Please Answer: I'm Having Doubts


anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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Chicken Little

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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so I think
I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could dissolve my doubts, by answering the question of who the one-eyed shepherd is from the book of Zechariah.

I have been up all night, since I found these two verses in relation to an Islamic end-time prophecy:

“Woe to the worthless shepherd,
Who leaves the flock!
A sword shall be against his arm
And against his right eye;
His arm shall completely wither,
And his right eye shall be totally blinded.” (Zechariah 11:17)

“'Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd,
Against the Man who is My Companion,'
Says the Lord of hosts.
'Strike the Shepherd,
And the sheep will be scattered;
Then I will turn My hand against the little ones.'" (Zechariah 13:7)

I've read multiple commentaries that say Zechariah 11 is about the antichrist, but Zechariah 13 is about Christ, since He quoted it about Himself, and God says the Shepherd is His companion.

I have multiple problems with this. The shepherd is either:
1. Christ
2. The Antichrist
3. Neither

If the shepherd is Christ, why does God call Him "worthless, idol, vain, false"?
If the shepherd is the Antichrist, why would Jesus quote that verse about Himself? Wouldn't that mean He is the Antichrist and a false shepherd?
And if the answer is neither, then who is it talking about.

In the Islamic end-time prophecy, there is a man called the Dajjal (antichrist), who is said to have one eye (a left one), and will lead people astray by performing miracles.
According to , these are the things written about him.
  • He will emerge between Shaam and Iraq, and his emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan at a place called Judea.
  • The Yahudis (Jews) of Isfahaan will be his main followers.
  • Apart from having mainly Jewish followers, he will have a great number of women followers as well.
  • He will have with him fire and water, but in reality the fire will be cold water while that what appears to be cold water will in reality be a blazing fire.
  • Those who obey him will enter "his Heaven" while those who disobey him will enter "his Hell."
  • There will be a thick fingernail-like object in his left eye.
  • The letters "Kaa" "Faa" "Raa" ( Kafir which means "unbeliever") will appear on his forehead and will be deciphered by all Muslims regardless of them being literate or not.
  1. He will have a wheatish complexion.
  • He will travel at great speeds and his means of conveyance will be a gigantic mule. It is said that he will play beautiful music which will attract the music lovers.
  • Dajjal will lay claim to prophethood.
  • He will then lay claim to Divinity.
  • He will perform unusual feats.
  • He will travel the entire world. He will send down rains upon those who believe in him, which in turn will cause good crops to grow, trees to bear fruit and cattle to grow fat.
  • He will cause drought to those who disbelieve in him, resulting in starvation and hardship for them.
  • During those trying times the Muslims will satiate their hunger through the recitation of Subhanallah and La'ilaha Ilallahu.
  • The hidden treasures will spill forth at his command. He will stay on this Earth for a period of forty days; the length of the first day will be one year, the second day will be equal to one month, the third day will be equal to a week and the remaining days will be normal.
  • He will be unable to enter Mecca because the angels will be guarding the Holy City and nor will he be able to enter Medina because there will be angels guarding each of the seven entrances to Medina; From Medina he will proceed towards Shaam where Imaam Mahdi (the Muslim messiah) will be stationed.
  • Finally Isa (A.S.) (the Muslim Jesus) will descend from the heavens and pursue him and eventually kill him at present day Lydda (Baad Lud).
I partially think the person they are describing is the Christian Jesus, since he will say he is a prophet and God, while performing miracles, but they say their Jesus (the Christian False Prophet) will kill him. If the prophet is the Christian Jesus, He wouldn't be able to be killed, so now again, I think the one-eyed shepherd is someone completely other than the Christian Christ or Antichrist. He must be someone completely different.

Before I go any further into questioning, I feel like I should explain what I have been going through the past six months. When I first became Christian, I was apart of a cult, which I didn't realize was a cult until I recieved the Holy Spirit. The pastor I was under claimed to be a prophet and the 3rd Elijah prophesied in the Book of Malachi. He performed a lot of miracles but was always asking for money and cursing people who didn't agree with him. He was very cruel, calling people stupid and telling them to die, so I could see that he definitely didn't have the fruit of the Spirit.I left there and after a year, met a guy who I became friends with. He started telling me about his church and a prophetess he was under who gave a lot of new revelations. She told them what the "true" name of Jesus and God were and told them to only pray to that name, she isolated them from anyone who didn't agree with her, and said Jesus told them to kill those people. He said he has seen signs from her, such as healing miracles, people turned to werewolves, floods, and people coming up missing. I told him he was in a cult and he got mad at me. We stopped talking after many arguments about it, but I was experiencing a lot of false signs trying to convince me that she is a true prophet of God. I felt something like a snake crawling in my brain, and had many headaches after that. I started seeing signs of scriptures condemning my unbelief and hearing a lot of sermons that seemed to tell me I was wrong, even though I knew I was right about her, and memorized multiple scriptures that she contradicted in her teachings.

