Twisted Scripture, words or phrases given the wrong meaning, part 1

Bob corrigan

Active Member
May 3, 2022
San Antonio
United States
Marital Status
The amount of false teaching is astounding! When I started to study, I knew there was a lot of false teaching, but I didn't realize the extent and spread of false teaching. I coined a phrase to express this, "The farther we go, the further we get." By this, I mean that the farther we get in time away from the ascension of Jesus, the further we get away from Scripture truth! The main false teaching in the 1st century was the claim that Gentile believers needed to get circumcised and follow the parts of Mosaic O.T. Law that Jesus had ended, the Gnosticism that was infiltrating into the body of believers, and the paganism that some were attempting to amalgamate with the true faith. That was quite enough for those days.
As time went on, it went from outsiders trying to add things to the faith to changing Scripture itself. This wasn't a simple case of some being in error about what Scripture taught, no, this was not just adding or taking away from God's word, it was the purposeful changing of what Scripture meant and taught. This is present today as evidenced by the "proof text" method along with the outright redefining of words and phrases.
This practice falls under the umbrella of "The traditions of Men." These are unscriptural traditions and teachings that have been made up and created in the minds of reprobate people, that have been taught so long and by so many, that people now believe these things are actually found and taught in Scripture! This is a result of a phenom known as "The Power of Tradition." There are many traditions among people, groups, and families that outside of Scripture is fine and dandy. But when it comes to the traditions of men being incorporated into Scripture, Scripture declares this to be anathema! God determined what Scripture was to include and what Scripture teaches, not man determining these things. God choose what words, in the original languages, were to be used, based on what the original words meant, not what man decides the definition of words are.
The original Scripture languages are called "dead languages." A dead language is an ancient language that is no longer used or spoken by any modern nation or people group. While Hebrew and Aramaic are spoken today, neither one is the same as the original. Look at the dialogue in any Shakespear play to see how different English is today compared to that era of time. If you were to read anything in Early English, you would not be able to read or comprehend the words. We can make out Middle English, but English today is very different than Middle English.
John 3:16, from the 1617 version of the KJV
" For God, so loued y world, that he gaue his only begotten Soune..."
We can make this out because we know what it means. But, if you had never read Scripture and had never heard John 3:16 quoted, you would not know what "loued," "gaue," or "Soune" meant.
However, the fact that the original Scripture languages are "dead" today is actually a huge blessing. Because what the words meant thousand(s) of years ago when they were first used in Scripture still have the same definitions and meanings as they did those many years ago. This enables those who study to discover the meaning of what God purposed for His sheep to know! It is crucial to look up, define and determine the cultural meaning of the words in the original languages! God did not give us His word in modern-day English. Scripture was not written within our current cultural mindset or with our culture in mind.

2Pet 3:16, (My paraphrase) As also in all of Paul's letters, in which he speaks of these things, he also writes of some things that are hard to understand, the false teachers which are unlearned, (ignorant, have no knowledge of) and unstable (vacillating, wavering, undecided) wrest (to pervert, to wrest or torture words into the wrong meaning), as they also do to the rest of Scripture, unto their own destruction.

This has been going on for a long time! The only difference is the number of false teachers today compared to then. These "individuals" treat words as if the words are made of Silly Putty that they can stretch and mold to fit what they want words to mean.

Psalm 14:1, "The fool has said in his heart (mind), 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, they have done abominable works..."
This is not teaching that a fool denies the existence of God, but rather that fools live and act as if God is not aware of their gross sins and will not punish them.

The first word that I want to deal with that has been twisted and perverted is the word "meek." From countless pulpits and ministries, people have been, and are being told that "meek" means "strength under control." They teach that this is an ancient Greek word that meant something along these lines,
From a Maleah Warner,, "Why Meekness is the Super Power You Want."
Ep.41 "Greek War Horses were "meeked" which meant they were trained to stay in battle than flee at the sound of loud canons. The Greek origin of the word meek is "praus" used to describe these strong and disciplined horses and means "strength controlled."

From, Meek like a horse?
"The old English often used the term "meeking a horse." Meeking a horse did not mean to strip the power from a horse but rather to harness the horse's power from a state of wild independence to one of loyalty so that the horse could be used as the master of the horse intended."
(Huh? What does "so that the horse could be used as the master of the horse intended" possibly mean?)

