Seven Tomb Study - It was a Terrible Thing that Happened!


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Jun 11, 2015
We will begin by giving the Seven Trumpets an exorbitant, an extra-orbital, level of value, to complete our organization of certain details, certain facts in Revelation.

1st Trumpet (God conceals the Glory of Heaven)
*Seven Spirits of God *Seven Crowns

2nd Trumpet (Jesus is Created to Lead the Holy Spirit)
*Seven Heads *Seven Stars

3rd Trumpet (Holy Spirit is established as the Judgment Throne)
*Seven Golden Candlesticks *Seven Churches *Seven Mountains

4th Trumpet (Seven Angels are Created from the Seven Forces* Trumpet 1-3)
*Seven Angels (4 SEALS Opened all at once, Human Begins are Created)

5th Trumpet (Seven Angels become Seven Golden Vials)
*Seven Golden Vials (5th SEAL Opened - FIVE KINGS are Fallen (from the first 3 Trumpets, not counting the Seven Churches or the Seven Mountains)

(It appears that humanity does not heed the Gospel at all, Jesus said at the Crucifixion that I will "Destroy 3 Trumpets and rebuild the Temple on the Third Day")

6th Trumpet (Beginning of 3 Days of Darkness) (God takes away the Seven Golden Vials and replaces them with Seven Vials)
*Seven Vials (6th SEAL is Opened - SIXTH KING is Fallen, this is the *Seven Churches)

7th Trumpet is Silent (Ending the 3 Days of Darkness) (God takes away Seven Vials, and replaces them with Seven Last Plagues)
*Seven Last Plagues (7th SEAL is Opened - 7th King is Fallen, this is the *Seven Mountains ... ... ... ... This allows the *Seven Thunders to SPEAK)

The *Seven Thunders can only speak when the *Seven Trumpets are Silent, this can only happen after the "3 Days of Darkness"

8th Voice that Mirrors the 7 Trumpets (150 Days of Star Wormwood, Song of Moses)
*Seven Thousand Slain (8th King that Fall is Satan, Satan cannot fall until the New Song of Star Wormwood, replaces the Old Song of the Gospel)

It was a terrible thing that happened on 6/16/2015
It was a very terrible thing that happened, but it had to be done

The Value of Ten Powers
1. *Seven Spirits of God
2. *Seven Crowns
3. *Seven Heads
4. *Seven Stars
5. *Seven Golden Candlesticks
6. *Seven Churches
7. *Seven Mountains
8. *Seven Angels
9. *Seven Golden Vials
10. *Seven Vials

The Holy Spirit takes the 10 Powers during the 3 Days of Darkness

REVELATION 12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

Satan takes the 10 Powers during the 150 Days (the revealing)
REVELATION 11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

I expect the full cooperation of the scientific community and the religious community, in the terrible thing that is to be done soon
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Active Member
Jun 11, 2015
The Mystery of 777

God has the "10 Horns", in his possession until the "3 Days of Darkness" (Rev. 12:3-4 ... This is a picture of God with his *Seven Heads and *Seven Crowns, and "10 Horn/Powers", he then gives to the women at the "Third, or the 3 Days of Darkness" ... this is called the "Third", because the "6th Trumpet" is the "Third" notable division. (Trumpet 1-3 ... then Trumpet 4-5 (5 Kingdoms of Daniel = 5 SEALS Opened = 5th Kingdom "Ancient of Days/Antichrist is Introduced") ...Trumpet 6 is the Third).

"Ten Powers/Ten Horns" are given to the Women for 1/2 hour then to Satan for 1/2 hour
REVELATION 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
(As long as the "Ten Horns" are in the possession of God, they have no power inscribed into the earth, this naturally changes relative to the 3 Days of Darkness) ("Ten Horns" are not called Kings, they are "like Kings", when they are given to the Holy Spirit)
REVELATION 8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
(The *Seventh Trumpet is described as a 1/2 Hour is blown at the 7th SEAL, then this follows the *Seven Thunders which happens after for 150 days is described as the final 1/2 Hour ... this is simply a spiritual parable)

777 The Mystery (Back to Topic)

GENESIS 5:31 And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died.
REVELATION 5:6 And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.