I have been seeing images of eyes, and false gods(egyptian, hindu, Shiva, etc.) appearing everywhere for the past few months, although there are no more signs trying to convince me she is a prophet. I have had satanic dreams trying to convince me that I'm evil, a reincarnated being, or showing me occult/illuminati symbols. I feel that my faith is being tested, and the devil is doing whatever he can to turn me away from God. A few weeks ago, I prayed asking God to show me the truth, and the face of Jesus appeared on the door on the room I was in, but both His eyes were closed like they are on the Shroud of Turin(that's actually what the image looks like on my door). A few days ago, I was looking the image again, and was thinking it was weird that the eyes weren't open, and right when I was thinking that a left eye appeared on the face on the door, but it was small and angry looking and looked evil. So was disturbed and considered the whole thing to be another false sign from Satan, but now I found these verses in Zechariah and the Islamic end time prophecies, and I don't know what to think.

False signs appear frequently, now, since I came out of the Word of Faith Movement. The movement believes that we can speak life into existence just like God can, and focuses on making declarations and decrees and reciting Bible verses to get what we want. It isn't any different than the law of attraction, and how wiccans perform spells. I know this because I used to read a book on gemstones and Bible Spells. Whenever I think something, good or bad, I tend to see an image related to it a few seconds later. I used to think God was speaking to me and giving me confirmation of things, but now I know I opened a door to false signs by practicing false doctrines for so long.

So I don't know what to think of these prophecies. Besides having the one-eye, the shepherd is also supposed to have one arm, but that isn't mentioned in Islam. On the other hand, none of the apostles ever said anything about Jesus only having one eye when He rose from the dead. There is also nothing about a one-eyed adversary in any of the other end time prophecies (Isaiah, Daniel, Revelation, etc.), so I also think the one eye-antichrist is specific to Islam, and has nothing to do with Christianity, since the verse never says it is talking about the antichrist, but is the interpretation of some theologists.

I am earnestly seeking answers, and I hope someone can answer this for me. Also please pray that all the deception I have endured lately, will end soon and God will deliver me and show me truth. It is much appreciated. Thank you, all, in advance.

First honey don't listen to people or other peoples prophesies except those in the Bible until you find his prophesies were and are true.. just don't listen to others. and don't listen to even me or anyone . SO being faithful to me or anyone else on this planet is not being faithful to him. and we have to be faithful to him.
second this is my opinion.. take it for what it is worth or leave it.. but remember it and remember most of the things folks will offer you. In that verse Jesus is quoting that scripture to poke the pharisee in the eye so to speak.. and it will also poke a lot of unbelievers in the eye someday soon. so if you are a believer and know His word and know Him and His Work and His fingerprints thus know where he has been , and his life and him. then nothing can take you away except that you take the mark of the beast because you feared men more than God.

yes the evil shephards will cut off ( THEIR ) right hand and poke out their own right eye and that is what non believers who will have to do to enter his kingdom after stuff in REV starts and they realize He is real and stuff is getting realer and freakiest and they come to the realization that their mind was way too tiny to judge right and wrong for themselves because themselves had full deceived themselves . so yes there will be pastors and yes thus shepherds who don't really believe in God now or his word that will have to poke out their right eyes and cut off their right hands and cut everything else that might offend God that they have been playing with . and they will see how many they lead off into the pit and really repent . they will cut their stuff off just to enter his kingdom. then just repentance and faith won't be enough. not then .
they will have to do a Work.. and Good work. so that is what I think that verse is talking about.. and it coming soon.
it is called Biometrics and a one world government is sneaking up quick. .

I guess I have decided that I'll let them have my whole ugly old body and they can kill it or whatever ... but I don't want cut off my own parts!! that really don't sound like fun! I like the miserable parts I got so I think I will try and keep them all together as long as I can. :p
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Sep 24, 2010
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Wow. 99% of the posts in this thread should begin with IMO.

Well...... some of them shouldn't have begun in the first place.

Imaginery answers to Amina's original heart-breaking post go nowhere.

Amina, in addition to avoiding the word-faith movement, stay away from all those cults that have a "new revelation" or who are drowning in heretical misinterpretation, who look to UFOs and mystic appearances for truth. That stuff denies the presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of each Believer. See John 14:6, John 3:16-17, John 3:3, John 5:24, and then turn to Romans 10:8-13.

Use that site ( for the various translations of the Christian Covenant as presented by the Apostle Paul, after he was called by Jesus in Acts 9. Skip Acts chapters 1 through 8. Paul writes a portion of Acts, then Romans through Philemon.

Here is a copyrighted song I wrote, all rights reserved:


Wash away the thoughts inside
That keep me drifting and confused
No more fear, nothing to hide
At peace in me because of You.

Love is all You ask of me
Nothing special I must do
I live my life within Your Grace
No more running an empty race.

Tears of joy, not despair
Hearing You inside my prayers
When the outside comes it goes
Nothing halts Your inward flow.

Holy Spirit, You are my Guide
Grace and Love in me abide.
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Feb 21, 2014
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I believe that the devil works best in people who do not literally read the Bible and look for metaphores everywhere in the Bible. The Bible is a living word and God will speak to us through that word. We may have a question or problem of such and pray to our Lord and then read some scripture and then He answers answers your question though said word. You go back to that same scripture and read it later on in life and it will not (in most cases) have the same meaning then and not the same as the answer you were given at the time you needed Gods comfort or words. If you notice, God never says; Come to me and show me how intellegent you are and I will be amazed. He says just the opposite.

