
old dude
Jan 14, 2006
Orlando, Florida
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
You and everyone else has run away once I started referring to actual scripture.
We are to "Judge all things" oddly is not anywhere in scripture.
I happen to be very conservative "to scripture" and as a result
not all that conservative at all socially.
I'm happy to show conservatives the error of what has been preached
from the pulpit, but not actually supported by scripture.
Sexual orientation and gender bologna rules are both historical blips
not supported by scripture. Paul also had some mistakes telling
women to shut up, the length of hair and head coverings.

No one that I am aware of has 'run away'. I have a job and don't have as much 'time' as I would like to spend here.

The 'truth is' that it is 'you' that has failed to even admit that scripture exists except as 'you' determine it. For to say that Paul's words are 'mistakes' is to say that your position is that scripture is what 'you want it to be' instead of what we are offered.

In the OT, long before the New, it was given in instruction that homosexuality is not only a 'sin', but outright abomination to God Himself. Guess not only Paul made mistakes when delivering God's Word, but so too was Moses a major 'blunderer'?

It doesn't take a 'rocket scientist' to recognize that homosexuality is utterly 'contrary' to nature itself. From the beginning of the Bible we are informed of the proper 'order' of God's 'creation'. A man and woman become 'as one' in marriage. They have children as is God's will, (yet many now days seem to believe it should be 'their own will').

Two men or two women 'cannot' become as 'one' in marriage regardless of the 'laws of men'. They certainly cannot consummate a righteous marriage according to God's will for the simple fact that it takes a male and a female to 'do so'. The whole 'sexual agenda' as inserted into 'creation' was for 'procreation' not 'recreation'. While God inserted 'pleasure' into the equation doesn't mean that we are to allow ourselves to 'burn' in our lusts for that pleasure. The act of sex was designed for 'one purpose': procreation. Talk around the issue all you like, ignorance is the only manner in which anyone would even attempt to offer any alternative answer. We are not to allow 'anything' concerning the flesh to rule over our spirit. We are commanded to 'overcome' the flesh.

Sir, you are anything 'but' conservative in any way. You are about as 'liberal' as anyone I have ever encountered.

When I read what you offer the closest person that I can associate with what you offer was Alister Crowley. "Do what thou wilt shall be all the law". That is the message that I have gathered from your comments.

You have proven yourself unworthy of any semblance of 'trust' as concerns the Bible over and over again. Anyone that would offer that Paul's words were merely 'blunders' or 'mistakes' or whatever other than the 'truth' is what I would consider 'anti Christ'. For if you do not believe in Paul, how could you possibly believe in Christ, (place one's faith there)?

Paul didn't simply offer opinion. On many occasion he stated openly and clearly that the words he offered are the 'commandments of God'.

But it seems that you don't 'like' some of the 'commandments' of God as delivered by Paul, (and Moses), so you choose to discredit the messengers that delivered the messages that 'you don't like'. I guess it would be tempting and quite nice to travel through the pages of scripture and disregard any that don't match what 'you want to believe' or practice. The only problem with that is that there is no relationship possible with the 'true God' through such understanding. You can't do it your way and then call on God and expect Him to hear you. He does not listen to the prayers of those that are unrepentant, (how many that died in the 'flood' do you suppose may have been on their knees praying when the water came?).

You, sir, seem to be little other than a 'part' of the homosexual agenda and the feminist agenda as well. And you do not gain your insight through scripture as you claim. For scripture does not contain such agendas when takes as a whole as it is offered.



Paul didn't tell women to 'shut up', he told them that when they are 'in the Church', (gathering), to remain 'silent'.
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old dude
Jan 14, 2006
Orlando, Florida
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
The Bible does 'not' tell us not to judge. It warns us to judge 'righteously' when it comes to others.

What kind of 'fool' would refuse to judge 'all things' according to righteousness?


noun: judgement
the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.

If we are followers of God's will, how do we 'follow' except through righteous 'judgement'?

Anyone that uses the 'judge not LEST ye be judged' to discourage one from 'judging' all things is simply attempting to lead one to 'not judge themselves'.

The 'churches' that teach such rubbish are the ones most likely to be treating the congregation like 'merchandise' and in order to keep the congregation from judging them teach to 'judge not'.

