scriptures ignored by Trinitarians.

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angel duck
Jul 29, 2005
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Except that no orthodox Christian believes that there are three beings.
yea true, trinitarains will not say if God the Father is a being, or they flat out deny that he is a being, and then they say he is a person of god.. Now a person is a peronal being, so According to trinity, god the father is not a being, he is a personal being. that really gets um out of the contradiction hole they are in. hey convinces everybody, except me, and a few others.
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It was only the physical Jesus of Nazareth who died. The Son had existed from all eternity and continued to have an existence and consciousness while the body was in the grave. Both of those points are affirmed in the Bible..

Just where in the scriptures it says that "only the physical Jesus died":thumbsup:

According to that verse, he was exaulted and given a name above all names. That's not al all what you said. He was not made immortal, etc. by this.

Who exalted Jesus? It was his God:thumbsup:
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Dec 8, 2004
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"Except that no orthodox Christian believes that there are three beings."
yea true, trinitarains will not say if God the Father is a being,
Of course they say that God is a being, but they do not say that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are separate beings as was suggested.

You may want to say that the Father is the only god, but there's no need to misrepresent what Trinitarians say in order to advance your point...unless you consider it so weak that it is necessary to do that.

or they flat out deny that he is a being
That's silly and completely self-serving. God is a being, and every orthodox Christian who has any training at all knows this.

they say he is a person of god..
"They" say that the Father is a person of God

Now a person is a peronal being, so According to trinity, god the father is not a being, he is a personal being. that really gets um out of the contradiction hole they are in

I believe we should begin your education by addressing what the word "persona" means. could look it up. To speak of God as a personal god refers to we who are persons. To speak of the persona of God is to speak of the three aspects of manifestations or roles that God has assumed in relation to us.*

*Note. It is considered incorrect to say manifestations or roles when describing the Trinity, but I do it here in order to speak in a way that, hopefully, will make you understand that one being can have more than one "face," as it were.
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Dec 8, 2004
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Just where in the scriptures it says that "only the physical Jesus died":thumbsup:

Do you not remember that he preached to those in Paradise after the Crucifixion?

I Peter 3:18 -19 -- “...being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by His Spirit: By which also He went and preached unto the SPIRITS IN PRISON (or "imprisoned spirits").”

Ephesians 4:9 -- “He also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?”.

Who exalted Jesus? It was his God
Jesus is God. The Father is God. Jesus was exaulted by the Father. If you want to say that he was given a "superior position" after the Crucifixion, etc. I wouldn't disagree. It means the same as to be exaulted or his name made great. To suggest that this means he was given some measure of divinity that he did not have previously defies all that the Bible teaches about Christ's nature and also misrepresents what this passage about him being exaulted is telling us.
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angel duck
Jul 29, 2005
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"Except that no orthodox Christian believes that there are three beings."
Of course they say that God is a being,
I say trinitarians will not say if God the father is a being, you say sure they do they say god is a being. I've run into this deception before.. I see you do a lot of it in this post.
albion said:
but they do not say that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are separate beings as was suggested.
they won't say they are any kind of being except person, which is a being, but if you tell them that they say well it's a kind of person that isn't a being. which is not what person means. so the person of god means nothing since person doesn't mean person. in fact , nobody knows what a person of god is nor will they explain what it is. except some say it's a personality.
albion said:
You may want to say that the Father is the only god, but there's no need to misrepresent what Trinitarians say in order to advance your point...unless you consider it so weak that it is necessary to do that.

That's silly and completely self-serving. God is a being, and every orthodox Christian who has any training at all knows this.[/qutoe] again I said trinitarians will sometimes deny that god the father is a being, you say sure they will they say god is a being. quote=albion]
"They" say that the Father is a person of God

I believe we should begin your education by addressing what the word "persona" means. could look it up. To speak of God as a personal god refers to we who are persons. To speak of the persona of God is to speak of the three aspects of manifestations or roles that God has assumed in relation to us.*
you still haven't defined person. in fact you didn't even use the word person. if you are saying person means persona, then why don't you call them perosnas of god? persona doesn't mean person, your using words that don't mean what they mean.
so nobody knows what you mean, even yourself. i can't make heads or tails of your statemnets here. it appears that you are saying god the father is an aspect of manifestion, which is nonsense and means nothing. Jesus called god the father the one and only true god, you call him an aspect of manifestion.
albion said:
*Note. It is considered incorrect to say manifestations or roles when describing the Trinity, but I do it here in order to speak in a way that, hopefully, will make you understand that one being can have more than one "face," as it were.
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Do you not remember that he preached to those in Paradise after the Crucifixion?