From, "Meek as a Lamb or War Horse? -Lorri Dudley, " However the work (I think she meant word) from the original Greek translation is praus and can mean strength under the control of God's power." (What does "can mean" indicate? It either means it or it doesn't mean it!)
To begin with, the word "meek" is always used as an adjective! It is not a verb and has never been used as a verb. There are no verb forms of meek, "meeked," or "meeking." Whatever type of spell check you have on your computer, try typing "meeked" or "meeking" in what you write and instantly, the spell check will underline either word. When you click on the word, you will discover that these two words do not exist! Spell check will not offer any alternate spelling. Any spell check you use will not recognize these words! Which can only mean that words do not exist! The first time I heard someone say that a horse was "meeked" caused me to cringe! I have a decent vocabulary and had never heard or read the word "meeked" until I heard a "well-respected," now deceased, "pastor" out of Memphis, Tn use the made-up word.
They try to replace the concept most commonly known as "breaking a horse" with the word "meek." I typed in "breaking a horse" into my browser and many different sites appeared. I read about 25 of them and not one used any of the words "meek," "meeked," or "meeking," to describe breaking a horse!
The arrogance and ignorance of the people that try to teach that meek means "strength under control" are beyond measure. This is just another example of, "The pastor said it, it must be true." I typed in "meek means strength under control" in my browser and started to count the sites that teach this, or a form of this, and quit after reaching 50! I have no doubt that there are hundreds of thousands of "pastors teaching this "tradition of men." And why not? If you are a "pastor" in the E.C. (Evangelical/Christian) world, your main goal is not to teach truth, rather grow the numbers. You know that your current members believe this nonsense because you teach it, but you also know that millions of other churchgoers also believe this. You know that new people are always moving into your area and that there are people who change what church building they attend. What is one of the best hooks to get new people to join your church building? It's not just the format that hundreds of thousands of church buildings copy, it is to teach the same things that people have been taught, believe, and are comfortable with! You dare not rock the boat! The best way to scare away people is to teach some truth that contradicts what they "believe!"

Where did the idea that meek means "strength under control" come from? It didn't come out of a written source. Here are definitions from different sources.
Bible Sense Lexicon: praus- gentle, meek, humble.
Harpers Bible Dictionary: The quality or characteristics of humility when coupled with gentleness.
Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Bible Words: denotes gentle, mild, meek.
Expository Dict of Bible Words: The Greek word for "meek" is praus, and "meekness" is prautes. These words picture a humble, gentle attitude.
Webster's 1828 Dict: mild of temper, soft, gentle.
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dict: enduring injury with patience and without resentment, mild, not violent or strong.
Easton's Bible Dict: a calm state of mind, not easily provoked.
The Peoples New Testament Commentary: The mild, gentle, opposed to the proud and ambitious. The word meekness has meek as its root, gentle, benevolent, or humble.

Some of these sources were already well established and in place long before this teaching came out!

I can list hundreds of other sources. Not one of them will define meek as being "strength under control!" So, I ask again, where does this ludicrous teaching come from? There is no written or historical source that can be cited. There are no word study tools or commentaries that teach this. In the history of the Jewish people, the word "meek" has never been taught to mean "strength under control." The Greeks never taught this! Yet, it is taught this comes from the Greeks!

They all like to state that the Greek word "praus" means "strength under control." Really?
From Strong's: mildness of disposition, gentleness of spirit, meekness.

KJV Dictionary Definition: 1. Mild of temperament; soft; gentle, not easily provoked or irritated 2. Appropriately humble, submissive to the divine will; not proud.

I could list hundreds of sources here. You are always going to find the same or similar definitions of "meek." Not one reference I have searched or am aware of has ever defined meek to mean "strength under control!" (Of course, that will change as "new" resources are developed and made available to the public.)
From the Analytical Bible Expositor: "Meek." It is nigh impossible to describe meekness in one word. Meekness is the condition of God's people...and submission to God in contrast to the world that blasphemes God and rebels against God. Meekness involves being mild and gentle.

What Jesus said in Mat 5:5 is a direct quote from Psalms 37:11. The Hebrew for meek is "anav anayv": poor, humble, afflicted, meek.
I ask yet again, where is the word source or historical source for the teaching? The Greek word "praus" was used in ancient Greece in reference to animals, but it either meant to gently train a horse or spoke of a tame animal! There is not one ancient document that shows or teaches that meek is "strength under control!"


When did this evil teaching begin? I haven't been able to pinpoint who started this wretched lie or when it started. I know that it only started within the last twenty years and caught on like wildfire! It is a teaching that the proud and arrogant love! Why? Instead of acknowledging what Scripture teaches about the natural state of man and his sinful nature, it feeds into the humanistic view that the E.C. world religion promotes, that man is the most superior being in the universe and that everything centers around man. God has been lowered from His lofty position and man has raised himself up. God is not sovereign, merely in control. How many times from the pulpits is it taught that people have to "let" a member of the Godhead work in their life, that God needs permission to act upon a person? The idea of "strength under control" appeals to the flesh nature of the E.C. world. The E.C. world is described perfectly in 1Jn 2:16. Thayer's Lexicon says of the word "pride" that it is empty, braggart talk, an insolent and empty assurance, which trusts in its own power and resources and shamefully despises and violates divine laws... The best way to describe the "pride of life" is "self-esteem," which is synonymous with arrogance! What is one of the sins Scripture describes as wicked and something that sheep should never have? PRIDE! PRIDE IN ONESELF!
Pro 6:16-17, These six things the Lord doth hate: yea seven are an abomination to Him. A PROUD LOOK... This doesn't mean a look on someone's face, it is a description of a proud person! At the top of the list is PRIDE!

