write something nonsensical, surreal, silly. (3)


everlovin' shiner of light in dark places
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Mar 23, 2004
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Chugging along.

...it's been a while since i've posted here. We're still chugging along as a nation (Thank God!) and He has been gracious enough to stem the tide of the tsunami that was just about ready to devour us and swallow us whole. We were on the brink. God has saw fit to send a contender in there, who came out swinging. That's how dire and serious was our state as a nation. No one else could've or would've stood in those shoes of what it would take to stop the political machine in its tracks, with all the ensuing rages and vitriol. Thank GOD this monstrous toxicity and the one who spewed such vitriol and hatred, calling at least half of Americans if not more, "deplorables", did not get anywhere near the White House.

We escaped this roaring ferocious fire-breathing dragon, with many horns, being imposed on us, by hook or crook, by the very skin of our teeth.


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Flugo swam to the string of reefs with his string of pearls held in his mouth. Along the way, he noticed the patrol overdolphins among the schools of commoners along the way. Flugo acted his best to seem he didn't notice them. It just was the case that some among the patrol overdolphins were provoked easily and took out any aggression in them on whoever they wished. But there was some comfort they were there, he realized. There wouldn't be any chance then that any of the commoners would try and fight for the string of pearls he carried.

Flugo entered where the opening was left among the enclosure with the added extensions to the string of reefs. Frinny greeted him, and he swam up, and dropped the string of pearls on the wide open shell in front of her, on the low shelf that extended from the reef. She turned to grab on to an open bag of delicately woven tough stringy algae, dropping it in front of Flugo for him to grab it, and told him, "Ten shellfish, then, Flugo."

As Flugo swam around looking for the best of the shellfish he could spot, he thought about the history of all their kind, according to which there were just the two original overdolphins originally, and they only ate the green algae, that grew everywhere then, and which was the most luscious. But they never ate any of the shellfish that were around. It was an unusual arrangement that was hard for Flugo to imagine was better, to never have any of the tasty shellfish. But a seamonster they encountered told them how good it could be for them to take the shellfish as well. The first overdolphin couple argued with the creature that Yahweh had told them that only the algae was available for them to use, and they must observe this, and treat others well as they would like being treated. But the seamonster was persistent, until they agreed to try one shellfish, and they would know how they could have better things then. They finally agreed after a long talk between them, they saw a crab walking nearby, and the mother overdolphin snatched it right up, and bit into it. The legs wiggled, and then stopped. She became excited, and set the killed creature down, and carefully worked at getting the flesh out of the hard exterior. She told the father overdolphin, "This tastes beautifully! We were not knowing what we were missing!" He then swam to the slaughtered crab where she was, and ate from it. He was excited then too. "We should keep catching these crabs! They are too good to not have!"

They looked to where they had talked with the seamonster, but it was gone from there. They puzzled over that, but only shortly. For they heard the voice of Yahweh, as they just noticed an intense storm raged over the waters' surface, where they always catched breaths.

"You have taken a crab which I never permitted to you. The enemy I spoke of has already come to the monsterwhales as well, and they listened to what the enemy told them, to do that, just as you have. As you now have desire for crabs, monsterwhales are now very aggressive, and they will want to catch you as well." Yahweh still spoke promisingly of a way of restoration to come ultimately for those who still appealed to Yahweh with trusting his ways, to live by them.

It was an interesting account of how they had to watch out for the monsterwhales because they liked having shellfish. But how would not having them be better, he thought, when monsterwhales could still aggressively go after them. Wouldn't they?

There had been interesting history since that. Sure there were the three great battles among those of the developing society, with many killed in those among them, and there had been real difficulties, and there were indeed some difficulties now, but they had a highly developed and organized society with good order. Would it really be better, and without the terrible encounters with the monsterwhales, if they never were having the tasty shellfish?
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Flugo came to his home shallows with his bag holding ten good shellfish. It was another depressing evening ahead, he knew. It was this way since he lost his mate Singela, in that last attack from a monsterwhale when they went to explore the wild outseas just at the edge of this overdolphin community, among the general disaster there. He was still with their daughters, Freenila and Suey, so he wasn't alone by himself, anyway. But with his teaching job among fifteen other young overdolphins, and caring still for his two daughters, though they also worked at temporary construction jobs, there was what involved so much of his time, he would probably never find enough time to find another mate, still.