Come to me as a child...
Matt 18:2-4

2 He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3 And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Therefore, I would say that digging too deep into a word and what that word may mean in french is a waste of time. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His truth and believe He will reveal it. Remember; if the end result is good, it is of God. If the end result is bad, it is of the Devil... Following people is usually always bad... Following the Bible is always good...
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Amina Brown

Jun 18, 2015
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The Muslim prophecies will be fulfilled, probably to the letter, but only to deceive people. In other words, some "dajjals" are decoy antichrists.

"Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand." (Matthew 24:23-25)

I definitely agree with your views on decoy christs and antichrists.There are religions that believe the god Apollo will return in the last days and be a savior to humanity, but he is the antichrist. The Book of Revelation says the name of the dragon who was cast to the earth was named Apollyon in Greek, but Abaddon in Hebrew. Apollyon is Apollo (just like Babylon is Babel).

New Age religions also have a messiah, and pretty much all pagan religions. I don't believe that people were just sitting around making up lies, as Douggg suggests. The stories are too similar, which was the ultimate plan of Satan from the beginning. People are starting to say that all gods are basically the same god, but we just call them by different names. That is lie, but many people will believe it when the antichrist shows up and starts doing false signs. There will be a one world system and religion, and anyone who doesn't follow it will be persecuted.

Muhammad was a Christian, but he was illiterate which meant he never read the Bible. He said an angel(Gabriel) appeared to him and took him to heaven, and that angel was the one telling him what to do, and what to write in the Quran. Muslims believe in the Quran because Muhammad was illiterate when he wrote it. In witchcraft and new age that would be called "automatic handwriting". Some people practice sorcery like that when they want to contact the dead and have that person write a message through them, but truly, they are contacting demons, and demons are writing through them.

In the Kabbalah, it was prophesied that the true name of Satan is actually the reversed name of God. It turns out if you spell Yahweh in Hebrew, flip it upside down and reverse it, the letters look like Arabic and spell "Allah". I was disturbed when I found this out, so prayed about it, and the Holy Spirit answered me almost immediately. He reminded me of how I used to play with divination like tarots and runes, and asked what it meant if I drew a card upside down, I answered that the meaning became reversed. Then He asked me what Aleister Crowley said about doing things backwards, and recalled that he said it unlocked powers for the people who did it. That's why Illuminati songs have hidden messages in the music if you play it backwards. Satanists do everything backwards (walking, talking, singing, writing, etc.) because Crowley taught them it would unlock powers. That is the basically all witchcraft is, taking things out of their natural order and purpose. That's why God says rebellion is as witchcraft. Satanist believe that demons are attracted to things like that. So Satan(Allah) is just the negative entity of God(Yahweh). Like the Antichrist is opposite to Christ, and the Spirit of Deception is opposite to the Spirit of Truth(the Holy Spirit).

About the false space rapture. I had a dream about two years ago that I was with my cult pastor and we were hiding from the government. We were inside a large white room, and outside I saw a spaceship. I was standing next to a trashcan with piles of cash thrown into it, and the face on the dollar bill was of an African American man wearing a crown. My pastor started trying to convince me that we needed to go get a chip in our hand to "sneak" past government authorities, but I didn't want too. After that dream,I took it as a sign from God, and left the church I was in.

Aliens are just demons, and I'm pretty sure the elite know that. You made a reference to the last Transformers movie. There is actually scene in the movie where a robot loses one eye(his right one), and climbs on top of a pyramid. Horus, an ancient Egyptian God was said to have lost his right eye in a fight, and the symbol of his eye is all over media and government logos, even on the back of the dollar bill. Most of the people high up in government are Masons and Luciferians, who work for and communicate with false gods(demons). I watched a video just last week which was a compilation of multiple presidents and world leaders saying in their speeches that if some "hypothetical" attack by aliens were to happen, it would be good for America because the whole planet would put aside their differences and band together for a "one world order". Their plans have been clear from the beginning. They are going to stage a false alien attack to make people join together against it and "defeat it", and by doing so, we will have one government and one ruler, which is the New World Order, and that ruler will display some power to make himself out to be a god. Everyone will worship him, which will be the one world religion, but as if that isn't enough there will still be minor false christs walking around while the major false christ is in power. It will definitely confuse people who don't know their Bible.

This image of a one-eyed, left-eyed Messiah is prevalent in the occult.

Even in the movie "The Passion"

Jesus gets repeatedly beaten in the face by Caiphas' guards, and for the rest of the movie, after that, He never opens His right eye again. I don't know what the significance of the one eye is, really, but it seems very prevalent in media, now that I think about it.

Eminem is holding a dagger to his right eye which is lined with eyeliner, just like Horus was blinded in his right eye.


Katy Perry is holding the symbol of the eye of Horus over her left eye.

Even Mel Gibson's logo for Icon Productions is the image of a left eye.

The movie also ends with a close-up on Jesus' bare buttocks at His resurrection. I'm sure this wasn't coincidental at all, occultists like to put symbols in their work as a message to other occultists to let them know they produced it, just like the one-eyed robot on the pyramid in Transformers. If there really is a one-eyed dajjal, he will most likely be the god(demon) named Horus who some people expect to return to the earth. Horus is also Apollo/Satan, Osiris, and Ra.