The choice is yours; do you want believe what Scripture teaches about what it means to be meek, humble, gentle or another tradition of men, that meek means "strength under control?"
I asked a number of times, "what is the source?" I did this to establish that anything I post in this series, the false teachings, has to be considered in the light of what is the source of any particular false teaching. With this method, it will be easy to see that current false teaching does not have any type of Scriptural source, word definition, historical proof, practice of the true believers, the teaching of Scripture, and with the proper context, but rather comes straight from the "Traditions of Men!" It is not hard to grasp. If a "teaching" or "doctrine" cannot be found in Scripture, then it is false teaching! It doesn't matter who or how many "validate" false teaching, it will always be false teaching!
Some may question as to why I addressed this particular teaching, why is this a big deal, what is the harm? I started with this to establish that there is false teaching and this is a common one. Does this teaching affect salvation? No. But Scripture is not just about people "getting saved." Scripture, all of Scripture is about truth. To lie about even one thing in Scripture is a gross sin! God does not give a free pass to lie about His word, ever! God is the Father of all sheep. If you ask any parent what is the biggest transgression a child can commit, they will all tell you that it is when their child lies! If I was so inclined, I could easily show 30 or more verses about lying. To a parent, it is not what the child lied about, it is the fact that the child lied!
When a person presents one false teaching, you can rest assured they will present other false teachings. We all personally know liars. Does a liar only lie about one thing? When you discover that a particular person has lied to you more than once or twice, do you continue to trust that person to ever tell the truth?

Maria Billingsley

Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Oct 7, 2018
United States
Marital Status
The amount of false teaching is astounding! When I started to study, I knew there was a lot of false teaching, but I didn't realize the extent and spread of false teaching. I coined a phrase to express this, "The farther we go, the further we get." By this, I mean that the farther we get in time away from the ascension of Jesus, the further we get away from Scripture truth! The main false teaching in the 1st century was the claim that Gentile believers needed to get circumcised and follow the parts of Mosaic O.T. Law that Jesus had ended, the Gnosticism that was infiltrating into the body of believers, and the paganism that some were attempting to amalgamate with the true faith. That was quite enough for those days.
As time went on, it went from outsiders trying to add things to the faith to changing Scripture itself. This wasn't a simple case of some being in error about what Scripture taught, no, this was not just adding or taking away from God's word, it was the purposeful changing of what Scripture meant and taught. This is present today as evidenced by the "proof text" method along with the outright redefining of words and phrases.
This practice falls under the umbrella of "The traditions of Men." These are unscriptural traditions and teachings that have been made up and created in the minds of reprobate people, that have been taught so long and by so many, that people now believe these things are actually found and taught in Scripture! This is a result of a phenom known as "The Power of Tradition." There are many traditions among people, groups, and families that outside of Scripture is fine and dandy. But when it comes to the traditions of men being incorporated into Scripture, Scripture declares this to be anathema! God determined what Scripture was to include and what Scripture teaches, not man determining these things. God choose what words, in the original languages, were to be used, based on what the original words meant, not what man decides the definition of words are.
The original Scripture languages are called "dead languages." A dead language is an ancient language that is no longer used or spoken by any modern nation or people group. While Hebrew and Aramaic are spoken today, neither one is the same as the original. Look at the dialogue in any Shakespear play to see how different English is today compared to that era of time. If you were to read anything in Early English, you would not be able to read or comprehend the words. We can make out Middle English, but English today is very different than Middle English.
John 3:16, from the 1617 version of the KJV
" For God, so loued y world, that he gaue his only begotten Soune..."
We can make this out because we know what it means. But, if you had never read Scripture and had never heard John 3:16 quoted, you would not know what "loued," "gaue," or "Soune" meant.
However, the fact that the original Scripture languages are "dead" today is actually a huge blessing. Because what the words meant thousand(s) of years ago when they were first used in Scripture still have the same definitions and meanings as they did those many years ago. This enables those who study to discover the meaning of what God purposed for His sheep to know! It is crucial to look up, define and determine the cultural meaning of the words in the original languages! God did not give us His word in modern-day English. Scripture was not written within our current cultural mindset or with our culture in mind.

2Pet 3:16, (My paraphrase) As also in all of Paul's letters, in which he speaks of these things, he also writes of some things that are hard to understand, the false teachers which are unlearned, (ignorant, have no knowledge of) and unstable (vacillating, wavering, undecided) wrest (to pervert, to wrest or torture words into the wrong meaning), as they also do to the rest of Scripture, unto their own destruction.

This has been going on for a long time! The only difference is the number of false teachers today compared to then. These "individuals" treat words as if the words are made of Silly Putty that they can stretch and mold to fit what they want words to mean.

Psalm 14:1, "The fool has said in his heart (mind), 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, they have done abominable works..."
This is not teaching that a fool denies the existence of God, but rather that fools live and act as if God is not aware of their gross sins and will not punish them.

The first word that I want to deal with that has been twisted and perverted is the word "meek." From countless pulpits and ministries, people have been, and are being told that "meek" means "strength under control." They teach that this is an ancient Greek word that meant something along these lines,
From a Maleah Warner,, "Why Meekness is the Super Power You Want."
Ep.41 "Greek War Horses were "meeked" which meant they were trained to stay in battle than flee at the sound of loud canons. The Greek origin of the word meek is "praus" used to describe these strong and disciplined horses and means "strength controlled."