The daughters were there, where they could watch over the stashed pearlstrings they had gathered from each of their jobs. Most of it had come from Flugo's teaching, it was important enough that he would not give that work up.

As Flugo set down the bag with the shellfish, Freenila said, "There are nice female overdolphins who are available in this area of our community, we have talked with a couple of them, and you should meet any one of them, to talk to."

"It is too soon! We only lost your mother fifty days ago. Do you think she is not on my mind almost all of the time?"

"We miss her too. But you will never be able to move on in life, if you don't meet others to talk with, who you would be attracted to."

Suey then said, "We talked with Bewina, we thought she was so nice and caring, and she was interested that we live with you, and expressed interest in meeting you."

"No! Not Bewina! Don't you know how she lives? I won't be interested in that."
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"How bad could it be?" Suey went on. "She is caring and compassionate, helping any others she can. Well, if you are not interested, you limit your own choices."

Flugo considered Bewina's frequent talk about Yahweh and his will, and that she lived differently from other overdolphins of the community, she didn't join in some activities that any others would do, and she avoided having shellfish and just ate from various growths of algae. He thought just then of how he was recalling the beginning of the overdolphins' history when they were just having growths of algae. But it was lush algae, or it would never have been thought to be enough for them. Growths of algae now could never be so lush as then, to really be enough satisfactorily. It wasn't normal then to just have such.

"Well I said it was too soon."

"Then you don't care what Efwispa said when we talked about you," Freenila said.

Flugo considered, and then said, "I don't think what you would tell me will make any difference."

"Very well then. I'll just say it was very nice things of you. What you do with knowing about them is just up to you."

Suey agreed with Freenila, and they set about cleaning up that area of the floor of their home shallows, as Flugo remained there momentarily, thinking.
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Flugo was at the research station after his teaching sessions the next day. The monitor there guided him through the artifact area for the period right before the last ten thousand days. It was a stormy, unstable time that followed the malaise after the third great battle among the overdolphins. There was the greatest expressiveness in creative constructions then. He was looking at what would be most significant to show.

And then of all overdolphins that he might recognize there, he saw Bewina. Why would she be looking at artifacts at the research station? And then she saw him. She made the great nodding motions that acknowledged recognition of him, and she swam over to him.

"Hi, Flugo!" she said warmly. "Nice seeing you here. I almost always come here to find inspiration from the displays. I am sure you would, too. Do you see the workmanship that went into these lures here?"

Flugo realized to his concern that Bewina thought that he had heard from his daughters that she was interested in meeting with him, and that he had chosen to come here where he might see her. This wasn't desirable, he decided. He better end this as gracefully as he could. It is too bad, he thought, that I am not especially graceful with anything.

"Bewina, I have wondered how good for you can it be to not ever use shellfish, as you let others know. Doesn't it seem that would deprive you in ways, and you might not remain well?" That was awkward, he then thought to himself.

"Not at all. I learned how to get by very well, in fact I learned it from Senima, Singela's older sister. You would remember her, I think. She went over what good reasons there are, such as it is the right design for us to use what was originally provided for us, and not use what was not originally provided for us. And there is no failure of well-being with that. I learned great ways to make several kinds of servings, from what Senima was showing me, and I made nice additions to them since. In fact, I would like to show you what servings I prepare. Why not join me at my home ridge, and I will gladly show you. Can you come tomorrow after your teaching work?"

Flugo did not want very much to go. But he knew he had this embarrassing trouble with being graceful. He had nothing else for the next day as an excuse, and if he adequately excused himself from being able to go see her tomorrow, there would just be the next day, or another day, suggested for that. But what would be interesting about going to try food served that was no shellfish at all and just algal growths?

"Very well, I will go see you at your place after I finish with my time teaching tomorrow. I will have to let my daughters know, they will need to watch at our home shallows on their own longer."

"That is alright," Bewina answered. "I will call on Yahweh, and ask for providence there. I can trust for Yahweh's answers."
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Flugo felt stuck with the arrangement he had to meet Bewina at her home ridge, he had meant what he said to his daughters, that he didn't feel ready, too. His thoughts went a lot to Singela, though she was gone now. But he had to have his daughters stay to watch their home shallows longer for this time. He admitted to them, regretting it to himself, he was seeing someone that day, but he would not say who it was. It was bother enough that his daughters would think he was already looking for a romantic partner with this outing.