Judge not lest ye be judged is no different than instructing someone to 'read the instructions FIRST'. In order to keep from making a mistake, make sure you know what you are doing.

When you judge others guilty of doing the same thing you are doing yourself, you are offering unrighteous judgement.

The law of this world appoints it's own judges. God appoints each of us to be our own 'judges' according to 'righteousness' and each of us will be held accountable for improper judgement.

If we are not to even sit and 'eat' with those living in sin, how do we make such a determination if not through 'righteous judgement'?

I do not 'judge' homosexuals or women who don't want to follow God's instruction. They have judged themselves, (know what they do is unrighteous), according to God's instruction. I didn't set the rules. God did. I didn't create men and women, God did.

What I 'do' do is attempt to point out what we are offered in the Bible.


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old dude
Jan 14, 2006
Orlando, Florida
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
Even assuming, arguendo, that I were to agree that homosexuality is a sin... what is the point? Everybody has their favorite sins, why is one worse than the other? Ultimate it is faith, not works that justify. The fruit of the Spirit is not ceasing to sin, which is not possible in this life, because if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Guess you didn't really 'read' the title of the topic. If you had, you wouldn't have asked, "what's the point".

The point is 'not': is homosexuality a sin? The point is that there is a 'homosexual agenda' happening that is attempting to influence society that it is OK when nature itself screams of it's impropriety.

But to address your idea that 'all sins' are equal? That is not what the Bible says. The Bible is clear when it offers that homosexuality is not 'only a sin', but outright abomination to God Himself. So your premise is moot from the faulty foundation up.

Human nature? Oh my. The flesh is capable of ideas and actions beyond the capacity of most to imagine.

But, we are on a Christian Forum. From the 'believers' perspective, there is much that pertains to the 'flesh' that isn't to be a part of the 'true follower'. The world follows the 'flesh'. True believers follow The Holy Spirit. True believers are instructed to 'overcome' the flesh for the sake of the 'spirit'.

Faith without works is 'dead'. If the works don't 'follow' then your faith is 'false faith'. It's 'easy' to say something. Men are liars basically from birth. Without proper 'works', faith means nothing. You do know what 'dead' means, right?


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Standing firm for Christ
Nov 23, 2015
Mid West of the good USA
Marital Status
This type of rhetoric from homophobic Christians always seems to find itself on Christian forums. I have no idea why some Christians are so paranoid of gay people. Gay people don't try to addvocate that anyone else be gay. Of course they want to justify their behavior just as all people do but as Christians we should be more concerned about there lack of salvation than we are about their sexual orientation. The LGBT agenda didn't start in the church, it's started in the world because the world despite the fact that they're not even Christians still wanted to discriminate against them. In a Democratic Society no specific group should be discriminated against. As Christians we are taught that we are all equal in the eyes of God. We forget that the Bible tells us that 'while we were yet sinners Christ died for us'. That means he died for gays too and for any member of the LGBT community.
Now if a gay person wants to come out a forum like this and that advocate that there's nothing wrong with their gay lifestyle and that they are Christian, I will point out the error of their thinking. But in a society that is meant to be equal for all citizens any person that consider themselves part of the LGBT community should have the same rights as any other citizen. Democracy is not only for Christians democracy is for all citizens.
Jesus socialized with all kinds of sinners that were considered the dregs of their society in his day. He did not condone their lifestyles or their sin but he accepted them and showed them what the gospel was all about. We should be doing the same.

I sure hope you were not referring to me as a "homophobic Christian"! Yes I sure and concerned about this small percent of unsaved persons in the US, which is less that 3 to 7%. I do not understand why so much attention is given to this group of unsaved people and the sin they are in. I see so many more people who need Jesus and they too need love and reaching out to as well if not more so.

This small percent of our population is turning our moral and ethical standards beyond what is acceptable. demanding to use the restroom of their choice, are you kidding? When a group of LGBT peoples DEMAND that my wife and daughters no longer have the privacy of doing body functions in a place that is limited to those of the same female gender parts, TGHAT IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!

