Recent content by corinthan1995

  1. C

    Can Heaven be what you want it to be?

    Obviously as long as it's good and all right with God. For example if you wanted a Pond with a Green and all animals on it. Not that I am saying this is or isn't what I want but you get the idea. And what would your Heaven be like if it could be what you want? Much Love :clap: :clap: :clap:
  2. C

    The Miracle Prayer

    Lord Jesus, I come before you, just as I am. I am sorry for my sins, I repent of my sins, please forgive me. In your name, I forgive all others for what they have done against me. I renounce Satan, the evil spirits and all there works. I give you my entire self. Lord Jesus, now and...
  3. C

    How are you all doing today?

    Internet Hug* "Do not be afraid or discouraged be courageous for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go".
  4. C

    Do any of you speak a second language?

    Don't use Rosetta Stone it takes forever. I used it before and most of the vocab is useless. I am using the Pimsleur Method for learning Spanish and it is amazing :) I can already hold a small conversation May God bless you with the Spanish language Me :)
  5. C

    When Will My life Begin?

    Hey Fellow Christians, I love Disney as I feel it connects the morals of Christ in it's movies. Anyway does anyone know how I can get the lyrics to this song from Tangled in Spanish? Sorry if this appears a bit trivial. :D Much love and keep watching Moi :):amen:
  6. C

    Prayer Requests

    Please pray for me and my family that we will be at peace, my GCSE exams go well. Please pray that I will be able to become fluent in Spanish. That I will be healed, forgiven and find my purpose in life. That my family and I will prosper and move from this uncomfortable and tiring state we are...
  7. C

    Prayer Miracle Help

    Thank you this is very helpful! But please understand I do submit to God's will and I don't think of him as a magician and what I was really intending to say was what guidelines are there in prayer. I wasn't asking for 'magic words' or anything like that :) God is my best friend not a cash...
  8. C

    Prayer Miracle Help

    Hello Fellow Christians, Can I ask those of you who genuinly feel they have received a miracle through prayer to help me. I need a miracle and have tried severall diffrent prayers and have prayed devoutly every morning and night for about two months now. I have made severall prayer requests on...
  9. C

    I don't want to be a Christian anymore

    Hello, Remember what JESUS taught and not man! If a few fundamentalists have such outrageous and inhumane views they are simply not acting Christian themselves. God does not agree with these things they are saying. God taught love and forgiveness not death! God paid the price for our sins...
  10. C

    The priest who wasn't sure...

    ROFL That is a funny one :) I'l use it sometime ;) if that's all right?