XS emails/texts damage IQ more than drugs


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2004
Just up 10 minutes ago from Sky News:-

Just Say No! Emails Are Worse Than Drugs

Workers' IQs are damaged more by the bombardment of emails, texts and phone calls than they would be by marijuana, says a report

The constant interruptions from electronic communications were said to reduce productivity and leave people tired and lethargic.

Trying to respond to all these messages and carry out normal work took its toll on workers.

In 80 clinical trials, psychiatrist Dr Glenn Wilson, from King's College London University, monitored the IQ of workers throughout the day.

He found the IQ of those who tried to juggle messages and work fell by 10 points - the equivalent to missing a whole night's sleep.

This is considerably more than the four point fall detected after smoking marijuana.

Dr Wilson said: "This is a very real and widespread phenomenon. We have found that this obsession with looking at messages, if unchecked, will damage a worker's performance by reducing their mental sharpness."

David Smith, from Hewlett Packard which commissioned the research, said: "The research suggests that we are in danger of being caught up in a 24-hour 'always on' society."


So, forum fans... :idea:

to avoid dumbing down... :scratch:

take regular breaks from cyber world... :amen:

& moby world... :thumbsup:

With Sunday being designated global Internet Evangelism Day, share elsewhere what you learn here :cool:

Online training in evangelism from www.gospelnet.com

A major principle is parable approach

Just as Jesus honed in on what folk focussed on

Then built a bridge to sharing God's Word - His message for that moment :p

In ways that bring eternal values into the time folks have on their hands :clap:

When I awoke, that news @ Internet Evangelism Day - on United Christian Broadcasters - www.ucb.co.uk - got me asking God to reveal what ways God's people in Cyber Egypt might be in bondage to Cyber Pharoahs

& need liberating & leading into the Promised Land ^_^

I recalled Apostle Paul advocate being all things to all men, so as to win some to faith in Christ

"Apostle" means one who is sent, from Greek apostello - just as "missionary" does, from Latin missio

"Ambassadors for Christ" are sent by the King of kings, to convey His will, His message, to the kingdoms of the world

"The kingdoms of this world are become the Kingdom of our God & of His Christ & He shall reign forever & ever" - as Revelation prophesies

Praise God for His eternal Word!

Thank God that, as Proverbs 1 says, "His Word gives wisdom to the simple, & knowledge & discretion to the young"

& that, as Romans 1:18/32 shows, the downward spiral of decadence starts with refusal to acknowledge God as God, & to thank & praise Him for all He has done, so that sin darkens the human heart & renders human thinking futile

& that, as 1 Corinthians 1:18/25 so sublimely shows, the power wisdom of the Almighty is infinitely more than man's

What came to mind is the number of bosses who proudly point to the company training manual & say, "This is the Bible"

No it isn't

God makes the rules of the universe

God calls the shots

What suddenly hit me is that they want their man-made rules to supersede God's eternal Word

How often do we Cybernauts so seek to memorise & obey Webmasters' whims & wiles - to the extent of placing them above Almighty God's eternal decrees?

Being all things to all men merely means putting ourselves in their place & walking in their shoes

But only so we can "stand in the gap" & intercede for them with knowledge & feeling - so we can genuinely help both God & man

"Be not conformed to the pattern of the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" - Romans 12:1 - www.BibleGateway.org

So don't dumb down

Wise up

& as the Bible says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom"

God bless!

Ian :wave: