The Time We Live In : Gog and Magog


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May 28, 2017
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The Time we live in: Gog and Magog

I have a few thoughts here on the times we are living in. Where I am coming from is that
we are living in the end times which started in 1948 with the return of the Jews to their land. Ezek. 37, Is. 11/ 10-16, Rom. 11 and many other passages. The countdown started in 1967 with the restoration of Jerusalem. Luke 21/24 The generation that saw that happen won't pass from the earth.

We are living in the end times and I think things are being held back right now.
It seems to me that so many years have passed without anything really significant happening. I think things have happened and are happening but not to the extent Jesus spoke of. Where do we see in any significant way the Matt 24 & Luke 21 etc. end-time events happening? The call to prepare went out in the 60's & 70's. Yet to my mind it doesn't seem to have done much since then.

I think there is a very good reason.
Matt. 25 parable of the 10 virgins. Vs 5 the bridegroom tarried. It clearly says (context end times) the bridegroom will delay his coming. I think we are in the time the bridegroom has delayed his coming. That time began in 1982 with the holding back of the war of Gog and Magog. Ezek 38-39. That time will end with the going forth of that war and serious end time events will move forward again.

The Holding back of the war of Gog and Magog
In 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon mainly to root out the PLO. When they did they found mountains of Soviet military equipment stored there. Which came as a complete surprise to them. For an army of any size to travel any distance all their equipment has to be moved into place. It's a huge logistical problem. Moving the men into place is the easy part. The Russians did this without anyone in the west or Israel knowing about it.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the State of Israel reports

"During the operation `Peace for Galilee,` as the Israeli forces advanced through Lebanon in July 1982, they made an amazing discovery. Around the village of Saida, the largest secret military base in the world was uncovered. It consisted of miles of steel reinforced bunkers tunneled out of the hillside. Inside was crammed massive quantities of Soviet made arms & ammunition. It exceeded by far the highest previous intelligence estimates. I.D.F. units gathered 4170 tons (some 1,500 truckloads) of ammunition; hundreds of combat-vehicles; tanks & armored carriers; thousands of weapons, artillery & rocket launchers, plus other sophisticated devices.
These arms & stores were far in excess of P.L.O. requirements. Secret documents, & maps found in the Command Post clearly revealed that the Soviets planned invasion of the Middle East on the 4th August 1982. The I.D.F. averted this Soviet invasion by just a few weeks."

I believe we are in the time "that the bridegroom has tarried and delayed his coming". It began with the holding back of this war (Gog and Magog) and this time will end with this war going forward. The Gog war has to occur prior to the trib as there are 7 yrs of cleanup following it. Ezek. 39/9 While I don't believe that time (Gog war) is here yet I do believe it is on the horizon.

There are several reasons for the Ezek 38-39 war of Gog and Magog

1. To show the world that he is God he is there and that he is Israel's God
Ezek. 38/23 39/6-7

2. To destroy Russian military power. Russia has to be removed as a military power. Turkey and Iran (both regional powers involved in the war) as well. The Antichrist is going to arise into a place prepared for him. That is not entirely supernatural. Russia (along with others) have to be removed. In light of this war it's interesting in the last few yrs to see the breakdown of the good relations between Turkey and Israel. Russia building its forces and influence up again in the region and of course Iran's absolute hatred for Israel.

3. To punish Russia for its treatment of the Jews in particular and the multitudes of minorities in general. God is the judge of all the earth and he does judge the nations. One issue for judgment (among many) was the deliberate starvation by Stalin and Russia of millions of Ukrainians in 1932-33

4. The ancient God of the Hebrews is going to show himself to the entire world by supernaturally destroying the invading army. There are several reasons for that.

a. To turn Israel's attention back to their ancient God. Not savingly of course. That comes later. (Zech. 13/1) But the entire nation is going to see the supernatural hand of God on their behalf. Even the most hardened atheist will have to admit the God who called Abraham out of Babylon and spoke out of the burning bush and delivered Israel out of Egypt has shown himself. Following this war, he will have their full attention. Ezek. 39/7, 22

b. So Israel can build their third temple and re-institute the sacrifices. The world and the Muslim nations seeing the ancient God of Israel showing himself will back off and Israel will rebuild their temple. Can you imagine the uproar if they tried to do that today?

c. To clearly remind Israel (and the world) why Israel was taken out of their land /fallen by the sword and given into the hand of their enemies. It was because of their sin and uncleanness.
Ezek. 39/21-29
Vs. 24 According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions have I done to them and hid my face from them.

d. To prepare the world for the anti-christ by turning it toward a more supernatural worldview. The entire world is going to see this supernatural judgment. Ezek.39/21-29 There are tidal waves of the occult coming especially to the western world. This war will start to prepare them for that.
Off topic but . . .I also think evolution is going to be replaced with something ancient. (pre flood) Something partly science and partly mystical.

It is this war that finishes the time of the bridegroom delaying his coming and opens the door for end-time events to begin to move forward again. Moving forward will start with the persecution Jesus spoke of in Luke 21 Mark 13, Matt. 24. Followed by the beginning of sorrows wars nuclear wars rumors of wars pestilence signs in the heavens famines earthquakes riots lawlessness on every hand sin abounding fear everywhere. That of course is just the secular world. The same issues will be in the religious world. Jesus said all this was just the beginning of sorrows. This is followed by even greater and increasing sorrows then the tribulation and the great tribulation (second half)

Following this war and rebuilding of the temple an unreasoning resentment toward Jews and Christians will begin. Eventually culminating in an implacable hatred.
The persecution of the Jews is for the purpose of moving his ancient people back into their land. Without some sort of impetus, most Jews simply won't move. The reason for this of course is that one of the major end-time purposes of God is to bring his ancient people into salvation. Zech. 13/1 Rom. 11

The persecution of Christians will be so God can cleanse his church. He is going to have a church without spot or wrinkle. Before he deals with the world he has to deal with his own house. God is going to cleanse his church of sin & worldliness and set things in their proper order.
Somewhat off topic but the mainstream view that the rapture will occur and we will all be caught up and safe in heaven is shallow, to say the least. No one (including me) is going to get raptured who isn't walking a consecrated life like Enoch and faithful like Elijah. Those men are in the bible for a reason. My opinion? Thanks for asking! I believe there are several raptures and those ready will go. (pre-trib Rev. 3/10) Those not ready get to keep working on it. So there you go. I'm both pretrib and mid trib. :)

Ezek 37 has already happened ie: Israel restored. The Ezek. 38-39 war of Gog and Magog isn't here yet but it is coming. Its on the horizon and following it end-time events will begin to move forward again.

After the Gog war and before the start of the trib several things have to happen.

1. the anti-Christ has to arise into his power base over a reunified Europe. He has to be in power prior to the trib as it starts with the signing of the peace treaty with Israel. For him to arise from there to worldwide power a number of things have to happen.

2. America has to be removed as a military, economic and diplomatic power prior to the trib or it will stand in the way of the Antichrist. There have been men of God in times past who have seen America destroyed. Valdez and AA Allen for eg.

3. China has to be removed as a economic and military power or like America it will just stand in the way of the anti-Christ. Again the rise of the anti-Christ is not entirely supernatural, I think this will happen as a result of a nuclear war between India and China.

So to the question that just begs to be answered "Where is America" during the Gog war?
One of America's closest allies is under attack by a Russian Arab confederacy. America has stood behind Israel all of its existence. For America to stand back as one of its biggest enemies (Russia) attacks one of its closest allies is unthinkable. So why wouldn't they help?

Here is a related question. Aside from the supernatural element of God putting a hook into Gog's mouth, (Ezek. 38/4) why would Gog even try? America has been behind every war Israel has fought but it has always been on the diplomatic & supply side. They were all regional wars so no reason for America to get involved.

The Gog war in contrast is an existential war. In other words, they are going in to wipe them out. Israel's existence is at stake here. America not getting involved in a serious way is unthinkable. With the kind of serious firepower America has at the ready in Europe and the Mediterranean Gog would just attack?

The answer to the question is that something has to happen to hold America back from helping Israel. America is the economic military diplomatic cultural leader of the world. To see it just sit back and watch is simply unthinkable. Also, Russia talks big but militarily is not even close to a match for America. Even with their Arab confederacy.

God sometimes just simply acts supernaturally and lets the pcs fall where they will but not often. Generally, when he moves in the world it's to a place prepared for it. For Russia to act against Israel with America still militarily ascendant is to my mind highly unlikely and bordering on the ludicrous.