It was a little more distant to Bewina's home ridge than it was to the string of reefs, but Flugo was still not very late in going there after his teaching work. He announced on seeing Bewina, "I am here," and she welcomed him warmly.

"Swim over this way, Flugo. I want you to look at this assortment I arranged."

As Flugo followed after Bewina's lead, they came to the ledge that extended from this ridge that was her home. On it, among the broken up algae on a wide shell platter, were broken brown husks with with an aromatic white portion extending from each.

"What are these?" Flugo asked.

Bewina explained, "You have seen the brown spheres that float near to that extension from the floor bottom to above the surface of our waters, right? They can be pulled down and broken against sharp rock, as I have done just a short while ago with one, for sharing with you. A white fluid escapes from it right away, I drink that part up right then. It is wonderful, I hope you can try that sometime. The rest of this is from that broken ball."

Flugo did remember seeing these balls, a few times, floating there where she said at the waters surface.

She then described the algal arrangement she had prepared, with the names she knew for each kind, for the broken up bits displayed here. There was Ulva, and Cladophora, and little bits of Chlorella.

"I understand that you are reserved, still thinking a lot about your loss, and I respect that," Bewina said to him, "still you willingly came at my invitation, and I am so glad. You really should try the various things I prepare. What others say will have you think that with this you are missing what is better. But you don't know what you're really missing. Please try some of this here now, Flugo."
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I am a Trump supporter said the reporter. Seems there is a lot going on.

With illegal immigrants coming out of our ears and crime in the country that nobody cheers. Only the moderates, are there to be together , through the years of my endeavor. We see a great time of change in the political weather. Changing with President Trump in office if you ask me. Back to you Roxy a way back home hope you are fine tonight .
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Flugo leaned in close to the entrees being offered. He had in mind that he had tasted green algae enough before. It had a strong funny taste, he knew, not really so bad, but it was not so good that he wouldn't rather just eat the shellfish. But he never had that white substance before. He didn't know what it would be like. But he was here to find out about what Bewina offered. He reached to it, and tasted it.

"Oh my wow!" he uttered.

"Isn't that something?" Bewina responded. "There isn't anything better you ever had, right?"

"You're right! This is amazing!"

"Now use some of the green bits, placing them on the next white portion," she instructed.

Flugo did so, and then he ate that together. "This really is amazing!" he expressed. And he meant it. The green algae itself was not so impressive to him. But combined with this exotically wonderful white substance they complemented it beautifully.

It was a very enjoyable meal. They finished soon, and Bewina said to Flugo, "There are other items with further ways to make such tasty meals. I would like showing you what I found we can have. Won't you please still come here again, Flugo?"

Flugo was intrigued. But Bewina was so different, with her ways, and Singela was still so much on his mind. "I am unfortunately pretty busy, both with my daughters and with studies for my courses to teach," he just said, "I will try to see if I can come soon again, I will let you know then."

"I will talk to Yahweh, asking for the help for what you need to manage opportunity to come here again soon," Bewina said.

"When you say you speak to Yahweh, are you hearing him?" Flugo asked, remembering again the history at the beginning. Who has been heard to hear from Yahweh since the very beginning?

"I do not hear Yahweh in the same way that I speak to him. I only speak in the most respectful way, for this is how we should speak to Yahweh. And I see answers to what I ask, soon."

"So you really think Yahweh is around to hear you?"

"In the beginning, Yahweh had promised that when we call on Yahweh to ask him things in our need, he will hear and answer. Yahweh is worthy of trust in what he said. It would still be true!"

"Alright, I am not saying you are wrong. I would have to try it myself, I haven't done that before."

"Please do, Flugo. I want you to see yourself how Yahweh answers."

After further discussion between the two overdolphins, with Flugo finding out more about what Bewina did, Flugo at last departed, saying it was the first time he left his daughters to watch their home shallows a long time on their own, the things Bewina said stayed in his mind, as did that meal she had prepared. It was so interesting, and a desirable meal. Could he find those floating spheres she had said had the white interior, which he had tasted? They were near to the extension from the floor bottom to above the surface of their waters, she had said. So he swam in that direction instead.

He came to it at length, and swam around carefully to find if any were floating there, and watching out for monsterwhales, for this was near the wild areas. But he found no such things, and he decided to hurry back to his home shallows.

As Flugo came to his home shallows, he was concerned either or more likely both of his daughters would ask about who he was seeing. He swam into that space, and greeted both of them. They each returned the greeting, showing joy at seeing him again, but neither asked him questions.