From, Meek like a horse?
"The old English often used the term "meeking a horse." Meeking a horse did not mean to strip the power from a horse but rather to harness the horse's power from a state of wild independence to one of loyalty so that the horse could be used as the master of the horse intended."
(Huh? What does "so that the horse could be used as the master of the horse intended" possibly mean?)

From, "Meek as a Lamb or War Horse? -Lorri Dudley, " However the work (I think she meant word) from the original Greek translation is praus and can mean strength under the control of God's power." (What does "can mean" indicate? It either means it or it doesn't mean it!)
To begin with, the word "meek" is always used as an adjective! It is not a verb and has never been used as a verb. There are no verb forms of meek, "meeked," or "meeking." Whatever type of spell check you have on your computer, try typing "meeked" or "meeking" in what you write and instantly, the spell check will underline either word. When you click on the word, you will discover that these two words do not exist! Spell check will not offer any alternate spelling. Any spell check you use will not recognize these words! Which can only mean that words do not exist! The first time I heard someone say that a horse was "meeked" caused me to cringe! I have a decent vocabulary and had never heard or read the word "meeked" until I heard a "well-respected," now deceased, "pastor" out of Memphis, Tn use the made-up word.
They try to replace the concept most commonly known as "breaking a horse" with the word "meek." I typed in "breaking a horse" into my browser and many different sites appeared. I read about 25 of them and not one used any of the words "meek," "meeked," or "meeking," to describe breaking a horse!
The arrogance and ignorance of the people that try to teach that meek means "strength under control" are beyond measure. This is just another example of, "The pastor said it, it must be true." I typed in "meek means strength under control" in my browser and started to count the sites that teach this, or a form of this, and quit after reaching 50! I have no doubt that there are hundreds of thousands of "pastors teaching this "tradition of men." And why not? If you are a "pastor" in the E.C. (Evangelical/Christian) world, your main goal is not to teach truth, rather grow the numbers. You know that your current members believe this nonsense because you teach it, but you also know that millions of other churchgoers also believe this. You know that new people are always moving into your area and that there are people who change what church building they attend. What is one of the best hooks to get new people to join your church building? It's not just the format that hundreds of thousands of church buildings copy, it is to teach the same things that people have been taught, believe, and are comfortable with! You dare not rock the boat! The best way to scare away people is to teach some truth that contradicts what they "believe!"

Where did the idea that meek means "strength under control" come from? It didn't come out of a written source. Here are definitions from different sources.
Bible Sense Lexicon: praus- gentle, meek, humble.
Harpers Bible Dictionary: The quality or characteristics of humility when coupled with gentleness.
Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Bible Words: denotes gentle, mild, meek.
Expository Dict of Bible Words: The Greek word for "meek" is praus, and "meekness" is prautes. These words picture a humble, gentle attitude.
Webster's 1828 Dict: mild of temper, soft, gentle.
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dict: enduring injury with patience and without resentment, mild, not violent or strong.
Easton's Bible Dict: a calm state of mind, not easily provoked.
The Peoples New Testament Commentary: The mild, gentle, opposed to the proud and ambitious. The word meekness has meek as its root, gentle, benevolent, or humble.

Some of these sources were already well established and in place long before this teaching came out!

I can list hundreds of other sources. Not one of them will define meek as being "strength under control!" So, I ask again, where does this ludicrous teaching come from? There is no written or historical source that can be cited. There are no word study tools or commentaries that teach this. In the history of the Jewish people, the word "meek" has never been taught to mean "strength under control." The Greeks never taught this! Yet, it is taught this comes from the Greeks!

They all like to state that the Greek word "praus" means "strength under control." Really?
From Strong's: mildness of disposition, gentleness of spirit, meekness.

KJV Dictionary Definition: 1. Mild of temperament; soft; gentle, not easily provoked or irritated 2. Appropriately humble, submissive to the divine will; not proud.

I could list hundreds of sources here. You are always going to find the same or similar definitions of "meek." Not one reference I have searched or am aware of has ever defined meek to mean "strength under control!" (Of course, that will change as "new" resources are developed and made available to the public.)
From the Analytical Bible Expositor: "Meek." It is nigh impossible to describe meekness in one word. Meekness is the condition of God's people...and submission to God in contrast to the world that blasphemes God and rebels against God. Meekness involves being mild and gentle.

What Jesus said in Mat 5:5 is a direct quote from Psalms 37:11. The Hebrew for meek is "anav anayv": poor, humble, afflicted, meek.
I ask yet again, where is the word source or historical source for the teaching? The Greek word "praus" was used in ancient Greece in reference to animals, but it either meant to gently train a horse or spoke of a tame animal! There is not one ancient document that shows or teaches that meek is "strength under control!"


