what category does modern day miracles go in ??



I wanted to discuss miracles and what we can learn about HIM and his desires from the miracles themselves . we can use Miracles in the bible or miracles in real life.
Where does a thread like that go?

It seem the dreams and visions section is closed I think.
I have no idea why they would close that .
I don't think discussing Miracles should go in that section anyway .
dreams and visions is the closest section .
that section is the closest I could find to these kinds of supernatural ideas .
but it is not the same.

Maybe this one section here .
Just because really the only intent in discussing miracles would be to better Understand Him ( not ourselves ) and His will for us or his desires for us as they are revealed in the miracles themselves in the bible and in real life experiences. ..
I only want to talk to christians about these kinds of things.
please so what section should they go under ?


Angel Of YHVH
Jun 7, 2011
Marital Status
I wanted to discuss miracles and what we can learn about HIM and his desires from the miracles themselves . we can use Miracles in the bible or miracles in real life.
Where does a thread like that go?

It seem the dreams and visions section is closed I think.
I have no idea why they would close that .
I don't think discussing Miracles should go in that section anyway .
dreams and visions is the closest section .
that section is the closest I could find to these kinds of supernatural ideas .
but it is not the same.

Maybe this one section here .
Just because really the only intent in discussing miracles would be to better Understand Him ( not ourselves ) and His will for us or his desires for us as they are revealed in the miracles themselves in the bible and in real life experiences. ..
I only want to talk to christians about these kinds of things.
please so what section should they go under ?

....for the time being, your best bet is here; tho' HimiH is surprised no A's, M's....Z's here have responded yet to u.

HimiH has, is, & will "see" miracles throughout his life here on earth, which most "cling to" so steadfastly/earnestly. HimiH will share with anyone truly seeking, not looking to debate/debunk or make excuses for why their "not experiencing or seeing miracles/visions/dreams/etc., in their lives.

Yeshua's Shalom Aleichem.

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ok so I was thinkin maybe some ground work..

so if the Miracle is more of a personal experience of yourself or someone you know then
only truth .... but protect the innocent and don't reveal if it is personal ( (yourself)

so like no real names.
and don't use who they are and what their relationship might be to you if any .
NO real places ,
only very general dates .

We sure wouldn't want to provide some
" God made me do it", "he made me this way " who thinks he lost his free will and was forced by the God that he doesn't believe in to do something he doesn't want to do ;()

So we need to do this in a way that protects the innocent.
HIMIN... you got any more suggestions? .. I really want to protect the innocent. really this side of heaven it is no ones business who these people are .

so Himin , do you want to hear about a friend of mine's Shadrach , Meshach and Abendigo like story?

it is real over the top but true.

Female driver of fuel tanker get in an accident in the middle of the night on a lonely road.
so maybe let's have some fun ?
anyone guess were this one is going? :p
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Angel Of YHVH
Jun 7, 2011
Marital Status

ok so I was thinkin maybe some ground work..

so if the Miracle is more of a personal experience of yourself or someone you know then
only truth .... but protect the innocent and don't reveal if it is personal ( (yourself)

so like no real names.
and don't use who they are and what their relationship might be to you if any .
NO real places ,
only very general dates .

We sure wouldn't want to provide some
" God made me do it", "he made me this way " who thinks he lost his free will and was forced by the God that he doesn't believe in to do something he doesn't want to do ;()

So we need to do this in a way that protects the innocent.
HIMIN... you got any more suggestions? .. I really want to protect the innocent. really this side of heaven it is no ones business who these people are .

so Himin , do you want to hear about a friend of mine's Shadrach , Meshach and Abendigo like story?

it is real over the top but true.

Female driver of fuel tanker get in an accident in the middle of the night on a lonely road.
so maybe let's have some fun ?
anyone guess were this one is going? :p

.....where this ones going as your razz-smiley can be interp/misinterpreted to mean or include me......lol, but hey, go ahead
and "make my day"/"lay it on me"

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Angel Of YHVH
Jun 7, 2011
Marital Status
"where this ones going as your razz-smiley_____ be interp/misinterpreted to mean or include me"<---u left out my "can be" words, here.

I'm confused Himin,

I thought you might be a christian? you have some kind of little cross on your profile.
HimiH IS a "Christ follower" by the power & grace of our Lord Yeshua ha Meshach

you didn't copy/paste HimiH's written words and left out the all important "can be" part, which should've shed "light" on what HimiH was asking/saying; namely that what/how YOU wrote, could be interpreted/misinterpreted several ways.

