Women pastors, the spirit of whoredom

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Apr 14, 2007
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Does any realize it was the Catholic Church in 382 that set out to translate from Latin the books now used in the New Testament into the Vulgate?

That it is the Catholic Church that chose the 27 books of the New Testament from more than 200 books?

That yes the Catholic Church is the Universal church spoken of as early as 100 AD and it is the same Church that has been led by the Spirit of Truth since Jesus left the Spirit to Protect and Remember the Truth?

All these remarks about "oh Ihave the Holy Spirit and it talks to me and told me women can be priests" is just ludicrous. The Spirit of Truth came after Jesus to protect his church and YES it is only ONE church.

Not ludicrous. You have been indoctrinated with some major falsehood. I watched your little profile video--yeah--falsehood.

By the way, the Holy Spirit is a person. Kindly refer to Him not as "it". Thank you.

The Word of God calls us all priests. He doesn't say in 1 Peter 2:9---
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;...oh, except for women...you aren't as special.

As stated previously the Catholic Church does indeed trace it's roots through Apostlic Succession to the Apostles and thus to Christ himself.

So they say. Bully for them...it wasn't required, for God doesn't work through that arrangement in any way. Just another example of works and religiosity.

If you find yourself in a church today that is other than the Catholic Church or the Eastern Church then you have no valid Orders and do not have the Spirit of Truth guiding and Protecting your church.

You know nothing about how the Holy Spirit moves, then. He lives in each Christian from the very moment of salvation. Each Christian is a member of the Body of Christ--thereby coming directly and intimately under the protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit! Amen, Jesus!

ANY church that is other than these two churches DID NOT EXIST until the 16th century or later is not God made but man made. That is why there are so many denominations because they are not of God's church they are from someone else. They have valid Baptisms but what else???

God's church? What about the global family of God--Christians? That is the Church of God. That is the Church, the Bride. It exists beyond doctrine, brick and stained glass, nuns and priests and altars and anything you want to throw as a stumbling block before those He wants to save.

All I have said is proven through history and is not some ones fanciful fantasy of some spirit telling them the Truth. Jesus gave us the Truth when he was here and the Apostles taught it and the Spirit of Truth has protected it. Anything else is not from God since God gave us his teachings before he left.

Scriptural and historical and fact. Beat that...

The New Testament Church is alive and well and living beyond your closed up doctrinal world. You can't put God in a box.

Jesus died and burst open His tomb alive to FREE us from that dusty musty thinking! Hallelujah!
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Oct 6, 2006
That is a shallow remark.
I was questioning your statement. Shallow? Lacking depth, I don't lack depth.... I may lack depth of pretension but, I am sincere.

I never said ONLY Catholics are of God. I said ONLY the Catholic Church is of God. But you probably understand church as only spiritual. Sad really because so many fall short of the full truth because of this.
Again, I was asking a question. Adding, if what I supposed you meant was accurate I might consider it blasphemy. Full truth? There is no such thing, here on this side of the veil. Any one who thinks he has full truth, has, only fooled himself.

Of course the church is spiritual in nature but it is also the place a person goes for guidance. Scripture tells us that if we have a difference with a brother/sister to take it to two or more brothers/sisters and if that does not resolve it then take it to the Church.
There was not 'The Church" there were churches gathering places of believers when this was written. Still today the church consists of the body of believer's in the earth. Not an institution or organization.

The wheat and the tares grow together till the gathering time.

Obviously in todays world one would have to decided which of the thousands of different 'churches' should they go? But in reality there has only been one church and one place to go and you guessed it. The Catholic Church.

No. I never even considered the Catholic Church since God did not call me through it, by it, or ever inclined me to it. Nor, has there ever been any desire or interest on my part in it.

What I am saying is that the Catholic Church is also the teachings of Jesus and these teachings are unchanged from the beginning because the Spirit protects this church. Scripture says that the Church will stand against the Gates of Hell and that wolves will enter it and decieve. Yes this has been the history of the Catholic Church and Judas Iscariot was probably the first to be a wolf.
Well, I believe the church, has always been, and, always will be, the body of believers in Christ in the earth. That is regardless of affiliation with any particular organized religion.