When did this evil teaching begin? I haven't been able to pinpoint who started this wretched lie or when it started. I know that it only started within the last twenty years and caught on like wildfire! It is a teaching that the proud and arrogant love! Why? Instead of acknowledging what Scripture teaches about the natural state of man and his sinful nature, it feeds into the humanistic view that the E.C. world religion promotes, that man is the most superior being in the universe and that everything centers around man. God has been lowered from His lofty position and man has raised himself up. God is not sovereign, merely in control. How many times from the pulpits is it taught that people have to "let" a member of the Godhead work in their life, that God needs permission to act upon a person? The idea of "strength under control" appeals to the flesh nature of the E.C. world. The E.C. world is described perfectly in 1Jn 2:16. Thayer's Lexicon says of the word "pride" that it is empty, braggart talk, an insolent and empty assurance, which trusts in its own power and resources and shamefully despises and violates divine laws... The best way to describe the "pride of life" is "self-esteem," which is synonymous with arrogance! What is one of the sins Scripture describes as wicked and something that sheep should never have? PRIDE! PRIDE IN ONESELF!
Pro 6:16-17, These six things the Lord doth hate: yea seven are an abomination to Him. A PROUD LOOK... This doesn't mean a look on someone's face, it is a description of a proud person! At the top of the list is PRIDE!

The choice is yours; do you want believe what Scripture teaches about what it means to be meek, humble, gentle or another tradition of men, that meek means "strength under control?"
I asked a number of times, "what is the source?" I did this to establish that anything I post in this series, the false teachings, has to be considered in the light of what is the source of any particular false teaching. With this method, it will be easy to see that current false teaching does not have any type of Scriptural source, word definition, historical proof, practice of the true believers, the teaching of Scripture, and with the proper context, but rather comes straight from the "Traditions of Men!" It is not hard to grasp. If a "teaching" or "doctrine" cannot be found in Scripture, then it is false teaching! It doesn't matter who or how many "validate" false teaching, it will always be false teaching!
Some may question as to why I addressed this particular teaching, why is this a big deal, what is the harm? I started with this to establish that there is false teaching and this is a common one. Does this teaching affect salvation? No. But Scripture is not just about people "getting saved." Scripture, all of Scripture is about truth. To lie about even one thing in Scripture is a gross sin! God does not give a free pass to lie about His word, ever! God is the Father of all sheep. If you ask any parent what is the biggest transgression a child can commit, they will all tell you that it is when their child lies! If I was so inclined, I could easily show 30 or more verses about lying. To a parent, it is not what the child lied about, it is the fact that the child lied!
When a person presents one false teaching, you can rest assured they will present other false teachings. We all personally know liars. Does a liar only lie about one thing? When you discover that a particular person has lied to you more than once or twice, do you continue to trust that person to ever tell the truth?
Welcome to CF. I guess you are on a rant at the moment about meekness. This group is pretty good with inner turmoil. Blessings
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Author, and Patristic Universalist Minister
Mar 24, 2011
United States
Marital Status
The amount of false teaching is astounding! When I started to study, I knew there was a lot of false teaching, but I didn't realize the extent and spread of false teaching. I coined a phrase to express this, "The farther we go, the further we get." By this, I mean that the farther we get in time away from the ascension of Jesus, the further we get away from Scripture truth! The main false teaching in the 1st century was the claim that Gentile believers needed to get circumcised and follow the parts of Mosaic O.T. Law that Jesus had ended, the Gnosticism that was infiltrating into the body of believers, and the paganism that some were attempting to amalgamate with the true faith. That was quite enough for those days.
As time went on, it went from outsiders trying to add things to the faith to changing Scripture itself. This wasn't a simple case of some being in error about what Scripture taught, no, this was not just adding or taking away from God's word, it was the purposeful changing of what Scripture meant and taught. This is present today as evidenced by the "proof text" method along with the outright redefining of words and phrases.
This practice falls under the umbrella of "The traditions of Men." These are unscriptural traditions and teachings that have been made up and created in the minds of reprobate people, that have been taught so long and by so many, that people now believe these things are actually found and taught in Scripture! This is a result of a phenom known as "The Power of Tradition." There are many traditions among people, groups, and families that outside of Scripture is fine and dandy. But when it comes to the traditions of men being incorporated into Scripture, Scripture declares this to be anathema! God determined what Scripture was to include and what Scripture teaches, not man determining these things. God choose what words, in the original languages, were to be used, based on what the original words meant, not what man decides the definition of words are.
The original Scripture languages are called "dead languages." A dead language is an ancient language that is no longer used or spoken by any modern nation or people group. While Hebrew and Aramaic are spoken today, neither one is the same as the original. Look at the dialogue in any Shakespear play to see how different English is today compared to that era of time. If you were to read anything in Early English, you would not be able to read or comprehend the words. We can make out Middle English, but English today is very different than Middle English.
John 3:16, from the 1617 version of the KJV
" For God, so loued y world, that he gaue his only begotten Soune..."
We can make this out because we know what it means. But, if you had never read Scripture and had never heard John 3:16 quoted, you would not know what "loued," "gaue," or "Soune" meant.
However, the fact that the original Scripture languages are "dead" today is actually a huge blessing. Because what the words meant thousand(s) of years ago when they were first used in Scripture still have the same definitions and meanings as they did those many years ago. This enables those who study to discover the meaning of what God purposed for His sheep to know! It is crucial to look up, define and determine the cultural meaning of the words in the original languages! God did not give us His word in modern-day English. Scripture was not written within our current cultural mindset or with our culture in mind.