They ate the servings of the shellfish they had for the meal later that evening. Freenila and Suey both wanted to tell him about the overdolphins they were friends with, and some they had seen swimming nearby, but they dutifully stayed here to watch over the home shallows. Flugo listened half attentively while nibbling at the shellfish he had in front of him. He thought again of the meal that Bewina had prepared and shared with him. To his surprise, he even was thinking what it would be like staying with her. Well, that white stuff was really something. It would probably be great with this shellfish, he thought. He should still look for the floating spheres that he had been told had that again. He then remembered that Bewina had said there were other various things besides that, which he hadn't known he was missing. Indeed it might be interesting.

Flugo thought still about what more he was missing, and if he could still find the spheres, when his daughters had finished telling them those things that interested them, and had swam off to rest. And at the start of the next day, Flugo decided that he would leave earlier, that before he would go to the place he taught his young students, he would explore around that projection reaching over the waters again. As he neared it when he did go, he noticed a couple of monsterwhales swimming around further in the distance. He turned quickly around, and swam back.

After the courses he taught for that day, Flugo had wanted to go to the research center again for further preparation. But now he thought to himself that Bewina would know it was a place she could meet him, and she used to place herself for looking around at the displays. And now he remembered he had agreed with her that he could call on Yahweh. So as he swam nearer to his home shallows, he called out, "O Yahweh, show me please if it is better for me to return to see Bewina!"

He came to the home shallows, and saw just Suey was there. "Where is Freenila?" he asked.

"She went out with a bag woven with the tough stringy algae, to collect seaweed to bring here," Suey told him.

"Well, we haven't had any such for awhile," Flugo observed. "She knows not to go near the wild areas, right? Good. I should still go to the enclosed reef area to acquire more desirable shellfish, I might do that now."

Flugo organised a bit, and then carrying with him another set of pearls woven together, he swam out on the way to to get selected shellfish.

He was almost there, and saw then Bewina swimming out from there, with a large bag. She saw him then. She set the bag down, and said to him, "Flugo! I am glad I spotted you again. I really want to ask you to come to my place right away. Besides what tasty treats I can show you, there are some things I really need to discuss with you."

"I am surprised to see you here, Bewina. Are you actually getting shellfish?"

"Certainly not! This is also a place where I can acquire the fronds I can use to decorate my place. Why not come with me right now? It won't be long, and you can come right back to acquire what you want right afterward."

Flugo did not entirely understand why he went along with Bewina then. They were soon at her home ridge. They entered the area, and Bewina set the bag down, and Flugo set the set of pearls with him down, and Bewina said, "Flugo, we should talk more about how you can speak to Yahweh."

Flugo showed assent, and Bewina went on. "Yahweh is completely good, and knowing all things. We aren't, and our kind has not lived right since Yahweh has not spoken among us since the choice to kill shellfish contrary to what Yahweh wanted for us. We are to the shellfish what monsterwhales are to us."

"Do you think monsterwhales will not be a threat to us if we no longer use shellfish, then?"

"If we do what Yahweh wants from us in that way, Yahweh is able to change things that we are never threatened, and Yahweh would do that some time, and Yahweh honors our change to doing what he wants from us. To speak with Yahweh we should understand these things. We have been out of relationship with Yahweh. We need to approach Yahweh to speak with him understanding it is desirable to us to have relationship with Yahweh, it has to start again with us. We don't have to yell to him, Yahweh knows all, so he knows what you have to say to him when it is just in your thoughts. You should not want to just give requests like you are ordering things, with nothing else to say. To come to Yahweh should be like you are sharing your life with Yahweh. You will really see the answers from Yahweh this way."

"Wow, this is really answering what I said to Yahweh already, and I see I need to learn. Bewina, you know things you could teach me, and I need to learn from you. I wish I had seen this before!"

"Certainly, Flugo! There are things I will still learn from you, because you can certainly teach, and you know things you can teach me. We can each show things to each other, and learn from each other. I would want to do that, a lot. Would you?"

"I would want to very much, now," Flugo told her.
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Bob Crowley

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Dec 27, 2015
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I rocked up to the Pearly Gates thinking "Maybe I should have listened when Mother said 'Always look your best. You never know when you might be hit by a bus!' This is not going to look good!"