All u needed to do was explain what & who the "razzberries" were for & then HimiH would "where u were coming from" with your style of writing and then understand u better. (as HimiH deals with many "tongue n cheek" characters, daily....lol)

So....again, who & what was the razz-smiley for?

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""""We sure wouldn't want to provide some
" God made me do it", "he made me this way " who thinks he lost his free will and was forced by the God that he doesn't believe in to do something he doesn't want to do ;()"""

this razzberry is more from just plan old shock and awe at how evil and really just self deceptive.. the heart of man actually is and can get .

so this is like the story of snow white... you know the evil witch looked in the special mirror and this special mirror proclaimed who" The fairest in the land is "
Well when this witch finds out who the fairest in the lands is and that it just might not them.
The heavily narcissistic tendencies in them just can't deal with truth . either way they don't deal well with anything ..
but lets not give them any room for any kind of stupid vanity to "Possess them " . by giving the peoples in the stories real names or relationships or locations etc right?

OR we can't be giving Cinderella's ugly step mom and the two ugly step sisters any kind of ammunition to abuse Cinderella more . right ? because Cinderella will have to go borrow , then call out Goldilox's three bears on their fannies. and we have ben told a million times , how cruel that is for God to protect his own .

The second razzberry is just me playing..^_^
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since no made a guess.
onward and forward..
first yes the kids at that time is a christian .. but is kind of being a kid but just little bit..

It's middle of the night , was a kid in his mid to late teens. He had been to nearest large town in his area and he had been looking for a job and had some interviews , then he stayed in town for a movie . at the time he was working as a hod carrier. So he was very very strong.
So you know what is coming.. so I need to describe the Clothes he had on were black plastic dress shoes, and black polyester pants and a cotton poly blended shirt. oh boy!

so he is driving down the 4 lane (?) 2+2 with a divider that is a large space .
so off in the distance over the next hill he see a strange glow and as he rounds the hill there is a truck partially in the freeway and partially in the dividing space. It is a fuel tanker and the front of the tanker is on fire a lady driver is in the seat and cab is on fire she is inside.

kid jumps out of his car..
no one is around no one on the free way that he is aware of .

Lady driver appears in shock may have been on fire in the cab..
so after she opens the door and falls out on the ground into the fuel she is for sure on fire.
flames running up her back . the flames all around are 4 to 6 ft tall running all over the cab too.
he looks down realizes what he has on and then looks to heaven and says
" Lord this is going to hurt, but I can't leave"

He runs into the flames has to grab the door to move it in order to pick the very large woman off the ground. who clothes are now in flames.

As he has to touch the door it is feeling hot .. but not too hot. and he notices it was kind of strange.
As he bends down the flames extinguish off of her and as he approaches her she start smoking . She is not on fire as he picks her very large 250+++ up and runs her out of the flames.
She is in shock and doesn't acknowledge him at all and even kind of avoids seeing him. and never answers him when he asks a question.

The Kid then runs to his car and checks the trunk to see if he has anything to cover her and keep her warm with because it is a brisk Sept night . and some of her or most of her clothes are burned off.

just then he turns and the Jumangi , Great white hunter like guy is standing there and with three wool blankets . He says to the kid " these are for her " .
Kids thinks this is odd and smirks as he sees "the Jumanji dude" with white hair and one eye glass. then kid says "thank you sir.."
and wonders why he gave the blankets to him and not to her.

He starts to go put the blankets on the lady and he turns just a few steps away and there is no great white hunter standing there. and he can't see any cars either .
he realizes then that he isn't burned at all as he runs the blankets to the lady along the road.. just then some people drive up who live around there and they have a cell phone and had called the police and fire and ambulance was on the way. it would take awhile because they way out way from a town of any size.

the kid stuck around there as the lady was loaded . he told the story to the police and police suspect he was drunk and made him walk the line before he drove home..

When he got home his best bud room mate and the buddy's sister was at their place and they knew he should have been home by now and they had been worried..
he told them story, they thought he was drunk too, they called him a liar . and made him take them to the spot of the accident .
though his hands were red , they said he didn't even smell like smoke.
first let me say this kid was part blood native and if you know anything about some traditional native americans you know that they are always riding believers who follow
" the great white God"
so it is freaking hilarious that angel or the Lord himself shows up to the kid as

Remember that Jumangi guy is hunting robin williams.....
" the Great white hunter of men " to a hunter (kid loves hunting) .
and not as 'the fisher of men" to the fishermen.

