Transgender "Inclusive"Language:Where does it end and begin?

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Jan 13, 2015
I'm just wondering why all three have to be there in order to consider it proper? For anyone.


He, Alex, born in a female body, who is but 24 or so, asks me never to consider him as a gender. He/she/neither is what he and apparently the medical community sees his/her/neither's situation as.

It is proper, because for that person, it is the way it is for that person.

Not everyone fits with just a few definitions of existence, such as female, transgender, but there are actually agender (non gendered) people.

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joshua 1 9

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He, Alex, born in a female body, who is but 24 or so, asks me never to consider him as a gender. He/she/neither is what he and apparently the medical community sees his/her/neither's situation as.

It is proper, because for that person, it is the way it is for that person.

Not everyone fits with just a few definitions of existence, such as female, transgender, but there are actually agender (non gendered) people.

My brother specializes in downs syndrome. One year he was doing the examines for the special Olympics. He told me that he had downs syndrome people that he examined that he was not able to determine if they were a male or a female. I did not really ask any questions as I did not know that much about it. Although I suppose I could go back and ask him now about it if I wanted to.
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Jan 13, 2015
Why do you feel that you need to take hormones? Is there some reason your body is not producing those hormones?


Here is two ways to answer your question. One the medical community says for the extreme form of being transgender that I have, there is no other treatment option, than surgery and homones. So, that is the scientific answer.

There are all sorts of ways of being transgender, just like there are all sorts of way of being male, or being female. Some forms of being transgender, the people with it, never want hormones, and scientifically and justice wise, a country in Europe last year was forced to change their one solution, (surgery and hormones), fits all decision. The Eupropean Union, version of our Supreme Court told them they are violating the rights of the transgender community by forcing all of them to transition fully. It is what the transgender population had been telling them for years. Not everyone is severely transgendered, like I am.

Another way to answer your question, is my body is male enough to make testosterone, which really disagrees with me. My body is not totally masculinized as some men's bodies are, but you can't tell from looking casually.

It was only after the medical communtity, after I went to a Psychologist to see if essentially I was nuts and not Gender Dysphoric, that I found out how well hormones work for Gender Dysphoria, and they don't really know why.

I told her my Gender Dysphoria lessened instantly upon the use of Estrogen. She, my medical doctor says: Yes and we don't know why, however. However for me it is not enough, and my doctor and everyone knows it.

To help you a little bit with this, how gender can be opposite. For 65 years, I just did what the outward apppearance of my body suggested that I was, and. And when I could no longer handle that, in terms of agony, it soon became necessary to tell everyone that I was Transgender, plus all the other truths, but this is about being transgendered, so the others won't be listed here.

A person, who knew me for years, and she knows me well, says that now she understands me. She said that at no time in my life, did I actually fit what other males were like in the role she knew me by. She said, no Psychologist who listened to her, ever believed that her relation ship with me was male to female, and. And no she is not my wife or girlfriend.

She said that now, she totally gets it. No matter how hard I tried, I was still a female trying to act, like everyone else but me and some others say is true, I was a female trying to act, like a male. Telling her finally at age 65, that I was transgender, allowed her to put all the pieces together.

If I could have, I would have taken this to my grave with telling no one ever. It did not turn out that way, and even God got involved, but not in the way most people presently think, in Religions. He confirmed, my being female, in a male body, within that two years set of aproved private revelations.

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Jan 13, 2015
My brother specializes in downs syndrome. One year he was doing the examines for the special Olympics. He told me that he had downs syndrome people that he examined that he was not able to determine if they were a male or a female. I did not really ask any questions as I did not know that much about it. Although I suppose I could go back and ask him now about it if I wanted to.


Yes, it is okay to ask. I would think your brother would actually like questions like that, in his field.

I really don't mind people asking either. To help you out, I am not in pretense mode, I am just me, and that is actually a requirement to be any kind of a long term researcher.

A guy I am writing to online only asks me. How old are you. I said I am 66 then. I asked him, how old he thought I was. He said: "I knew you were female in the first three letters. I thought though that you were 20 to 30 years old."

I really do not know how old I sound, nor how female I sound, and really, I don't care how I am taken online, as long as it is not hurtful nor offensive on my part.