So why would America hold back? I will list what I see as the possibilities

1. Economic judgment.
Where America simply doesn't have the money to maintain its economic and military clout. This is already happening to some extent. Many have referred to this.
2. A Judicial Malaise
God allows or sends a Spirit of Stupor over the entire nation. The nation and its leaders just don't care or can't stir themselves to care. This has happened to other nations in history. The Aztecs for eg.
3. A Judicial Hardening
Like the Pharaoh of the exodus God hardens the heart of America in preparation for its own judgment.

4. A Deep Wound
I think part of the reason America won't reach out to help Israel is that it is going to experience a deep wound in its heart. In the emotional spiritual mental cultural economic heart of America. Not the physical heartland but the inner patriotic pride and makeup of America. More than just its pride but a deep wound. Many times people who experience deep inner wounds just withdraw into themselves. Lie down and curl up into a ball. 9/11 was an example of that. Many visions by men of God about that going back many yrs.
David Wilkerson for one.

5. Francis Schaefer in his book “How Should We Then Live” examined all the various streams of life and thought that influenced modern America from the Reformation and Renaissance He looked at philosophy science art etc. His conclusion was that a dictator (right or left) would arise and take over the America. In my opinion, we saw the beginning of that in the last administration and accelerating now in the present one.

6. The nation consumed with civil war and riots and unrest and simply unable to look beyond its own borders. Actually, we're seeing the beginning of that now.
7. Catastrophic nuclear war.
As I have said that will happen but I can't see it happening prior to the Gog war.

I think it will be a combination of a number of these things. The reason political America has always stood with Israel is that there is a solid wall of support for Israel throughout America It cuts across all economic, demographic and political classes. Something the American political leadership on all sides is well aware of. Whatever is to happen it has to be something bad enough for America to be unable or unwilling to help.

Its on the horizon brothers and sisters. The time to draw close to the Lord is before the storm hits. We need to always remember that God never forsakes his people even in the midst of disaster. He never leaves anything to chance even little things and his people are not little things.
Is. 65/20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
The day we live in is “The day of the Lord” Its not the day of the devil. God is going to deal with his church, his ancient people Israel and the world. One of the tools in his hand is the devil.
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Dave L

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Jun 28, 2018
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The Time we live in: Gog and Magog

I have a few thoughts here on the times we are living in. Where I am coming from is that
we are living in the end times which started in 1948 with the return of the Jews to their land. Ezek. 37, Is. 11/ 10-16, Rom. 11 and many other passages. The countdown started in 1967 with the restoration of Jerusalem. Luke 21/24 The generation that saw that happen won't pass from the earth.

We are living in the end times and I think things are being held back right now.
It seems to me that so many years have passed without anything really significant happening. I think things have happened and are happening but not to the extent Jesus spoke of. Where do we see in any significant way the Matt 24 & Luke 21 etc. end-time events happening? The call to prepare went out in the 60's & 70's. Yet to my mind it doesn't seem to have done much since then.

I think there is a very good reason.
Matt. 25 parable of the 10 virgins. Vs 5 the bridegroom tarried. It clearly says (context end times) the bridegroom will delay his coming. I think we are in the time the bridegroom has delayed his coming. That time began in 1982 with the holding back of the war of Gog and Magog. Ezek 38-39. That time will end with the going forth of that war and serious end time events will move forward again.

The Holding back of the war of Gog and Magog
In 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon mainly to root out the PLO. When they did they found mountains of Soviet military equipment stored there. Which came as a complete surprise to them. For an army of any size to travel any distance all their equipment has to be moved into place. It's a huge logistical problem. Moving the men into place is the easy part. The Russians did this without anyone in the west or Israel knowing about it.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the State of Israel reports

"During the operation `Peace for Galilee,` as the Israeli forces advanced through Lebanon in July 1982, they made an amazing discovery. Around the village of Saida, the largest secret military base in the world was uncovered. It consisted of miles of steel reinforced bunkers tunneled out of the hillside. Inside was crammed massive quantities of Soviet made arms & ammunition. It exceeded by far the highest previous intelligence estimates. I.D.F. units gathered 4170 tons (some 1,500 truckloads) of ammunition; hundreds of combat-vehicles; tanks & armored carriers; thousands of weapons, artillery & rocket launchers, plus other sophisticated devices.
These arms & stores were far in excess of P.L.O. requirements. Secret documents, & maps found in the Command Post clearly revealed that the Soviets planned invasion of the Middle East on the 4th August 1982. The I.D.F. averted this Soviet invasion by just a few weeks."