I guess, all in all, we really don't need to know anything except that Jesus will return with a splitting sky, riding on the wings of angels, and a white horse, on Mt. Zion, and every eye will see Him. If every sign is not in play, we shouldn't follow that person.
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Aug 5, 2012
near Olympic National Park
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You're thinking way too much and trying to use the passage like a Nostradamus code. Go back to the ordinary reading of OT history by the apostles like Acts 2-3's sermons or 13's or the declarations of 26. Our ambassadorship is explained in 2 Cor 5. Enough on this.
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Chicken Little

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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I love that you are searching for him everywhere . do keep your eyes open and know his finger prints ( history and his voice current) .
I have to say that my son had the same kind of space ship dream . so sure somethings is most likely up with that concept sometime.
Obviously you are not sleeping though this and looking for him is which is good.
my caution is I don't think we need to know what the enemies strategy is.

it is more important that we know what God's strategy is. and what his strategy is for me to do in that time! that is what I have to know ( it is the 10 virgins the oil in the lamps) that time is yet t come and it is the race , the starting gun has not gone off yet and people think they are finished with the race. we have to know his strategy for us to do in that time. and you can only get that information from him no one else .
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Mar 15, 2015
I guess, all in all, we really don't need to know anything except that Jesus will return with a splitting sky, riding on the wings of angels, and a white horse, on Mt. Zion, and every eye will see Him. If every sign is not in play, we shouldn't follow that person.

Love the conclusion. In this we find peace. :)

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My dog Micah in the pic
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Jul 3, 2012
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I would greatly appreciate it if anyone could dissolve my doubts, by answering the question of who the one-eyed shepherd is from the book of Zechariah.

I have been up all night, since I found these two verses in relation to an Islamic end-time prophecy:

“Woe to the worthless shepherd,
Who leaves the flock!
A sword shall be against his arm
And against his right eye;
His arm shall completely wither,
And his right eye shall be totally blinded.” (Zechariah 11:17)

“'Awake, O sword, against My Shepherd,
Against the Man who is My Companion,'
Says the Lord of hosts.
'Strike the Shepherd,
And the sheep will be scattered;
Then I will turn My hand against the little ones.'" (Zechariah 13:7)

I've read multiple commentaries that say Zechariah 11 is about the antichrist, but Zechariah 13 is about Christ, since He quoted it about Himself, and God says the Shepherd is His companion.

I have multiple problems with this. The shepherd is either:
1. Christ
2. The Antichrist
3. Neither

If the shepherd is Christ, why does God call Him "worthless, idol, vain, false"?
If the shepherd is the Antichrist, why would Jesus quote that verse about Himself? Wouldn't that mean He is the Antichrist and a false shepherd?
And if the answer is neither, then who is it talking about.

In the Islamic end-time prophecy, there is a man called the Dajjal (antichrist), who is said to have one eye (a left one), and will lead people astray by performing miracles.
According to , these are the things written about him.
  • He will emerge between Shaam and Iraq, and his emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan at a place called Judea.
  • The Yahudis (Jews) of Isfahaan will be his main followers.
  • Apart from having mainly Jewish followers, he will have a great number of women followers as well.
  • He will have with him fire and water, but in reality the fire will be cold water while that what appears to be cold water will in reality be a blazing fire.
  • Those who obey him will enter "his Heaven" while those who disobey him will enter "his Hell."
  • There will be a thick fingernail-like object in his left eye.
  • The letters "Kaa" "Faa" "Raa" ( Kafir which means "unbeliever") will appear on his forehead and will be deciphered by all Muslims regardless of them being literate or not.
  1. He will have a wheatish complexion.
  • He will travel at great speeds and his means of conveyance will be a gigantic mule. It is said that he will play beautiful music which will attract the music lovers.
  • Dajjal will lay claim to prophethood.
  • He will then lay claim to Divinity.
  • He will perform unusual feats.
  • He will travel the entire world. He will send down rains upon those who believe in him, which in turn will cause good crops to grow, trees to bear fruit and cattle to grow fat.
  • He will cause drought to those who disbelieve in him, resulting in starvation and hardship for them.
  • During those trying times the Muslims will satiate their hunger through the recitation of Subhanallah and La'ilaha Ilallahu.
  • The hidden treasures will spill forth at his command. He will stay on this Earth for a period of forty days; the length of the first day will be one year, the second day will be equal to one month, the third day will be equal to a week and the remaining days will be normal.
  • He will be unable to enter Mecca because the angels will be guarding the Holy City and nor will he be able to enter Medina because there will be angels guarding each of the seven entrances to Medina; From Medina he will proceed towards Shaam where Imaam Mahdi (the Muslim messiah) will be stationed.
  • Finally Isa (A.S.) (the Muslim Jesus) will descend from the heavens and pursue him and eventually kill him at present day Lydda (Baad Lud).
I partially think the person they are describing is the Christian Jesus, since he will say he is a prophet and God, while performing miracles, but they say their Jesus (the Christian False Prophet) will kill him. If the prophet is the Christian Jesus, He wouldn't be able to be killed, so now again, I think the one-eyed shepherd is someone completely other than the Christian Christ or Antichrist. He must be someone completely different.

