The Ugly Face of Socialism


Apr 18, 2011
Bay Area, California
Marital Status
Undoubtedly many countries have many problems. Not all of them are really related to what we're talking about here though. And some are really global issues that are a problem for everyone.

Agree 100%

Part of the issues with small business in America, in my opinion seems to be the urban form. Endless sprawl only navigable by car makes it hard for mom and pop businesses to show up on the average person's radar.
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Apr 16, 2011
Marital Status
Agree 100%

Part of the issues with small business in America, in my opinion seems to be the urban form. Endless sprawl only navigable by car makes it hard for mom and pop businesses to show up on the average person's radar.

Small business makes up almost half the economy and Job market i think. This is why the government gives out small business loans, because every year small businesses fail and the government must keep small business going. This is also an area that to much government regulation can hurt. A small business looks like it has money on paper but at the same time can be 2 steps away from failing. So when we over tax the rich, sometimes we are actually overtaxing struggling small businesses. And then the government must loan out more money to more small businesses, only to have the life sucked out of them by high taxes and to much regulation. At least this is my understanding.
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Oct 15, 2008
Central California
United States
Eastern Orthodox
Marital Status
Most of the tax ideas from Obama and the gang have been oriented toward the top 1%, not the typical mom and pops. True, the requirement to provide health care when you have more than, what was it, 10 employees or so, that is a toughie. But overall it's the top 1% that earn hundreds of millions into billions that the Dems are after. And since they're sitting on billions of dollars of capital refusing to hire but rather choosing to oursource to India and the Philippines, I think it's perfectly fine to tax 'em. The problem with the conservatives is that they play at being patriotic but I find nothing more unpatriotic than firing a hard-working American and giving his job to Filipinos, the Chinese, and Indians. Making a man unemployed is not patriotic at all. If they were the patriots they claim to be, they'd be willing to give back a bit of their profits to provide for their fellow Americans a little health care and pension. Problem is, greed knows no bounds. And if you get bail-outs, protection with pac money and lobbyists on the Hill, and the GOP keeps making it sound like Obama is out to tax people who make $30,000 a year, they'll continue to strip the country of jobs and outsource and pocket the profits in record numbers.

Small business makes up almost half the economy and Job market i think. This is why the government gives out small business loans, because every year small businesses fail and the government must keep small business going. This is also an area that to much government regulation can hurt. A small business looks like it has money on paper but at the same time can be 2 steps away from failing. So when we over tax the rich, sometimes we are actually overtaxing struggling small businesses. And then the government must loan out more money to more small businesses, only to have the life sucked out of them by high taxes and to much regulation. At least this is my understanding.
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Apr 16, 2011
Marital Status
Most of the tax ideas from Obama and the gang have been oriented toward the top 1%, not the typical mom and pops. True, the requirement to provide health care when you have more than, what was it, 10 employees or so, that is a toughie. But overall it's the top 1% that earn hundreds of millions into billions that the Dems are after. And since they're sitting on billions of dollars of capital refusing to hire but rather choosing to oursource to India and the Philippines, I think it's perfectly fine to tax 'em. The problem with the conservatives is that they play at being patriotic but I find nothing more unpatriotic than firing a hard-working American and giving his job to Filipinos, the Chinese, and Indians. Making a man unemployed is not patriotic at all. If they were the patriots they claim to be, they'd be willing to give back a bit of their profits to provide for their fellow Americans a little health care and pension. Problem is, greed knows no bounds. And if you get bail-outs, protection with pac money and lobbyists on the Hill, and the GOP keeps making it sound like Obama is out to tax people who make $30,000 a year, they'll continue to strip the country of jobs and outsource and pocket the profits in record numbers.

