Torn apart

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hopeless romantic
Apr 1, 2003
This somehow seems like the appropriate place to post - please bear with me :)
I'd like to share a few things which I've been feeling lately, and hear from others (whatever faith symbol they may have!) and whether anyone else feels the same.

I have a pretty fantastic life, but recently I'm feeling torn apart by the sad things which happen in other peoples lives, and I feel pretty hopeless that I can't do a lot to help.

At work, I deal with very sick people, and I speak with their families. I'm humbled by their bravery, I know I would crumble in their position. I go home (or to my on-call room) and I marvel how they stay so strong.

When I come to these forums, I see people clearly attempting to belittle and hurt each other - and promoting themselves instead of spreading love to others. Why this should hurt me so much, I have no idea. But believe me, it does.

When I run through my mental prayer-list each day, I break down when I realise that the things I wish and pray for other people are out of my power, and unlikely ever to be granted.

If there were something I could give to solve these problems, I'd give it in a second. Knowing that the world is not a good or a fair place, and that I do not have a solution, is tearing me apart.

Hope that makes sense.


can t spell--can t type
Feb 3, 2002
New York state
you are a kind caring person and that is why you feel frustrated. you just have to accept the fact that you can only do so much and do the best you can to help those that you can. yes many things are out of our control--and it drives me buggy--just ask my husband :) but as a Christian i know that God is in control and so i keep on praying for things that seem impossible for with God all things are possible. I have no clue Why He says yes to some prayers and no to others but He knows best and who am i to tell Him what to do.
You do make a positive difference every day and that is more then a lot of people do.
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A sinner
Nov 17, 2003
Eastern Orthodox
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Hi ej,
I know it's discouraging! :( I feel much the same way and very often! I only know that the "power" is in His name and our prayers are what we called to give. Even if we never find out that there was a favorable outcome. Your faithfulness in prayer is important to God...your faithfulness of the heart is what He sees...Don't give is a race to be run on your own time.
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reverend B

Senior Veteran
Feb 23, 2004
North Carolina
i am a poster that in the process of becoming addament about my beliefs can be unfeeling toward those i disagree with. and it pains me to have that dwell in me. pride. a HUGE cross to bear for me. i don't have to look outside my own life to experience the sorrow that you feel when looking out at the world. sin is the culprit, and it is in us. and it is out there. how can we not feel sorrow? but this is why Christ came, and why He will come again. dids is right in saying you are blessed by profession, for the tasks you perform are in service to others, and therefore in service to Him. expectation of justice in this world is part of where our sorrow comes from, and it is unrealistic. but justice will come, when we get Home.........
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a long journey ahead
Jan 30, 2002
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yeah... that moment of frustration and helplessness is absolutely heartbreaking. All you can do is list out all the bad things that are not supposed to have happened and ask rhetorically why no body is doing something or why the unjusted acts are ignored..

which inspires some people to live a life influencing what they can and leave the rest.. out there to others who have the 'higher' power. I suppose i tend to take an indifference approach to things i can't solve, knowing there's nothing much you can do about the ugliness of humanity..
and see where we can get ourselves to without the guidance of God.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2002
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I can see that you're a very compassionate person and full of empathy for others. You have a very beautiful gift. Unfortunately every one has their own gifts in the body and while we wish that everyone could have compassion for his (anonymous) neighbour sadly this isn't the case.

Many people cannot see beyond their own shortcomings and try to make themselves feel better by putting down and belittling others. It might not even be an overt ridicule or sarcastic remark, but sometimes just an insensitive post can cause much pain and hurt, especially if the poster is someone crying out for help. Instead of recognising the poster's courage in coming forward to share, some emotionally-handicapped people thrive on trying to make the poster feel guilt/blame.

I think it happens more in forums like these since these people cannot see (and often refuse to see) the hurt and pain that their posts can cause, often hiding behind a "if you can't accept the truth maybe you shouldn't be posting online in the first place" facade.

I believe that deep down inside, these people are often bitter and cynical for a reason. Instead of trying to confront them (which is what they want), a better approach would be to reach out to them and find out what's really hurting them. Often one's online persona is a manifestation of one's real life personality; and problems from real life carry into one's virtual life.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2003
ej said:
This somehow seems like the appropriate place to post - please bear with me :)

At work, I deal with very sick people, ...

When I come to these forums, I see people clearly attempting to belittle and hurt each other - and promoting themselves instead of spreading love to others. Why this should hurt me so much, I have no idea. But believe me, it does....