Before I go any further into questioning, I feel like I should explain what I have been going through the past six months. When I first became Christian, I was apart of a cult, which I didn't realize was a cult until I recieved the Holy Spirit. The pastor I was under claimed to be a prophet and the 3rd Elijah prophesied in the Book of Malachi. He performed a lot of miracles but was always asking for money and cursing people who didn't agree with him. He was very cruel, calling people stupid and telling them to die, so I could see that he definitely didn't have the fruit of the Spirit.I left there and after a year, met a guy who I became friends with. He started telling me about his church and a prophetess he was under who gave a lot of new revelations. She told them what the "true" name of Jesus and God were and told them to only pray to that name, she isolated them from anyone who didn't agree with her, and said Jesus told them to kill those people. He said he has seen signs from her, such as healing miracles, people turned to werewolves, floods, and people coming up missing. I told him he was in a cult and he got mad at me. We stopped talking after many arguments about it, but I was experiencing a lot of false signs trying to convince me that she is a true prophet of God. I felt something like a snake crawling in my brain, and had many headaches after that. I started seeing signs of scriptures condemning my unbelief and hearing a lot of sermons that seemed to tell me I was wrong, even though I knew I was right about her, and memorized multiple scriptures that she contradicted in her teachings.

I have been seeing images of eyes, and false gods(egyptian, hindu, Shiva, etc.) appearing everywhere for the past few months, although there are no more signs trying to convince me she is a prophet. I have had satanic dreams trying to convince me that I'm evil, a reincarnated being, or showing me occult/illuminati symbols. I feel that my faith is being tested, and the devil is doing whatever he can to turn me away from God. A few weeks ago, I prayed asking God to show me the truth, and the face of Jesus appeared on the door on the room I was in, but both His eyes were closed like they are on the Shroud of Turin(that's actually what the image looks like on my door). A few days ago, I was looking the image again, and was thinking it was weird that the eyes weren't open, and right when I was thinking that a left eye appeared on the face on the door, but it was small and angry looking and looked evil. So was disturbed and considered the whole thing to be another false sign from Satan, but now I found these verses in Zechariah and the Islamic end time prophecies, and I don't know what to think.

False signs appear frequently, now, since I came out of the Word of Faith Movement. The movement believes that we can speak life into existence just like God can, and focuses on making declarations and decrees and reciting Bible verses to get what we want. It isn't any different than the law of attraction, and how wiccans perform spells. I know this because I used to read a book on gemstones and Bible Spells. Whenever I think something, good or bad, I tend to see an image related to it a few seconds later. I used to think God was speaking to me and giving me confirmation of things, but now I know I opened a door to false signs by practicing false doctrines for so long.

So I don't know what to think of these prophecies. Besides having the one-eye, the shepherd is also supposed to have one arm, but that isn't mentioned in Islam. On the other hand, none of the apostles ever said anything about Jesus only having one eye when He rose from the dead. There is also nothing about a one-eyed adversary in any of the other end time prophecies (Isaiah, Daniel, Revelation, etc.), so I also think the one eye-antichrist is specific to Islam, and has nothing to do with Christianity, since the verse never says it is talking about the antichrist, but is the interpretation of some theologists.

I am earnestly seeking answers, and I hope someone can answer this for me. Also please pray that all the deception I have endured lately, will end soon and God will deliver me and show me truth. It is much appreciated. Thank you, all, in advance.
My best advice to you is this...BACK AWAY FROM EVERYTHING you've been taught, and commit to read the bible through in one year.

Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you read the word...but read it chronologically. Here's a good chronological reading plan that takes you through the scriptures in one year:

Chronological reading is an immense help because it is in historical order! Examine the layout of the chronological readings.

1. Start with prayer! The Holy Spirit is our teacher and He will lead you to the truth of scripture

2. Take you own notes and write any questions you have about a passage or passages. As you read many questions will be answered but not all. God's word is too rich for us to get all the's a life long endeavor!

3. Do your own research using helps like

The Holy Spirit will answer your questions but be patient and trust Him to lead you to that which you need. Answers will come.
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Amina Brown

Jun 18, 2015
Marital Status
Yes, I'm the author of the entire post. No one else prepared it for me. Sorry, if the first one and the last one seem out of character. I'm not as bothered anymore, as I was when I made the first post. A lot of the comments you all posted helped a lot.

I love that you are searching for him everywhere . do keep your eyes open and know his finger prints ( history and his voice current) .
I have to say that my son had the same kind of space ship dream . so sure somethings is most likely up with that concept sometime.
Obviously you are not sleeping though this and looking for him is which is good.
my caution is I don't think we need to know what the enemies strategy is.

it is more important that we know what God's strategy is. and what his strategy is for me to do in that time! that is what I have to know ( it is the 10 virgins the oil in the lamps) that time is yet t come and it is the race , the starting gun has not gone off yet and people think they are finished with the race. we have to know his strategy for us to do in that time. and you can only get that information from him no one else .