And you believe all that? Dems are no better.
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Apr 16, 2011
Marital Status
The truth is i lean republican but don't really care what happens anymore. Getting along with our democrat brethren is more important than the matters of this world. Politics will only leave you disappointed every time, sure you will get satisfaction for a minute, until the political pendulum swings back the other way. Its a vicious circle of lies and disappointments that divide us for nothing more than the matters of this world. I don't blame you, i was into politics hard core for most of my life, until i decided love was more important than politics. One day you will see how futile politics really are. God is in control. I'm not saying we shouldn't vote all i'm saying is politics will put you at odds with your brethren over something that is built on lies and propaganda on all sides. This scripture helped me put the last nail in the coffin of my political beliefs:

Php_1:27 Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel;

2Ti_2:4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.
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Jul 2, 2010
Marital Status
You don't really seem to have addressed my point though, which is that many other places have a much better climate for small business to flourish compared to the US. I am a bit flummoxed as to why you would think that the American system is particularly good at giving people that kind of opportunity.
Here is my point. I started at nothing, had nothing, was given nothing and I busted my rear-end and learned my industry as best I could and now I have my own company, and making about twice the amount of money my father did. In this country, and I am not saying it isn't this way anywhere else but I can't speak for those countries for I don't live there, you have the ability to become as successful as you want to be. The questions are how much are you willing to sacrifice and how hard are you willing to work for it? If you are willing to sacrifice and work hard then the sky is the limit. I mean look at Bill Gates at Microsoft or Steve Jobs at Apple. Both of these men started out with nothing, each had an idea and from nothing became the two of the wealthiest men in the world. Not only did they become wealthy but they made many others wealthy and provided tens of thousands of people with high paying jobs. That is what you can do in this country. You may not get to be a billionaire but personally I don't want to be one so that is not my goal.

Regulations and practices that favour large corporations are something that have been around for a long, long time. And regulations that are difficult for small businesses don't come only from the executive branch of the federal gov't - you can see them at every level, including the municipal level.
You are correct in this and I do not deny this. What I am saying is that in the last three years there has been an increased stress upon small businesses like mine by the federal government especially with the health care law, which has increased our expenses for healthcare of our employees by about 35% since it became law. Other insurances have increased as well and safety regulations being enforced upon industries have become significant to our customers as well as our company. Environmental regulations have caused significant damage as well especially upon the jobs of many people in Louisiana who used to work on offshore drilling rigs. Most of these rigs have gone to Brazil and Africa and along with them the jobs they created. The list goes on and on and on. All of these have dropped in the last 3 years and the list keeps getting bigger and bigger.

If you think this is all about Obama, or really has much to do with him at all, I don't know what to say. He hasn't done anything real against corporatism and has in fact supported it, but he sure as heck didn't do anything to create it - our economies have been on that road since before we were both born.
I didn't say it is all about Obama, but I do say that Obama has done his fair share in holding down and hurting industries. The healthcare law passed by the Democrats have caused more damage than any one piece of legislature has done that I know of. Like I said it has increased my healthcare expenditures by 35% in the last two years alone this does not include the increased accounting bills from this law either. Then you throw in the lack of certainity out there that businesses are dealing with for the future, i.e. what is the full impact of the healthcare law? Is taxes going to go up next year? etc. It just doesn't make a good environment for businesses to stretch out their necks and make investments.
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
Marital Status
BTW, did y'all realize that the "mom and pop" small business stores pay income taxes in their combined income in order to meet their payroll? That means that these "mom and pop" small businesses are the ones that are going to be taxed when Obama talks about raising taxes on the "rich". (BTW what's "rich"? During the 2008 campaign, Obama said that the rich were those making 250K and more--and then 200K--and now I've heard him say 100K should be enough to earn, and so he must consider "rich" at 133K--obviously he considers himself and his buddies, exceptions to any rules.)

Mentioned that I overheard one small business man already stating that the taxes he presently pays *could* have gone to hiring another person, but instead...