Scripture also says that Jesus will build his Church on a Rock so it will stand against the storms. The Rock is Peter (Simon) and who else can show a Apostolic succession all the way back to Peter?
The answer is simple... NO ONE.
Every believer is a brother to Christ first born from the dead, we can all trace our roots back to Jesus who called us out of darkness into the light.

This IS the church Jesus built. Call it blasphemy for many evil people and lost sheep have.
Ah, so here you finally show the depth of your condensation. Keep continuing to believe in your church. I will keep believing in the Messiah, who shed His blood for me and baptized me in the Holy Spirit.

I believe in Jesus. God is my rock, I am part of His Church the body of Christ in the earth, and, the gates of hell will not stand against one little child who places his/her trust in Christ, because such are the church.
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Praise be to Jesus Christ. Now and forever.
Mar 9, 2007
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Is this a woman scourned???

What fury...

Not ludicrous. You have been indoctrinated with some major falsehood. I watched your little profile video--yeah--falsehood.

That video is awesome. From the "One True Faith". By the way you will see me in the audience a couple of times this Fall. Look for it.

By the way, the Holy Spirit is a person. Kindly refer to Him not as "it". Thank you.

To 'him'... I am surprised you did not say 'her.

The Word of God calls us all priests. He doesn't say in 1 Peter 2:9---
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;...oh, except for women...you aren't as special.

I see a complex disorder here I think... I never mentioned any difference between man or woman with this scripture.

I said it had to do with the priesthood of our body and NOT the church. Big difference there, please read what I wrote and do not insert your own even if the voices told you so.

You know nothing about how the Holy Spirit moves, then. He lives in each Christian from the very moment of salvation. Each Christian is a member of the Body of Christ--thereby coming directly and intimately under the protection and guidance of the Holy Spirit! Amen, Jesus!

Some would call this "judgmental".

I have not claimed any such thing about you...

How would you know if the Holy Spirit were living in my Temple???

I am the priest of my body and not you.

God's church? What about the global family of God--Christians? That is the Church of God. That is the Church, the Bride. It exists beyond doctrine, brick and stained glass, nuns and priests and altars and anything you want to throw as a stumbling block before those He wants to save.


You are getting tiring. Why? Because yet again I have previously answered this...

The church you refer to is the spiritual ONLY church. Jesus is building a church to remember and protect Jesus' teachings. Hello...

The New Testament Church is alive and well and living beyond your closed up doctrinal world. You can't put God in a box.
Jesus died and burst open His tomb alive to FREE us from that dusty musty thinking! Hallelujah!

Dusty musty thinking???

Show me the scriptual text for that little gem.
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Praise be to Jesus Christ. Now and forever.
Mar 9, 2007
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Every believer is a brother to Christ first born from the dead, we can all trace our roots back to Jesus who called us out of darkness into the light.

I am a believer so we must be brothers in Christ.

But bro you need some schoolin because there is a lot Christian history out there.

Check out WIKI...


A letter written by Ignatius to Christians in Smyrna [1] around 106 is the earliest surviving witness to the use of the term "Catholic Church" (Letter to the Smyrnaeans, 8). By it Ignatius designated the Christian Church in its universal aspect, excluding heretics, such as those who disavow "the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ,which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness, raised up again" (Smyrnaeans, 7). He called such people "beasts in the shape of men, whom you must not only not receive, but, if it be possible, not even meet with" (Smyrnaeans, 4). The term is also used in the Martyrdom of Polycarp in 155 and in the Muratorian fragment, about 177.
St Cyril of Jerusalem (circa 315-386) urged those he was instructing in the Christian faith: "If ever thou art sojourning in cities, inquire not simply where the Lord's House is (for the other sects of the profane also attempt to call their own dens houses of the Lord), nor merely where the Church is, but where is the Catholic Church. For this is the peculiar name of this Holy Church, the mother of us all, which is the spouse of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of God" (Catechetical Lectures, XVIII, 26).[2]
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Apr 14, 2007
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1 Timothy

5:17. Let the priests that rule well be esteemed worthy of double honour: especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.
[SIZE=-1]Qui bene praesunt presbyteri duplici honore digni habeantur maxime qui laborant in verbo et doctrina[/SIZE]

5:19. Against a priest receive not an accusation, but under two or three witnesses.
[SIZE=-1]Adversus presbyterum accusationem noli recipere nisi sub duobus et tribus testibus[/SIZE]

1 Timothy 5:17
Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.

Look at 1 Peter to see what I mean...

