Is Christianity right?


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No. They didn't.

Yahuweh's Word is entirely Inspired by Him, Totally Truth.
The law that required stoning someone for working on the Sabbath almost got Jesus killed. Jesus healed on the Sabbath. The teachers of the law defined healing as work. The law required Jesus should be killed if he was working on the Sabbath.

John 5:18 (WEB) For this cause therefore the Jews sought all the more to kill him, because he not only broke the Sabbath, but also called God his own Father, making himself equal with God.

I do not believe you know what is inspired and what is not inspired.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
Exodus 33:11 Thus the LORD would speak to Moses face to ... › exodus

New International Version The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide ...
Exodus 33:11 NIV: The LORD would speak to Moses face to ... › niv › exodus

The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not ...
What is scripture? God does not lie. Moses was not God.
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Follower of Isa Al Masih
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May 15, 2008
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For example, Christians say that the only way to the kingdom of God is through the faith in Jesus. But Muslims say that the only way to heaven is through faith in Allah and in the Quran practices.

there are three monotheistic religions that are branches from the same tree where the trunk may be called Abraham. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the 3. Judaism is first, not strictly founded by Abraham but more so by Moses as Moses introduced the law and the system that Judaism is founded on. Christianity is next and it does not abrogate the law but instead views it as fulfilled through Christ claiming the law points to Christ. Christianity accepts the Jewish scriptures but this is one way and Judaism does not accept the Christian scripture. Islam is this next step but instead of what Christianity claims through fulfillment and covenant relationships with God it sees all the major biblical characters as prophets of Islam starting with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, etc.. and the final biblical character that is claimed as a prophet is Jesus. Muhammad is the seal of the prophets and the last and most revered prophet of Islam. But his revelation from God found in the Quran is claimed to be the same message that Jesus spoke of, the same Moses and Abraham spoke of and all the way back to Adam all preached.

So which is the true religion? A study of the OT or Jewish scripture will reveal that the systems in place can only have true meaning when they point to something greater. When they act alone and do not proclaim something greater they are arbitrary and expose a problem in that no one can meet the demand of the law which is too heavy for any man. So in this view, Judaism is a works-based religion that feels incomplete. Not only does it feel incomplete but it feels forgotten. The temple has been destroyed and has been this way for 2000 years so the quintessential sin offerings cannot happen and the system simply sits there in a holding pattern collecting up sin until it can reinstate the sacrificial system again.

Christianity is about Christ (not church buildings), Christ is God incarnate, coming to earth, dwelling among the people and living a sinless life. For Christians, the entire law points to Christ so it is Christ that is proclaimed through this system and his arrival, his sinless life, death on the cross and resurrection fulfills the law and ushers in a new system where we are able to have direct access to God through Christ. Christianity is the completed law and because of Christ it no longer is arbitrary but has deep meaning that we have access too.

Islam misses the point of Christianity and they revert back to a works-based system. The Quran is not written in order it is written from largest to smallest (with the exception of the first chapter) but it essentially has 2 parts to it. the earliest when Muhammad was in Mecca and the lastest, when Muhammad was in Medina. The message takes a turn from the two where the earlier parts (Mecca) had more harmony and peaceful messages, welcoming of Jewish and Christian scriptures, this is a developing time for Islam where it was not yet the dominant religion of the area. The Medina parts is the turn where Muhammad has significant influence and it becomes the de facto religion of the area. His messages turn more into war language, less tolerate and aggressive. The Quran will speak of the gospels as something encouraged to read and Christians like brothers. it also speaks that it is important to follow and obey Christ then in another section will claim scriptures are corrupted, that Christians have gotten it all wrong and should be killed.

Doing a critical analysis of Islam one will quietly discover there was no vast corruption of scriptures during Muhammad's lifetime and what we have now actually pre-dates Muhammad. The Quran also explicitly states the God's word cannot be corrupted. Islam does still values the Jewish/Christian scriptures just abstractly and as it agrees with its own perspective. But by its own admission, God's word cannot be corrupted and historical evidence shows the scripture was not corrupted like Muhammad claims. This puts into question the source or inspiration of the religion as a whole as it would seem to be founded upon a man's increased ambition of power that may have started with sincerely but ended in it's own ironic corruption as it accuses others of. Muhammad's death is from eating poisoned meat served to him by a woman who just had her entire family slaughtered by Muhammad and his men. The men around him knew the meat was off but because Muhammad ate it they followed so as not to offended his status.