Saint Peter looked over the edge of his bifocals, which were tinted to keep out the eternal glare. When you have to switch your gaze from the bloke in front of you while reading the fine print, what with all the lawyers the devil's got, then look over a crowd of zillions pouring in from road accidents, Covid, Ukraine and Russia including friendly fire, retirement homes and tidal waves and try to find the next bloke in the queue, ordinary spectacles don't cut it.

The saintly Rock gave a start. "That's a nasty stain on your vestments, and if you don't mind my saying so, it must have been a bit embarassing for you! What happened!!"

I swallowed. "Well, it was when I decided to have a holiday in Darwin see. Then I thought I'd drive to a town called Katherine and have a look at some gorges they've got there. Very nice."

"Yes?" said St. Peter, pointing to the rest of the line disappearing over the far horizon.

I saw I needed to cut it short. "On the way back I bought a coffee. In one of those takeaway cups with a loose fitting lid."

"And?" said St. Peter getting pushy.

"Well, I was doing 130 kph, which was the fastest I've driven in Australia. You can only do it in the Northern Territory! And I reached down to pick up the very hot coffee cup. But I didn't get it right did I! Off came the lid and down went the entire coffee cup onto my lap!! Boy did it sting!! So there I was looking down at my lap and trying to lift the trouser leg of the shorts off my leg when I looked up again, and there bearing down on me was a 23 tonne road train with bull bars, big motor, 36 wheels and that was the last thing I saw ..."

"I see" said St. Peter, "didn't your mother ever tell you to be dressed for the occasion in case you got hit by a bus. Or in your case, a road train?"

"Yes" I muttered.

"It's Purgatory for you" said St. Peter. "You should have listened to your mother!"

"You can't come in here looking like that!".
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66 pages + the Lord Jesus
Jan 12, 2021
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“The Rifle Said to the Gun”

A journal of an empathic hunter in 1963...

More like a bedtime story

Nov 10th – so, here I am in a big forest in the state of South Dekota, on an elk trip in a winter that started off mild for this state. It's 68 degrees here and even though I should have known better than to come under prepared, I am dressed for a spring turkey hunt rather than for winter elk.

Nov 11th – I came across a cave, looks like a grizzly den although I’m armed with a double barrel 12guage I have not a license to hunt bears in this state, so I decide to pass by and ignore the cave for now.

Nov 11th at night – A slight chill hit the wind as it seems to be a storm moving in, I dread the fact that I’m in warmer weather clothes but there were some signs of elk close by but there is not a bugle as far as I could hear.

Nov 12th – It started snowing, so I needed to find shelter and so I managed to move to the cave I’ve found a small trek back. As I entered the cave I heard a moaning sound, and I turned on my flashlight to find that there was a sow who just had her two cubs, but it seemed as if they were stillborn. Knowing I could have taken the bear and used her pelt as a blanket over the unknown time I had in what is now a blizzard, instead of killing her I "for some foolish sounding reason" approached her. As she was laying there depressed, I placed my hand on the behemoth's shoulder and she rolled over and for some odd reason it dawned on me that she might be better for me alive. Her warmth was a welcoming feeling against the nagging frigid air in my lightweight ghillie suit.

Nov 14th – I’ve been in this cave with this giant lady for two days now and it’s dawned on me that even though her summer forage will sustain her through the winter, I need sustenance myself. Well with no other creature in the area to compete with, I reluctantly decided to make an advance toward her, which seemingly she was not agitated in the doing of so, my new surrogate was more than willing to supply me with. The milk is greasy and fowl tasting. But all I know now is that it was better than the alternative of malnutrition.

Dec 1st – As the snow was melting, this was the first time I think anyone has ever camped in a cave with a live bear, but my new mother bear has proven to me that not all in nature is dangerous and people should be more open minded of this. It seemed as if this will be the first Christmas away from family.

“Suddenly a thumping sound was heard in the skies above the cave.”

As I was up and ready to leave, I grabbed the shotgun and walked outside and followed the sound of the rotors, as a silent moment was brief in the forest a howling sound had echoed through the woods, wolves. As I turned around the bear was following me, but the wolves started encircling us. So, I tried to load both chambers and as I turned around, they attacked us. She managed to rescue me from them, I did not have the gun barrels cleared before they came after the mother sow and I fired both shots into the air, and the wolves were frightened away, the helicopter returned and I loaded a flare into the left chamber and as I turned she was looking at me and I decided before I popped the shot of to give her one last hug, and I told her “Thank you for taking care of me”. And she walked away to look for her boar. As I popped the flare into the sky the helicopter came down in an open hill, I boarded for home with minimal amounts of frostbite and hypothermia.
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Bridge City was more of a hive than a city. It had structures built along the two high walls on either side. No human people lived here. There were tribbel marmosets in one quarter among structures on one side, and trapper and game gorillas in the quarter next to them, in their larger homes there. Across from them were the quarters of the chill dogs and of the superwolves. There was unsteady peace here, between the quarters, maintained by the city police force, consisting mostly of trained superwolves, with a presence of trapper gorillas among them.