2Pet 3:16, (My paraphrase) As also in all of Paul's letters, in which he speaks of these things, he also writes of some things that are hard to understand, the false teachers which are unlearned, (ignorant, have no knowledge of) and unstable (vacillating, wavering, undecided) wrest (to pervert, to wrest or torture words into the wrong meaning), as they also do to the rest of Scripture, unto their own destruction.

This has been going on for a long time! The only difference is the number of false teachers today compared to then. These "individuals" treat words as if the words are made of Silly Putty that they can stretch and mold to fit what they want words to mean.

Psalm 14:1, "The fool has said in his heart (mind), 'There is no God.' They are corrupt, they have done abominable works..."
This is not teaching that a fool denies the existence of God, but rather that fools live and act as if God is not aware of their gross sins and will not punish them.

The first word that I want to deal with that has been twisted and perverted is the word "meek." From countless pulpits and ministries, people have been, and are being told that "meek" means "strength under control." They teach that this is an ancient Greek word that meant something along these lines,
From a Maleah Warner,, "Why Meekness is the Super Power You Want."
Ep.41 "Greek War Horses were "meeked" which meant they were trained to stay in battle than flee at the sound of loud canons. The Greek origin of the word meek is "praus" used to describe these strong and disciplined horses and means "strength controlled."

From, Meek like a horse?
"The old English often used the term "meeking a horse." Meeking a horse did not mean to strip the power from a horse but rather to harness the horse's power from a state of wild independence to one of loyalty so that the horse could be used as the master of the horse intended."
(Huh? What does "so that the horse could be used as the master of the horse intended" possibly mean?)

From, "Meek as a Lamb or War Horse? -Lorri Dudley, " However the work (I think she meant word) from the original Greek translation is praus and can mean strength under the control of God's power." (What does "can mean" indicate? It either means it or it doesn't mean it!)
To begin with, the word "meek" is always used as an adjective! It is not a verb and has never been used as a verb. There are no verb forms of meek, "meeked," or "meeking." Whatever type of spell check you have on your computer, try typing "meeked" or "meeking" in what you write and instantly, the spell check will underline either word. When you click on the word, you will discover that these two words do not exist! Spell check will not offer any alternate spelling. Any spell check you use will not recognize these words! Which can only mean that words do not exist! The first time I heard someone say that a horse was "meeked" caused me to cringe! I have a decent vocabulary and had never heard or read the word "meeked" until I heard a "well-respected," now deceased, "pastor" out of Memphis, Tn use the made-up word.
They try to replace the concept most commonly known as "breaking a horse" with the word "meek." I typed in "breaking a horse" into my browser and many different sites appeared. I read about 25 of them and not one used any of the words "meek," "meeked," or "meeking," to describe breaking a horse!
The arrogance and ignorance of the people that try to teach that meek means "strength under control" are beyond measure. This is just another example of, "The pastor said it, it must be true." I typed in "meek means strength under control" in my browser and started to count the sites that teach this, or a form of this, and quit after reaching 50! I have no doubt that there are hundreds of thousands of "pastors teaching this "tradition of men." And why not? If you are a "pastor" in the E.C. (Evangelical/Christian) world, your main goal is not to teach truth, rather grow the numbers. You know that your current members believe this nonsense because you teach it, but you also know that millions of other churchgoers also believe this. You know that new people are always moving into your area and that there are people who change what church building they attend. What is one of the best hooks to get new people to join your church building? It's not just the format that hundreds of thousands of church buildings copy, it is to teach the same things that people have been taught, believe, and are comfortable with! You dare not rock the boat! The best way to scare away people is to teach some truth that contradicts what they "believe!"

Where did the idea that meek means "strength under control" come from? It didn't come out of a written source. Here are definitions from different sources.
Bible Sense Lexicon: praus- gentle, meek, humble.
Harpers Bible Dictionary: The quality or characteristics of humility when coupled with gentleness.
Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary of Bible Words: denotes gentle, mild, meek.
Expository Dict of Bible Words: The Greek word for "meek" is praus, and "meekness" is prautes. These words picture a humble, gentle attitude.
Webster's 1828 Dict: mild of temper, soft, gentle.
Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dict: enduring injury with patience and without resentment, mild, not violent or strong.
Easton's Bible Dict: a calm state of mind, not easily provoked.
The Peoples New Testament Commentary: The mild, gentle, opposed to the proud and ambitious. The word meekness has meek as its root, gentle, benevolent, or humble.

Some of these sources were already well established and in place long before this teaching came out!

I can list hundreds of other sources. Not one of them will define meek as being "strength under control!" So, I ask again, where does this ludicrous teaching come from? There is no written or historical source that can be cited. There are no word study tools or commentaries that teach this. In the history of the Jewish people, the word "meek" has never been taught to mean "strength under control." The Greeks never taught this! Yet, it is taught this comes from the Greeks!