Hope that makes sense.
Hi there!


It does make sense, but put it all in perspective. Your work is physical and of this world. You do whatever you can to care for the physical needs of the person.

But there is also the spiritual needs of people, that is an entirely different realm outside meeting the physical needs of a sick or dying person.

With the physical, you can visually see the need and treat the need with the assurance that you have done the best that you could do to provide care, albeit, at that point, you may only be treating the symptoms. But in the spritual realm, you cannot "see" the inner heart of man, and the only guidance system is the Holy Spirit.

Many people don't have the Spirit, or don't follow the Spirit in their actions and replies.

I break down when I realise that the things I wish and pray for other people are out of my power, and unlikely ever to be granted.

And these things are not out of your power, as long as they are still within the will of God. You may claim the promises of God whenever you pray, but the timing is still the Lords.

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Just me
Aug 28, 2003
Beautiful Wales
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ej said:
Knowing that the world is not a good or a fair place, and that I do not have a solution, is tearing me apart.
This tore me apart for many years. With special regard to the illnesses first of my sister, then my son. All I could see were innocent victims of someones cruel design. Even now, when I see their sufferings and the sufferings of others, it pulls me in this way too.
But people like you can help, often without realising it, by providing the care and compassion you do, people come to a realisation that the world is not totally against them and that there is goodness and love in it. You are the hands and voice of the Lord to these people and through you they are receiving His love.
There have been some people over the years who have done what they probably thought were little things that made a huge impact on our ability to cope with the difficulties we face. I'm am sure that in your work there are people who would say the same about you.
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A Liberal Christian
Feb 10, 2004
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I guess when you work with the sick you have to try to distance yourself emotionally otherwise you will become much too stressed. I did some nursing years ago and was able to switch off at the end of a shift, fortunately. It is the same with all the tragic stuff on the news, in the end you have to switch off. For the most part there is nothing you can do about it ,and emotional overload is not going to do you or anyone else any good at all.

As for these forums, they certainly don't sooth the soul that is for sure. My views are not acceptable to some, and since I have registered here I have had some insulting pms and a lot of e-mails containing viruses, which I hadn't had before!
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Mar 15, 2004
i can feel your heart for others beating through your message. it is so amazing. remember that God loves everyone WWWAAAAYYYY more than you do, and he is all knowing. i encourage you to pray for your friends-it makes the biggest difference in the world. God is trustworthy to do awsome things! keep me posted on how everything works out. i'll be praying for you, yes, i mean that!!
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Daughter of the King
Dec 11, 2003
Hey, I understand what you mean, I had to take a long break from this forum because it was getting me mad. You seem like a loving and caring person and I hope you can stay strong in prayer. Remember that you can do something about each situation that bothers you, PRAY, don't ever let that die down. Remember there is power in Jesus's blood and it is through him that it will get accomplished. I know it seems like people's world is falling apart but maybe you cannot see the little things that God is doing to take care of the situation. Keep praying and don't give up because you have many other christians praying for the same thing as you and let His will be done.
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Nov 23, 2003
Sounds like you may have a spiritual gift to feel the needs of others. You have empathy which is a blessed gift. I admire people who have empathy like you do. I know sometimes when you pray you may feel helpless but know that God hears your prayers. And your faith in prayer and the one who answers prayers is powerful and strong. Keep praying for those who you find are on your heart. Yes, you will feel much empathy for them and a great desire to help somehow but knowing lifting up your concerns to heaven is the best help you can give them. Then if the situation permits you may be able to help them on a more physical level.
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a post by Alan Smithee
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Dec 25, 2003
United States
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While what I face at my job is no where near what you must, I sometimes get depressed when I look at all the empty buildings and cubicles and the shattered lives of the former employees. I work at a telecom company that's laid off massive numbers of employees locally and continues to do so. Of the 11 buildings on our corporate campus, 7 are empty and cryptlike.

So. I come to this forum and read contributions from people like you and it makes me feel better. There are plenty of good people on the forum and that goodness shines through in many posts here. Some are moving and deep, some are fluffy and frivilous, but there's plenty here to cheer me up after seeing yet another cubicle emptied out since my last shift.

Unlike you, I'm totally powerless to help the folks being laid off. All I can do is try and remember their names and the heddy days of the Telecom boom.
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Nov 23, 2003
USincognito said:
Of the 11 buildings on our corporate campus, 7 are empty and cryptlike.