Be very careful that you are not corssing over the line where people think you are standing with their demands. You come across as if that is what you are saying. It is difficult to understand where you stand.
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Student & Correct Handler of God's Word.
May 3, 2016
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Marital Status
I sure hope you were not referring to me as a "homophobic Christian"!

Well I was if you are one.

This small percent of our population is turning our moral and ethical standards beyond what is acceptable. demanding to use the restroom of their choice, are you kidding? When a group of LGBT peoples DEMAND that my wife and daughters no longer have the privacy of doing body functions in a place that is limited to those of the same female gender parts, THAT IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!

Well as I don't live by man's moral and ethical standards it makes no difference to me. My concern is God's moral and ethical standards and as such one of his standards is to pray for your enemies and those that despitefully use you. That does not mean to vilify them in public and helped create the laws that castigate them from society. So if I'm hearing you right you have a problem with lesbians going to the female bathroom?
Do you actually understand what transgender is? Someone identifies as being female and has these are completed or is in the process of completing it physically how exactly is that a danger to your wife and daughter? Not everything in this world for everyone is about predatory sex.

Be very careful that you are not corssing over the line where people think you are standing with their demands. You come across as if that is what you are saying. It is difficult to understand where you stand.

I don't think my stance is hard to understand at all, I made it very clear in my first post. All citizens require the same rights and protection under our Democratic laws. If it's against the law to discriminate then it's against the law to discriminate towards any identifiable group. I'm not sure how much more succinctly I can put that. One thing is for sure, for those who continue to try to discriminate against the citizens of their own democracy for having a different sexual orientation than they do, they may one day find that those citizens will turn around and discriminate against them for being hateful and discriminatory under the guise of being a Christian. Does anyone really believe that the law of sowing and reaping does not have effects on Christians?
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old dude
Jan 14, 2006
Orlando, Florida
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
Here we go again.

Why does one need to be 'homophobic' to read and understand what the Bible says about homosexuality.

According to the 'homosexual agenda', God Himself is homophobic.

I have offered not one word that would even remotely indicate that homosexuals are any less deserving of the love we are commanded to share with our neighbors. That is 'why' I would offer that such behavior is contrary to Salvation as indicated in the Bible. I don't think that anyone who understands the nature of the term 'abomination' would believe someone 'living' in abomination could possibly receive forgiveness for behavior they have no intent on abandoning. Repentance of sin is crucial in receiving forgiveness. There is 'no' forgiveness for those in denial of their sinful nature. So if you have no repentance for your choice of 'lifestyle', then I am confused how you could possibly expect to receive forgiveness.

Homosexuality according to the Bible is not 'just' a sin, but a direct abomination toward God Himself. In the book of Romans it describes homosexuality as the result of men or women COMPLETELY turning their backs on God. And not only states that 'such as these' are deserving of ONLY DEATH, so too are those that condone such behavior 'just as guilt' of this 'abomination'.

Now, we could discuss this from a political or secular position. This 'is' a Christian Forum though.

So far as I'm concerned, it is what the Bible says that it is: abomination. I do not condone any negative behavior of 'anyone'. I do not have any intent to persecute either. I am simply pointing out what the Bible offers in the hopes that anyone wishing to develop a personal relationship with God through His Son that isn't aware of the consequences has the opportunity to 'hear' the truth.

I am 'not' a homophobe. I do not 'fear' homosexuals or homosexuality. If anything, I pity any and all that suffer in this world due to their uncontrollable 'lusts' that are capable of causing them 'grief', (in this life or the next). I hate 'no man' or 'woman' for their sexual orientation or practice. I pity those that are incapable of controlling their sexual desires or 'acts' that are contrary to the order God placed into His creation and INFORMED His creation of those 'thoughts or acts' that are inappropriate, (there are sins that are 'not unto death'. Which means that there 'are' sins that 'are unto death'. Romans clearly states that those that practice homosexuality and take pleasure in those that do are deserving of nothing short of death. Read it yourself: First chapter of the book of Romans).

In my 'personal opinion', it is those that practice sexual perversion that are the 'haters'. Hating not only themselves, but anyone that points out the error of their ways. I only label people 'what they are'. Homosexuals and other sexual deviates have a tendency to 'falsely label' anyone that disagrees with them with all sorts of negative names. Haters, homophobes, etc. As if pointing out the 'truth' makes one a 'hater' or 'fearful' of that which they speak of in truth.