1 Peter
2:25. For you were as sheep going astray: but you are now converted to the shepherd and bishop of your souls.
[SIZE=-1]Eratis enim sicut oves errantes sed conversi estis nunc ad pastorem et episcopum animarum vestrarum[/SIZE]

We see in line 25 where it concludes this chapter that what is being spoken of is that we are a shephard/priest/bishop of our own soul now.

But it is also written by a man who is a leader of the people as the Priest or Bishop of the Church which is here on Earth to remember and protect God's teachings when he came to us as Jesus.

1 Peter 2:25
Once you were like sheep
who wandered away.
But now you have turned to your Shepherd,
the Guardian of your souls.

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Apr 14, 2006
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I am a believer so we must be brothers in Christ.

But bro you need some schoolin because there is a lot Christian history out there.

Check out WIKI...


A letter written by Ignatius to Christians in Smyrna [1] around 106 is the earliest surviving witness to the use of the term "Catholic Church" (Letter to the Smyrnaeans, 8). By it Ignatius designated the Christian Church in its universal aspect, excluding heretics, such as those who disavow "the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ,which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness, raised up again" (Smyrnaeans, 7). He called such people "beasts in the shape of men, whom you must not only not receive, but, if it be possible, not even meet with" (Smyrnaeans, 4). The term is also used in the Martyrdom of Polycarp in 155 and in the Muratorian fragment, about 177.
St Cyril of Jerusalem (circa 315-386) urged those he was instructing in the Christian faith: "If ever thou art sojourning in cities, inquire not simply where the Lord's House is (for the other sects of the profane also attempt to call their own dens houses of the Lord), nor merely where the Church is, but where is the Catholic Church. For this is the peculiar name of this Holy Church, the mother of us all, which is the spouse of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of God" (Catechetical Lectures, XVIII, 26).[2]
These subjects are off topic - there are subforums for Catholic debates. :holy:
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Senior Veteran
Oct 6, 2006
I am a believer so we must be brothers in Christ.

But bro you need some schoolin because there is a lot Christian history out there.

Check out WIKI...


A letter written by Ignatius to Christians in Smyrna [1] around 106 is the earliest surviving witness to the use of the term "Catholic Church" (Letter to the Smyrnaeans, 8). By it Ignatius designated the Christian Church in its universal aspect, excluding heretics, such as those who disavow "the Eucharist to be the flesh of our Saviour Jesus Christ,which suffered for our sins, and which the Father, of His goodness, raised up again" (Smyrnaeans, 7). He called such people "beasts in the shape of men, whom you must not only not receive, but, if it be possible, not even meet with" (Smyrnaeans, 4). The term is also used in the Martyrdom of Polycarp in 155 and in the Muratorian fragment, about 177.
St Cyril of Jerusalem (circa 315-386) urged those he was instructing in the Christian faith: "If ever thou art sojourning in cities, inquire not simply where the Lord's House is (for the other sects of the profane also attempt to call their own dens houses of the Lord), nor merely where the Church is, but where is the Catholic Church. For this is the peculiar name of this Holy Church, the mother of us all, which is the spouse of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of God" (Catechetical Lectures, XVIII, 26).[2]
Jesus, is the rock, the chief corner stone and no man, nor organization.
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1 Timothy 5:17
Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.

1 Peter 2:25
Once you were like sheep
who wandered away.
But now you have turned to your Shepherd,
the Guardian of your souls.


Amazing huh?

Your bible has translated 'presbyteri' as elders. Obviously PRESBYTERI is having to do with the priesthood. But the priests or presbyters were also referred to as elders. This too is Old Testament stuff.

Good job pointing that out.
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Senior Veteran
Oct 6, 2006
Upon what rock, will the church of God be built, the corner stone, the rock, Jesus, Messiah. Upon this rock, the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He is the rock upon which the church is built.