I was reading an article about company profits are improving but more jobs are not being created. The article mentioned that companies are becoming more efficient with the use of technology and have greater productivity with less labor. And that's the wave of the future. More technology to reduce labor cost. What I don't understand is profits only go up if people are spending money and if people do not have jobs then who is spending the money :scratch:
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a post by Alan Smithee
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Dec 25, 2003
United States
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Shekinahs said:

I was reading an article about company profits are improving but more jobs are not being created. The article mentioned that companies are becoming more efficient with the use of technology and have greater productivity with less labor. And that's the wave of the future. More technology to reduce labor cost. What I don't understand is profits only go up if people are spending money and if people do not have jobs then who is spending the money :scratch:

Not to tangent away from EJ addressing real lives vs. jobs but yes, the cunondrum of technological advancement, especially in the telecom sector is that the advances made in the software and equipment by American workers is exactly what allowed them to outsource/send overseas all the jobs that previously filled the cubicles of my company just 4 years ago.

Similarly to EJ's situation... those things that are lost are gone and never are coming back.

EJ, if you ever want to commiserate over loss, please PM me. :)
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The name is Daniel!
Feb 26, 2004
Ej, I'm guessing we all have the same feelings you hold too, except the way that this life is, people don't show this type of emotion or choose to ignore it to get on with their lives. I can deeply relate to what your saying. This just reminds me when I was a child, always having deep emotions, never wanting to be out of the league of good, never wanting to see the wrong being done, and never wishing that it would ever happen again, yet it always does, everyday. Heh, I grew up with so much trouble and hard times, that the good is inside me, buried and not out in the open the way it was born to be. Everytime I had the need to show love to some people, it just brought embarresment, you know how it is with immature people even at such a young age before. Sure I can be nice once in a while, but once I see that people don't appreciate the good that they are given, it brings me down, so then it's back to reality.

*Looks back at his words*,hmm not good enough, words can't express the feeling. :(
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Mar 29, 2004
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Hey there. Let me tell you something you already know, but it is a wonderful thing to hear again and again.
Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has already done something about all the pain in this world. You cannot do more than He has already done! He's not going to take the victory some other day, he already took it! He died for all of us. And all of them. They just have to accept the gift or reject it! Here's a little something that is a bit long, but always makes me want to jump up and cheer! Read the whole thing!

He Is...

He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End!

He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!

He is the Architect of the universe and

The Manager of all times.

He always was, He always is, and He always will be...

Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone!

He was bruised and brought healing!

He was pierced and eased pain!

He was persecuted and brought freedom!

He was dead and brought life!

He is risen and brings power!

He reigns and brings Peace!

The leaders can't ignore Him.

Herod couldn't kill Him,

The Pharisees couldn't confuse Him, and

The people couldn't hold Him!

Nero couldn't crush Him,

Hitler couldn't silence Him,

The New Age can't replace Him, and

Donahue can't explain Him away!

He is light, love, longevity, and Lord.

He is goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, and God.

He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure.

His ways are right,

His word is eternal,

His will is unchanging, and

His mind is on me.

He is my Redeemer,

He is my Savior,

He is my guide, and

He is my peace!

He is my Joy,

He is my comfort,

He is my Lord, and

He rules my life!

I serve Him because His bond is love,

His burden is light, and

His goal for me is abundant life.

I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise,

The power of the powerful,

The ancient of days, the ruler of rulers,

The leader of leaders, the overseer of the overcomers, and

The sovereign Lord of all that was and is and is to come.

And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size.

His goal is a relationship with ME!

He will never leave me,

Never forsake me,

Never mislead me,

Never forget me,

Never overlook me, and

Never cancel my appointment in His appointment book!

When I fall, He lifts me up!

When I fail, He forgives!

When I am weak, He is strong!

When I am lost, He is the way!

When I am afraid, He is my courage!

When I stumble, He steadies me!

When I am hurt, He heals me!

When I am broken, He mends me!

When I am blind, He leads me!

When I am hungry, He feeds me!

When I face trials, He is with me!

When I face persecution, He shields me!

When I face problems, He comforts me!

When I face loss, He provides for me!

When I face Death, He carries me Home!

He is everything for everybody, everywhere,

Every time, and every way.

He is God, He is faithful.

I am His, and He is mine!

My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world.

So, if you're wondering why I feel so secure, understand this...

He said it and that settles it.

God is in control, I am on His side, and

That means all is well with my soul.

Everyday is a blessing for GOD Is!

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