
  1. Mark Quayle

    Free Will, Predestination and Time

    I'm posting this under Kitchen Sink, because I want those not claiming Christianity to be able to contribute. Within what I say here, I want it understood, though, that I am assuming the meaning of 'God' to be, among other things, the absolute Omnipotent, a person, (i.e. not a mere mechanical...
  2. L

    Wife wants divorce over money

    Hi forum, My wife asked me to pay a $15 wifi bill on my way to work this morning. I was already running late and didn't have time to stop, so I asked her to pay it or to wait until I returned so I could pay it. She's upset to the point of telling her whole family that I'm charging her and...
  3. Mark Quayle

    You would be hard pressed to win a debate with a madman!

    In the same way that our humanity and experiences color the way we think, our language does also. People think more differently from each other than most of us realize. Lately I've noticed that whole threads are full of people talking past each other because they simply don't think alike...
  4. B

    Having relationship issues, need advice.

    Me (M 19) and my girlfriend (20) have been dating for 3 years. I know we’re pretty young, but we have an apartment together in Los Angeles. I’m a Lutheran and conservative. She’s a pagan and liberal. We’ve known throughout our relationship that we have different views on religion and...
  5. _____a_____

    Video: Randomness vs Evolution

    Hello! I've been working on other things for a few months. Some of you may remember me from my notorious thread asking Christians whether or not they believe in evolution. I am not here to deconvert you. There is no possible way for me to convince you of anything because you will simply dismiss...
  6. devolved

    Pragmatic Argument for God's existense

    I've been re-formulating the argument for a while, but it goes: 1) There's no viable means around Agrippa's Trilemma as means to justify our justifications apart from three possible scenarios. We either: a) Go into regression of justifying the justifications b) Resort to...
  7. J

    Boyfriend Struggles

    Hi everyone, This is my first time posting like this. I'd just really like some advice or help in my current relationship issues. I have had a boyfriend for over 9 months who I love very much. We are hoping to get married sometime in the next few years. However, recently a couple of issues have...
  8. Tetra

    The Existence of God & The Kalam Cosmological Argument

    One of my favorite arguments has always been the Kalam cosmological argument. Whatever begins to exist has a cause The universe began to exist Therefore, the universe has a cause Some may know of it, some may not, but it's a simple argument that when combined with others... can be quite...
  9. Tetra

    The "Original Design / Plan" Argument & Why It's Irrelevant

    The "Original Design / Plan" Argument & Why It's Irrelevant (Note: I'm speaking of a specific form of the argument) I've heard this argument growing up, but it seems to be popping up in my life a lot lately, so I thought I'd discuss it a bit. The argument is typically used when discussing...