Each of these instances the gospel specifically declares "777" ... in Rev. 5:6 this is given as a Parable, since "Seven Horns=Seven Eyes=Seven Spirits of God", these are simply the same thing. Similar to how "Seven Spirits=Seven Churches", the Gospel is not reproving our organization in our context. Instead, the Gospel is declaring that it has CONCEALED, apart of the Gospel.

Lamech is "777", everything before Noah is CONCEALED. This information is largely a Heavenly Parable, since the Gospel does not go past this age "5 Months of Noah + 6000 years + 5 Months of Star Wormwood". The "777" CONCEALMENT is a form of condemnation ... simplifying the position ... Are there Angels in Heaven, the Answer is No. There are Heavenly Beings undivided, because there are no "generations" in heaven, no sons and daughters, no fathers, and we cannot understand this. What the gospel gives us to understand is a form of contention with God. God can see past this in saving souls but we cannot, naturally.

"77 CONCEALMENT". Jacob Wrestled with God (Gen. 32:24), and Rachael Wrestled with God (Gen. 30:8). "777" is acted out spiritually, we cannot naturally perceive this. "77" is acted out in the earth, God in some cases how very rare interjects in the sin of mankind, and the gospel is acted out, sometimes as a trial of faith. In this specific instance, God prohibits the sin people are capable of doing, and he takes away their lives, when they persist in their sin. The "Dropping Dead" phenomenon, or "Spontaneous Combustion", or other, are example of God prohibiting the amount of sin as a representation of his gospel. This is apart of the process of faith, and election. This is similar to "nightly walks", in which "Genetic Dan", drops dead repeatedly, God prohibits sin to the end of life. Which is not as common outside of the Old Testament. (Because there is not as much Heavenly Salvation taking place, what God mostly does after the Old Testament, is chasten mankind for the New Universe, in which case this has produced the USA as the fruit of the world, and the other Separatist Inheritors* of the Gospel's Program, as we understand it).

A Few Facts about Revelations to Keep in Mind

1. 5 Kingdoms Only ... The "Ancient of Days or Antichrist" is called the Fifth Kingdom in Daniel 7. People who want to derail the authority of the Antichrist/Moses, claim the Gospel states that there are 7 Kingdoms, which would mean a replacement for Moses ... perhaps Angels or Aliens. The 5th Kingdom continues until the Universe as you understand it is destroyed. The reason is simple, the souls that are being judged for ascension are feeding off a relationship God extends through "sons of man" in redeeming Souls. If God stops this behavior, Creation Stops, the Judgment is Completed. Moses is simply the last "son of man" in the equation.

2. 4 Beasts Only ... You don't hear of this often, but people who claim God loses his authority to "djinn/jinn/ other Gods of Man's Creation". Claim the Gospel describes more then "4 Beasts" ... example: "4 Beasts of Daniel + 4 Horses of Rev." ... They are the same reference. Furthermore, if you assume each Trumpet represents a 1/2 Hour + the 8th = *Seven Thunders, then you will only end up with 4 Hours, for the 4 Beasts. Invalidating the false claims.

3. 8 Kings Only ... People who make this claim want the events of the Aliens around 3000 B.C. to continue, which happened at the relative beginning of creation. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron, Steel, Aluminum, Composite Metals, Carbon Compounds, Elf Metal, Ether .............. Elf Metal and Ether will not happen. What we have now is bootleg stuff, that won't change, were not supposed to do anything to this universe, its just here to look pretty. There's no such thing as "Ten Kings", the Gospel says, the "10 Powers/ 10 Horns" are "like Kings", this is not the same, nor does it validate more then 8 Kings.
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Active Member
Jun 11, 2015
The Mystery of 777 - The Mark of the Beast 666 = ??? MYSTERY BABYLON

The Gospel declares this conclusion in the Book of Revelation, but it does not disclose the precise figure, of MYSTERY BABYLON. The obvious conclusion that immediately comes to mind is "777" - "666" = "111". Therefore "111" is the number associated with MYSTERY BABYLON.