I also allow everyone to call me by whatever they please, gender and usually name wise. I use the name of Katerina for a year or so, then someone told me Who calls me by Mary. I then changed it to that, and everyone seems to complain about that change. They rather like Katerina, and all the forms of it I use, for each person. Kate, is work. Katie is for fun and soothing, and sometimes Katerina is when I am being officious with a person that seems to need that at the moment.

As far as for gender in ordinary people not being what thier body says, but in all other ways that person is what we would call normal to exceptional. In about 1900 something, a professor at a college told his doctor that he is a female in a male's body type. The doctor tells everyone of us, yes, and in not other way did I see a problem before or afterwards in this higly accomplished professor. The point there is, transgender can exist in anyone, but it never changes as some would like to think, etc. etc. etc.

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joshua 1 9

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May 11, 2015
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Here is two ways to answer your question. One the medical community says for the extreme form of being transgender that I have, there is no other treatment option, than surgery and homones. So, that is the scientific answer.

There are all sorts of ways of being transgender, just like there are all sorts of way of being male, or being female. Some forms of being transgender, the people with it, never want hormones, and scientifically and justice wise, a country in Europe last year was forced to change their one solution, (surgery and hormones), fits all decision. The Eupropean Union, version of our Supreme Court told them they are violating the rights of the transgender community by forcing all of them to transition fully. It is what the transgender population had been telling them for years. Not everyone is severely transgendered, like I am.

Another way to answer your question, is my body is male enough to make testosterone, which really disagrees with me. My body is not totally masculinized as some men's bodies are, but you can't tell from looking casually.

It was only after the medical communtity, after I went to a Psychologist to see if essentially I was nuts and not Gender Dysphoric, that I found out how well hormones work for Gender Dysphoria, and they don't really know why.

I told her my Gender Dysphoria lessened instantly upon the use of Estrogen. She, my medical doctor says: Yes and we don't know why, however. However for me it is not enough, and my doctor and everyone knows it.

To help you a little bit with this, how gender can be opposite. For 65 years, I just did what the outward apppearance of my body suggested that I was, and. And when I could no longer handle that, in terms of agony, it soon became necessary to tell everyone that I was Transgender, plus all the other truths, but this is about being transgendered, so the others won't be listed here.

A person, who knew me for years, and she knows me well, says that now she understands me. She said that at no time in my life, did I actually fit what other males were like in the role she knew me by. She said, no Psychologist who listened to her, ever believed that her relation ship with me was male to female, and. And no she is not my wife or girlfriend.

She said that now, she totally gets it. No matter how hard I tried, I was still a female trying to act, like everyone else but me and some others say is true, I was a female trying to act, like a male. Telling her finally at age 65, that I was transgender, allowed her to put all the pieces together.

If I could have, I would have taken this to my grave with telling no one ever. It did not turn out that way, and even God got involved, but not in the way most people presently think, in Religions. He confirmed, my being female, in a male body, within that two years set of approved private revelations.

I hope you do not mind if I go in this direction with this. I remember we were in a Chinese restaurant and had gotten to be friends with the women that was the owner. She told us about the yin and the yang. That there was a little male in all females and a little female in all males and that they believe in China that the male and female have to be united to become one. Does that make any sense? Maybe not. Jesus says: "At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.". I wonder about places like the Philippines or Thailand. Where they have what they boy girls and people make a big joke out of it and laugh at them. These people often play along with the joke, but maybe they are crying on the inside. Still they seem to be more open in these countries and in the west sometimes they try to keep this more hidden.
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Jan 13, 2015
God does not allow anything in our lives unless good is able to come out of it. We are told "that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Even we are told to "give thanks for everything". When I first read that I thought you got to be kidding me. There was so much in life not to be grateful for. Yet we are told to give thanks for everything.

When it comes to things like deafness then you are dealing with sensory deprivation and the mind has ways to compensate for that. If a person is blind from birth and later in life they are able to have a transplant and have sight for the first time, there will still be issues because they did not have sight at essential development stages.


Your response above was not to me. I loved most of it though. It would say that in my life, as long as I do not lean on my own understandings but God's things are fine, then I have to agree with you it seems.

