 'type' of thing? I have, and that's why I'm being so strong concerning your false judgments.

8 years ago 4 of us traveled across the state to go to IHOP in Kansas City. No, not the pancake house, the International House of Prayer.

At the meeting's end, with music playing, they asked for anyone wanting prayer to come up, which I did. By this time many of the 'younger' kids had gotten into the music and were dancing and forming the lines which looked like the person being touched was being electrocuted and 'stuck' to the line which kept getting bigger. So I'm standing by the altar awaiting prayer with my eyes closed when all of a sudden I get bumped pretty good. I kept my eyes closed kind of wishing that other people kept theirs open a bit better. All of a sudden I get another hard bump, upon which I open my eyes to see what the idiot next to me is doing. Well it was the 'electric line' passing by with the last person kind of out of control on the end of a 'crack the whip'. My first thought was, I never felt any electric shock sucking me in, so what's going on here? But, rather than making a religious spirited judgement about it, I went to God early the next morning.

As I prayed (talked WITH God) I felt like His word to me was this; “What you saw was more emotion than spiritual. Co-motion is spirit led and E-motion is just energy in motion. But even the E-motion you saw was OK with Me because its energy was positive and not negative. This leads to positive emotions like love, peace, joy and not negative emotions like anger, bitterness and hurt. Positive leads to life and negative leads to death.”

So I'm hanging my hat on what I 'believe' my heavenly Father wants me to believe, rather than your false judgments....IMO of course.
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I am, you just disagree and are failing miserably in even presenting a 'logical' argument based upon your 'bible thumping' authority.

Have any of you naysayers here ever heard a personal 'WORD' from God concerning this whole 'type' of thing? I have, and that's why I'm being so strong concerning your false judgments.

8 years ago 4 of us traveled across the state to go to IHOP in Kansas City. No, not the pancake house, the International House of Prayer.

At the meeting's end, with music playing, they asked for anyone wanting prayer to come up, which I did. By this time many of the 'younger' kids had gotten into the music and were dancing and forming the lines which looked like the person being touched was being electrocuted and 'stuck' to the line which kept getting bigger. So I'm standing by the altar awaiting prayer with my eyes closed when all of a sudden I get bumped pretty good. I kept my eyes closed kind of wishing that other people kept theirs open a bit better. All of a sudden I get another hard bump, upon which I open my eyes to see what the idiot next to me is doing. Well it was the 'electric line' passing by with the last person kind of out of control on the end of a 'crack the whip'. My first thought was, I never felt any electric shock sucking me in, so what's going on here? But, rather than making religious spirited judgement about it, I went to God early the next morning.

As I prayed (talked WITH God) I felt like His word to me was this; “What you saw was more emotion than spiritual. Co-motion is spirit led and E-motion is just energy in motion. But even the E-motion you saw was OK with Me because its energy was positive and not negative. This leads to positive emotions like love, peace, joy and not negative emotions like anger, bitterness and hurt. Positive leads to life and negative leads to death.”

So I'm hanging my hat on what I 'believe' my heavenly Father wants me to believe, rather than your false judgments....IMO of course.

I have heard that the guy who leads IHOP is so gifted.... that he
put out a message in several states that G.O.P. voters should use paper ballot.......
or their votes would be stolen........
Many Christians in those four states listened to him.........
and those four states assisted Donald J. TRump to become President..........

...... Hillary was shocked.... because the Soros voter programs pretty much assured her those four states.........

The only reason why I know about this is because since the year 2000 my gifted Pentecostal wife has me in contact with gifted people that I never would have know if it were not for her.......
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One 4 Him & Him 4 all
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Jun 12, 2009
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I have heard that the guy who leads IHOP is so gifted.... that he
put out a message in several states that G.O.P. voters should use paper ballot.......
or their votes would be stolen........
Many Christians in those four states listened to him.........
and those four states assisted Donald J. TRump to become President..........

...... Hillary was shocked.... because the Soros voter programs pretty much assured her those four states.........