Oh another thing, when small business are hit with more taxes, you know what they have to do, don't you? Pass it on to the rest of us who can't afford it. Inflation from QE 2 and the fact that are using our food to make biofuel (and the foolish subsidies there plus the wasteful "green" energy boondoggles) are already hurting us.
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Jul 2, 2010
Marital Status
Most of the tax ideas from Obama and the gang have been oriented toward the top 1%, not the typical mom and pops. True, the requirement to provide health care when you have more than, what was it, 10 employees or so, that is a toughie. But overall it's the top 1% that earn hundreds of millions into billions that the Dems are after. And since they're sitting on billions of dollars of capital refusing to hire but rather choosing to oursource to India and the Philippines, I think it's perfectly fine to tax 'em. The problem with the conservatives is that they play at being patriotic but I find nothing more unpatriotic than firing a hard-working American and giving his job to Filipinos, the Chinese, and Indians. Making a man unemployed is not patriotic at all. If they were the patriots they claim to be, they'd be willing to give back a bit of their profits to provide for their fellow Americans a little health care and pension. Problem is, greed knows no bounds. And if you get bail-outs, protection with pac money and lobbyists on the Hill, and the GOP keeps making it sound like Obama is out to tax people who make $30,000 a year, they'll continue to strip the country of jobs and outsource and pocket the profits in record numbers.
Actually Obama views anyone who makes $250,000.00 a year as being rich. He isn't just going after the billionaires and in fact he isn't going after them for he knows they know how to protect their money.

He and the Demacrats are going after the upper middle class and the small business owners who are normally LLC businesses, i.e. all profit and losses is accounted for as owner's personal income. This means that it is almost impossible for a small business owner to save money to pay for large projects to expand their businesses. It forces small business owners to take losses to keep from being overtaxed and must always go to get a bank loan to do any type of large projects thus propping up the banks.

Let us not forget that in some parts of this country making $250,000 a year is not alot of money to live on. These people will be hurt dramatically as well.

Not this you may want to throw some of that hate to your own party. Let us not forget that your party owned this country completely for two years and what did they do? Not a whole hell of a lot except to pad their donors pockets and put even more weight upon the shoulders of small businesses, which the only party I see doing anything to help these businesses and their employees are the republicans right now. The only workers the Dems are protecting and lifting up are the unions who incidently are one of the primary donors to the Democratic party.
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Cosmic Charlie

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated
Oct 14, 2003
United States
Marital Status
BTW, did y'all realize that the "mom and pop" small business stores pay income taxes in their combined income in order to meet their payroll?

Well, yeah. Everyone pays income taxes on their combined income.

That means that these "mom and pop" small businesses are the ones that are going to be taxed when Obama talks about raising taxes on the "rich". (BTW what's "rich"? During the 2008 campaign, Obama said that the rich were those making 250K and more--and then 200K--and now I've heard him say 100K should be enough to earn, and so he must consider "rich" at 133K--obviously he considers himself and his buddies, exceptions to any rules.)

This is pure rat lotion. Obama has done nothing be increase the definition of high wage earners since 2008. It was 250K and now its 1M a year.

Mentioned that I overheard one small business man already stating that the taxes he presently pays *could* have gone to hiring another person, but instead...

He's likely lying or a bad business guy. Taxes are not now nor ever have been a reason for hiring or not hiring. Its ecomonic activities that drives hiring, not low taxes.

Oh another thing, when small business are hit with more taxes, you know what they have to do, don't you? Pass it on to the rest of us who can't afford it.

Again, no they don't. When small business are hit with high taxes they take the money that is taxed at the highest rate and put it back into the business rather than pay the extra taxes.

This is one of the behaviors of business people that is an arguement for higher marginal taxes above a certain level of income. While they may or may not agree on whether its the best way to run the economy all economists agree on this.

Inflation from QE 2 and the fact that are using our food to make biofuel (and the foolish subsidies there plus the wasteful "green" energy boondoggles) are already hurting us

Annual inflation is currently running at 2.3% and the Fed has basically said that it doesn't forsee an interest rate increase (a sure sign of inflation) until sometime in 2013. See:
2010 Inflation Rates Update - US Inflation Calculator


as far as the subsidies are concerned, the Republicans are blocking closing that loophole because is would be a tax increase which a guy name Grover Norquist won't let them do because all republicians have signe some wierdy pledge not to raise taxes and this Grover guy is enforcing it on them.
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Cosmic Charlie

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated
Oct 14, 2003
United States
Marital Status
Actually Obama views anyone who makes $250,000.00 a year as being rich. He isn't just going after the billionaires and in fact he isn't going after them for he knows they know how to protect their money.