1 Peter 3:18
Why, even Christ died once for all time concerning sins, a righteous for unrighteous , that he might lead YOU to God, he being put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit.
1 Peter 3:19
In this also he went his way and preached to the spirits in prison,

Correction, he preached after he was resurrected by his God from the dead.:thumbsup:
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Aug 24, 2009
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First A question about historical Jesus

Regarding the Trinity and time. It has been asked how can the son be begotten and not come after? These people say that if Jesus was begotten he had to came after which would then imply that he could not have always existed. there must have been a moment in which the father existed alone without Jesus present

ANSWER to above

Jesus had two birthdays in one day. 1. Son of man 2. and son of God

As promised by the most high living God of Abraham to Abraham. In thy seed the nations of the world will be blessed.

1. Jesus son of Mary, son of David, son of man This is the earth child from human genes. And he was begotten by the Father. And first son of God. [ not only son of God. ] We follow after by practicing and doing the laws of Gods’ spirit.

1. Of course Jesus son of man never existed before this, he is Jesus, son of David, son of Mary and son of man,
and begotten by God through the Holy Spirit. Earth birthday as written in Mathew and Luke.


2. Jesus son of God. And the word was made flesh .. Jesus not son of Mary. Jesus’ other birthday, in the spirit world he is the word of God. And has always been with God. And is the word of the most high living God of Abraham
As written in chapter one of John. [ Johns’ book is to the spirit laws of God, truth, righteousness. Love. ]

And know in heaven Jesus sits on the right hand of God, Jesus son of Mary, son of David and is our high priest.

So now for the first time in history. The main powers in the heavens The Father, the word the Holy Spirit and son of man and these three are one. For the son of man is and was in historical Jesus the word made flesh.

Re: The Trinity


I will explain it earthly .. then .. the Holy Trinity.. The creation of the universe, heaven and earth.


Let's say: I had a bible study group at my apartment, and it was getting dusk so I said, " I am going to turn on the lights, and I turned the lights on.

I also have an earthly trinity.

I said, " I am going to turn on the lights " and I turned the lights on.

explanation of my trinity.. I = John my entity, being and my name.. said = the mind of John

" I am going to turn on the lights " now you hear me say that, but what you hear is a voice modulation going through the air to your ears so you can hear.

Is that voice modulation me? yes and no .. no because it is a separate entity or force.
and yet that modulation, or force you heard was formulated by my mind, so then yes it is me. in a different form.

and this voice modulation is subordinate to my mind.. I may have said it in a different way or said nothing at all and just turned on the lights.. it is all up to my mind.

And I turned on the lights .. This is my working force and is subordinate to my mind ..
I might change my mind and turn them on later or not at all and we all can read in the dark.

The mind of John the word and working force are one

So the voice modulation and the working force are up to my mind and both are subordinate to my mind. So ...The mind of John the word and working force are one

............. THE HOLY TRINITY AND THE CREATION ............................

Gen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

God = The most high living God of Abraham.. said = the mind of God

" Let there be light" This voice modulation you would hear is Jesus .. Jesus is the word of God..... [ Jesus never existed at this time, I use this as to historical Jesus.. ]

...... So the word and Jesus are subordinate to the mind of God and are one

Jesus in the spirit world is the word of God and was with God from the beginning.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made

1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in HEAVEN, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

Heb 1:8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
10 And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of thine hands:

.... And there was light .. This also is a different entity then God and is the Holy Spirit and this is the working force of God.

The holy Spirit, the working force of God is also subject to the will of God. God may change His mind. and create trees, animals etc..

So the word of God and the Holy Spirit are all subordinate to the mind and will of the most high living God of Abraham ... AND ALL THREE ARE ONE.

The Holy Trinity are three separate entities, The Father the word and the holy spirit. However, the word and the holy spirit are subordinate and in subjection to the mind and will of the most high living God of Abraham, the Father and these three are one.
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