Prayer Miracle Help


Jun 17, 2012
Marital Status
Hello Fellow Christians,

Can I ask those of you who genuinly feel they have received a miracle through prayer to help me.
I need a miracle and have tried severall diffrent prayers and have prayed devoutly every morning and night for about two months now. I have made severall prayer requests on the internet but nothing has happened. I so desperatly want this to happen. What I am asking for is a bit big but I know nothing is too big or too small for God.
Please if you have witnessed a true miracle through prayer please tell me what you did or guide me with my own prayer. Should I fast? Beg? I don't know what to do I just want this to happen as my whole world will be transformed by it! My life, my familly's lifes and we will for once be truly happy and content instead of putting on a brave face.

By the grace of God, Please help me


Jan 25, 2004
Marital Status
Hello Fellow Christians,

Can I ask those of you who genuinly feel they have received a miracle through prayer to help me.
I need a miracle and have tried severall diffrent prayers and have prayed devoutly every morning and night for about two months now. I have made severall prayer requests on the internet but nothing has happened. I so desperatly want this to happen. What I am asking for is a bit big but I know nothing is too big or too small for God.
Please if you have witnessed a true miracle through prayer please tell me what you did or guide me with my own prayer. Should I fast? Beg? I don't know what to do I just want this to happen as my whole world will be transformed by it! My life, my familly's lifes and we will for once be truly happy and content instead of putting on a brave face.

By the grace of God, Please help me
From what you have said in the bold areas, it appears that you think that you can do something to cause God to give you what you want. It's important to know that God is not a genie in a bottle whose purpose is to grant your desire.

I have received many, many miracles, with the latest one happening last Tuesday. What I can tell you from my experience, is that you must pray as Jesus did:
Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done. ~Luke 22.42

God's will comes first. You may pray for what you want, however, you must surrender it to God. You must be willing to let it go if that is what He wants for you. When you have an obedient heart that is willing to surrender all, He will bless you. It might not be as you expect.. in fact it rarely is. But from my experience, what He does is always better than what I asked for.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.
~Proverbs 3.5-6

Live according to the Proverb, and God will take care of the rest.
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The Lord is my Refuge
Mar 11, 2012
Marital Status
Yes you are right
'Nothing is too hard or too big for God to do'
Always remember that in your walk with God, and always keep that close to your heart.
Its ok to pray to God about whatever you need, or need help with. Humble yourself before Him, don't demand, but in humility and trust, keep presenting Him with your petitions and prayers, and always ask Him to reveal His true will for your life to you at the end of it.

What you have asked for and have not received may not be what God wants for you, or He may have something else planned for you. But are you too focused on this particular request that you are not looking at the other things God is doing in your life(and family"life) right now?

I suggest you rest in The Lord. Be still and know that He is God. If you put complete faith, trust and hope in Him. He will not disappoint you. Dont be disappointed if a particular request is not met, or has not been met yet. He may still be working on it, or better still He may have something different or better planned for you.

I have learnt one thing and you should too, to always wait on the Lord. If He is not answering immediately does not mean He will not answer or give you that thing. Learn to be still and rest in Him. Two months is nothing. Abraham waited many many years to receive the promise of God. Just an example there, not saying you will be like Abraham,
What you need to do is have faith and know He will answer you.

Never give up also and always remember He is faithful, just and a kind and merciful Father who has a great plan for you. His plan for you is to give you hope, future and a good life.
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Jun 17, 2012
Marital Status
Thank you this is very helpful! But please understand I do submit to God's will and I don't think of him as a magician and what I was really intending to say was what guidelines are there in prayer. I wasn't asking for 'magic words' or anything like that :) God is my best friend not a cash machine. I suppose the reason I used terms like 'beg' and 'fast' because I am desperate.

May the peace of the lord be with you always
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Oct 7, 2005
Marital Status
At the moment, your negative feelings are what Satan wants to enslave us and to understand that we Christians are in this spiritual war that might lead us to darkness of hopelessness at the end of the tunnel. I believe God knows our future events that constantly show on the TV news, and that a clean green future is the ultimate future to end poverty and the economic stress. I believe the Kingdom of God will give us free accommodation, free food, no more bills for electricity or water, every negative issue that seems to attack or cause our minds to react and protest - God has well in advanced has solved every single problem since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden. It's a matter of time that Christ's future return will happen anytime during these difficult times of global governmental dishonesty where Jesus will be the global prime minister or president of every nationality. No more voting. No more political careers.:*:.
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