Futurist Only The History of the Confusion of Eschatology


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Jun 17, 2022
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I find it fascinating to examine all the various views of eschatology and how they originated. There is so much confusion that has resulted from everyone having parts of the truth but never the whole truth. My research hasn't just been about trying to find the facts but also the history of how the truth has been hidden (usually deliberately). There's enough material for my next book but I'm going to try to lay it out. Most likely everyone will find here something offensive to their base assumptions.

The history of the calendar is probably the most important thing to start with. From the very start God set the sun and moon in place in order to signal exactly when His appointments (Feast Days) should happen. Originally the year was 360 days and the moon cycle 30 days exactly. This can be seen in details given about Noah's flood, the calendar given during the Exodus and the meeting time arranged between David and Jonathan.

The calendar changed significantly and suddenly at some point. This new calendar of 365 1/4 days and moon cycle of 29.5 days threw the majority of ancient cultures out of sync and caused massive problems for them. Many records exist that describe cultures had to suddenly add 5 or so days to the year in their system after about 700 BC. One source for this is in Albiruni's work. Another is in the Bible during the reign of King Hezekiah. God gave him a sign that the sun would change position. After this an entourage from Babylon came to visit to ask what had happened to change the calendar.

Ezekiel contains a subtle reference to this new calendar arrangement. The Jewish calendar now needed an additional month added every 2 or 3 years. This intercalation month follows the Metonic cycle of 19 years. The Jews were one culture that developed this cycle based on their need to observe the first sliver of the moon after the New Moon phase and tying the start of their year to the ripeness of the winter barley in order to determine when to observe the Passover, Feast of Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits. This system lasted until the destruction of the second temple. After this, the sacrifices could no longer be made and the population began to lose the connection with the winter barley. As they were forced to disperse they could no longer even observe the state of the harvest and needed to come up with an entirely calculated calendar across the vast distances. Also, the head religious leaders actively buried any prophetic fulfilments that Jesus was the Messiah. So in around 350 AD, the modern Jewish calendar system was enforced. This made Passover occur usually 1 month before it had been and it hid the actual year that Jesus died on the cross and resurrected. The Metonic cycle they used was actually shifted by 1 year to that which was in place when they relied on observation during Biblical times. Almost no one recognizes this fact and this has only recently been discovered. This is one reason why consensus Christianity thinks Jesus' crucifixion happened in 33 AD and not actually in 31 AD.

As an aside and proof, the relationship between 360 day year/30 day moon and 365.25 day year/29.5 day moon can be investigated using Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion. It shows this could not have been any other way.

This modern Jewish calendar now obscures the proper interpretation of the 70 Weeks prophecy in Daniel and the 430 day prophecy in Ezekiel. No one can understand these correctly unless the proper observed Jewish calendar (and associated Metonic cycle) is used. That's why there is so much confusion about these very important prophecies. But it gets worse. Now we have to contend with the specific anti-semitic issues that the Roman Catholic Church introduced around that time. Constantine and his head religious leaders enshrined anti-semitism into their religion from the start. They said anyone who celebrated Easter at the same time as Jewish Passover should be excommunicated and therefore no longer be part of society. In actual fact they were working with some part of the truth. The new Jewish calendar did in fact celebrate Passover at the wrong time of when it should have been celebrated and they recognized this. However, instead of enshrining the proper calculation for the Passover, they put in a different calculation and renamed it Easter which then combined the Pagan spring festivals of the female fertility goddess (and Easter sunrise) into the state religion. In addition they had no understanding of Jewish culture and the Feast day rules, so they assumed the crucifixion happened the day before the weekly Sabbath (Friday) and not on the special Sabbath before the Feast of First Fruits (Wednesday of that year). Jesus' prophecy of 3 days and 3 nights has been totally confused from that point as there are not 3 literal days between Friday and Sunday.

Even if all of these things were corrected, most modern Christianity would still not have a complete and proper understanding. One other major deliberate decision was made that affects us all to our modern age. Our New Testament is based on Greek and not the original language it was written in - Aramaic. The tradition of using Greek manuscripts is again mostly a result of anti-semitism and reaction to not use the "language of the Jews". Hebrew was a dead language during the time of Jesus Christ and the second temple age. The exile in Babylon had forced them to adopt the lingua franca of the time - Aramaic. While it is very similar to Hebrew (and Arabic, for that matter), the population forgot how to speak it (check out Ezra). They had translated the Old Testament into Aramaic and this is what they used in their synagogues. They did not use the Greek Septuagint as is commonly stated. The Jews wanted absolutely nothing to do with Greek culture. They had revolted against Antiochus Epiphanes only centuries before. They held Jews who knew Greek in disdain ("hellenizers"). Their religious texts actively discouraged anyone from learning Greek. Josephus contains several passages where this is described in detail. He even had to serve as translator between the Romans and the Jerusalem population during the 70 AD siege. The Romans didn't speak Aramaic. And the Jews did not understand Latin or Greek (the lingua franca of the West).