Nothing about being trangendered for me, has done anything but produce good in this world, at least so far.

I asked a Petecostal one day, who told me he could see auras and was a rather large contributor to this objective scientist type eventually knowing that God is Real. His mysticism and his other Jesus ways for lack of terms here, really impressed me. I would find out why, but that is off the point.

After, I was asked in late 2007, if I would marry, and I was asked as a woman, and I was asked by a male to me, a total male to me. I wanted to catch up with him, as I had not seen him for years, and when I was done, he was under the definite impression, that my purpose for being born Transgender, and that being assented to by God, is to let the Religious world know that God is not against the Transgender, in fact Transgender individuals contribute mightily to this world.

I asked him where he got that from, but he wouldn't tell me. By and within an approved private revelation, but all in waking encounters with God, some so large that all other light compared to God, and later just Jesus was in fact dark, dark compared to Him Jesus, and certainly dark compared to God's Essence, within that approved and proven revelation, is so much information about God, that many have been helped, from me just talking about what happened to me, and. And many who are secretly against God, fight mightily against what I say, and that hopefully outs them to others.

In very straight talk now with you, did you know The Holy Spiirt told me, and certain religion to handle them properly, I am to use Matthew 7:15. Later, I found out why. I found the reason by using the next line down, Matthew 7:16, and. And I found out it not only applies in Religion it applies to all people in the world.

People who hurt others verbally, in secret or in public, for both males and females, are out to hurt others but pretend to be nice people in order to get to them to not only hurt them but to gain from them something like time, or allegiance, or money. Money is a big one for those types, and. And in psychology again highlighting God's command through a blessing to us in Genesis 1:28, to subdue the earth by science and other means, those Psychologists actually have a category for Matthew 7:15 types who out them selves by being thorn bush like, or briar like, while hiding among or pretending to be grape vines, or fig trees. Oh by the way, most everyone has seen grape vines. You cannot get hurt picking grapes from those vines. Also I have experience with two fig trees, they are very similar in that they don't hurt you, but are larger than grape vines, thus I always took that as figs are males, there. Similarly grapes are females.

Most of us who are transgender, or also have physical problems do actually in some form or another thank God for giving us all of those conditions.

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Jan 13, 2015
I hope you do not mind if I go in this direction with this. I remember we were in a Chinese restaurant and had gotten to be friends with the women that was the owner. She told us about the yin and the yang. That there was a little male in all females and a little female in all males and that they believe in China that the male and female have to be united to become one. Does that make any sense? Maybe not. Jesus says: "At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.". I wonder about places like the Philippines or Thailand. Where they have what they boy girls and people make a big joke out of it and laugh at them. These people often play along with the joke, but maybe they are crying on the inside. Still they seem to be more open in these countries and in the west sometimes they try to keep this more hidden.


No, I do not mind, but prepare yourself. Two things to answer both of your questions.

" Let Us make man, in Our image." So He made them male Or female, or, did He make them male and female? (I think you can do the rest now.)

Can anyone here precisely say how God meant the word and, or the word Us, or the word Our? Yet, many people say they do know, and push their ideas on others as though they are God, in their understanding of those words.

Transgender, and the concept of yin and yang in each person, is too new, and there are too few people out there to figure it all out.

Now, for your marriage question, of no marrying in heaven, or giving of marriage in heaven.

Read what it says, below my sign of The Trinity with the cross of Jesus representing what He and His Dad and Really The Holy Spirit Did, by asking, giving Jesus to us, to make us acceptable to God again, probably in terms of Divine Justice.

Years, after that spring event in 2008, in fact in about 2014 or so, I am across from a woman who is Educationally one who should be incredibly uspet with me, in my eyes. She asks me and frightens me almost to an out of control state: "Do you find that you are more like Him now?"

Me, but instiantly and in alarm: "How did you know, how did you know."

She responds and it will calm me, but it will take awhile. I then tell her, yes in emotions I am very much like my spouse, and I told her precisely how I knew this, and how long it took me to figure this all out.