The Dancer family in the tribbel marmoset quarter complained to their neighbor, Tom Twirler, "The chill dogs across the way from us keep doing things like rushing toward us, to scare or alarm us."

Tom Twirler said, "So take your complaint to the neighborhood council."

Dick Dancer said, "What would be the point? The chill dogs are not subject to our neighborhood council. They are not very effective for pushing any issues to the municipal heads. And the municipal heads don't really listen to any of the troubles in our quarter."

Across the small space between quarters, a neighboring game gorilla, Donker, said, "I heard what you are saying. Maybe I can help, if you let me."

Dick Dancer said, "You? Why you? It would not be your trouble. Why would you do something for tribbel marmosets?"

Donker said, "I believe in being a good neighbor. If you agree to let me do something, I think I have a plan."

The Dancer family and Tom Twirler looked at each other. Dick Dancer said, "Fine. We will let you, we do need some help from the annoying chill dogs across from us."
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After little more discussion with assurance from Donker that the issue from the chill dogs across from that tribbel marmoset family would be effectively dealt with, Donker turned then to go, along the way into his quarter.

Dick Dancer called after him, "Wait! What is the plan you think you have that will work for this?"

Donker answered, "I have connections. That is how I have a plan for this."

Donker went on, leaving those others wondering. They only could just go back into their homes, before the chill dogs across the way from them could again come out and provoke them.

What they did not know was that Donker had friends that made up a game gorilla gang. They met every afternoon in the park area of their quarter. They liked to think they were a good defense against the gangs from the superwolves and the chill dogs, but gangs of those other quarters never came to this quarter.
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Donker met with Dinger, Didder, Dunder, and Gazzax, the most regular of those of their gang. He told them, "The chill dog gang is now actively intimidating tribbel marmosets living over there near us, suggesting threats to them. We can take them on, I said to the tribbel marmosets there that I along with others going with me could put a stop to that action from chill dogs. So I think we should go there and let them know what's what, really soon."

Gazzax said, "It is not easy for us to impose on chill dogs, especially that gang. They can really bite with fighting us, and their bites are harmful."

Donker said, "We are a gang, for being able to fight them or others, encroaching on us here. We have instruments for use if we need to fight. We must show ourselves as being strong, if we make the demand for them to stop their behavior. I think we have to do that."

Gazzax said, "Well, we will have to put the call out for the others who join with us, and call for them to bring their fighting instruments too. If they agree to this, we might then do that right away."

Dinger, Didder, and Dunder were then sent to gather the other members of the gang, with the instruments needed for any fight that might happen.
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Donker waited quite a while with Gazzax for the others of the gang to come, with the instruments useful for fighting. During that time, Gazzax asked a few questions for Donker.

"What is your interest with those tribbel marmosets?"

Donker answered, "My pad is right at the edge of our quarter. There I often see any of those tribbel marmosets. They all really look alike, so full of hair all over their bodies. But even so I have come to recognize a few individuals among them by small distinctions. And just a short while ago I heard the complaints among them, not at all far from my pad, about the harassment from the chill dog gang. This is not their turf, they are out of bounds. If they will come out of their quarter to harass individuals living in that tribbel marmoset quarter, what is to stop them from becoming more aggressive and harassing individuals in our own quarter? And we can put a stop to them now, before they get worse, and so we should."

Gazzax still asked about how much Donker cared about tribbel marmosets, but Donker could not say much about them, as he had generally seen them from some distance, and just spoke with any among them that one time a little while ago, and there was nothing else to say about that.

The others of the gang all came with the instruments, fifteen of them. But Gazzax saw one member, Ippidid, was not there with them. He asked, "Where is Ippidid?"

Dinger said, "He told us he does not feel well. He is just lying down in his sleeping pad."

Gazzax said, "We will see about him afterwards. He should at least watch out for our things."