All religions are essentially based on a temple, sacrifice and priest. The sacrifice is made by the priest at the temple and this sanctifies us. this is classic Judaism. In Islam it is more abstract, the sacrifice is the works, specifically the prayers, and the priest/temple act together as the Kaaba. all prayers are directed to the Kaaba where it acts as a portal to heaven so prayers are sent to the temple, they are cleansed, and sent to heaven and through this Muslims find favour with God. Christianity, however, turns this on its head. Christ is the priest, he is the sacrifice and he is the temple. Through him, we become these things too so we do not need to seek something else in order to find God because we have direct access through Christ. We are living sacrifices, that are the temple of the HS and may approach God directly if we live in Christ. This is why Christianity is so revolutionary and it answers the call of the old system of the law but it does not heap laws, new temples, new priests or new sacrifices that we must follow to gain favour with God.

Christianity works because it is not just another system, it is the fulfilment of systems where God is knowable and is not just at our fingertips but at our embrace. Islam misses the point completely and Judaism has but a shadow of the revelation of God. It is through Christ that truth is revealed.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
So in this view, Judaism is a works-based religion that feels incomplete.
I think I agree "so in this view"... Judaism is... oh, wait...

Those who lived by faith, from Adam to Abraham, to Moses, to Joseph, to Mary and Martha and Abigail and Esther,
to Joshua and Elijah and Elisha, to Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Job and Daniel ....

hmmm (thinking, praying, praying, thinking, contemplating ) .......
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Apr 27, 2005
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How do you know Christianity is the right one out of so many?
I really want to know, because an eternity of suffering depends on our choice here.

First, we need to understand why a God is needed. Humans don't have the ability to tell a future which could possibly affect our life. The only way for humans to get to a future scenario is through a God who knows. Now then all left is how to identify whether such a God exists and who He is.

Second, if such a God exists then how will He convey His truth to humans. The easiest is for the all capable God to show Himself up to all humans to tell them directly what could possibly lying ahead, especially when it is said a hell is waiting for humans. So we need to attention to what this God would say about why He has to hide behind even with the full knowledge that a hell is lying ahead of humans.

In Christianity, God granted an permanent and final covenant to humans for them to be saved by faith. Thus He cannot show up to everyone or else no one can be saved by faith as he already saw with his eyes who God is. This covenant which God has to hide behind in order for humans to be legitimately saved is brought to us by Jesus but no other names.

Now since God cannot openly show up to everyone for the covenant to take effect, then how can His truth convey? If shows up which will nullify the covenant, if He doesn't show up at all, then no one even knows that He has such a covenant for humans at all. So the only way which works is for Him to show Himself up to a group of chosen eyewitnesses then for the testimonies of these eyewitnesses to flow among humans such that God's truth can convey. This is the only way.

Now then the question is how many eyewitnesses are enough to do the job. And how things are witnessed. It is about how God's deeds and speeches are witnessed by the chosen eyewitnesses, but not through a middle media. All OT prophets are direct eyewitnesses of God, they don't acquire their information from any middle person. Mohammad on the other hand had his information mostly from a self claimed angel. That's not supposed to be the way of human witnessing.

God as who we know today in Christianity is portrayed by different OT prophets (eyewitnesses) in different spots of history all consistently telling a God of same characteristics. God also bound the testimonies of His chosen prophets into one document such that He shows that He knows the importance of multiple account testimonies.

If an important piece of news only broadcast by CNN but not any other media, not Fox News, not BBC not CBC not any other media then you may doubt about how credible this piece of news is. If however it is broadcast by all the media all at once, you will realize how credible it is. In order for God to show that He knows this too, He bound the testimonies of all His eyewitnesses into one book. The god of Mohammad doesn't seem to understand this. Perhaps he's just as clueless as humans are in regards to the nature of human witnessing.

The Bible God has a good reason to hide behind due to a covenant. In order to communicate in an alternative way, He chose many prophets as His eyewitnesses such that a consistent figure (the OT God) is portrayed through their testimonies for His truth to be conveyed on a multiple account basis (while showing that He understand this process of human witnessing). That's the situation.

Mohammad's god on the other hand, has to employ an angel but not directly convey information to him, and he didn't bind the testimony thus made it a single account one. He doesn't seem to know the importance of multiple account witnessing.

If there is an important news the US government would like his people to be informed of, what should it do? It will employ all its media power with all the news agencies to broadcast this news as far-reaching as possible.

Acts 1:8 (NIV2011)
and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

There are 26 verses about preaching the gospel (good news) to all nations.

26 Bible verses about The Gospel To The Nations

Does quran have the equivalent? For a god of Mohammad who doesn't seem to understand human witnessing, then it doesn't seem so.

That is to say, other than showing up to every single human, the next most efficient way for a truth to convey is through effective human witnessing. How effective thus is the question to ask.
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Searching for Truth
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Jul 5, 2014
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Hi everybody,

Like some, I have grown up with atheist parents, but have been studying Christianity, and lately also a bit of Islam .

But something is always in the back of my mind. As much as we would like to believe our religion is the true one, do we really know for sure?
And of course, people say that every religion has good things and don't want to make comparisons because it's a sensitive topic.