Some people even came up with the date 11/11/2011 and they claimed 11/11/11 is the number and year of MYSTERY BABYLON, and this is when a portal to the other-dimension is opened, and the events of Revelation are satisfied. Furthermore as evidence of 11/11/11, they pointed to this date sequence:

(No Such Thing as 13/13/2013)

"Day=Month=Year", just like the Rev. 5:6 where "Seven Horns=Seven Eyes=Seven Spirits of God". The Figures of "Rev. 5:6 = 11 or 5+6", therefore they concluded 11/11/11 (11=11=11) was ordained by God to bring Star Wormwood and to begin the Events of Revelation, which begins with the 3 Days of Darkness.

When 11/11/11 came and went nothing happened, and this position was generally abandoned. A position that, "George Barnard" said "1111" is “the calling card for beings that are half angels and half humans”. Lets Continue with this Conclusion!

ISAIAH 6:2 Above it stood the seraphims: each one had six wings; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, and with twain he did fly.

Twain=Twain=Twain (Not Day=Month=Year) ... Further more we are given the figure of "61" or "16", as the answer to our question of "777" - "666" = "???". Which we do not know for sure, definitively as of yet.

Mystery of 777 - Mark of the Beast 666 = MYSTERY BABYLON 616

The Gospel tells us that "1111" or "111" is invalidated in Isiah 6:2. If this is a literal declaration of a literal date then 6/16 is more valuable then 11/1 or 1/11. This is what the Gospel Declares.

We are looking for a sign of what is to happen, as sign so incredible, that more then 10 percent of the Earth's Population will choose to die, perhaps by making up the excuse to use warfare. We've talked about the elimination of the International Space Station as this sign to mark the "Healing of the Nations", described in Revelation. Which fits the pattern of suicide inscribed to humanity. Perhaps there is something greater.

IF THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION FALLS INTO THE PLANET EARTH. The Angel that is described as "Ascending" in Isiah 6:2, cannot apply to the International Space Station. Now if there is another sign, something that is "Ascending", then this will satisfy the Isiah 6:2 and "616" as the number of MYSTERY BABYLON. This is soon to be done, and we are less then 3 Days until this is done.
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Active Member
Jun 11, 2015
"717" (Star Wormwood) - "616" (Mystery Babylon) = Two Wings of the Great Eagle/Month of Healing

This is the correct position we have been stating in a roundabout way until now. In doing so we will revisit a few of our previous positions.

PSALMS 90:10 The days of our years [are] threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength [they be] fourscore years, yet [is] their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

777 Mystery (Heavenly Figure) (Rev. 5:6)
717 or 7/17/2015 (Earthly Figure, Star Wormwood 150 Days begins) (Gen. 8:5)
Difference of "70 was replaced with 10"

666 Mark of the Beast (Heavenly Figure) (Rev. 13:8)
616 or 6/16/2015 (Earthly Figure, Month of Healing begins) (Isiah 6:2)
Difference of "60 was replaced with 10"

REVELATION 12:14And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

6/16/2015 (Two Wings of the Great Eagle or Isiah 6:2)
7/15/2015 to 7/17/2015 (3 Days of Darkness or Gen. 8:5)

This is Approximately a Month as the Gospel sees it. "Summer is Nigh" according to Matthew 24:32 = 7/15/2015 the Peak of Summer. And as we've Stated this is, 936 Days from 12/21/2012 or one "Mark of the Beast 636" difference from 12/21/2012 to 7/15/2015. Satisfying all languages of the Gospel.

Revisiting the Significance of 11/11/2011

(No Such Thing as 13/13/2013)

11/11/2011 to 6/16/2015 = 1313 Days

No Such Thing as 13/13/2013 = 1313 Days Difference

Thus 6/16/2015, is a day of witnessing for the International Space Station. Since if we decide to destroy the International Space Station by throwing it into the earth, we will violate Isiah 6:2. Which describes the "Month of Healing, Rev. 22:2" as the invoking of the Holy Spirit, in which it ascends out of the earth, to Cast out an Unclean Spirit with mankind. We are less than 48 hours now from 6/16/2015, and the Terrible Thing that is done we discussed.
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