I believe we are in the time "that the bridegroom has tarried and delayed his coming". It began with the holding back of this war (Gog and Magog) and this time will end with this war going forward. The Gog war has to occur prior to the trib as there are 7 yrs of cleanup following it. Ezek. 39/9 While I don't believe that time (Gog war) is here yet I do believe it is on the horizon.

There are several reasons for the Ezek 38-39 war of Gog and Magog

1. To show the world that he is God he is there and that he is Israel's God
Ezek. 38/23 39/6-7

2. To destroy Russian military power. Russia has to be removed as a military power. Turkey and Iran (both regional powers involved in the war) as well. The Antichrist is going to arise into a place prepared for him. That is not entirely supernatural. Russia (along with others) have to be removed. In light of this war it's interesting in the last few yrs to see the breakdown of the good relations between Turkey and Israel. Russia building its forces and influence up again in the region and of course Iran's absolute hatred for Israel.

3. To punish Russia for its treatment of the Jews in particular and the multitudes of minorities in general. God is the judge of all the earth and he does judge the nations. One issue for judgment (among many) was the deliberate starvation by Stalin and Russia of millions of Ukrainians in 1932-33

4. The ancient God of the Hebrews is going to show himself to the entire world by supernaturally destroying the invading army. There are several reasons for that.

a. To turn Israel's attention back to their ancient God. Not savingly of course. That comes later. (Zech. 13/1) But the entire nation is going to see the supernatural hand of God on their behalf. Even the most hardened atheist will have to admit the God who called Abraham out of Babylon and spoke out of the burning bush and delivered Israel out of Egypt has shown himself. Following this war, he will have their full attention. Ezek. 39/7, 22

b. So Israel can build their third temple and re-institute the sacrifices. The world and the Muslim nations seeing the ancient God of Israel showing himself will back off and Israel will rebuild their temple. Can you imagine the uproar if they tried to do that today?

c. To clearly remind Israel (and the world) why Israel was taken out of their land /fallen by the sword and given into the hand of their enemies. It was because of their sin and uncleanness.
Ezek. 39/21-29
Vs. 24 According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions have I done to them and hid my face from them.

d. To prepare the world for the anti-christ by turning it toward a more supernatural worldview. The entire world is going to see this supernatural judgment. Ezek.39/21-29 There are tidal waves of the occult coming especially to the western world. This war will start to prepare them for that.
Off topic but . . .I also think evolution is going to be replaced with something ancient. (pre flood) Something partly science and partly mystical.

It is this war that finishes the time of the bridegroom delaying his coming and opens the door for end-time events to begin to move forward again. Moving forward will start with the persecution Jesus spoke of in Luke 21 Mark 13, Matt. 24. Followed by the beginning of sorrows wars nuclear wars rumors of wars pestilence signs in the heavens famines earthquakes riots lawlessness on every hand sin abounding fear everywhere. That of course is just the secular world. The same issues will be in the religious world. Jesus said all this was just the beginning of sorrows. This is followed by even greater and increasing sorrows then the tribulation and the great tribulation (second half)

Following this war and rebuilding of the temple an unreasoning resentment toward Jews and Christians will begin. Eventually culminating in an implacable hatred.
The persecution of the Jews is for the purpose of moving his ancient people back into their land. Without some sort of impetus, most Jews simply won't move. The reason for this of course is that one of the major end-time purposes of God is to bring his ancient people into salvation. Zech. 13/1 Rom. 11

The persecution of Christians will be so God can cleanse his church. He is going to have a church without spot or wrinkle. Before he deals with the world he has to deal with his own house. God is going to cleanse his church of sin & worldliness and set things in their proper order.
Somewhat off topic but the mainstream view that the rapture will occur and we will all be caught up and safe in heaven is shallow, to say the least. No one (including me) is going to get raptured who isn't walking a consecrated life like Enoch and faithful like Elijah. Those men are in the bible for a reason. My opinion? Thanks for asking! I believe there are several raptures and those ready will go. (pre-trib Rev. 3/10) Those not ready get to keep working on it. So there you go. I'm both pretrib and mid trib. :)

Ezek 37 has already happened ie: Israel restored. The Ezek. 38-39 war of Gog and Magog isn't here yet but it is coming. Its on the horizon and following it end-time events will begin to move forward again.

