Define miracle


24/7 Christian
Oct 2, 2011
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Here are some examples of miracles:

  1. God struck Miriam with leprosy. 2, Naaman was healed when he dipped himself seven times in the River Jordan.
  2. The wall of Jericho fell after the Israelites shouted on the seventh day of the marches around the city.
  3. Jesus turned water into wine.
Changes in the horizontal (natural, physical) realm usually are continuous in time. In the case of a miracle, a sharp, discontinuous change in the horizontal realm has been effected instantaneously and materialized. The changes are instantaneous.

In terms of duration, there is another kind of miracle:

  1. The parting of the Red Sea.
  2. Jesus walked on water.
These miracles are sustained for an interval of time.

2 Kings 6 shows both the horizontal and the vertical realms:

17 Elisha prayed, “Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.” Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.
A vertical-horizontal intervention can be defined as a process that produces an observable result due to invisible causes. The vertical realm somehow intervenes in the natural course of events within the horizontal realm and disrupts the ordinary course of physical happening. When this intervention happens, it is a miracle.

See also The vertical realm interacts with or H5060-touches the horizontal realm.
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Mark Quayle

Monergist; and by reputation, Reformed Calvinist
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May 28, 2018
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Here are some examples of miracles:

  1. God struck Miriam with leprosy. 2, Naaman was healed when he dipped himself seven times in the River Jordan.
  2. The wall of Jericho fell after the Israelites shouted on the seventh day of the marches around the city.
  3. Jesus turned water into wine.
Changes in the horizontal (natural, physical) realm usually are continuous in time. In the case of a miracle, a sharp, discontinuous change in the horizontal realm has been effected instantaneously and materialized. The changes are instantaneous.

In terms of duration, there is another kind of miracle:

  1. The parting of the Red Sea.
  2. Jesus walked on water.
These miracles are sustained for an interval of time.

2 Kings 6 shows both the horizontal and the vertical realms:

A vertical-horizontal intervention can be defined as a process that produces an observable result due to invisible causes. The vertical realm somehow intervenes in the natural course of events within the horizontal realm and disrupts the ordinary course of physical happening. When this intervention happens, it is a miracle.

See also The vertical realm interacts with or H5060-touches the horizontal realm.
As you probably know, my reasoning places these definitions in the realm of man's reasoning, temporal, and not God's point-of-view.

From God's point-of-view, (and granted, this is stated still from my necessarily temporal expression), it may well be that what we consider his 'inserting himself' into the temporal, is no more so than his upholding existence is.

But yes, while I think all fact is miracle, or, at least, miraculous, I acknowledge that Miracle may be defined as an interruption of what would otherwise be expected to continue naturally.
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