Thanks, I've been told multiple times, not to focus on the enemy more than God. I don't want to forget that. I'm just trying to stay positive right now, and not be afraid. So far Ephesians is giving me comfort:

"In whom also we have obtained and inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will."(Ephesians 1:11)

"Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;" (Ephesians 6:11-18)

I've been reading that book every night for the past three, nights, now, and it's helping to keep me grounded. I made a list of what is true according to God's Word and why I believe in Jesus, so now I can look at it whenever I start seeing false signs/dreams/visions again. It has helped a lot :)

Along with this verse: " All this trouble is a clear sign that God has decided to make you fit for the kingdom." (2 Thessalonians 1:5 MSG)

I don't read the Message Bible, but I saw this on Pinterest the other day, and found it really encouraging.

Also, a Jewish proverb that goes "gam zu l'tova." which means, "This too is for good." I don't understand why I'm going through everything I'm going through right now, but I know that God does everything according to His will, and "There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD."(Proverbs 21:30)
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Amina Brown

Jun 18, 2015
Marital Status
My best advice to you is this...BACK AWAY FROM EVERYTHING you've been taught, and commit to read the bible through in one year.

Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as you read the word...but read it chronologically. Here's a good chronological reading plan that takes you through the scriptures in one year:

Chronological reading is an immense help because it is in historical order! Examine the layout of the chronological readings.

1. Start with prayer! The Holy Spirit is our teacher and He will lead you to the truth of scripture

2. Take you own notes and write any questions you have about a passage or passages. As you read many questions will be answered but not all. God's word is too rich for us to get all the's a life long endeavor!

3. Do your own research using helps like

The Holy Spirit will answer your questions but be patient and trust Him to lead you to that which you need. Answers will come.

Wow, I had just decided that I wouldn't believe any voice, dream, or vision until I read through the entire Bible again. Thanks for the Bible plan. I was using another Bible in a year plan, but it wasn't chronological it was ordered by the Torah, History, Poetry, Prophets, Gospels, and Epistles. I will switch to the chronological reading plan, since I was told to read it that way a month ago, and am being told again.

Love the conclusion. In this we find peace. :)


Amen, we do :)
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God wins

Jun 4, 2015
Thank you, this made everything soooo much easier to understand! I will be comparing translations more often. I have been reading the KJV, lately, but I sometimes compare it with my ESV translation. Reading from the GNT made the whole chapter way easier to understand. Thank you, again :)
My take is this- the devil is playing with your mind because you are trying to mix Christianity and Islam. Choose one and follow one, they are different through and through.
I would prefer you choose Christianity, concentrate on Jesus and the new testament. And when you have understood Jesus through the Holy Spirit's help, then you can start studying the old testament.
Our God is not an author of confusion.
Just ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to Jesus the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE.
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Amina Brown

Jun 18, 2015
Marital Status
Sister, My take is this- the devil is playing with your mind because you are trying to mix Christianity and Islam.

I am most definitely not trying to mix Christianity and Islam. I don't think there is anyone who is against "Chrislam" and other false religions as I am. I only lined up the prophecies of Islam(which I found unintentionally) to see how if it related to the prophecy of the Bible. I am Christian, and have read the Bible many times over, but tests of my faith still come, as I'm sure it does for everyone.

When I first came to Christ, I was in my last few weeks of World Religions class in college, as I was slowly going from Agnostic to Atheist. I decided one day that I didn't want to go to hell for believing in the wrong thing, and seeing many convincing debates from different religions and hearing everyone religion say to the other, "Our God is right, yours is wrong, and you're going to hell if you don't believe us." I decided that I was going to read every religious text, and study every religion in the world, if need be, to find out what the truth was. But before I read all these books, I prayed a prayer that was something like this:

"I address my prayer to the True God. Whoever is the True God, I only want you to answer my prayer. Please answer me, and don't let me be deceived. People are saying that you are the God of the Bible, other people are saying that you are Jesus, other people say you are Allah or Shiva; but I don't know who's telling the truth. Please tell me the truth. If you are God, I will serve you. If you are Allah, or Shiva, or some other god, please tell me. If I go to hell for believing the wrong thing, it won't be fair, because I asked you to tell me what the truth was. I believe in the Bible, even though I know it seems illogical, but I don't believe that Jesus is Your Son because I don't know how a God could have a Son. The Jews say that He isn't, but a sorcerer. The Christians say He is, and I can't go to heaven unless I believe He is. And the Muslims say He isn't but is only a prophet. I don't know who is telling the truth. Is Jesus Your Son or is He not? I will only believe if You tell me, but I can't believe anything if you don't answer me at all. Please answer me, and only the God who is the True God. Please don't allow anyone to answer except You."

I started reading the Bible after that, starting with the Gospel of Matthew( I could have chosen to study any religious book, but for whatever reason, I specifically chose to read the New Testament Bible, first). I really liked all the things Jesus said and did when I was reading, but I was still worried that He might have been a sorcerer trying to lead people astray. Then I got to a part of the Bible, where the Pharisees were saying just that. They said He was casting out demons by Beelzebub, and He answered by saying if Satan casts out demons, he would be divided against himself, and destroying his own kingdom. I was like :openmouth:, when I read that. I had less doubt after, but I still couldn't believe as much as I wanted too. Then I reached the chapter where a man was asking Jesus to help his demon-possessed son, and Jesus said anything is possible if he believes, then the man cried "I believe. Help my unbelief." When I read that, I put my Bible down, because I could relate so much to that man, but it never occurred to me that I could ask to believe.