You got know how hilarious this is..

Then he has the warning part .. because kids hand did get red though no blisters .. and for a while kid was into hackin crackin and internet destruction kind of things , getting free movies and stuff .. so the lord was just warning him to stop it!
the woman never contacted him nor did the company.

so some really interesting questions were or are .

why didn't Jumanji guy give the blankets to the lady himself?
and if Jumanji was the Lord why did he need the kid to do this for him?
and why did he protect the kid from burns and not the lady?
and how or why didn't the kid smell like smoke or fuel or anything ?
the only proof he had done that is his one hand was red.

are people under shock unable to acknowledge someone is there ..

or is she also seeing great white hunters and giant indian chiefs or something un able to even acknowledge what it is she was seeing.., who knows! Does the lord to that Just to make sure she doesn't believe what she is seeing and is sure to not talk about it.
Can you come up with more interesting questions and what do any of you think the answers to some of these questions might be?

This if nothing else proves to the kid and any one who hears it that the Shadrach Meshach and Abendigo sure could have happened just that way.

I think this whole scenario speaks to the Lords authority somehow.

The lord was given the right to work in the kids life , but must of had no authority to work in the woman life .
He needed us ( his followers ) to do that part.
so did He saved the KID from the flames because he was special or just because he loves the brave that will put HIM to the test . kids who are willing to lay down their life for even a stranger. and to love their neighbor , and treats others the way they want to be treated.

kid wasn't perfect..
But kid was in right relation and in right standing and he believed God could and even if God didn't do anything , he was going to try and help that woman anyway he could .
The Kid still has a hard time talking about it , even with christians. because maybe he doesn't want to think of himself as special.
He doesn't Think he is special . but instead he knows the Lord is special and loving and protective to all who will allow Him to love them.

and that the great white hunter of men.. needs us to love( not the fluff stuff ,not the "embrace my sin" ( no that sin is burning) / but the lay down our lives kind of love ) to love them for him. in hopes that someday they will give him authority in their lives so he is allowed to love/protect/ nurture them like a father would .
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oh I forgot to say .

when the kid and his friends went that night to see where it happened. the tanker was gone and The pavement was still hot and kind of molten and the tar was burned down a inch of so lower than some of the rocks. and the grass in the median was burned down.
the rest of us heard about a fuel tanker overturning on the freeway from the news and paper. But only the kid and his friends and maybe the woman knew what really happened that night.
now we all drive over the spot and feel how lumpy that part of the freeway is . those who know, now know how much 'the great white Hunter of men " loves us and how he asks us to be brave, to love others and him more than to remain in our comfort zones .

I always thought it was odd that the first thing he list on all the stuff people do who will not enter heaven.. those things he hates most rev 21 ,

Rev 21:7
He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Rev 21:8
But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

the kid's test to that date, proves he has overcome those 4 ...that he was not any of those things.

The very first one is usually translated 'cowards" . I always thought it was kind of odd.
Because kind on the surface that is how Jesus life and death appears.
Especially to the uninitiated, unstudied , that he sure could look cowardly,
The religious enough still must think so or they wouldn't be bowing to militant nasty in our schools and churches. arguing and hating other churches , over what degree of filthy God can 'bless'!
How about red letter readers and ID ers.. , I am sure they think he is a cowardly or maybe just an impotent God who can only produce a cell that has to evolve over billions of years.
There is no bigger lie in all the universe than one that says he was a coward or in anyway impotent! restrained by us because he loves us .. but not any kind of coward.
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does it bother anyone that this miracle might appear to demand people should run into a fire ? if they have "faith". that is not what it means at all.
but it is a warning maybe because jesus died for our sins , maybe we don't realize what is still on that alter and that old things are very new...

1Cr 3:11
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1Cr 3:12
Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;

1Cr 3:13
Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.

1Cr 3:14
If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

1Cr 3:15
If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

1Cr 3:16
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

1Cr 3:17
If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

1Cr 3:18

Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.

1Cr 3:19
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

1Cr 3:20
And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.

1Cr 3:21
Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours;

it is time to a be a fool/ a child and trust him for his works..
because every work that isn't his will be burned
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Angel Of YHVH
Jun 7, 2011
Marital Status
does it bother anyone that this miracle might appear to demand people should run into a fire ? if they have "faith". that is not what it means at all.
but it is a warning maybe because jesus died for our sins , maybe we don't realize what is still on that alter and that old things are very new...