But I believe we should address this because believing the right religion can literally determine whether we go to heaven/paradise or BURN for all eternity.

For example, Christians say that the only way to the kingdom of God is through the faith in Jesus. But Muslims say that the only way to heaven is through faith in Allah and in the Quran practices.
And a lot of other (sub-)religions probably have their own way of saying this.

How do we know that we are on the right track? There are far older religions than Christianity such as Hinduism or Animism.
What if we all end up suffering eternally after death because we did not pick/ or were born in the right religion?

How do you know Christianity is the right one out of so many?
I really want to know, because an eternity of suffering depends on our choice here.
Christianity, like all religions, is messed up by humans.. The truth of the gospel is simple and it separates Christianity, in it's purist form, from all other religions...

The simple fact don't ( actually cannot ) do anything to save yourself from damnation.
You are totally incapable of "doing" anything, of your own power, to achieve everlasting life.

Salvation is a free gift from the creator who paid it all for you Himself.

Every other religion is designed by you doing works to achieve something.... True Christianity is the opposite... You cannot do anything... BUT, you must have faith that this is true, admit that you are lost and that the only chance you have is founded on the works of your Savior.

The other thing is that Christ is the creator of the universe yet sacrificed Himself for you.
One more thing is that you must love your enemies... You cannot harm people just because they don't convert to the way you believe.
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Follower of Isa Al Masih
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May 15, 2008
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I think I agree "so in this view"... Judaism is... oh, wait...

Those who lived by faith, from Adam to Abraham, to Moses, to Joseph, to Mary and Martha and Abigail and Esther,
to Joshua and Elijah and Elisha, to Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Job and Daniel ....

hmmm (thinking, praying, praying, thinking, contemplating ) .......
I speak of digressed Judaism. Jesus was there from Adam to Abraham all the way up to Mary and Martha so the faith they possed was inclusive of him even if it was in various levels of understanding or even blindness. But when we remove Christ that faith is incomplete and so is the entire system. It doesn't matter what biblical person you wish to highlight if we remove Christ their faith is meaningless. The OP is interested in which is true but the truth of Judaism hinges upon Christ so if Christianity is false then Judaism is false too.

If the OP wanted to explicitly reject Christianity in favour of Judaism he would be adopting a meaningless system because he has rejected the quintessential thing that gives it meaning. This really is less about which system he follows, so long as Christ is the lead, you may give him glory in all your ways, even Jewish/Muslim ways. I'm not advocating pluralism and as Paul says we are still under Christ's law but many aspects of these systems are not inherently evil and Christ-followers may participate in them so long as their purpose is to give him glory. So one may pray 5 times a day facing a certain direction, they may wear Muslim clothes, speak Muslim words and eat Muslim food but because they follow Christ and he is their lead they are counted rightoues and that's the faith Abraham carried with him.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
The OP is interested in which is true but the truth of Judaism hinges upon Christ so if Christianity is false then Judaism is false too.
I think likewise for those throughout history in Judaism, as set up by Yahuweh, not rejecting Messiah Yeshua, since Yeshua is Truth, Judaism that believes in Him is also Truth - as all TORAH, PROPHETS and PSALMS speaks of Him. That part that rejects Him, are the branches that got cut out so that the gentiles could be grafted in, and those cut out, as written, may some day (as already has happened) be grafted back in.
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Bob Carabbio

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Dec 22, 2010
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Hi everybody,

Like some, I have grown up with atheist parents, but have been studying Christianity, and lately also a bit of Islam .

But something is always in the back of my mind. As much as we would like to believe our religion is the true one, do we really know for sure?

Intellectually NO!! However "religion" isn't the important thing anyway. What's CRITICALLY IMPORTANT is having a personal Relationship With God by way of the SIN OFFERING of Jesus on the Cross. SInce God COnvicte me of MY SIN, and gave me the FAITH to place in the Sacrifice of Jesus for MY SIN. There's never been the shadow of a doubt that there IS NO OTHER NAME under Heaven through whom we can be SAVED, Born AGain, and become a child of God. "intellectual assent" won't ever do the job.

But Biblical FAITH (Heb 11:1) will.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
How do you know Christianity is the right one out of so many?
I really want to know, because an eternity of suffering depends on our choice here.
The Creator Reveals this to little children.

Jesus says: "you (disciples) must be becoming (or be) like little children, for of such IS the Kingdom of Heaven (or of God) "
and "..... the Heavenly Father Reveals Salvation (Truth).... "to little children" "
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Kees Hogenbirk

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Jul 6, 2018
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Well we hear all of these "GODS" are real right? Then ask. Call on all of them. Only one will answer :) See the key is to ask from your heart. Yeshua/Jesus will answer. For me I've only seen "in Jesus name" blind see. No other name has done this. He came to give us life. Set us free. To bring us back/close to Him. He is a personal God.
Don't you think that other religious/spiritual people have this in other religions?
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May 22, 2019
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Hi everybody,

Like some, I have grown up with atheist parents, but have been studying Christianity, and lately also a bit of Islam .