After the Gog war and before the start of the trib several things have to happen.

1. the anti-Christ has to arise into his power base over a reunified Europe. He has to be in power prior to the trib as it starts with the signing of the peace treaty with Israel. For him to arise from there to worldwide power a number of things have to happen.

2. America has to be removed as a military, economic and diplomatic power. I think this will happen as a result of a surprise nuclear attack by China. That has been clearly prophesied by a number of godly men going back many yrs. Plenty of info on this on the internet.
A question here that absolutely begs to be answered is . . . where is America during the Gog war? I'll put my thoughts on that at the end.

3. Prior to the trib China has to be removed as a economic and military power or like America it will just stand in the way of the anti-Christ. Again the rise of the anti-Christ is not entirely supernatural, I think this will happen as a result of a nuclear war between India and China.

So to the question that just begs to be answered "Where is America" during the Gog war?
One of America's closest allies is under attack by a Russian Arab confederacy. America has stood behind Israel all of its existence. For America to stand back as one of its biggest enemies (Russia) attacks one of its closest allies is unthinkable. So why wouldn't they help?

Here is a related question. Aside from the supernatural element of God putting a hook into Gog's mouth, (Ezek. 38/4) why would Gog even try? America has been behind every war Israel has fought but it has always been on the diplomatic & supply side. They were all regional wars so no reason for America to get involved.

The Gog war in contrast is an existential war. In other words, they are going in to wipe them out. Israel's existence is at stake here. America not getting involved in a serious way is unthinkable. With the kind of serious firepower America has at the ready in Europe and the Mediterranean Gog would just attack?

The answer to the question is that something has to happen to hold America back from helping Israel. America is the economic military diplomatic cultural leader of the world. To see it just sit back and watch is simply unthinkable. Also, Russia talks big but militarily is not even close to a match for America. Even with their Arab confederacy.

God sometimes just simply acts supernaturally and lets the pcs fall where they will but not often. Generally, when he moves in the world it's to a place prepared for it. For Russia to act against Israel with America still militarily ascendant is to my mind highly unlikely and bordering on the ludicrous.

So why would America hold back? I will list what I see as the possibilities

1. Economic judgment.
Where America simply doesn't have the money to maintain its economic and military clout. This is already happening to some extent. Many have referred to this.
2. A Judicial Malaise
God allows or sends a Spirit of Stupor over the entire nation. The nation and its leaders just don't care or can't stir themselves to care. This has happened to other nations in history. The Aztecs for eg.
3. A Judicial Hardening
Like the Pharaoh of the exodus God hardens the heart of America in preparation for its own judgment.

4. A Deep Wound
I think part of the reason America won't reach out to help Israel is that it is going to experience a deep wound in its heart. In the emotional spiritual mental cultural economic heart of America. Not the physical heartland but the inner patriotic pride and makeup of America. More than just its pride but a deep wound. Many times people who experience deep inner wounds just withdraw into themselves. Lie down and curl up into a ball. 9/11 was an example of that. Many visions by men of God about that going back many yrs.
David Wilkerson for one.

5. Francis Schaefer in his book “How Should We Then Live” examined all the various streams of life and thought that influenced modern America from the Reformation and Renaissance He looked at philosophy science art etc. His conclusion was that a dictator (right or left) would arise and take over the America. In my opinion, we saw the beginning of that in the last administration and accelerating now in the present one.

6. The nation consumed with civil war and riots and unrest and simply unable to look beyond its own borders. Actually, we're seeing the beginning of that now.
7. Catastrophic nuclear war.
As I have said that will happen but I can't see it happening prior to the Gog war.

I think it will be a combination of a number of these things. The reason political America has always stood with Israel is that there is a solid wall of support for Israel throughout America It cuts across all economic, demographic and political classes. Something the American political leadership on all sides is well aware of. Whatever is to happen it has to be something bad enough for America to be unable or unwilling to help.