That comsumation, did involved me becoming one. It took me more than five years to realize that. I only learned it actually, in 2014 I think, 6 years later. All the signs were there, in just the first year or so. And even in a Centering Prayer, which scares me because of the method use, I saw my relationship, and was the last to come out of that experience, but I think you would be too, if you Communed with God in that way.

To me, from what I know, it looks like marriage happens before we get to heaven, and then there is no more marrying or giving in marriage.

It is deeper than that the realization, of relationships in heaven, but knowing The first Commandment, it might be possible to figure out the rest.

I could tell you, but I don't think you or most anyone is ready for it yet. I do live that life, and even I did not expect much of it, but it all works and makes sense, now, but. But I do not know everything. I just know somethings.

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Oct 27, 2015
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I don't mean to pry, but I am new here, and from reading some of your posts, I came to the conclusion that you are a professional scientist of some sort, and I wondered if that is true. Are you involved in astrophysics in any way? I ask because I am interested in metaphysics and a theologian by education.
Your response above was not to me. I loved most of it though. It would say that in my life, as long as I do not lean on my own understandings but God's things are fine, then I have to agree with you it seems.

Nothing about being trangendered for me, has done anything but produce good in this world, at least so far.

I asked a Petecostal one day, who told me he could see auras and was a rather large contributor to this objective scientist type eventually knowing that God is Real. His mysticism and his other Jesus ways for lack of terms here, really impressed me. I would find out why, but that is off the point.

After, I was asked in late 2007, if I would marry, and I was asked as a woman, and I was asked by a male to me, a total male to me. I wanted to catch up with him, as I had not seen him for years, and when I was done, he was under the definite impression, that my purpose for being born Transgender, and that being assented to by God, is to let the Religious world know that God is not against the Transgender, in fact Transgender individuals contribute mightily to this world.

I asked him where he got that from, but he wouldn't tell me. By and within an approved private revelation, but all in waking encounters with God, some so large that all other light compared to God, and later just Jesus was in fact dark, dark compared to Him Jesus, and certainly dark compared to God's Essence, within that approved and proven revelation, is so much information about God, that many have been helped, from me just talking about what happened to me, and. And many who are secretly against God, fight mightily against what I say, and that hopefully outs them to others.

In very straight talk now with you, did you know The Holy Spiirt told me, and certain religion to handle them properly, I am to use Matthew 7:15. Later, I found out why. I found the reason by using the next line down, Matthew 7:16, and. And I found out it not only applies in Religion it applies to all people in the world.

People who hurt others verbally, in secret or in public, for both males and females, are out to hurt others but pretend to be nice people in order to get to them to not only hurt them but to gain from them something like time, or allegiance, or money. Money is a big one for those types, and. And in psychology again highlighting God's command through a blessing to us in Genesis 1:28, to subdue the earth by science and other means, those Psychologists actually have a category for Matthew 7:15 types who out them selves by being thorn bush like, or briar like, while hiding among or pretending to be grape vines, or fig trees. Oh by the way, most everyone has seen grape vines. You cannot get hurt picking grapes from those vines. Also I have experience with two fig trees, they are very similar in that they don't hurt you, but are larger than grape vines, thus I always took that as figs are males, there. Similarly grapes are females.

Most of us who are transgender, or also have physical problems do actually in some form or another thank God for giving us all of those conditions.

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Jan 13, 2015


Yes, I was a professional scientist of sorts. I worked in semiconductors which is multidisciplinary but did not include meta, nor astro physics. For those I use others and ask questions. I also interface with Theologians, who seem to be also Philosophers and they have a great deal of trouble seeing or understanding what scientist types say, even for those that have used science and God has used science to tell them of His Existence.

Galileo is a rather prime example of Theologians not understanding that science is on par with Religion in telling people about the true nature of God. Later, about three hundred years later, they apologized.

Now, unfortunately God is the new heresy in science, and that is wrong also. I and some others have actually used God, in doing science.

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Jan 13, 2015
I hope you do not mind if I go in this direction with this. I remember we were in a Chinese restaurant and had gotten to be friends with the women that was the owner. She told us about the yin and the yang. That there was a little male in all females and a little female in all males and that they believe in China that the male and female have to be united to become one. Does that make any sense? Maybe not. Jesus says: "At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.". I wonder about places like the Philippines or Thailand. Where they have what they boy girls and people make a big joke out of it and laugh at them. These people often play along with the joke, but maybe they are crying on the inside. Still they seem to be more open in these countries and in the west sometimes they try to keep this more hidden.