I've stood against, cast down and cast out devils. God raised a man (my father) from the dead, through a word given to me (documented). It was through faith in God, and Christ these things were done and I had no church organization backing me. However, I did have brethren (church) individual believers in Christ praying on my behalf. God moved on the foundation of faith in Christ through His Church, His people, to do these things.
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Praise be to Jesus Christ. Now and forever.
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These subjects are off topic - there are subforums for Catholic debates. :holy:


Hey 'JWNEWMAN' send it to me in PM next time so I do not get reprimanded by Nadine.

Thanks bro.
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Praise be to Jesus Christ. Now and forever.
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Jesus, is the rock, the chief corner stone and no man, nor organization.

Amen bro!

Keep it real. I like that.

* Sorry Nadine, we will keep it PMed next time. Right bro?
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Apr 14, 2007
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Is this a woman scourned???

What fury...

No. Just a woman of God. One of millions...

That video is awesome. From the "One True Faith". By the way you will see me in the audience a couple of times this Fall. Look for it.


To 'him'... I am surprised you did not say 'her.

You are already trying to size me up! I'll save you the task...I am not one of those. Shame on you. Typical, though. When a woman dares to differ, you try to pigeonhole her negatively...of course.

You are getting tiring. Why? Because yet again I have previously answered this...

The church you refer to is the spiritual ONLY church. Jesus is building a church to remember and protect Jesus' teachings. Hello...

Yes, and I happen to be one of the more lively living stones!
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Praise be to Jesus Christ. Now and forever.
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Upon what rock, will the church of God be built, the corner stone, the rock, Jesus, Messiah. Upon this rock, the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He is the rock upon which the church is built.

I've stood against, cast down and cast out devils. God raised a man (my father) from the dead, through a word given to me (documented). It was through faith in God, and Christ these things were done and I had no church organization backing me. However, I did have brethren (church) individual believers in Christ praying on my behalf. God moved on the foundation of faith in Christ through His Church, His people, to do these things.

Dude that is some crazy awesome stuff but we should stick to stuff about women being pastors.

Some of these girls want to be like men and do not understand that God made us different for reasons that God only knows sometimes...
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Dude that is some crazy awesome stuff but we should stick to stuff about women being pastors.

Some of these girls want to be like men and do not understand that God made us different for reasons that God only knows sometimes...

We don't want to be like men. We want to be like JESUS!

Now, if you would kindly step aside from your self-righteous roadblock...
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Praise be to Jesus Christ. Now and forever.
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You are already trying to size me up! I'll save you the task...I am not one of those. Shame on you. Typical, though. When a woman dares to differ, you try to pigeonhole her negatively...of course.

Ha! Tell that to my mother. The woman feminist she is.

Talk about a woman that wears the pants in the family. LOL

Naw I do not wish to 'pigeonhole' you. You simply made a point about something I did not mention and having to do with woman this and woman equal to that or whatever. When all I said was that the line in scripture about us being of a "royal priesthood" had to do with our bodies and not the church on earth.

Obviously you are not the priest of my body and I am not the priest of yours just as the pastor of your church is not the priest of your body because you are.

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Praise be to Jesus Christ. Now and forever.
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We don't want to be like men. We want to be like JESUS!

Then do as our Father in Heaven has commanded.

Let men be Priests and stop trying to insert something in there that just does not exist.
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Ha! Tell that to my mother. The woman feminist she is.

Talk about a woman that wears the pants in the family. LOL

Naw I do not wish to 'pigeonhole' you. You simply made a point about something I did not mention and having to do with woman this and woman equal to that or whatever. When all I said was that the line in scripture about us being of a "royal priesthood" had to do with our bodies and not the church on earth.

Obviously you are not the priest of my body and I am not the priest of yours just as the pastor of your church is not the priest of your body because you are.


We are a priesthood to the world.

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Aug 4, 2005
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"Cursed be everyone who does not persevere in doing all the things written in the book of the law."
I'm not sure what your point was... mine was that "there is no longer jew nor Greek, no longer slave nor free, there is no longer male or female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus"...

so stop all the patriarchal nonsense
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