Its on the horizon brothers and sisters. The time to draw close to the Lord is before the storm hits. We need to always remember that God never forsakes his people even in the midst of disaster. He never leaves anything to chance even little things and his people are not little things.
Is. 65/20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.
The day we live in is “The day of the Lord” Its not the day of the devil. God is going to deal with his church, his ancient people Israel and the world. One of the tools in his hand is the devil.
Have you ever considered that Jesus taught Amillennialism, not Dispensationalism that originated in the 1800s?
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Dispensationalism that originated in the 1800s

Dispensationalism was being written about in the 1600s:

1) 1687 - The Divine Economy, discusses seven dispensations.
2) 1699 - A Compleat History or Survey of all the Dispensations and Methods of Religion
1674-1748 writings by Isaac Watts on dispensational distinctives
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I've considered all that. I don't find it profitable to discuss/debate/argue with others who like me have their minds made up. Besides I don't have time. The overriding focus of my life is to escape the hour of trial to come upon the whole earth. Rev. 3/10
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Those who trust in the Lord will rejoice in the holy Land:

Isaiah 41:8-20 But you, Israel My servant – Jacob whom I have chosen, the descendants of My friend Abraham. I have summoned you from the ends of the earth and called you My servants. Have no fear, for I am with you – I am your God. I shall strengthen you with My victorious right hand.

Now, all who defy you will be humiliated. They will be as nothing and will perish. Your enemies will no longer be found.

For I, the Lord your God will help you. Have no fear Jacob, you worm, Israel you maggot, your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel. See; I shall make of you a sharp threshing sledge. You will thresh and winnow the land and the wind will carry away all that pollutes the holy Land. Then you will rejoice in the Lord.

The poor and needy look for water and find none. The Lord will not forsake them, He will open up springs in the hills and pools in the desert. All kinds of trees will flourish in the Land, so that everyone may see and understand that the Lord Himself has created this.

Isaiah 40:27-31 Jacob, why do you complain? You Israel, why do you say: my cause goes unheeded by my God? Do you not know, have you not heard – the Lord does not grow weary or faint and His understanding cannot be fathomed.

The Lord gives strength to the weary and those who trust in Him will soar as on eagles wings, they will run and not feel faint, march on and not become tired.
Ref. REB some verses abridged.

‘Israel My servant, the descendants of Jacob, whom I have chosen. I have summoned My servants from the ends of the earth; out of every nation.’
The Lord’s righteous people, now every faithful Christian, called out of the nations after the Lord’s Day of vengeance. They will be helped and strengthened by their God. As we know from other prophesies and the New Testament, the Lord’s servants also include people of every race, tribe, language and nation. We Christians are His people by faith.

‘Any who oppose them will be destroyed, by God’s victorious Right Hand’. The Lord Jesus will instigate this judgement/punishment of the nations. Psalms 83, Psalms 110:5-6, Luke 3:16-17, Ezekiel 30:1-5, Micah 7:10

‘Jacob you worm, Israel you maggot’ The Lord has a sense of humor! The people of all the 12 tribes are unworthy, but God will fulfil His promises to the Patriarchs through their descendants who believe in God by faith. Galatians 3:26-29

‘The storm wind sent by the Lord, will remove all that pollutes the holy Land’, This refers to the Day of the Lord’s wrath, a terrible worldwide devastation by fire, earthquakes, storms and tsunamis. Isaiah 30:25-28, Malachi 4:1, 2 Peter 3:7

‘The Lord will provide water and the Land will flourish, all will acknowledge the Lords hand in this’. Once again it will be all habitable and fertile. Ezekiel 25:5-7, Ezekiel 36:8, Isaiah 25:9, Amos 9:13, Isaiah 51:3, Isaiah 49:19

The poor and needy”, This is a description of His people, when they first enter the Land. ‘The Lord will give them strength, they will march into their heritage and not be weary’. Psalms 107:1-43, Isaiah 35:1-10, Jer. 31:7-14, Psalms 68:24-27

Be patient, Israel, God is in control. Psalms 37:5, Jeremiah 23:24

Put your trust in the Lord, He will help and strengthen you. 2 Corinthians 6:1-2
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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@Dustoff, where we are on the timeline is the EU has to develop into a ten leader form of government, with one person (the little horn) over the ten.
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Dispensationalism was being written about in the 1600s:

1) 1687 - The Divine Economy, discusses seven dispensations.
2) 1699 - A Compleat History or Survey of all the Dispensations and Methods of Religion
1674-1748 writings by Isaac Watts on dispensational distinctives

But no pretrib rapture.