Well, that and the fact that they have been the major benefinicaires of tax and govement policies in the past 20-30 years and they should be contrubitng more in this time of fiscal trouble.

He and the Demacrats are going after the upper middle class and the small business owners who are normally LLC businesses, i.e. all profit and losses is accounted for as owner's personal income

The false equivlence in this argument is now and has always been this:

Small business owners are by and large not upper middle class.

This means that it is almost impossible for a small business owner to save money to pay for large projects to expand their businesses.

Which, though it may seem counter intuitvie, higher taxes would help (SEE the above post)

It forces small business owners to take losses to keep from being overtaxed and must always go to get a bank loan to do any type of large projects thus propping up the banks.

Um, no, and this displays a real misunderstanding of how small busineses run. Also, as a small business guy, you couldn't get a loan right now if you need one. Banks haven't been loaning money since we bailed them out.

Its one of the reasons we can't get the economy restarted. Everyone who understands what going on in the USA agrees with this

(except maybe FOX news)

Let us not forget that in some parts of this country making $250,000 a year is not alot of money to live on. These people will be hurt dramatically as well.

I would like to know, exactly, where 250,000 a year would be too little for a middle class lifesyle.

Exactly, where. I mean down the to ZIP code.

Not this you may want to throw some of that hate to your own party

Can you rewrite this sentence please ?

. Let us not forget that your party owned this country completely for two years and what did they do? Not a whole hell of a lot except to pad their donors pockets and put even more weight upon the shoulders of small businesses, which the only party I see doing anything to help these businesses and their employees are the republicans right now

I would like to take a poll: Who REALLY beleives this ?

Let me know.

The only workers the Dems are protecting and lifting up are the unions who incidently are one of the primary donors to the Democratic party.

As opposed to the GOP who only support the rich and powerful ?


Read some history - Unions are reason the middle class exist(ed) in the country. Without them we would all be working class and poor at the tender mercies of corporations.
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
Marital Status
Again, no they don't. When small business are hit with high taxes they take the money that is taxed at the highest rate and put it back into the business rather than pay the extra taxes.

Are you even *reading* what you type? Now how can they take the money that they have *already* paid in taxes and invest it in (Lord, typing is difficult--cut my hand yesterday and it really, has slowed me down--I keep on misspelling every word I type--even simple ones!) the business when it no longer exists to do that!

Annual inflation is currently running at 2.3% and the Fed has basically said that it doesn't forsee an interest rate increase (a sure sign of inflation) until sometime in 2013. See:
2010 Inflation Rates Update - US Inflation Calculator


Try going grocery shopping and stop believing lies.
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Cosmic Charlie

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated
Oct 14, 2003
United States
Marital Status
Are you even *reading* what you type? Now how can they take the money that they have *already* paid in taxes and invest it in (Lord, typing is difficult--cut my hand yesterday and it really, has slowed me down--I keep on misspelling every word I type--even simple ones!) the business when it no longer exists to do that!

I have reread my sentence serveral times and I don't understand your interpretion.

Annual inflation is currently running at 2.3% and the Fed has basically said that it doesn't forsee an interest rate increase (a sure sign of inflation) until sometime in 2013. See:
2010 Inflation Rates Update - US Inflation Calculator

Try going grocery shopping and stop believing lies.

While I understand the some food prices are up (weather has something to do with that) you can't just dismiss provable facts out of hand by calling it a lie.

Oh, I forgot.

Reality is relative on this board.

carry on.
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Jul 2, 2010
Marital Status
Well, that and the fact that they have been the major benefinicaires of tax and govement policies in the past 20-30 years and they should be contrubitng more in this time of fiscal trouble.
Why? I would be better for everybody if the Government first cuts costs. That would be the best way out of this problem. You don't cut cost then you can tax the top 1% of tax payers 100% and it would be only a drop in the bucket. We need to fix spending first and foremost. This is the only way our fiscal troubles will get fixed. Taxation will only magnify the problem.