1Cr 3:11
For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.

1Cr 3:12
Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;

1Cr 3:13
Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.

1Cr 3:14
If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.

1Cr 3:15
If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

1Cr 3:16
Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

1Cr 3:17
If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

1Cr 3:18

Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.

1Cr 3:19
For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

1Cr 3:20
And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.

1Cr 3:21
Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours;

it is time to a be a fool/ a child and trust him for his works..
because every work that isn't his will be burned

....and yet, as a child, He lets HimiH play/discover amongst those "in the wilderness" (including here, at CF) it seems; to wit:

Mary K. Baxter Describes Beauty of Heaven: Mansions, Throne of God, Babies In Heaven - YouTube
NDE 2nd and 3rd Heavens Demons in Human form with Lukewarm Christians living in the Last Days - YouTube
The BEST stories of People who have seen HEAVEN and HELL. - YouTube
Best Videos of Encounter with Jesus, Angels, Healing, Heaven - YouTube

You want miracles? They happen everyday, all around u, and "in u" as well if u keep your "eye on Jesus," for its all up to HIM to get "past yourself."

We can't do it.
Our momma can't do it.

Only Jesus can, as ABBA has given Him this rule, this power.

Does He "know" you? The only Q that matters.

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This site stays free and accessible to all because of donations from people like you.
Consider making a one-time or monthly donation. We appreciate your support!
- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums


Junior Member
May 1, 2013
Marital Status
I wanted to discuss miracles and what we can learn about HIM and his desires from the miracles themselves . we can use Miracles in the bible or miracles in real life.
Where does a thread like that go?

It seem the dreams and visions section is closed I think.
I have no idea why they would close that .
I don't think discussing Miracles should go in that section anyway .
dreams and visions is the closest section .
that section is the closest I could find to these kinds of supernatural ideas .
but it is not the same.

Maybe this one section here .
Just because really the only intent in discussing miracles would be to better Understand Him ( not ourselves ) and His will for us or his desires for us as they are revealed in the miracles themselves in the bible and in real life experiences. ..
I only want to talk to christians about these kinds of things.
please so what section should they go under ?


God has done many miracles things in my life, we can't really understand Him without talking about these amazing miracles.

That just one part of it. He gave me a dream two weeks ago, on 11/16/2014, a Sunday night. It is the first time I received such dream. Thing didn't end here, when I told my boss/friend about the dream, She told me that her Pastor friend had the same dream as mine two weeks before me!!!!!!!!!

God is trying to tell HIS children something now, He is giving out warning now, getting more and more personal.

Here is the dream: I was in a place, the place was under attack, there are smoke and fire, people are running, buildings are falling, then, suddenly, there is a plane that carry me out of this place with all other people who I don't know, my family was not with me. I turn my head back and I look out the window, I saw the Status of Liberty was being crashed, the head fall apart from the body, at that moment, I know that was New York, this is the fall of America. God saves me and other His people at that critical moment. That's what the plane's about. The dream end.

God is telling me that the destruction of America is close. I need to repent and draw close to Him. He will save me.

I am so touch by such Love. I am just a piece of dust, who am I to have received such warm and close attention? God is Great, It is amazing to know Him, to be loved by Him.

I will strive really hard from now on to be Holy. I wish I can stand before Him when He returns.
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Junior Member
May 1, 2013
Marital Status
since no made a guess.
onward and forward..
first yes the kids at that time is a christian .. but is kind of being a kid but just little bit..

It's middle of the night , was a kid in his mid to late teens. He had been to nearest large town in his area and he had been looking for a job and had some interviews , then he stayed in town for a movie . at the time he was working as a hod carrier. So he was very very strong.
So you know what is coming.. so I need to describe the Clothes he had on were black plastic dress shoes, and black polyester pants and a cotton poly blended shirt. oh boy!

so he is driving down the 4 lane (?) 2+2 with a divider that is a large space .
so off in the distance over the next hill he see a strange glow and as he rounds the hill there is a truck partially in the freeway and partially in the dividing space. It is a fuel tanker and the front of the tanker is on fire a lady driver is in the seat and cab is on fire she is inside.

kid jumps out of his car..
no one is around no one on the free way that he is aware of .

Lady driver appears in shock may have been on fire in the cab..
so after she opens the door and falls out on the ground into the fuel she is for sure on fire.
flames running up her back . the flames all around are 4 to 6 ft tall running all over the cab too.
he looks down realizes what he has on and then looks to heaven and says
" Lord this is going to hurt, but I can't leave"

He runs into the flames has to grab the door to move it in order to pick the very large woman off the ground. who clothes are now in flames.