I made a mistake above. My YES, and loudly made us one. I was instantly married, when I said YES. The consumation, I never expected, but it makes sense, if I am what I say I am, and. And, I would say like Paul said one day, not all things are to be said, as if I could ever keep my mouth shut.

I am the biggest blabbermouth, in the sense that is something is true, it is true, and why withold it? I will tell all and say all, but normally that part of my life, is not even handled well by what I call living saints, those people on earth like Theresa Little Flower, and Padre Pio who are not to pray for themselves anymore, and no one is supposed to pray for them either.

Normal humans, those without a large direct contact with God in some way, cannot usually understand anything I say about God, and the history books are filled with just that conclusion, but. But I will put their statements in my terms not theirs.

What is so simple to me; What I know so well; even with clear concise descriptions; even using mutiple types of descriptions; is just not understood, by anyone who has not actually had contact with God yet, and sometimes contact with God in that way.

One of the problems might be, is the way God communicated with me, which I hope is the standard way. My words, plus a feeling with content from Him, plus a vision with content from Him, and an interaction with content with Him, is in all of my contacts with God.

When I want to tell someone about just one part, seeing The The Essence of God, Trinitarianly. How do I give you the feeling of joy? How do I give you the feeling of The Power of The Holy Spirit. How do I tell you of the Royal blue on one side of each of Them that I still do not undestand, and to me should not be there, but it is. How, do I tell you of the man dissapearing as God, in His Essence gets brighter and brighter. How do I tell you of feeling God? How do I tell you of falling in love with God? How do I tell you of the agony? How do I tell you of sensing where God is? How do I tell you, of the agony of: "You can't leave me like this. You can't" "He'll take me. He'll take me." How can I tell you that just not being able to see God is agony and I spent more than 18 months without another exposure to Him, like that. There is much more.

I cannot give you the feelings with content, while talking about Jesus, but I would like to. I can't tell you as I am sure, it will not work, just like the hours I used to spend telling people about God, Your Trinitarian God, only to find out, he or she did not understand a single word.

It was my YES, actually on the third and last time I was to be asked that question, that made me married. I was married then, and started to become one, with Him.

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Jan 13, 2015
Remember, if you lay down with dogs you get up with fleas.

If I were you I wouldn't waste my time getting trapped up having Internet arguments with sheltered people with no real life experience, but alas, I am not you.


It is my job. Getting trapped is actually not the problem, but sometimes, and I don't argue. I state my experiences and that is all. I also state what I know. I do not convince, that is not my job, and really I do not teach and am asked never to do that. I am asked to share my experiences, and that is it.

But, yes, there are days, which are harder than other days, but it works out in the end.

If I did not actually love everyone here, I don't think I would be here. How do you ignore those you love?