The false equivlence in this argument is now and has always been this:

Small business owners are by and large not upper middle class.

I didn't say they are. What I said is that there are many small business owners who are in the $250,000 tax bracket and it will not help them or their business nor will it help them to justify the hiring of new people. The way LLCs work is that all profit and losses of the business are viewed by the IRS as a personal income of the owner(s). Increase the taxes upon these owners will take more money out of their companies which will restrict the capability of the owner(s) to expand their businesses and hire more people or give higher wages, etc.

Which, though it may seem counter intuitvie, higher taxes would help (SEE the above post)
Who will it help? Tell me that. Who will it help. Like I said you can take every dime of the wealthy and it won't make any significant impact on the deficit we are currently running.

Um, no, and this displays a real misunderstanding of how small busineses run. Also, as a small business guy, you couldn't get a loan right now if you need one. Banks haven't been loaning money since we bailed them out.

Its one of the reasons we can't get the economy restarted. Everyone who understands what going on in the USA agrees with this

(except maybe FOX news)
This isn't necessarily true. Yes it is harder to get a loan today but not impossible. As I well know as a small business owner. Many small business owners are getting line of credits for just in case situations instead of going after loans. Loans are used not for normal expenditures but for big capital expenditures, i.e. business expansion, buying new equipment, building expansion, relocations, franchising, etc. The main problem is most are too uncertain of the economy and what Washington is going to do step out there and do any big capital expenditures.

I would like to know, exactly, where 250,000 a year would be too little for a middle class lifesyle.

Exactly, where. I mean down the to ZIP code.
I would say New York City for one. I live in Shreveport, LA and between myself and my wife we make about $100,000.00 per year. To live in New York City at the same level it would require us to make over $190,000 per year! I would consider myself as middle class and am not living high on the hog per se. Heck between my mortgage ($650.00/month), groceries ($250.00/week two boys), two vehicles ($900.00/month) which we need because we don't have public transportation, $200.00 of gasoline/week, and lets don't forget taxes, we don't have a whole heck a lot left over for much else.

By the way Nantucket and Honolulu would be two others that are pretty high.

Can you rewrite this sentence please ?
May want to throw some hate toward your party since they helped get us in this bind and now holding us in it. (Is that better?)

I would like to take a poll: Who REALLY beleives this ?

Let me know.
You see that is the problem. No body pays attention to fact do they? Was or was not the Democrats in charge of this country for 2009 and 2010? The Republicans could do absolutely nothing to stop the Democrats from passing anything and everything they wanted. Nothing. No filobuster, nothing. And yet the party who is for the little man did what for the little man during that time? What have they done? What did they do? Heck they didn't even pass a federal budget during this time. Not one. After two years of complete control by the Democrats do you really feel better off today than you did in 2006?

As opposed to the GOP who only support the rich and powerful ?
Really? Who believes this? Anybody? What a joke. You know the big accusation by Obama that Republicans are for the rich people is the private airplane joke. You know what the tax break for the private airplane industry was passed by the Democrats in the stimulas bill that they passed. Only one republican voted for it. And yet Obama is blaming the Republicans? And yet no body researches this stuff in the media and calls him out on it.

When Pres Bush and the Republicans passed the Bush tax cuts, the Dems were running around calling them tax cuts for the rich only. Well why did Obama and many Dems, when the tax cuts were due to expire wanted them only to expire just for the people making $250,000 or more if there was no tax cuts for those below $250,000? If there was no tax cuts given by Bush to those below $250,000 then what was the gripe? They should have just let them expire no harm no foul right? Oh that is right they have been lieing about the Bush's tax cuts from the beginning and letting these tax cuts to expire would have hurt not just the upper class but the middle class as well. If I remember correctly the difference in my taxes was about $1400/year under Bush's tax cuts.