Dinger said, "I did tell him that."
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Gazzax said, "He should then know that he should at least do that."

Dinger said, "He told me he would try in a little bit to get up to go to our compound to watch over it. He said he felt awful and just could not hurry."

Gazzax said, "I never heard of such a thing. Well, the rest of us are all here, with all our instruments for any fighting. The gang of chill dogs has become aggressive, coming recently into the quarter next to ours, outside their turf. In our own interest and for defense of our quarter, we should go over to where the chill dog gang hangs out, and tell them we will not put up with them leaving their quarter together to go into our quarter or the quarter next to ours. Are you all ready? Let us go!"

The game gorilla gang then collectively went from the park area of that quarter, along the very small avenue leading out to the space between the quarters, which were homes against the mountain high walls on either side of this narrow Bridge City. They went along that central area running in between, toward the tribbel marmoset quarter on their side and the chill dog quarter facing it from across that space, on the other side. This central space was still administered over by Bridge City with its authorities, and it was patrolled, by an appointed force. Most of those appointed for that were promising superwolves and trapper gorillas. A patrol team spotted the game gorilla gang going that way, and came nearer, to approach them.
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Any patrol team generally consisted on four who were commissioned riding along that open space between the great high walls and the separate quarters along them, on a platform that ran on rollers underneath them, with two superwolves equipped with paraphernalia on them designating their role, and two trapper gorillas also wearing a covering over themselves which designated them for that too, who held long prongs with widened ends which they rowed with to steer the platform they rode in the direction that would be desired.

So this one platform with appointed officers came up to the game gorilla gang now approaching the chill dog quarter.

One superwolf appointed officer said, "Why are all you away from your own quarter approaching the chill dog quarter, together, carrying your instruments for fighting?"

Gazzax who was respected as the one to speak for the others said, "The gang of chill dogs over here have been leaving their quarter and coming over to the tribbel marmoset quarter, to harass those living there. This was brought to our attention, and we are going to that gang to tell them this must stop. We do not go to start a fight. But if they choose to fight us, we knew to come ready for that, and to show we are ready if we see it is needed."

That superwolf said, "We can't let you take action for this into your own hands. I warn you now to return to your own quarter!"

A commissioned trapper gorilla there said, "Hold on! That is not giving any way of resolution to this!"
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That superwolf, a creature much like a wolf yet larger than the largest wolf, with bigger and rather rounded head, and thicker more muscular limbs, said to that trapper gorilla, "Explain then what we should do, and what these of the game gorilla gang should do."

The trapper gorilla said, "We should not do anything, yet. We can just follow as they go to tell those of the chill dog gang that their activity away from their own quarter must stop. We might only take action if a fight erupts among them. We can just stay near, and if that gang agrees to stop what they were doing, this game gorilla gang can leave to return to that quarter with the homes for game gorillas." He turned to those of that gang, and said, "Go on, and do as you said you would, be careful to not provoke the chill dogs into a fight. Just state that their activity must stop, without saying any threat."

That superwolf remained silent, the gang of game gorillas then went on to the open area between homes of the chill dogs, where there were a couple of places the gang there frequently gathered, which the game gorillas were already close to. None of those of the chill dog gang were in sight, so the game gorillas wandered up to one of those structures.

Gazzax called out, "Chill dogs, come and answer us. We have something we came to communicate to you."
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A chill dog came out from that structure. Like the others, it was three feet high at the shoulder, and had stark white fur and sharp blue eyes. Seeing the game gorilla gang right there, that chill dog gave a yip and three intense barks. Out from the other structure and from neighboring hoods a dozen other chill dogs came, and they all gathered near to the game gorilla gang, on all sides.

Gazzax did not wait. He said, "We are here for one thing: to meet with you and tell you to not go over to any of the other quarters together, leave each and all of those in other quarters alone."

One of those chill dogs that came, one of those that had come from the other structure, said to Gazzax in response, "Who are you to tell us what to do?"

"We are the ones representing our quarter, of all the gorillas, and we speak for the tribbel marmosets who have been harassed. They should be left alone too. You all have no business together in other quarters."

That one said, "I do not think we need to do any things because you tell us to do such things."

Gazzax said, "That is all we will tell you, it was what we came to do. You have heard. We can go, now."

That chill dog said, "You should not even have come!"

Gazzax said, "At least we came prepared. We will go, as we came, unless you want to fight us, and we would then stay to deal with you."
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