You can't 'trick' me. Children may be influenced by the 'agenda' who have parents that don't teach them any 'better'. But you cannot 'fool me' into believing that homosexuality is merely a 'sexual preference' or 'orientation'. The Bible states that it is outright perversion, (an abomination), no different than a man 'sleeping' with an animal. The Law passed down to the Hebrews/Jews demanded the death penalty for anyone caught sleeping with one of their own gender or with an animal.

While we are no longer under the law so far as the 'death penalty' for our physical vessels, that doesn't alter that the principle that made it punishable by death. If it was an abomination worthy of the 'death sentence' then, it is 'still' just as much of an abomination as it was then. We are simply no longer instructed to 'kill' those that commit such acts but to 'forgive them'. Any homosexuals reading this, or anyone that condones homosexuality, "I forgive you". But that won't really change anything come time for 'judgement'.

I do not 'hate' homosexuals. I reject the very concept of homosexuality because that is what I have been instructed, by God, to do. And I would encourage anyone practicing such behavior to reject or abandon it as well. Not for 'my sake', but your own. For one never knows what tomorrow will bring and today may well be the 'last day' you are given the opportunity to 'repent'. I do not 'hate homosexuals', I have the same love in my heart for 'all men', (and women), and my desire is not to 'harm' anyone but to offer whatever 'help' I am able to.

But if your idea of me 'helping you' is to condone sexual perversion, well, I can't 'help' you in that manner. For encouraging one to behave in a distinctly negative manner is not 'helping them' but 'hurting them'.

So, those homosexuals that are incapable or recognizing the 'love of others' that refuse to cater to them, keep 'your hate' to 'yourself'. For it is often hatred of homosexuals towards others that I witness in their 'agenda' to try and MAKE everyone accept their behavior as 'normal'. It is not. And lying about it won't alter the truth in any manner.

But it's pretty obvious that homosexuals can't even be honest with themselves, much less others. So that leads to the concept of a complete and utter lack of even an understanding of 'true love' that we are commanded to share with one another. NO, not 'lust', love. True love that does no harm to oneself or others. We are 'all' commanded to 'overcome' our lusts, not fulfill them.


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The Librarian
Site Supporter
Jan 10, 2010
United States
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No one that I am aware of has 'run away'. I have a job and don't have as much 'time' as I would like to spend here.

The 'truth is' that it is 'you' that has failed to even admit that scripture exists except as 'you' determine it. For to say that Paul's words are 'mistakes' is to say that your position is that scripture is what 'you want it to be' instead of what we are offered.

In the OT, long before the New, it was given in instruction that homosexuality is not only a 'sin', but outright abomination to God Himself. Guess not only Paul made mistakes when delivering God's Word, but so too was Moses a major 'blunderer'?

It doesn't take a 'rocket scientist' to recognize that homosexuality is utterly 'contrary' to nature itself. From the beginning of the Bible we are informed of the proper 'order' of God's 'creation'. A man and woman become 'as one' in marriage. They have children as is God's will, (yet many now days seem to believe it should be 'their own will').

Two men or two women 'cannot' become as 'one' in marriage regardless of the 'laws of men'. They certainly cannot consummate a righteous marriage according to God's will for the simple fact that it takes a male and a female to 'do so'. The whole 'sexual agenda' as inserted into 'creation' was for 'procreation' not 'recreation'. While God inserted 'pleasure' into the equation doesn't mean that we are to allow ourselves to 'burn' in our lusts for that pleasure. The act of sex was designed for 'one purpose': procreation. Talk around the issue all you like, ignorance is the only manner in which anyone would even attempt to offer any alternative answer. We are not to allow 'anything' concerning the flesh to rule over our spirit. We are commanded to 'overcome' the flesh.

Sir, you are anything 'but' conservative in any way. You are about as 'liberal' as anyone I have ever encountered.

When I read what you offer the closest person that I can associate with what you offer was Alister Crowley. "Do what thou wilt shall be all the law". That is the message that I have gathered from your comments.