Read some history - Unions are reason the middle class exist(ed) in the country. Without them we would all be working class and poor at the tender mercies of corporations.
Yes unions were very important in establishing a balance between labor and employers and for that I thank them as well as we should. But as Pope Leo XIII said in his encyclical Rerum Novarum there must be balance between the Employee and Employer and the unions did do this. But the Pope also warned against the Employee having too much power as well and I think this is where the Unions are at at this moment and the balance must be reestablished. As Pope Leo says: "20. Of these duties, the following bind the proletarian and the worker: fully and faithfully to perform the work which has been freely and equitably agreed upon; never to injure the property, nor to outrage the person, of an employer; never to resort to violence in defending their own cause, nor to engage in riot or disorder; and to have nothing to do with men of evil principles, who work upon the people with artful promises of great results, and excite foolish hopes which usually end in useless regrets and grievous loss." I would think this great pope would not look upon what happened in Wisconsin recently as a moral good.
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Traditionalist Catholic
Feb 4, 2004
Marital Status
Let us not forget that in some parts of this country making $250,000 a year is not alot of money to live on. These people will be hurt dramatically as well.

There are neighborhoods where $250k/yr won't be a lot of money, but I don't know of any areas that broadly fit that description. There is no zip code in the United States where the average salary per return is over $250k.

100 richest zip codes in the United States

At any rate, there are no workplaces out-of-commuting range for the person making $100k to lead a comfortable lifestyle.
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
Marital Status
I have reread my sentence serveral times and I don't understand your interpretion.

The money doesn't exist for them anymore. How could they spend it yet again? The same double accounting that Sebelius admitted to? Hint: One is only allowed to use money for one purpose at a time. If the money was already given to someone else, it's impossible for the business owners to plow it back into the business.

While I understand the some food prices are up (weather has something to do with that) you can't just dismiss provable facts out of hand by calling it a lie.

Oh, I forgot.

Reality is relative on this board.

carry on.

I've learned a long time ago to trust my pocketbook instead of what some politician wants me to believe so that he can gain political points. If we are busy devaluing our dollar by buying our own debt (even though we swore we would never do that when we went off the gold standard) and somehow food prices have gone up, up, up (we are also using our corn for fuel and guess what our corn is also used for? cattle--so that explains why meat and milk and cheese are up) it only stands to reason that the value of the dollar is going down. There is no way anyone can tell me differently. My pocketbook doesn't lie--not like politicians. The dollar doesn't stretch as far anymore. (BTW when I was a teen our money was based on the gold standard and an ounce of gold went for $43--now our dollar is based on "thin air" and gold is over $1500 an ounce.) And you talk about reality? Now *that's* reality.
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Cosmic Charlie

The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated
Oct 14, 2003
United States
Marital Status
(BTW when I was a teen our money was based on the gold standard and an ounce of gold went for $43--now our dollar is based on "thin air" and gold is over $1500 an ounce.) And you talk about reality? Now *that's* reality.

To a real extent it based on the price of oil.

The only way to buy petroleum on the international market is to use American dollars.

So the dollar is indirectly (and inversely) tied to the price of oil.

This was, or course, intended by Nixon when he (correctly) took us off the gold standard.

It was a mistake to tie the price of oil to the dollar and it still is.

In MY reality we don't use dollars, we use oak leaves.

This has led to the destruction of entire forests in an attempt to control inflation.
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Oct 15, 2008
Central California
United States
Eastern Orthodox
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Does anyone actually fly airplanes anymore? I thought the rich and most other people flew in jets?

Why? I would be better for everybody if the Government first cuts costs. That would be the best way out of this problem. You don't cut cost then you can tax the top 1% of tax payers 100% and it would be only a drop in the bucket. We need to fix spending first and foremost. This is the only way our fiscal troubles will get fixed. Taxation will only magnify the problem.

I didn't say they are. What I said is that there are many small business owners who are in the $250,000 tax bracket and it will not help them or their business nor will it help them to justify the hiring of new people. The way LLCs work is that all profit and losses of the business are viewed by the IRS as a personal income of the owner(s). Increase the taxes upon these owners will take more money out of their companies which will restrict the capability of the owner(s) to expand their businesses and hire more people or give higher wages, etc.

Who will it help? Tell me that. Who will it help. Like I said you can take every dime of the wealthy and it won't make any significant impact on the deficit we are currently running.