So I prayed that same prayer, and said, "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief." And after that I did believe completely in Jesus as the Son of God who died for my sins, and I constantly received revelation of the person of Jesus Christ by relationship with Him through His Holy Spirit, but immediately after I dedicated my whole life to Christ, I would have constant dreams/ night experiences of demons stabbing and torturing me, telling me to turn to Islam, Mormonism, or simply telling me that God/Jesus weren't real. During that day I would see all kinds of signs saying things like "Proof that Jesus isn't the Messiah", "Disproving God", "How to Convert to Islam", "Why I'm an Atheist", Mormon ads, etc. I started to feel like maybe God wasn't leading me to Jesus, afterall, but sending me these signs to correct me, but I reasoned that I was allowed to believe in any religion except Christ, and I wondered why. It's because Christianity is the only religion that saves.

"And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”(Acts 4:12) and after that, I understood, that those signs were not from God, but the enemy, who was trying to discourage me and lead me astray. When I woke up one night to demons threatening and torturing me, telling me how Jesus didn't exist; I told them I didn't care what they did to me, but I wouldn't stop believing in Jesus, not matter what. They left after that, and a lot of my bad dream experiences stopped for a while.

They started again,eventually, but the next time, the enemy's plan wasn't to get me to stop believing in God/Jesus. but to make me believe that he was God/Jesus and Jesus/God was Him. The first way He tried to make me believe this was by showing me the verse where God refers to Satan(at least according to popular interpretation) as the Morningstar, then the verse where Jesus calls Himself the Morningstar in Revelation. I prayed about this and asked God to explain it to me. I told Him, if He didn't I wasn't sure I could believe anything anymore. He answered in a few hours by sending me to a website that explained that the most powerful kings in ancient times were called morningstars, and a morningstar was a king who defeated all other kings in the world at that time, and was the most powerful ruler of the earth. In the time of King Xerxes, He was the morningstar, which is why Esther(Hadassah) became the "east star" after marrying him. Jesus became the Morningstar only after defeating Satan in the Book of Revelation, prior to that, Satan was the god of this world(2 Corinthians 4:4), but had his title taken by Christ after he was defeated. Jesus will be the morning star in the end, because He will have defeated every ruler in the world, and gained authority over the earth.

I have more examples of how the devil had tried to convince me he was God and God was him, but they are too many to get into.This situation of the one-eyed shepherd was just another way of him trying to lead me astray. I know for certain now that Jesus is not one-eyed. That was the enemy's plan of trying to get me to believe in Horus(who is actually Satan) or deny all religion in general. If it turned out that Zechariah 11 was talking about Jesus in context of Zechariah 13 I wouldn't have in Jesus, but considered Him the antichrist, and if that was true I also would have denied God for calling the antichrist his companion. I would have denied Islam as well, since they base their writings on the O&NT(even if it is flawed). By that, I still would not have believed in Satan, but I wouldn't believe in anything.

I'm only explaining my situation to make the point that Satan will attack anyone, and this had been an ongoing thing, in many forms, for me. I don't want anyone to think these things are happening to me because I don't truly believe, or I don't read the Bible enough, or whatever reason.This has been happening since the beginning of my walk. Immediately after I believed, I was attacked through dreams and signs telling me turn away. When I joined my first congregation, it turned out to be a cult. I left and found another, then the pastor turned out to be teaching false doctrine. I tried to find another one, and that pastor turned out to be in false doctrine. I decided that I would settle with fellowship while not attending church, but the Christian friends I made ended up being in cults and false doctrines, introducing me to things that I thought were of God, until I realized they were doing witchcraft and taking verses out of context to support their actions. Right now, I am thankful that God pulled me out all these mountains of apostasy I was in, because it means that I truly am His sheep (reference to the parable of the lost sheep), but I know the schemes to get me away from God and mess with me to the point of fear discouragement will probably not end so quickly.

I am still seeing false signs and images; and new ones are popping up every hour. I don't believe in them anymore, but it is still frustrating to deal with. I went to the bathroom earlier, and saw that left eye looked like it had the eyeliner of the eye of horus on it. I rubbed of easily, but it was still disturbing. A few minutes ago, an image of Jezebel(I assume that's what it is) appeared on the door, over the false Jesus image. I am not questioning my faith anymore because of them, but I still find signs like this creepy when they appear.
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Chicken Little

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
Marital Status
Amina Brown can you tell me who your moms moms mom's mom who she was . like what was her direct lineage ?
wow , OH you seem to be getting the short course in readiness and knowing his voice class 888 . :p

and it appears you know what I mean when I say things like the world is seeking "a third eye" ( spiritual site) and I just wish to poke mine out! so Honey find him and know HIM as He is the author and finisher of your faith and rest in his power to make your path strait , like a red Carpet laid out before your feet. Because only He can keep you from deception , only his word can keep us from temptations and confusion !
you have seen and heard with your own ears NOW how he comes to save the day over and over. just rest and watch , don't sleep , but don't work so hard.. rest in his strength but listen for him , rest but watch.
He is so much Bigger than any deceptions you might be tempted by ! pray this regular .... it will mean everything to you in time and more everyday .. Our Father which art in heaven hollowed be thy name they kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven , Give us this DAY our Daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil , for thine is the power and glory forever Amen! and mean every word of it.