The only reason why I know about this is because since the year 2000 my gifted Pentecostal wife has me in contact with gifted people that I never would have know if it were not for her.......
Over the years I've heard a number of 'nationally' recognized leaders in the church speak very highly of Mike Bickle. But I've only made it to Kansas City a small number of times over the years for conferences there. One time I actually met him in a hallway coming out of the elevator, by himself, and we talked for a few minutes until he reached his destination. I believe the topic was 'fasting', as I recall. :rolleyes:
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Jul 16, 2017
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You mean Mike Bickle who admits with a smile that 80% of their so called prophecies are false? What's the allowance for false prophecies from prophets in the Bible? Zero. The same Mike Bickle involved with the Kansas city prophets? Have you ever read about the false teachers involved with that group?

I was a pentecostal for 28 of my 36 years alive. Thank God he delivered me from the whole system.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
I haven't seen anything even remotely like it in about a decade.
Hopefully you won't any more.
The key to making this as easy as possible ..... is HUMILITY!
Or GULL-ibility. In deception, in errors, counterfeit, false, misleading.

Without simple faith and obedience, too much "strange" fire (forbidden, deadly).
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Jul 16, 2017
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Hillsage, if you're going to hold someone to 1 Corinthians, then make sure your camp is also following its instruction. Does anyone speak in tongues if their is no interpreter? Does only one speak in tongues at a time? Does anyone speak in tongues after the third person already did? Do women do it?

Also, the Corinthian church was not one to be copied. Paul was correcting their sin, not praising it.
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Dec 14, 2010
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Lord whatever your doing in this season don’t do it without me a song I love.thank you DennisTate and Hillsage. I felt like most of the others here years ago till I was in an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in a tent Revival I was in my swimming shorts and a Tee Shirt and was led down the street to the tent Revival I had been working in my garden all sweaty but I obeyed the Spirit and went and there it
was I had been told by someone else that it wasn’t there a few hours earlier so I went past it and drove back past it and was heading home but didn’t make it I turned around and went back and went and sat in the back all sweaty and dirty and the music was live being an x JW we didn’t do that and we all stood an the preacher invited the Holy Spirit to come and be in the presence of the congregation the tent was rocking with people praising GOD and thanking Jesus for Redeeming them and healing them I was the only Caucasian there The man named Marvin preached and prayed over this woman with a crooked neck which layer on her shoulder and she received healing right on the spot a lady with a bad shoulder
Received healing it was like frozen and he prayed and she could move it a little bit and he prayed and she moved it some more till she was able to use it like the other one then he spoke to others and prophesied over them then he brought me up it was like I had lead in my shoes going up there I
Had felt this way only one othe time which lasted three days and he told me the place where I went to Worship was going to offer me a position and it would come quickly in two weeks I was asked o teach the adult Sunday school class ther is a great deal more my Jesus has done in my life I say LORD whatever your doing in this season don’t leave me out to GOD be all the Glory
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One 4 Him & Him 4 all
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Jun 12, 2009
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You mean Mike Bickle who admits with a smile that 80% of their so called prophecies are false? The same Mike Bickle involved with the Kansas city prophets?

That sounds like the very same Mike to me. BTW how many of yours are false? OH, you don't have ANY, well that sure makes you in the 100% club. I'll pass on your judgment too, thank you.

I was a pentecostal
for 28 of my 36 years alive. Thank God he delivered me from the whole system.
I've heard a lot of butchered testimonies over the years from 'posers' claiming they were a 'whatever'. But those saying "I was a pentecostal" or a "Charismatic" are always the best ones for me though. BTW even my spellcheck capitalizes what you in ignorance left lower case....helps to prove your mental bias IMO.
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Little Lamb
Jul 19, 2017
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Didn't The the Holy Spirit already pour out? Or does He keep being poured out? I always thought after Pentecost He is now available to anyone who believes the Gospel and then dwells with in them?

I have a question about the word revival. Doesnt it mean to revive what is dead or bring back to life?

I don't see in scripture an end time revival( whatever that means)? Correct me if I am in error.
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Jul 16, 2017
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That sounds like the very same Mike to me. BTW how many of yours are false? OH, you don't have ANY, well that sure makes you in the 100% club. I'll pass on your judgment too, thank you.

I've heard a lot of butchered testimonies over the years from 'posers' claiming they were a 'whatever'. But those saying "I was a pentecostal" or a "Charismatic" are always the best ones for me though. BTW even my spellcheck capitalizes what you in ignorance left lower case....helps to prove your mental bias IMO.
You're quite the hostile person. I never said there were no false teachers in my world. YOU said that. Even when false in my world have not been dealt with, I at least quit listening to them myself. However, I would confidently argue that there are more false teachers found in the pentecostal and charismatic churches than most others.