But something is always in the back of my mind. As much as we would like to believe our religion is the true one, do we really know for sure?
And of course, people say that every religion has good things and don't want to make comparisons because it's a sensitive topic.

But I believe we should address this because believing the right religion can literally determine whether we go to heaven/paradise or BURN for all eternity.

For example, Christians say that the only way to the kingdom of God is through the faith in Jesus. But Muslims say that the only way to heaven is through faith in Allah and in the Quran practices.
And a lot of other (sub-)religions probably have their own way of saying this.

How do we know that we are on the right track? There are far older religions than Christianity such as Hinduism or Animism.
What if we all end up suffering eternally after death because we did not pick/ or were born in the right religion?

How do you know Christianity is the right one out of so many?
I really want to know, because an eternity of suffering depends on our choice here.

The best proof you'll get is s Christians love for God and others. Another thing that comes to mind is that fact that the Bible states God has given us all a measure of faith. This makes sense in that everyone has some level of morality. We all draw a line, whether it be lying, murder, stealing, etc. because deep down, we have a measure of faith in God that causes us to follow at least some of his commands. It's one of things that separate us between humans and animals.
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See in the dark
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How did God show you?

There are some Christian's for whom a personal experience of Christ is sufficient grounds for faith. Some have experienced Him in scripture, in the acts and love of his church or existential by His Spirit. All these are reasons for me to trust Christ for my salvation also.

But my own testimony adds a war for truth. I taught 6 major religions as an RE Teacher, I have spent decades arguing with atheists , Muslims and homosexuals especially about what I believe. At the end of the day Jesus has survived that battle unscathed and undiminished while the imposters have been torn apart by the storms of time. The more I know about Muhammad the more I dislike him whereas with Jesus the opposite is true
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Pardoned Rebel
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Jan 2, 2015
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Hi everybody,

Like some, I have grown up with atheist parents, but have been studying Christianity, and lately also a bit of Islam .

But something is always in the back of my mind. As much as we would like to believe our religion is the true one, do we really know for sure?
And of course, people say that every religion has good things and don't want to make comparisons because it's a sensitive topic.

But I believe we should address this because believing the right religion can literally determine whether we go to heaven/paradise or BURN for all eternity.

For example, Christians say that the only way to the kingdom of God is through the faith in Jesus. But Muslims say that the only way to heaven is through faith in Allah and in the Quran practices.
And a lot of other (sub-)religions probably have their own way of saying this.

How do we know that we are on the right track? There are far older religions than Christianity such as Hinduism or Animism.
What if we all end up suffering eternally after death because we did not pick/ or were born in the right religion?

How do you know Christianity is the right one out of so many?
I really want to know, because an eternity of suffering depends on our choice here.

If *you* are the determiner of truth, you are already lost.

Christ claimed that He *is* the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He also said that no one could (had the ability) to come to Him unless the Father drew him.

You already have faith. It's just misplaced. It rests in you when it should rest in Him.
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Pardoned Rebel
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Jan 2, 2015
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Jesus is the Word made flesh. I think it's a mistake to say that the Bible is God's word in the same sense, a direct, guaranteed perfect message from God. This puts people like you (and me) in an impossible position. It also raises the question: if God could show himself perfectly in a book, why also send Christ? Rather, the the Bible is a human witness to God's revelation.

How do *you* know of Christ and His works? Did you walk with Him 2,000 years ago, or did you read of Him?
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Active Member
Dec 26, 2019
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Hi everybody,

Like some, I have grown up with atheist parents, but have been studying Christianity, and lately also a bit of Islam .

But something is always in the back of my mind. As much as we would like to believe our religion is the true one, do we really know for sure?
And of course, people say that every religion has good things and don't want to make comparisons because it's a sensitive topic.

But I believe we should address this because believing the right religion can literally determine whether we go to heaven/paradise or BURN for all eternity.

For example, Christians say that the only way to the kingdom of God is through the faith in Jesus. But Muslims say that the only way to heaven is through faith in Allah and in the Quran practices.
And a lot of other (sub-)religions probably have their own way of saying this.

How do we know that we are on the right track? There are far older religions than Christianity such as Hinduism or Animism.
What if we all end up suffering eternally after death because we did not pick/ or were born in the right religion?

How do you know Christianity is the right one out of so many?
I really want to know, because an eternity of suffering depends on our choice here.

Is Christianity right? You should ask first, is Christianity true. All beliefs claim that there view is true but they all contradict each other. Only one can be true. Which one satisfies the questions of origin, meaning, morality and destiny without contradiction.
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