you know how people change their name .. like natives Americans did when they did new deeds and wanted everyone to know it or to be known by the silliness or grandness of their actions... in the new Testament Jesus is always changing peoples names for a few good reasons. gee kind of like Native American.
well AminaH is the name of Mohammad's mom. I thought that maybe that shouldn't be such a great goal..
But Ammia ( as a handle)

was the prophetess of the " primitive " Christians in biblical Philadelphia .
now that might be a way better ( concept ) goal for now !
trust me when I say this would be a good thing to be a favored prophetess in the future age of his church in Philadelphia also.
He seems to have set you on speed training and speed dial because time is short , but do try to rest your soul ( IN HIM) in his strength !

maybe we can talk later .

but for now Just rest in him!!
He is your protection from deceptions ,
He is your God and
He is for you!
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
Marital Status
Amina Brown can you tell me who your moms moms mom's mom who she was . like what was her direct lineage ?
wow , OH you seem to be getting the short course in readiness and knowing his voice class 888 . :p

and it appears you know what I mean when I say things like the world is seeking "a third eye" ( spiritual site) and I just wish to poke mine out! so Honey find him and know HIM as He is the author and finisher of your faith and rest in his power to make your path strait , like a red Carpet laid out before your feet. Because only He can keep you from deception , only his word can keep us from temptations and confusion !
you have seen and heard with your own ears NOW how he comes to save the day over and over. just rest and watch , don't sleep , but don't work so hard.. rest in his strength but listen for him , rest but watch.
He is so much Bigger than any deceptions you might be tempted by ! pray this regular .... it will mean everything to you in time and more everyday .. Our Father which art in heaven hollowed be thy name they kingdom come Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven , Give us this DAY our Daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil , for thine is the power and glory forever Amen! and mean every word of it.

you know how people change their name .. like natives Americans did when they did new deeds and wanted everyone to know it or to be known by the silliness or grandness of their actions... in the new Testament Jesus is always changing peoples names for a few good reasons. gee kind of like Native American.
well AminaH is the name of Mohammad's mom. I thought that maybe that shouldn't be such a great goal..
But Ammia

was the prophetess of the " primitive " Christians in biblical Philadelphia .
now that might be a way better goal for now !
trust me when I say this would be a good thing to be a favored prophetess in the future age of his church in Philadelphia also.
He seems to have set you on speed training and speed dial because time is short , but do try to rest your soul ( IN HIM) in his strength !

maybe we can talk later .

but for now Just rest in him!!
He is your protection from deceptions ,
He is your God and
He is for you!

I don't understand your post.

You write.... "trust me when I say this would be a good thing to be a favored prophetess in the future age of his church in Philadelphia also."

You're giving advice .....?
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Mar 15, 2015
You have a beautiful testimony Amina (and enthralling!). You mentioned some more false signs that had just happened to you in your last post. Do you see how the one with the eyeliner and the eye of Horus is similar to what you were just writing about with the media, ,all the one eyed images, and the verses you've been questioning? Have you noticed that the enemy will use things that on your mind to scare and confuse you? When I moved from focusing on the strategy of the enemy to putting more focus on God's will in my life he had a lot less ammo to use on me. The more the Word and positive things filled my mind, the less power he had to provoke me. The false signs and dreams do still come every day and evolve like they do for you, so it's still frightening to me and confusing and anxiety provoking. However the bigger the space in my life that Christ and the Word fills, the less details and distractions I feel the enemy can use against me. So while we should not be ignorant of the of schemes of the enemy so he should not outwit us (2 Cor 2:11), we need to find the balance that helps us accomplish God's will in our lives. I do feel he is refining you through these trials.
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Chicken Little

Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
Marital Status
2And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, 3and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.4"Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
Marital Status
2And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, 3and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.4"Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
I am not getting it....who are you posting to ? This is the eschatology forum - the study of the end times.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2011
Las Vegas
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Thank you, brother. Pray for me in this. I'm trying to renew my walk with God after getting so far away with sinfulness and false doctrines. I know I don't read the Bible or pray like I used to, anymore, and it bothers me. I still read and pray daily, but only for a few minutes (5 to 10), not like I used to when I would read or pray for hours, and I didn't want to stop, now it feels like a burden to do what used to come naturally.

I just read through these posts and was moved to comment on this one aspect of your posts.
We go through cycles--like in a marriage--the thrill of first love, the getting used to things and going into routine--then the taking for granted --then the boredom---

It's time to take break!!! You need to go on a second honeymoon---get away, just you and God and His creation, all of nature speaks of Him. Leave the bible and all other books behind. Get back to Him, not about Him. Ask Him to increase your love for Him instead of only understanding scriptures. Marriage is give and take, we end up doing all the taking--give Him what He wants----your love--not how accurately you comprehend His Book. Yu need JOY--get it from being with Him, not by reading about what might be about Him.

(Ecc 12:12) And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh.
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