And I wasn't judging you. You were holding someone else to 1 Corinthians. It's best if you do the same for yourself. And growing up pentecostal, I know first hand that those churches do NOT worry about that part of 1 Corinthians. If they did, it would be obvious that they disregard it.

Did you decide I'm lying because I didn't capitalize pentecostal? Yikes. I grew up in the Assemblies of God. Spent middle and high school years in Church of God of Tennessee. After high school and getting married I was back in the Assemblies of God until 28, with about 7 months of Pentecostal Church of God sprinkled in. Both of my grandfathers were pentecostal pastors. Trust me, I have more than enough understanding of Pentecostal and charismatic churches.
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Jul 16, 2017
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Lamb7, everyone who is saved is baptized in the Holy Spirit immediately at conversion. To say that you need more after salvation is to say that the Holy Spirit was insufficient. You are empowered by Him when you read God's Word and spend time in prayer and worship.

You can not be a Christian and not have the Holy Spirit. That's the problem with pentecostal and charismatic teaching. You may spend your whole life trying to attain the Holy Spirit like all these other people around you are getting, but never reach it. And it will torment you. But, if the "seeker" was already saved, they've already had the Holy Spirit the whole time. It's terrible.
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One 4 Him & Him 4 all
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Jun 12, 2009
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Hillsage, if you're going to hold someone to 1 Corinthians, then make sure your camp is also following its instruction. Does anyone speak in tongues if their is no interpreter? Does only one speak in tongues at a time? Does anyone speak in tongues after the third person already did? Do women do it?
I wish you knew how the questions you present simply disqualify you from even judging anything spiritual let alone convincing me of you 'being' an X Pentecostal. But your questions above do indicate that very thing. And if you'd like to ask questions to learn from '69 years alive as Charismatic since 22', I would like to help you.

Also, the Corinthian church was not one to be copied. Paul was correcting their sin, not praising it.
Further proving your scriptural depth of understanding now. Paul never said throw the baby out with the bath water. Indeed after almost a whole chapter of correction he ends with;

1CO 14:39 So, my brethren, earnestly desire to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues; 40 but all things should be done decently and in order.

The problem in these verses being, an "ungifted/unlearned" church with no one speaking in tongues, isn't really well qualified to judge spiritual "decently and in order". Therefore 'dead and deceased' is their judgmental litmus.

Let me explain biblically what you want us to be accountable for and explain the scripture to you in the way you aren't seeing.

1CO 14:27 If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or at most three, and each in turn; and let one interpret. 28 But if there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silence in church and speak to himself and to God.

OK, let twooo or threee speak in a tongue FIRST....and IF IF IF there is no interpreter following those three....then "each of them" should then shut their mouth from speaking out loud to 'the church' and only speak loud enough to speak loud enough in tongues to be heard by them and God. YEP, no problem with that guideline. How about the church you go to? How many speak in tongues in your church...EVER? Please don't say none because that is simply a church full of what the bible says to consider as those who are "ungifted/unlearned" spiritually and if that's the case...qualified for spiritual judgment disqualification...again. That's why when they sneak in they think we're "Mad, drunk". Of course they never accuse us of that, because that's in the bible as being stupid. So they use other terms of judgment like speaking "babble and gibberish". :doh:

Are mistakes still being made by US....you bet! And by YOU GUYS....I believe even more so!!! :oldthumbsup:
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In the beginning was the Word.
Feb 15, 2016
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I wish you knew how the questions you present simply disqualify you from even judging anything spiritual let alone convincing me of you 'being' an X Pentecostal. But your questions above do indicate that very thing. And if you'd like to ask questions to learn from '69 years alive as Charismatic since 22', I would like to help you.

Further proving your scriptural depth of understanding now. Paul never said throw the baby out with the bath water. Indeed after almost a whole chapter of correction he ends with;

1CO 14:39 So, my brethren, earnestly desire to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues; 40 but all things should be done decently and in order.

The problem in these verses being, an "ungifted/unlearned" church with no one speaking in tongues, isn't really well qualified to judge spiritual "decently and in order". Therefore 'dead and deceased' is their judgmental litmus.

Let me explain biblically what you want us to be accountable for and explain the scripture to you in the way you aren't seeing.