They all like to state that the Greek word "praus" means "strength under control." Really?
From Strong's: mildness of disposition, gentleness of spirit, meekness.

KJV Dictionary Definition: 1. Mild of temperament; soft; gentle, not easily provoked or irritated 2. Appropriately humble, submissive to the divine will; not proud.

I could list hundreds of sources here. You are always going to find the same or similar definitions of "meek." Not one reference I have searched or am aware of has ever defined meek to mean "strength under control!" (Of course, that will change as "new" resources are developed and made available to the public.)
From the Analytical Bible Expositor: "Meek." It is nigh impossible to describe meekness in one word. Meekness is the condition of God's people...and submission to God in contrast to the world that blasphemes God and rebels against God. Meekness involves being mild and gentle.

What Jesus said in Mat 5:5 is a direct quote from Psalms 37:11. The Hebrew for meek is "anav anayv": poor, humble, afflicted, meek.
I ask yet again, where is the word source or historical source for the teaching? The Greek word "praus" was used in ancient Greece in reference to animals, but it either meant to gently train a horse or spoke of a tame animal! There is not one ancient document that shows or teaches that meek is "strength under control!"


When did this evil teaching begin? I haven't been able to pinpoint who started this wretched lie or when it started. I know that it only started within the last twenty years and caught on like wildfire! It is a teaching that the proud and arrogant love! Why? Instead of acknowledging what Scripture teaches about the natural state of man and his sinful nature, it feeds into the humanistic view that the E.C. world religion promotes, that man is the most superior being in the universe and that everything centers around man. God has been lowered from His lofty position and man has raised himself up. God is not sovereign, merely in control. How many times from the pulpits is it taught that people have to "let" a member of the Godhead work in their life, that God needs permission to act upon a person? The idea of "strength under control" appeals to the flesh nature of the E.C. world. The E.C. world is described perfectly in 1Jn 2:16. Thayer's Lexicon says of the word "pride" that it is empty, braggart talk, an insolent and empty assurance, which trusts in its own power and resources and shamefully despises and violates divine laws... The best way to describe the "pride of life" is "self-esteem," which is synonymous with arrogance! What is one of the sins Scripture describes as wicked and something that sheep should never have? PRIDE! PRIDE IN ONESELF!
Pro 6:16-17, These six things the Lord doth hate: yea seven are an abomination to Him. A PROUD LOOK... This doesn't mean a look on someone's face, it is a description of a proud person! At the top of the list is PRIDE!

The choice is yours; do you want believe what Scripture teaches about what it means to be meek, humble, gentle or another tradition of men, that meek means "strength under control?"
I asked a number of times, "what is the source?" I did this to establish that anything I post in this series, the false teachings, has to be considered in the light of what is the source of any particular false teaching. With this method, it will be easy to see that current false teaching does not have any type of Scriptural source, word definition, historical proof, practice of the true believers, the teaching of Scripture, and with the proper context, but rather comes straight from the "Traditions of Men!" It is not hard to grasp. If a "teaching" or "doctrine" cannot be found in Scripture, then it is false teaching! It doesn't matter who or how many "validate" false teaching, it will always be false teaching!
Some may question as to why I addressed this particular teaching, why is this a big deal, what is the harm? I started with this to establish that there is false teaching and this is a common one. Does this teaching affect salvation? No. But Scripture is not just about people "getting saved." Scripture, all of Scripture is about truth. To lie about even one thing in Scripture is a gross sin! God does not give a free pass to lie about His word, ever! God is the Father of all sheep. If you ask any parent what is the biggest transgression a child can commit, they will all tell you that it is when their child lies! If I was so inclined, I could easily show 30 or more verses about lying. To a parent, it is not what the child lied about, it is the fact that the child lied!
When a person presents one false teaching, you can rest assured they will present other false teachings. We all personally know liars. Does a liar only lie about one thing? When you discover that a particular person has lied to you more than once or twice, do you continue to trust that person to ever tell the truth?
2,000 years have past since Christ was on earth. The way I look at it is if you think someone is a false teacher keep in mind they are just as human as you and are doing the best they can to find God, worship God and love God. Even if they are not in your frame of mind. Assume the best and leave the rest to God. No one is at the level of the original disciples. The disciples had a similar concern Christ had this to say.:
"Now John answered Him, saying, “Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us.”

39 But Jesus said, “Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me. 40 For he who is not against us is on our side.

For whoever gives you a cup of water to drink in My name, because you belong to Christ, assuredly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward. " Mark 9: 38-41
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
Franklin, Tennessee
United States
Marital Status
I've been listening to sermons for about 60 years and have never heard meek defined as "strength under control." I have never heard that phrase. Until now.
Ditto. Wholly new concept to me; sounds contrived.
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Jun 20, 2012
Marital Status
The choice is yours; do you want believe what Scripture teaches about what it means to be meek, humble, gentle or another tradition of men, that meek means "strength under control?"
I asked a number of times, "what is the source?"