You have proven yourself unworthy of any semblance of 'trust' as concerns the Bible over and over again. Anyone that would offer that Paul's words were merely 'blunders' or 'mistakes' or whatever other than the 'truth' is what I would consider 'anti Christ'. For if you do not believe in Paul, how could you possibly believe in Christ, (place one's faith there)?

Paul didn't simply offer opinion. On many occasion he stated openly and clearly that the words he offered are the 'commandments of God'.

But it seems that you don't 'like' some of the 'commandments' of God as delivered by Paul, (and Moses), so you choose to discredit the messengers that delivered the messages that 'you don't like'. I guess it would be tempting and quite nice to travel through the pages of scripture and disregard any that don't match what 'you want to believe' or practice. The only problem with that is that there is no relationship possible with the 'true God' through such understanding. You can't do it your way and then call on God and expect Him to hear you. He does not listen to the prayers of those that are unrepentant, (how many that died in the 'flood' do you suppose may have been on their knees praying when the water came?).

You, sir, seem to be little other than a 'part' of the homosexual agenda and the feminist agenda as well. And you do not gain your insight through scripture as you claim. For scripture does not contain such agendas when takes as a whole as it is offered.



Paul didn't tell women to 'shut up', he told them that when they are 'in the Church', (gathering), to remain 'silent'.

It seems you have run away from scripture 100%.
A lot of talk about women's rights and other baloney
but so very little scripture, and that off the topic.

I didn't pick out these scriptures. They are on a list of
How to treat other people. Since other people are all sinners, it is applicable.
Now take your obsession on /Sexual Orientation/ and APPLY it below:
Get back to God after you've actually done some work.


Ephesians 4:32 - And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

Ephesians 4:29-32 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. (Read More...)

John 15:12 - This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

Luke 6:31 - And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

1 John 4:20-21 - If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen? (Read More...)

Proverbs 24:17 - Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth:

Matthew 7:12 - Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.

Romans 15:1-2 - We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. (Read More...)

Romans 12:10 - [Be] kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

1 Peter 3:8-12 - Finally, [be ye] all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, [be] pitiful, [be] courteous: (Read More...)

Colossians 3:12-14 - Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; (Read More...)

Philippians 2:4 - Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

1 Peter 2:17 - Honour all [men]. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

Matthew 6:14-15 - For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: (Read More...)

1 Timothy 5:1-2 - Rebuke not an elder, but intreat [him] as a father; [and] the younger men as brethren; (Read More...)

1 Corinthians 13:4-13 - Charity suffereth long, [and] is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, (Read More...)

Romans 12:18 - If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
United States
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So far as I'm concerned, it is what the Bible says that it is: abomination.

That means "monster". It means that is is a physical manifestation and people are born with it.
Millions of babies are born with problems. Millions.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
United States
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As if pointing out the 'truth' makes one a 'hater' or 'fearful' of that which they speak of in truth.

But you are a sinner as well. Perhaps I could publicly expose your failure to pay child support, or your touching yourself rituals, or how you yelled at your parents, or when you failed to support a child in need. At some point you'd lash back at me for calling a spade a spade.

3 Why do you look at the speck inyour brother’s eye, but fail to notice the beam in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ while there is still a beam in your own eye?

But Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with His finger. 7 When they continued to question Him, He straightened up andsaid to them, “Whoever is without sin among you, let him be the first to cast a stone at her.”
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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The Bible does 'not' tell us not to judge. It warns us to judge 'righteously' when it comes to others.

What kind of 'fool' would refuse to judge 'all things' according to righteousness?


noun: judgement
the ability to make considered decisions or come to sensible conclusions.

If we are followers of God's will, how do we 'follow' except through righteous 'judgement'?

Anyone that uses the 'judge not LEST ye be judged' to discourage one from 'judging' all things is simply attempting to lead one to 'not judge themselves'.

The 'churches' that teach such rubbish are the ones most likely to be treating the congregation like 'merchandise' and in order to keep the congregation from judging them teach to 'judge not'.

Judge not lest ye be judged is no different than instructing someone to 'read the instructions FIRST'. In order to keep from making a mistake, make sure you know what you are doing.