So the Roman Catholic Church enshrined the Greek manuscripts. This was especially true when the break happened with the Church of the East. They used and still use the Aramaic manuscripts - the Peshitta. The western Church after the Reformation continued to use the Greek based on tradition and due to ignorance of even the existence of the Church of the East. This continued until the 1800's when there was much renewed scholarship of newly discovered manuscripts from the middle east area. The Aramaic manuscripts were being newly translated. These scholars revealed that the Church of the East claimed the Peshitta was the original language that the New Testament was authored in. They showed that many problematic passages (especially some sayings of Jesus) suddenly were understandable because of errors of translation from Aramaic to Greek. They showed that the problems with differences in the many Greek manuscripts could be explained due to various translation and copying errors of the original Greek translators. They showed that the Greek displays disjointed grammar and awkward structure leading them to invent a term called "Koine Greek" - a Greek never spoken but only found in written form. The other main document where Koine Greek is found is - the Septuagint - a known translation of Hebrew into Greek. This type of grammar results from the specific decision to translate word for word as it is found in the Aramaic manuscripts in order to preserve the original intent and phrasing.

And very recently another major proof has been discovered. The Bible code phenomenon shows so many equi-distant letter spacings in the Old Testament that it is statistically impossible that it was solely human authored. God must have been involved. Many people have tried to find the same proof in the New Testatment - using the Greek. No one has been able to find the same number and quality in the New Testament. However, some have investigated the Aramaic Peshitta. And they do find the same number and quality of Bible codes within the Aramaic manuscripts. This shows that God wrote his Word in the Old Testament using Hebrew (and some Aramaic) and the New Testament using Aramaic.

I'll stop here for now. As you can see, our modern age of Christianity has inherited many, many corruptions from across the centuries. And these have not been corrected mostly due to human ego and stubbornness and our sin nature. However, when we do humble ourselves enough to investigate and recognize that we have been in error, many prophecies, problematic passages and wrong theology suddenly resolve themselves and the confusion is removed. And that is why I find this discussion so interesting. In the comments, you can see examples of all the issues that I have laid out.

If you want to know more, there is a series of videos that explains a lot of this in great detail:
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
Franklin, Tennessee
United States
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I find it fascinating to exa Originally the year was 360 days and the moon cycle 30 days exactly.
Well, no. The year has always been 365.25 days and the "moon" (as opposed to a "month", which is arbitrary). Early calendars didn't recognize trhat fact, and hence were always out of sync with the seasons.

The calendar changed significantly and suddenly at some point.
Yep, to correspond with the actual length of a year.

This new calendar of 365 1/4 days and moon cycle of 29.5 days threw the majority of ancient cultures out of sync
Not really. The people were generally in sync with the seasons and had little use for a calendar. The calendars were simply modified to correspond with reality.

The Jewish calendar now needed an additional month added every 2 or 3 years
Because the Jewish calendar year was 5.25 days too short.
Almost no one recognizes this fact
Except historians.

and this has only recently been discovered.
No, that's been common knowledge for a good many centuries now.

As an aside and proof, the relationship between 360 day year/30 day moon and 365.25 day year/29.5 day moon can be investigated using Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion.
The relations ship is that 360 day calendar was, as they say in scientific terms, wrong.

It shows this could not have been any other way.

instead of enshrining the proper calculation for the Passover, they put in a different calculation and renamed it Easter
Passover isn't Easter. Passover is a Jewish feast, Easter is the observation of our Lord's glorious resurrection. "Easter" is only known as such in English and possibly some other Germanic languages. In most of Christendom it's called "Pascha" or some variation thereof. In Korean it's called Resurrection Day.

which then combined the Pagan spring festivals of the female fertility goddess (and Easter sunrise) into the state religion.
Nah, simply untrue. The Church hasn't incorpated any pagan mythos into Pascha at all, although some secular tradtions tracing back to the cultural remnants of pagan seasonal feasts are still observed.

In addition they had no understanding of Jewish culture
As most of us aren't Jews, nor of Jewish ancestry.

and the Feast day rules, so they assumed the crucifixion happened the day before the weekly Sabbath (Friday)
We celebrate our Lord's resurrection at the time it was traditionslly been on the Church calendar. It was never the date of the Jewish Passover,nor is there any reason why it should be.

Our New Testament is based on Greek and not the original language it was written in - Aramaic.

The tradition of using Greek manuscripts is again mostly a result of anti-semitism and reaction to not use the "language of the Jews".
Balderdash. Greek was the lingua franca in Biblical times, and hence the language you used if you wanted to reach the most people.

So the Roman Catholic Church enshrined the Greek manuscripts. This was especially true when the break happened with the Church of the East. They used and still use the Aramaic manuscripts - the Peshitta. The western Church after the Reformation continued to use the Greek based on tradition and due to ignorance of even the existence of the Church of the East.

The Bible code
More rubbish. Sorry mate, you've been sold a bill of goods.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2022
Western Canada
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Well, no. The year has always been 365.25 days and the "moon" (as opposed to a "month", which is arbitrary). Early calendars didn't recognize trhat fact, and hence were always out of sync with the seasons.

Yep, to correspond with the actual length of a year.

Not really. The people were generally in sync with the seasons and had little use for a calendar. The calendars were simply modified to correspond with reality.

Because the Jewish calendar year was 5.25 days too short.
Except historians.

No, that's been common knowledge for a good many centuries now.

The relations ship is that 360 day calendar was, as they say in scientific terms, wrong.
Unfortunately, the historical records don't match with you and the historians you follow. As I stated, there's a lot of actual evidence. But it goes against the bias of modern thinking.
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
Franklin, Tennessee
United States
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