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Nov 8, 2003
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I certainly care nothing about what you believe. It is not my job.
more misrepresenting what I said. When someone says, "you want me to believe" what they are saying is, this sounds absurd, please clarify if I am correct in how I read you. In this case, that means, are you telling me that this person asked you to refer to him/her/neither as him/her/neither? How would that look in conversation....Hey Joe, how's it going, I was wondering if (instead of you insert) he/she/neither was going to go to the park with us? Oh, wait, wouldn't that mean that US would also be he/she/neither? I had this conversation once with a transgender person and it is totally absurd to me. "Hello, Bonnie, nice to see he/she/neither tonight, maybe if you have time to hang out he/she/neither can hang out with them/their/they at the party. Really, that just is the most insanely awkwardly worded sentence structure I have ever seen. But since you don't "care what I believe" I guess we are to assume that this is exactly how you talk to this friend of yours. I'm so glad that I don't have to cater to that kind of nonsense in the people I call friends.
I can prove that statement. Do you wish it to be done, but with consequences for you? I will see if he, who I just exchanged two emails with today, will counter your words with his words, or whether he will agree with you?
now wait a moment, you just covered about your friend and in two places referred to him/her/neither as he and his. That would mean that you just hated your friend by not using your friends chosen words of he/she/neither instead of he and his....shame on you for hating your friend so much that you called your friend he and his instead of your friends preferred pronoun of he/she/neither. shame shame shame shame and yet you all have the nerve to judge me for using he/she/it when I don't know what pronoun is preferred....shame shame shame on you.
I would rather not bother him, as he has been abused vebally and assaulted for years over this issue, thus suffered at one time from severe PTSD. He also gets flashbacks from time to time.
but in this very post you are abusing your friend repeatedly because you replace your friends preferred pronouns of he/she/neither with he yet again. Seriously, why do you have to judge someone you are calling a friend by using a pronoun like he to refer to someone who wants to be called he/she/neither? Man if that is how you treat your friends I would hate to be an enemy, at least since you think that pronouns are such a huge deal that if your friend says call me "he/she/neither" you can't even accommodate and insist on calling your friend "he"...disturbing, very disturbing....
If you need this I will tell him of your need, and see what gender wise, he/she/neither who goes by the personal name of Alex with me, for my conveniences, and I will see if he will respond to you directly, so you don't have to interface with me.
well, this sentence starts out with less hate, but then you neglect to call your friend he/she/neither in exchange for he again. I really don't get why you would call Alex a friend and then refuse to call Alex "he/she/neither" like Alex asked you to do and instead keep calling Alex he...this is just horrible of you to be so hateful of Alex that you refuse to use he/she/neither for every pronoun instead, you hate Alex by using he....I don't even know what to say at this point, hate is of the devil and yet according to the transgender people on this thread, all you have done when it comes to your friend Alex is hate him/her/neither.
I will want something from you, if you take it this far.

Do you want to go there or not?

I don't personally care what pronoun Alex goes by, never have, never will, but I will reserve one pronoun where one is called for, because I personally find that to be respectful. To insist that every pronoun be replaced with he/she/neither is just nuts. But then again, this whole discussion has been nuts, so expected that you would think not saying he/she/neither for every pronoun is hate, then turn around and refuse to conform to Alex's wishes as you have presented them.
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Nov 8, 2003
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He, Alex, born in a female body, who is but 24 or so, asks me never to consider him as a gender. He/she/neither is what he and apparently the medical community sees his/her/neither's situation as.

It is proper, because for that person, it is the way it is for that person.

Not everyone fits with just a few definitions of existence, such as female, transgender, but there are actually agender (non gendered) people.

okay, I have heard you disrespect Alex for the last time, the second word in this post uses the pronoun he instead of he/she/neither as you said your friend wished to be addressed. I will not listen to you disrespect your friend anymore. Shame on you for hating your friend. Washing my hands of your hate.
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Nov 6, 2015
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If I did not actually love everyone here, I don't think I would be here. How do you ignore those you love?

You may have misunderstood what I meant. I wasn't talking about the people here who are talking to you in this thread, I'm talking about the people who live online and obsess over specific labels and who should be called what. The social justice weenies who are so sheltered and entitled in their real lives, the people who have no real problems in their lives so they make up their own nonsense issues just to make themselves feel like they're doing something with their lives.
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joshua 1 9

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May 11, 2015
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I made a mistake above. My YES, and loudly made us one. I was instantly married, when I said YES. The consumation, I never expected, but it makes sense, if I am what I say I am, and. And, I would say like Paul said one day, not all things are to be said, as if I could ever keep my mouth shut.

I am the biggest blabbermouth, in the sense that is something is true, it is true, and why withold it? I will tell all and say all, but normally that part of my life, is not even handled well by what I call living saints, those people on earth like Theresa Little Flower, and Padre Pio who are not to pray for themselves anymore, and no one is supposed to pray for them either.

Normal humans, those without a large direct contact with God in some way, cannot usually understand anything I say about God, and the history books are filled with just that conclusion, but. But I will put their statements in my terms not theirs.

What is so simple to me; What I know so well; even with clear concise descriptions; even using mutiple types of descriptions; is just not understood, by anyone who has not actually had contact with God yet, and sometimes contact with God in that way.