Dispensationalism is not dispensationalism without its pretrib rapture.
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But no pretrib rapture.

Dispensationalism is not dispensationalism without its pretrib rapture.

Rev. 3/10 Someone is going to escape that time. If thats not the trib I don't know what
is. As I said I think there is more than one rapture. There are promises made to those who have a life like Enoch and Elijah. Pre-trib. I think the rest of the church is perfected during the first 3.5 yrs.
The point though is that Rev. 3/10 is pre trib. Unless you want to make a case that
those letters have no application to the rest of the church. In which case we need to throw out a lot of other letters.
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May 28, 2017
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The person goes through these three main functional roles on his way to his destruction....View attachment 295477 View attachment 295476

You're putting the Gog war at the beginning of the trib? I disagree for all the reasons I gave originally. It opens the door for a lot of other things to happen.

Incidentally while I do believe I'm right I don't get overly dogmatic on end time events. Outside of a broad outline there is simply too much we don't know.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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You're putting the Gog war at the beginning of the trib? I disagree for all the reasons I gave originally. It opens the door for a lot of other things to happen.

Incidentally while I do believe I'm right I don't get overly dogmatic on end time events. Outside of a broad outline there is simply too much we don't know.
I put the Gog/Magog event at right before the beginning of Daniel 9's 7 year 70th week. I don't refer to that 7 years as "trib", because a big portion of the first half, the world will be saying peace and safety.


Ezekiel 39 provides for the "infallible" timeline "framework" outline for a more detailed chart of events to fit within. Because it is Jesus Himself speaking in Ezekiel 39:21-29, having just executed judgment on the heathen, 7 years after the Gog/Magog event.

The breakdown of Ezekiel 39 is this....

Ezekiel 39:1-16 is the destruction and burial of Gog's army which in the text is followed by 7 years.

Ezekiel 39:17-20 is the Armageddon event, corresponding to Revelation 19:17-18.

Ezekiel 39:21-29 is Jesus having returned to this earth.

Ezekiel 39:28 corresponds to Matthew 24:31.
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Rev. 3/10 Someone is going to escape that time. If thats not the trib I don't know what
is. As I said I think there is more than one rapture. There are promises made to those who have a life like Enoch and Elijah. Pre-trib. I think the rest of the church is perfected during the first 3.5 yrs.
The point though is that Rev. 3/10 is pre trib. Unless you want to make a case that
those letters have no application to the rest of the church. In which case we need to throw out a lot of other letters.

Pretrib rapturism is nonexistent in historical true Church orthodoxy prior to the 18th century.

It is a modernist fallacy.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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You're putting the Gog war at the beginning of the trib? I disagree for all the reasons I gave originally. It opens the door for a lot of other things to happen.
Dustoff, you are going to have communication problems with others if you don't use numerical terms, as well. "trib"can mean different things to different people. Pre-tribbers use the "trib" term to mean pre - 7 year 70th week. Pre-trib is actually a misnomer.

The term in the bible is "great tribulation".... which begins when the abomination of desolation is placed on the temple mount. Timed to happen in the middle part of the 7 years, 1335 days before Jesus returns.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Pretrib rapturism is nonexistent in historical true Church orthodoxy prior to the 18th century.

It is a modernist fallacy.
The concept of the rapture though has always been it could happen at anytime.
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The concept of the rapture though has always been it could happen at anytime.

Not according to Scripture.

2 Thessalonians 2
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
United States
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Not according to Scripture.

2 Thessalonians 2
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Jesus speaking in the text... which preceded the text of 2Thessalonians2:3.

Luke 21:34 And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
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Events of the day of Christ, occurring after the falling away.

The Thessalonian Church was enlightened by Paul not to anticipate them until after the falling away.

Thus not anytime, until after the falling away.

And thus not "has always been".
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Not according to Scripture.

2 Thessalonians 2
1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
The falling away was Constantine turning the government into Christianity. That happened already. I am sure the church has fallen away many times since then.
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