Listen, i know a lot of people classified as mentally handicapped, so to speak, somd are relatives ... Bipolar, autism, schizophrenia. I personally sense that they are very gifted in an area, but it also makes them very sensitive to enemy forces.
Some advice:
Don't call yourself crazy. You are not crazy. You are wonderfully made by your creator.
I'm all for professional help if that's called for, yet you need to be careful about what you are feeding your mind and soul. If you are so gifted, it can make you very sensitive to those things.
You are special. You are gifted. You may have particular challenges due to that, but that is what they are. You are not crazy.
Yesterday, I did my first "waltz jump" on skates. Maybe that's "flying"! I'm actually learning to figure skate with inline skates on the empty grounds around our apartment building.
The Holy Spirit it leading me to it. Not to be able to compete but to serve as my therapy, for the healing of my brain. It seems to be working so far although the process seems slow but better than nothing. I never skated my whole life until now in my forties and still hesitant to attempt the bigger moves until yesterday.
I'm not considering professional help for now. I can't afford it. Not just the professional services but also the meds involved. In fact, I used to have hypertension. but unable to afford the meds, I had no choice but to exercise instead and eventually reduce my calorie intake. It worked.
I had wished instead to have job with better salary but the Holy Spirit seems to prefer solving problems without involving money. Besides, I wouldn't be able to hold a decent job anyway due to my mental issues.