One of the problems might be, is the way God communicated with me, which I hope is the standard way. My words, plus a feeling with content from Him, plus a vision with content from Him, and an interaction with content with Him, is in all of my contacts with God.

When I want to tell someone about just one part, seeing The The Essence of God, Trinitarianly. How do I give you the feeling of joy? How do I give you the feeling of The Power of The Holy Spirit. How do I tell you of the Royal blue on one side of each of Them that I still do not undestand, and to me should not be there, but it is. How, do I tell you of the man dissapearing as God, in His Essence gets brighter and brighter. How do I tell you of feeling God? How do I tell you of falling in love with God? How do I tell you of the agony? How do I tell you of sensing where God is? How do I tell you, of the agony of: "You can't leave me like this. You can't" "He'll take me. He'll take me." How can I tell you that just not being able to see God is agony and I spent more than 18 months without another exposure to Him, like that. There is much more.

I cannot give you the feelings with content, while talking about Jesus, but I would like to. I can't tell you as I am sure, it will not work, just like the hours I used to spend telling people about God, Your Trinitarian God, only to find out, he or she did not understand a single word.

It was my YES, actually on the third and last time I was to be asked that question, that made me married. I was married then, and started to become one, with Him.

50 years ago I had a class in Ancient History. The teacher was a Hebrew that got out of Germany right before the Holocaust. He seemed so strict but he had a heart of gold. I left the school because it was so boring and I wanted more excitement in my life. He was unhappy that I was leaving and pleaded with my mom to try and get me to stay. He just felt there was a lot he could do to help me. Not to long ago I found out he was almost 100 and living in Florida. I sent him a card or letter or something, but he did not reply. Then very recently I heard that he died. Lots of people at the school remember him well and have lots of nice things to say about him. It was soon after he died that I started to feel his presence in a way, from Heaven. I did not much feel anything when he was still alive. But now it is as if he wants to help to help me and I do seem to understand Egyptian history a lot better now. So it is like I am getting some help from him.
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Jan 13, 2015
okay, I have heard you disrespect Alex for the last time, the second word in this post uses the pronoun he instead of he/she/neither as you said your friend wished to be addressed. I will not listen to you disrespect your friend anymore. Shame on you for hating your friend. Washing my hands of your hate.


Is this good-bye then?

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Nov 8, 2003
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Is this good-bye then?

It's I won't listen to your hate speech anymore, if you can talk about transgender people without the hate speech we are good, but disrespecting people who are already hurting is just a very low blow for someone who claims to be living so much good in the world.
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Well-Known Member
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Jan 13, 2015
50 years ago I had a class in Ancient History. The teacher was a Hebrew that got out of Germany right before the Holocaust. He seemed so strict but he had a heart of gold. I left the school because it was so boring and I wanted more excitement in my life. He was unhappy that I was leaving and pleaded with my mom to try and get me to stay. He just felt there was a lot he could do to help me. Not to long ago I found out he was almost 100 and living in Florida. I sent him a card or letter or something, but he did not reply. Then very recently I heard that he died. Lots of people at the school remember him well and have lots of nice things to say about him. It was soon after he died that I started to feel his presence in a way, from Heaven. I did not much feel anything when he was still alive. But now it is as if he wants to help to help me and I do seem to understand Egyptian history a lot better now. So it is like I am getting some help from him.


Yes dear, but that cannot happen without God letting or assigning him to help you. For me it was Jerome Biblically, when I was younger, about 40 or so.

When Jerome helped me, I was able to understand the Bible better. Guess what his specialty was on earth?

Once, done though, Jerome went to help someone else. His name is Father John. I noticed instantly, after that transfer had taken place. Apparently in my case, God wanted me to understand something about what the Catholic Church calls the Communion (helping) of saints.

Your situation sounds identical in kind to my life, and how nice it is a Hebrew. You are aware that God The Father Had HIs Son Killed, aren't you? It's in The Old Testament somewhere.

Notice all those people who have given the Jews a hard time, in that respect. The romans did not kill Jesus for real, neither did the Jews. The Father of Jesus killed Jesus. His own Father had Him killed.

Hebrews or Jews are wonderful, and that is the way God sees them, and it seems as though you are Blessed by God, with God allowing that man to help you.

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