• With the events that occured on July 13th, 2024, a reminder that posts wishing that the attempt was successful will not be tolerated. Regardless of political affiliation, at no point is any type of post wishing death on someone is allowed and will be actioned appropriately by CF Staff.


  1. GodJesusAndChocolate

    What Are You Currently Reading? ^w^ =3

    Hello my Brothers and Sisters in Christ!! <3 [Hugs] :hug::hug::):):hug::hug::cookie::cookie::coffee::coffee::custard::custard: What are you all currently reading?? ^w^ =3 :):):clap::clap::cheer::cheer::cookie::cookie::coffee::coffee::custard::custard:
  2. AlexB23

    French national library quarantines books believed to be laced with arsenic

    So many of us have probably gotten tired of news about wars, so let's discuss books. A French library found out that some books in the collection, specifically a few from the 1800s were laced with arsenic, a toxic metalloid (partial metal with nonmetal properties, arsenic Wiki Link). Who knew...
  3. Christsfreeservant

    God is in Control

    “Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those...
  4. SamoIsus

    Favourite e-book reader

    What is your favourite e-book reader? I use SumatraPDF for open PDF books, FBReader for epub format and Calibre for epub and some od AZW formats.
  5. SamoIsus

    Convict Conditioning - Paul Wade

    Do you heard for fitness program "Convict Conditioning"? This is one of the best fitness program in the world, created by ex-prisoner Paul Wade (pseudonim). There are progressions, ideal for beginners and advanced. I am still on the Level 1. Here are pictures/covers of all his books and...
  6. SamoIsus

    Recommendation: NIV Life Application Study Bible

    If you like to study Bible every day, bit by bit, I strongly recommend this book: NIV Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition Trusted & Treasured by Millions of Readers over 30 years, the Life Application® Study Bible Is Today’s #1–Selling Study Bible Now it has been thoroughly updated...
  7. carrico

    Christian Self-Help Books

    Please list the books (besides the Bible) that can help us on our walk with God. Hey, you can even post that book in the Bible that you felt changed your life! I am looking for it all- topics, growth, and devotionals! I would love to read more in 2023. This is a thread for us all to contribute...
  8. M

    Wonderful new book of Christian Crosswords and Word Puzzles!

    Biblical crossword puzzles and word puzzles. A fun and challenging and wonderful way to get to know the Word of God. This book is for Sunday Schools, for students in Faith Based schools, and for all ages. For Pastors and everyone who loves the Word of God, and puzzles. Enjoy. It's available at...
  9. solomonhall201

    Crucifying The New Age Idea of Self-Love...

    Honestly, at this point in our day and generation, it is so fair to say that the concept of information overload is definitely upon us and not necessarily for the better of humanity and history. I fell victim to a lot of the things that new age theology and spirituality consists of because...
  10. bèlla

    Reading Nook

  11. look4hope

    Right this minute sleepless in NJ

    2:38am. If you’re having trouble sleeping...I’m here for some random talk. Chat. Jokes? Music? I’m not really good talking politics but hey...this late at night, politics could turn interesting- dare I say fun!? :eek: Let’s not push it. Listening to jaymes young. Have a copy of Romeo and...
  12. look4hope

    Right this minute

    2:38am. If you’re having trouble sleeping...I’m here for some random talk. Chat. Jokes? Music? I’m not really good talking politics but hey...this late at night, politics could turn interesting- dare I say fun!? :eek: Let’s not push it. Listening to jaymes young. Have a copy of Romeo and...
  13. BrAndreyu

    The Life of St. Francis of Assisi (St. Bonaventure)

    I'm currently reading this now and am about 58 pages in. It's kind of a difficult read because the language & prose is very archaic, but so far it's a good book and I have learned more about St. Francis than I previously knew and I thought that I knew quite a bit. Dude was pretty hardcore in his...
  14. F

    Discussion about if entertainment can be a sin

    I can't help myself and stop thinking about it, even though I already got into a conclusion for it, I keep questioning myself "what if your conclusion is ok for you but wrong for God?"... maybe this is because of my frequent OCD and intrusive thoughts...? So, the point is: can...
  15. bèlla

    Credo Courses

    Does anyone have firsthand experience with Credo Courses products or familiarity with the owner? I stumbled onto the website and it looks interesting. Thanks! Yours in His Service, ~bella
  16. Zachary Elroy

    Books to read

    Besides the Bible of course, does anybody have recommendations of Christian books to read? I just finished reading a book called It's Rigged in Your Favor (https://amzn.to/2HGMLnF) by Kevin Zadai and I thought it was absolutely amazing. Does anybody know of books like this they can recommend?
  17. justanothergurl

    I Return With Treasure!

    Good day everyone! I haven't been here in quite a bit. I use to post under the name, "Beloved". A lot has changed since I've been here last, which I hope to share! Let me start off by introducing you to Professor Fulton Brown: Rachel Fulton Brown She is a marvelous Christian Professor! Right...
  18. Broken Fence


    I know of book of life, and book of remembrance. Do we know of any other books that will be opened in heaven?
  19. HopelessHaze

    {MOVED} A List of Websites for finding the cheapest price for a Christian Book!

    5 Best Websites for Cheap Books | The Road to Emmaus | Christian Blog A list of five really helpful websites. I like Bookfinder the best personally, but the others are helpful too!
  20. TCB Christian

    Best Books on Evangelism

    Hey guys, I was wondering what your favorite books on Evangelism have been? I've read a few that I found really interesting. Here's my list: Chasing The Dragon (Jackie Pullinger) Capturing a Town for Christ (Elmer Towns) Mere Christianity (C.S. Lewis) Changing the World Through Discipleship...