As he has to touch the door it is feeling hot .. but not too hot. and he notices it was kind of strange.
As he bends down the flames extinguish off of her and as he approaches her she start smoking . She is not on fire as he picks her very large 250+++ up and runs her out of the flames.
She is in shock and doesn't acknowledge him at all and even kind of avoids seeing him. and never answers him when he asks a question.

The Kid then runs to his car and checks the trunk to see if he has anything to cover her and keep her warm with because it is a brisk Sept night . and some of her or most of her clothes are burned off.

just then he turns and the Jumangi , Great white hunter like guy is standing there and with three wool blankets . He says to the kid " these are for her " .
Kids thinks this is odd and smirks as he sees "the Jumanji dude" with white hair and one eye glass. then kid says "thank you sir.."
and wonders why he gave the blankets to him and not to her.

He starts to go put the blankets on the lady and he turns just a few steps away and there is no great white hunter standing there. and he can't see any cars either .
he realizes then that he isn't burned at all as he runs the blankets to the lady along the road.. just then some people drive up who live around there and they have a cell phone and had called the police and fire and ambulance was on the way. it would take awhile because they way out way from a town of any size.

the kid stuck around there as the lady was loaded . he told the story to the police and police suspect he was drunk and made him walk the line before he drove home..

When he got home his best bud room mate and the buddy's sister was at their place and they knew he should have been home by now and they had been worried..
he told them story, they thought he was drunk too, they called him a liar . and made him take them to the spot of the accident .
though his hands were red , they said he didn't even smell like smoke.
first let me say this kid was part blood native and if you know anything about some traditional native americans you know that they are always riding believers who follow
" the great white God"
so it is freaking hilarious that angel or the Lord himself shows up to the kid as

Remember that Jumangi guy is hunting robin williams.....
" the Great white hunter of men " to a hunter (kid loves hunting) .
and not as 'the fisher of men" to the fishermen.

You got know how hilarious this is..

Then he has the warning part .. because kids hand did get red though no blisters .. and for a while kid was into hackin crackin and internet destruction kind of things , getting free movies and stuff .. so the lord was just warning him to stop it!
the woman never contacted him nor did the company.

so some really interesting questions were or are .

why didn't Jumanji guy give the blankets to the lady himself?
and if Jumanji was the Lord why did he need the kid to do this for him?
and why did he protect the kid from burns and not the lady?
and how or why didn't the kid smell like smoke or fuel or anything ?
the only proof he had done that is his one hand was red.

are people under shock unable to acknowledge someone is there ..

or is she also seeing great white hunters and giant indian chiefs or something un able to even acknowledge what it is she was seeing.., who knows! Does the lord to that Just to make sure she doesn't believe what she is seeing and is sure to not talk about it.
Can you come up with more interesting questions and what do any of you think the answers to some of these questions might be?

This if nothing else proves to the kid and any one who hears it that the Shadrach Meshach and Abendigo sure could have happened just that way.

I think this whole scenario speaks to the Lords authority somehow.

The lord was given the right to work in the kids life , but must of had no authority to work in the woman life .
He needed us ( his followers ) to do that part.
so did He saved the KID from the flames because he was special or just because he loves the brave that will put HIM to the test . kids who are willing to lay down their life for even a stranger. and to love their neighbor , and treats others the way they want to be treated.

kid wasn't perfect..
But kid was in right relation and in right standing and he believed God could and even if God didn't do anything , he was going to try and help that woman anyway he could .
The Kid still has a hard time talking about it , even with christians. because maybe he doesn't want to think of himself as special.
He doesn't Think he is special . but instead he knows the Lord is special and loving and protective to all who will allow Him to love them.

and that the great white hunter of men.. needs us to love( not the fluff stuff ,not the "embrace my sin" ( no that sin is burning) / but the lay down our lives kind of love ) to love them for him. in hopes that someday they will give him authority in their lives so he is allowed to love/protect/ nurture them like a father would .

Very interesting!

The Kid knows about love. That means he is a child of God and God always close to His children and reveal Himself to them at the times He choose. When we allow God into our life, He would walk into our life, look after us, discipline us, love us, use us in His work, do all sort of things in our life.
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Consider making a one-time or monthly donation. We appreciate your support!
- Dan Doughty and Team Christian Forums