When you judge others guilty of doing the same thing you are doing yourself, you are offering unrighteous judgement.

The law of this world appoints it's own judges. God appoints each of us to be our own 'judges' according to 'righteousness' and each of us will be held accountable for improper judgement.

If we are not to even sit and 'eat' with those living in sin, how do we make such a determination if not through 'righteous judgement'?

I do not 'judge' homosexuals or women who don't want to follow God's instruction. They have judged themselves, (know what they do is unrighteous), according to God's instruction. I didn't set the rules. God did. I didn't create men and women, God did.

What I 'do' do is attempt to point out what we are offered in the Bible.



Not one biblical quote.
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The Librarian
Site Supporter
Jan 10, 2010
United States
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Here we go again.

Why does one need to be 'homophobic' to read and understand what the Bible says about homosexuality.

According to the 'homosexual agenda', God Himself is homophobic.

I have offered not one word that would even remotely indicate that homosexuals are any less deserving of the love we are commanded to share with our neighbors. That is 'why' I would offer that such behavior is contrary to Salvation as indicated in the Bible. I don't think that anyone who understands the nature of the term 'abomination' would believe someone 'living' in abomination could possibly receive forgiveness for behavior they have no intent on abandoning. Repentance of sin is crucial in receiving forgiveness. There is 'no' forgiveness for those in denial of their sinful nature. So if you have no repentance for your choice of 'lifestyle', then I am confused how you could possibly expect to receive forgiveness.

Homosexuality according to the Bible is not 'just' a sin, but a direct abomination toward God Himself. In the book of Romans it describes homosexuality as the result of men or women COMPLETELY turning their backs on God. And not only states that 'such as these' are deserving of ONLY DEATH, so too are those that condone such behavior 'just as guilt' of this 'abomination'.

Now, we could discuss this from a political or secular position. This 'is' a Christian Forum though.

So far as I'm concerned, it is what the Bible says that it is: abomination. I do not condone any negative behavior of 'anyone'. I do not have any intent to persecute either. I am simply pointing out what the Bible offers in the hopes that anyone wishing to develop a personal relationship with God through His Son that isn't aware of the consequences has the opportunity to 'hear' the truth.

I am 'not' a homophobe. I do not 'fear' homosexuals or homosexuality. If anything, I pity any and all that suffer in this world due to their uncontrollable 'lusts' that are capable of causing them 'grief', (in this life or the next). I hate 'no man' or 'woman' for their sexual orientation or practice. I pity those that are incapable of controlling their sexual desires or 'acts' that are contrary to the order God placed into His creation and INFORMED His creation of those 'thoughts or acts' that are inappropriate, (there are sins that are 'not unto death'. Which means that there 'are' sins that 'are unto death'. Romans clearly states that those that practice homosexuality and take pleasure in those that do are deserving of nothing short of death. Read it yourself: First chapter of the book of Romans).

In my 'personal opinion', it is those that practice sexual perversion that are the 'haters'. Hating not only themselves, but anyone that points out the error of their ways. I only label people 'what they are'. Homosexuals and other sexual deviates have a tendency to 'falsely label' anyone that disagrees with them with all sorts of negative names. Haters, homophobes, etc. As if pointing out the 'truth' makes one a 'hater' or 'fearful' of that which they speak of in truth.

You can't 'trick' me. Children may be influenced by the 'agenda' who have parents that don't teach them any 'better'. But you cannot 'fool me' into believing that homosexuality is merely a 'sexual preference' or 'orientation'. The Bible states that it is outright perversion, (an abomination), no different than a man 'sleeping' with an animal. The Law passed down to the Hebrews/Jews demanded the death penalty for anyone caught sleeping with one of their own gender or with an animal.

While we are no longer under the law so far as the 'death penalty' for our physical vessels, that doesn't alter that the principle that made it punishable by death. If it was an abomination worthy of the 'death sentence' then, it is 'still' just as much of an abomination as it was then. We are simply no longer instructed to 'kill' those that commit such acts but to 'forgive them'. Any homosexuals reading this, or anyone that condones homosexuality, "I forgive you". But that won't really change anything come time for 'judgement'.