This isn't necessarily true. Yes it is harder to get a loan today but not impossible. As I well know as a small business owner. Many small business owners are getting line of credits for just in case situations instead of going after loans. Loans are used not for normal expenditures but for big capital expenditures, i.e. business expansion, buying new equipment, building expansion, relocations, franchising, etc. The main problem is most are too uncertain of the economy and what Washington is going to do step out there and do any big capital expenditures.

I would say New York City for one. I live in Shreveport, LA and between myself and my wife we make about $100,000.00 per year. To live in New York City at the same level it would require us to make over $190,000 per year! I would consider myself as middle class and am not living high on the hog per se. Heck between my mortgage ($650.00/month), groceries ($250.00/week two boys), two vehicles ($900.00/month) which we need because we don't have public transportation, $200.00 of gasoline/week, and lets don't forget taxes, we don't have a whole heck a lot left over for much else.

By the way Nantucket and Honolulu would be two others that are pretty high.

May want to throw some hate toward your party since they helped get us in this bind and now holding us in it. (Is that better?)

You see that is the problem. No body pays attention to fact do they? Was or was not the Democrats in charge of this country for 2009 and 2010? The Republicans could do absolutely nothing to stop the Democrats from passing anything and everything they wanted. Nothing. No filobuster, nothing. And yet the party who is for the little man did what for the little man during that time? What have they done? What did they do? Heck they didn't even pass a federal budget during this time. Not one. After two years of complete control by the Democrats do you really feel better off today than you did in 2006?

Really? Who believes this? Anybody? What a joke. You know the big accusation by Obama that Republicans are for the rich people is the private airplane joke. You know what the tax break for the private airplane industry was passed by the Democrats in the stimulas bill that they passed. Only one republican voted for it. And yet Obama is blaming the Republicans? And yet no body researches this stuff in the media and calls him out on it.

When Pres Bush and the Republicans passed the Bush tax cuts, the Dems were running around calling them tax cuts for the rich only. Well why did Obama and many Dems, when the tax cuts were due to expire wanted them only to expire just for the people making $250,000 or more if there was no tax cuts for those below $250,000? If there was no tax cuts given by Bush to those below $250,000 then what was the gripe? They should have just let them expire no harm no foul right? Oh that is right they have been lieing about the Bush's tax cuts from the beginning and letting these tax cuts to expire would have hurt not just the upper class but the middle class as well. If I remember correctly the difference in my taxes was about $1400/year under Bush's tax cuts.

Yes unions were very important in establishing a balance between labor and employers and for that I thank them as well as we should. But as Pope Leo XIII said in his encyclical Rerum Novarum there must be balance between the Employee and Employer and the unions did do this. But the Pope also warned against the Employee having too much power as well and I think this is where the Unions are at at this moment and the balance must be reestablished. As Pope Leo says: "20. Of these duties, the following bind the proletarian and the worker: fully and faithfully to perform the work which has been freely and equitably agreed upon; never to injure the property, nor to outrage the person, of an employer; never to resort to violence in defending their own cause, nor to engage in riot or disorder; and to have nothing to do with men of evil principles, who work upon the people with artful promises of great results, and excite foolish hopes which usually end in useless regrets and grievous loss." I would think this great pope would not look upon what happened in Wisconsin recently as a moral good.
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Tenderized for Christ
May 24, 2004
Pacific Northwest, United States
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Does anyone actually fly airplanes anymore?

Well we know AirForce One to be an airplane, and we know that Obama has been crossing the country in it for his 2012 campaign (on the taxpayers dime--even though that's not supposed to happen.) He and Michelle often would take two to his vacations. And how do you think Michelle was able to take her entire extended family on that swanky vacation in Spain and another trip to Africa (which the countries in Africa admit were just for tourism for her relatives.) As a matter of fact, before the 2010 elections where the House was retaken, didn't Pelosi have a Gulf Stream and didn't a document that was gotten via the Freedom of Information Act inform us that she was spending thousands on booze for friends and family during her many flights. (Plain wasn't necessary--glad that Boehner refused the plane, which is a jet.)
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