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  1. D

    starting a Bible-discussion account on youtube soon, tell me what you think of this one, discussion on Genesis 4

    Some of you might have seen me post this before but I just noticed that I don't think I posted this at the proper section. So I am posting this again. Read below: I decided to start my own ministry account on Youtube. It will consist of interviews I will take from different people that have...
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    beginnings of my Apologetics videos

    I'm thinking of doing an apologetics youtube page in the future. I plan to interview friends who are good at evangelism and also different ministers. I started out interviewing one of my friends who is good at witnessing. This is just a trial to see how it is like. I uploaded it on youtube and...
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    Question about this one Christian shirt

    I have a question about the T-shirt that says “I can’t, but I know a guy.” Just simply, what does it mean?
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    Is this a rare talent for a female?

    I have a sister in Christ that has shared with me many times on how to answer nonbelievers who debate you with questions challenging Christianity. In all of the Christians I have met (without counting pastors or anyone with official ministry position), I haven’t found anyone else who has shared...
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    Question on independent Baptists

    I married an independent Baptist woman and I have a question because of that. First let me tell you how we are. On Sundays we go to an independent Baptist church because that’s her background. And then after that that’s when we go to a church which is not independent Baptist. I recognize she...
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    issue about salvation and the devil

    This is really a question regarding spiritual gifts. But instead of posting it in the "gifts" section, I am posting it here because it is Apologetics related. I am sharing a Zoom video conversation i had with a friend. She usually has ways of answering Apologetics questions. I brought up the...
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    is this a special gift or a special talent?

    Is this an example of a gift? A female friend tends to elaborate on bible passages when we happen to talk about them. Though preaching may not be a gift for females according to the Bible, I just have the impression that teaching can be a gift to select females as long as its not in the pulpit...
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    do you see this gift in a woman often?

    My female friend seems to have a gift that I don't see in may ladies. She has capabilities of analysis in bible reasoning. One time we talked about the case on whether the refugees should be admitted in or not, and she had a long explanation. I had it taped, i uploaded it below. Tell me if...
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    is this ok if you are in a relationship?

    When I had my ex, a close sister in Christ texted me asking if i wanna read the Bible with her later in the day. I made an excuse of being busy because I didn't know if that was right. Well I am not in a relationship right now, but in the future, incase my sister in Christ asks me again to do...
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    refugees issue

    I had a talk with a friend who disagreed with me regarding the refugees story. She thinks its a christian duty to allow them in but I said that we need to use wisdom even though evangelization is possible. But what do you guys think?
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    debate i had with a friend regarding Harry Potter

    I had a little disagreement convo with a friend of mine regarding Harry Potter. She likes it but I don't agree with it.It turned into a debate, and I video taped it while she was on speaker phone. The reason I taped it is because I wanna review the talk later on and see to make sure i understood...
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    is this worth to be on youtube?

    Yesterday me and some people from church went witnessing during Chinese New Year parade. I talked to one guy who believes more in the Hebrew Israelite teaching, one of those hard to answer. Then one of our members came along and started talking to him too. I videotaped the convo only to pretty...
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    talent to reason?

    my ex and i hung out one time during halloween month. We dont support halloween, but i decided to play a debate game and pretend i like halloween and i wanted to see how she reasons against it. She doesnt think she has talents for debating, but i notice over the years i been with her that she...
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    advice on a crush, just a simple one

    I have a close sister in Christ who i kinda like. We had started becoming friends just recently. Lately when we talk on FB, she calls me brother when we say goodbye. At first I thought maybe she might like me since she allows me to call her on FB phone, and later in the week she approved to even...
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    is this rare talent to have for a christian girl?

    how often do you find women that have strong points in the area of scripture reasoning? A female friend of mine is good at such thing, and i dont see her level so common among females, its mostly men for what i have seen. I asked her one of those questions that people use to discredit God and...
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    does this throw a girl or woman off?

    about 4 years ago, there was a lady that used to attend our church. She was 47 that time and I was 28 (I'm now 32 and she is 51). Well she isn't in my church anymore and we haven't seen each other for so long now. But there's just one thing I am wondering about what happened. I will tell you the...
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    sermon on Supreme Court ruling (other sins too)

    sharing a sermon on the Supreme Court ruling on same sex marriage. This is something every pastor or anyone desiring to be a pastor should see, well I recommend it to anyone even if you are not desiring to have any leadership position. Please share this with your pastor if you would, and see...
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    Was this ethical or not?

    I have something to ask about a close female Christian friend. First let me tell the information before I ask my question. Me and her have a long history of friendship. We often discussed the Bible intelligently with each other. Now 5 years ago she used to be in a relationship, which was short...
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    About taking philosophy in college

    Is this a good idea if you want to take such class for fun? A brother in church told me that he would stay away from it if he was me. But for me I just think it should be okay as long as you don't let it compete with the Bible. What do you guys think? I know everyone has a different take on...
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    evangelism clip, what do u think?

    I don't know if this is right area to post this but this is regarding talents. My church recently had an out reach with a few members. One of our members had an encounter with two atheists and I decided to video tape her witnessing because I think that others might be able to use it if they...