I do not 'hate' homosexuals. I reject the very concept of homosexuality because that is what I have been instructed, by God, to do. And I would encourage anyone practicing such behavior to reject or abandon it as well. Not for 'my sake', but your own. For one never knows what tomorrow will bring and today may well be the 'last day' you are given the opportunity to 'repent'. I do not 'hate homosexuals', I have the same love in my heart for 'all men', (and women), and my desire is not to 'harm' anyone but to offer whatever 'help' I am able to.

But if your idea of me 'helping you' is to condone sexual perversion, well, I can't 'help' you in that manner. For encouraging one to behave in a distinctly negative manner is not 'helping them' but 'hurting them'.

So, those homosexuals that are incapable or recognizing the 'love of others' that refuse to cater to them, keep 'your hate' to 'yourself'. For it is often hatred of homosexuals towards others that I witness in their 'agenda' to try and MAKE everyone accept their behavior as 'normal'. It is not. And lying about it won't alter the truth in any manner.

But it's pretty obvious that homosexuals can't even be honest with themselves, much less others. So that leads to the concept of a complete and utter lack of even an understanding of 'true love' that we are commanded to share with one another. NO, not 'lust', love. True love that does no harm to oneself or others. We are 'all' commanded to 'overcome' our lusts, not fulfill them.



Not one lick of scripture.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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This small percent of our population is turning our moral and ethical standards beyond what is acceptable. demanding to use the restroom of their choice, are you kidding? When a group of LGBT peoples DEMAND that my wife and daughters no longer have the privacy of doing body functions in a place that is limited to those of the same female gender parts, THAT IS TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE!

Bologny. We have millions of visitors due to music festivals in milwaukee.
Except for the fairgrounds, none of the restrooms are gender specific.
At the fairgrounds if the ladies rooms get too backed up, they start
using the men's rooms. Men don't have a problem with that.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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In the OT, long before the New, it was given in instruction that homosexuality is not only a 'sin', but outright abomination to God Himself. Guess not only Paul made mistakes when delivering God's Word, but so too was Moses a major 'blunderer'?

Yes, moses buried a dead body in the sand. And Jesus had not yet died for all sins.
The OT utilized a different form of response to sin than the new.

Paul wasn't "wrong" about sexual orientation. We are.
He just blended it with the actual problem, promiscuity.
Sexual orientation is not a sin in any form. Non-monogamy is.
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Standing firm for Christ
Nov 23, 2015
Mid West of the good USA
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Bologny. We have millions of visitors due to music festivals in milwaukee.
Except for the fairgrounds, none of the restrooms are gender specific.
At the fairgrounds if the ladies rooms get too backed up, they start
using the men's rooms. Men don't have a problem with that.

Really, do you actually think a fairgrounds porta jon is the same? NO way! That's not just for transgender, it jyst is NOT the same. If the glove don't fot, you must change you point!
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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Really, do you actually think a fairgrounds porta jon is the same? NO way! That's not just for transgender, it jyst is NOT the same. If the glove don't fot, you must change you point!

Fine. There is nothing wrong with different genders using the same restrooms.
I've never seen any man's genitals in restrooms in the last 40 years. And urinals
don't even have dividers. And yes, there are little girls and boys in men's rooms.
It happens all the time, nobody complains. What gender people are or what gender
people think they are is of no concern to me unless I'm looking for a date.

I can't imagine what your beef actually is, there are gay men in men's rooms
likely any time you enter one. And Lesbians in women's rooms.
I've never been in a ladies room full of ladies, but I doubt they ever
see what's under each other's clothing.

Romans 8:34New International Version (NIV)
34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one.
Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—
is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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In my 'personal opinion', it is those that practice sexual perversion that are the 'haters'. Hating not only themselves, but anyone that points out the error of their ways.

Sure, but it's not reality. Talk to them sometime.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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It doesn't take a 'rocket scientist' to recognize that homosexuality is utterly 'contrary' to nature itself.

So is fetal alcohol syndrome. Take your anguish out on bartenders.

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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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For if you do not believe in Paul, how could you possibly believe in Christ, (place one's faith there)?

Paul was just a sinner, one of the worst.
In your book, he was a practicing
homosexual at one time.
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The Librarian
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