1CO 14:27 If any speak in a tongue, let there be only two or at most three, and each in turn; and let one interpret. 28 But if there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silence in church and speak to himself and to God.

OK, let twooo or threee speak in a tongue FIRST....and IF IF IF there is no interpreter following those three....then "each of them" should then shut their mouth from speaking out loud to 'the church' and only speak loud enough to speak loud enough in tongues to be heard by them and God. YEP, no problem with that guideline. How about the church you go to? How many speak in tongues in your church...EVER? Please don't say none because that is simply a church full of what the bible says to consider as those who are "ungifted/unlearned" spiritually and if that's the case...qualified for spiritual judgment disqualification...again. That's why when they sneak in they think we're "Mad, drunk". Of course they never accuse us of that, because that's in the bible as being stupid. So they use other terms of judgment like speaking "babble and gibberish". :doh:

Are mistakes still being made by US....you bet! And by YOU GUYS....I believe even more so!!! :oldthumbsup:

This sounds awfully self-righteous.
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Charismatic Episcopalian
Jun 20, 2017
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Please, do tell me where this 'sound doctrine' is in the bible that says fire tunnels are unsound doctrine? They may be unsound in a mattress Methodist, bedside Baptist or even a Charismatic Episcopalian church but prove that biblically. And I'm not buying the fruit of 'self control' as justification. That excuse is worthless IMO. That's like saying kids just having fun before the Lord aren't as important as old religious codgers to God. :doh:

The Creeds have sound doctrine, in fact we all have to agree to the Nicene Creed to post here. I am not a Bible alone type.If you can show historically from the Fathers were this type of behavior was acceptable than fine.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2016
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I believe I am, you just disagree and are failing miserably in even presenting a 'logical' argument based upon your 'bible thumping' authority IMO.

Have any of you naysayers here ever heard a personal 'WORD' from God concerning this whole 'type' of thing? I have, and that's why I'm being so strong concerning your false judgments.

8 years ago 4 of us traveled across the state to go to IHOP in Kansas City. No, not the pancake house, the International House of Prayer.

At the meeting's end, with music playing, they asked for anyone wanting prayer to come up, which I did. By this time many of the 'younger' kids had gotten into the music and were dancing and forming the lines which looked like the person being touched was being electrocuted and 'stuck' to the line which kept getting bigger. So I'm standing by the altar awaiting prayer with my eyes closed when all of a sudden I get bumped pretty good. I kept my eyes closed kind of wishing that other people kept theirs open a bit better. All of a sudden I get another hard bump, upon which I open my eyes to see what the idiot next to me is doing. Well it was the 'electric line' passing by with the last person kind of out of control on the end of a 'crack the whip'. My first thought was, I never felt any electric shock sucking me in, so what's going on here? But, rather than making a religious spirited judgement about it, I went to God early the next morning.

As I prayed (talked WITH God) I felt like His word to me was this; “What you saw was more emotion than spiritual. Co-motion is spirit led and E-motion is just energy in motion. But even the E-motion you saw was OK with Me because its energy was positive and not negative. This leads to positive emotions like love, peace, joy and not negative emotions like anger, bitterness and hurt. Positive leads to life and negative leads to death.”

So I'm hanging my hat on what I 'believe' my heavenly Father wants me to believe, rather than your false judgments....IMO of course.

IHOP, Bethel, it is all the same. Isn't IHOP the one that propped up the likes of Todd Bently who kicks old lady in the stomach and divorces his wife and marries another woman who he was having an affair with then puts her in ministry....

Maybe someday you will start reading your bible more than seeking signs and emotions. Did ya watch any of the videos I posted? To break this down with a bible study is just too long and I really do not think you are interested in such a thing. For the small amount of scripture I already posted you twist and disregard so I have to believe any further examination of scripture with you would just result in the same.
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One 4 Him & Him 4 all
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Jun 12, 2009
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The Creeds have sound doctrine, in fact we all have to agree to the Nicene Creed to post here. I am not a Bible alone type.If you can show historically from the Fathers were this type of behavior was acceptable than fine.
Already did show you, and used something better than than your source. I used the Bible. And everyone of you ignored the man after God’s heart dancing naked. And I can only imagine what judgments the spiritually “ungifted and unlearned” church of today would declare if those drunk with the spirit should do such an outlandish thing as King David did back then.
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