Meekness defined as "strength under control" is something I have heard since being saved in 1995. Understanding meekness in this way is illustrated by the Lord Himself, Who was Himself described meek:

Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek G4235 and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Christ presents the picture of strength/power under control.

One of the resources that would have been used by many preachers/teachers (of yesteryear) would have been Vine's Expository Dictionary. Take a look at the entry for Meek, Meekness and see if you cannot see the reasoning for a definition of strength/power under control:

Meek, Meekness - Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words
Meek, Meekness

[ A-1,Adjective,4239,praus or praos ] denotes gentle, mild, meek;" for its significance See the corresponding noun, below, B. Christ uses it of His own disposition, Matthew 11:29; He gives it in the third of His Beatitudes, Matthew 5:5; it is said of Him as the King Messiah, Matthew 21:5, from Zechariah 9:9; it is an adornment of the Christian profession, 1 Peter 3:4. Cp. epios, "gentle, of a soothing disposition," 1 Thessalonians 2:7; 2 Timothy 2:24.

[ B-1,Noun,4240,prautes / praotes ] an eariler form, denotes "meekness." In its use in Scripture, in which it has a fuller, deeper significance than in nonscriptural Greek writings, it consists not in a person's "outward behaviour only; nor yet in his relations to his fellow-men; as little in his mere natural disposition. Rather it is an inwrought grace of the soul; and the exercises of it are first and chiefly towards God. It is that temper of spirit in which we accept His dealings with us as good, and therefore without disputing or resisting; it is closely linked with the word tapeinophrosune [humility], and follows directly upon it, Ephesians 4:2; Colossians 3:12; cp. the adjectives in the Sept. of Zephaniah 3:12, "meek and lowly;" ... it is only the humble heart which is also the meek, and which, as such, does not fight against God and more or less struggle and contend with Him. This meekness, however, being first of all a meekness before God, is also such in the face of men, even of evil men, out of a sense that these, with the insults and injuries which they may inflict, are permitted and employed by Him for the chastening and purifying of His elect" (Trench, Syn. xlii). In Galatians 5:23 it is associated with enkrateia, "self-control."

The meaning of prautes "is not readily expressed in English, for the terms meekness, mildness, commonly used, suggest weakness and pusillanimity to a greater or less extent, whereas prautes does nothing of the kind. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find a rendering less open to objection than 'meekness'; 'gentleness' has been suggested, but as prautes describes a condition of mind and heart, and as 'gentleness' is appropriate rather to actions, this word is no better than that used in both English Versions. It must be clearly understood, therefore, that the meekness manifested by the Lord and commended to the believer is the fruit of power. The common assumption is that when a man is meek it is because he cannot help himself; but the Lord was 'meek' because he had the infinite resources of God at His command. Described negatively, meekness is the opposite to self-assertiveness and self-interest; it is equanimity of spirit that is neither elated nor cast down, simply because it is not occupied with self at all.

"In 2 Corinthians 10:1 the Apostle appeals to the 'meekness ... of Christ.' Christians are charged to show 'all meekness toward all men,' Titus 3:2, for meekness becomes 'God's elect,' Colossians 3:12. To this virtue the 'man of God' is urged; he is to 'follow after meekness' for his own sake, 1 Timothy 6:11 (the best texts have No. 2 here, however), and in his service, and more especially in his dealings with the 'ignorant and erring,' he is to exhibit 'a spirit of meekness,' 1 Corinthians 4:21; Galatians 6:1; even 'they that oppose themselves' are to be corrected in meekness, 2 Timothy 2:25. James exhorts his 'beloved brethren' to 'receive with the meekness the implanted word,' James 1:21. Peter enjoins 'meekness' in setting forth the grounds of the Christian hope, 1 Peter 3:15." * [* From Notes on Galatians, by Hogg and Vine, pp. 294,295.]

[ B-2,Noun,G4236, praupathia ]
"a meek disposition, meekness" (praus, "meek," pascho, "to suffer"), is found in the best texts in 1 Timothy 6:11.

Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words

I can assure you that this definition goes back quite a bit further than twenty years.

God bless.
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Site Supporter
Feb 29, 2004
United States
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Meekness defined as "strength under control" is something I have heard since being saved in 1995.

That is very interesting that it is common to you and unknown to others. May I ask in what faith tradition(s) you have heard meekness described thusly?
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Jun 20, 2012
Marital Status
That is very interesting that it is common to you and unknown to others. May I ask in what faith tradition(s) you have heard meekness described thusly?

Since I was saved in 1995 I have attended mostly fundamental independent Baptist and Southern Baptist fellowships.

What is funny is that this definition was actually given yesterday in the service, lol. The message was looking at the beatitudes.

I think the point of this definition is to make it clear that meekness does not necessarily demonstrate weakness. As I said, Christ is the supreme example, because we have God being described as meek, and no one would suggest weakness on His part. He is the One that chose to suffer at the hands of wicked men and die in the place of the sinner.

I think it is safe to say that He was in complete control throughout His entire Ministry among men.
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