Religion fears Science


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Dec 5, 2021
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Religion especially Christianity has always feared science in all of its forms. The reason for this, it proves many biblical belief false. Copernicus and Galileo with telescopes figured out the earth is not the center of the universe and the church fought furiously to prevent that information from being spread.

Biology, Geology, Astronomy, Archeology all have disproved many things in the bible and Christianity fears that and so does Islam. The earth is not flat nor the center of the universe, Natural Disasters is nature acting up not punishment from god. Diseases are not caused by evil spirits but by germs. Geology, Archeology, and Astronomy have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the earth and universe are much older than religion likes to admit.
The bible is a book written over 2,000 yrs. ago by fisherman and goat herders, has been translated into and out of 100s of languages, by human beings, depending on the language one word can mean several thing. Evolution, Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Archeology, science in all its forms threatens Christians more than most. It does not threaten me, it proves the existence of god to me. If you look at how complex the universe is you can see a designer behind it. I believe in Christ, I also know that the New Testament has been edited books have been removed. I believe the bible to be a book designed to show us how to have a relationship with god, I think much of it that many consider fact is just parable and myth.
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Nov 18, 2018
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Religion is not a person to fear. Only some religious individuals can fear.

But especially Christianity proved that it can absorb any scientific progress, as most Christians have no problem with the Big Bang, evolution or standard cosmology.

We can even say that many scientific ideas came from Christians.
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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Religion especially Christianity has always feared science in all of its forms. The reason for this, it proves many biblical belief false. Copernicus and Galileo with telescopes figured out the earth is not the center of the universe and the church fought furiously to prevent that information from being spread.

Biology, Geology, Astronomy, Archeology all have disproved many things in the bible and Christianity fears that and so does Islam. The earth is not flat nor the center of the universe, Natural Disasters is nature acting up not punishment from god. Diseases are not caused by evil spirits but by germs. Geology, Archeology, and Astronomy have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the earth and universe are much older than religion likes to admit.
The bible is a book written over 2,000 yrs. ago by fisherman and goat herders, has been translated into and out of 100s of languages, by human beings, depending on the language one word can mean several thing. Evolution, Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Archeology, science in all its forms threatens Christians more than most. It does not threaten me, it proves the existence of god to me. If you look at how complex the universe is you can see a designer behind it. I believe in Christ, I also know that the New Testament has been edited books have been removed. I believe the bible to be a book designed to show us how to have a relationship with god, I think much of it that many consider fact is just parable and myth.

I see it otherwise as well ..... science has proven there is GREAT complexity in our universe and it is also very "fine tuned". To me many discoveries in science emboldens my belief in God the creator (just as you stated).

The mathematical possibility for random occurrences "just happening" over billions of years to produce life as we see it is astronomical ... yet people believe it.

There are indeed facts .... but facts are interpreted and often done so by introducing new theories in an attempt to explain the facts.
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Torah Keeper

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Jun 2, 2013
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Religion especially Christianity has always feared science in all of its forms. The reason for this, it proves many biblical belief false. Copernicus and Galileo with telescopes figured out the earth is not the center of the universe and the church fought furiously to prevent that information from being spread.

Biology, Geology, Astronomy, Archeology all have disproved many things in the bible and Christianity fears that and so does Islam. The earth is not flat nor the center of the universe, Natural Disasters is nature acting up not punishment from god. Diseases are not caused by evil spirits but by germs. Geology, Archeology, and Astronomy have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the earth and universe are much older than religion likes to admit.
The bible is a book written over 2,000 yrs. ago by fisherman and goat herders, has been translated into and out of 100s of languages, by human beings, depending on the language one word can mean several thing. Evolution, Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Archeology, science in all its forms threatens Christians more than most. It does not threaten me, it proves the existence of god to me. If you look at how complex the universe is you can see a designer behind it. I believe in Christ, I also know that the New Testament has been edited books have been removed. I believe the bible to be a book designed to show us how to have a relationship with god, I think much of it that many consider fact is just parable and myth.

Your rant is total nonsense. Religion and science work hand in hand. Science was invented by religious persons. The scientific method was invented by Isaac Newton, a Christian. Galileo was a Christian. Hospitals were invented by Christians. Many universities were founded by Christians. Modern inventions such as the airplane, were invented by Christians. The list goes on. And these are just Christian acheivements. Other religions continued to advance in science also.

I am not aware of any religion that "fears" science. Maybe some tribe on a remote island that thinks the wheel and fire are of the devil and everyone should live like animals and not even use stone tools because science is evil.

I am so very tired of the false "science vs religion" nonsense. It never was a thing.

I believe in Christ,

If you believe in Christ you should not falsely accuse His followers.
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The reason for this, it proves many biblical belief false.
It only challenges simplistic presumptions & paradigms.
Original Sin & the Nicene Creed are not threatened by
  • a spheroid Earth,
  • a heliocentric Solar system,
  • atomic theory nor
  • any other demonstrable science.
What do you base your theology on if your Bible has been so discredited...?
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Sep 29, 2015
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Religion especially Christianity has always feared science in all of its forms. The reason for this, it proves many biblical belief false. Copernicus and Galileo with telescopes figured out the earth is not the center of the universe and the church fought furiously to prevent that information from being spread.

Biology, Geology, Astronomy, Archeology all have disproved many things in the bible and Christianity fears that and so does Islam. The earth is not flat nor the center of the universe, Natural Disasters is nature acting up not punishment from god. Diseases are not caused by evil spirits but by germs. Geology, Archeology, and Astronomy have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the earth and universe are much older than religion likes to admit.
The bible is a book written over 2,000 yrs. ago by fisherman and goat herders, has been translated into and out of 100s of languages, by human beings, depending on the language one word can mean several thing. Evolution, Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Archeology, science in all its forms threatens Christians more than most. It does not threaten me, it proves the existence of god to me. If you look at how complex the universe is you can see a designer behind it. I believe in Christ, I also know that the New Testament has been edited books have been removed. I believe the bible to be a book designed to show us how to have a relationship with god, I think much of it that many consider fact is just parable and myth.
You and I have had a much different experience in regard to the Faith and Science. I have never felt an actual fear of science in my faith. I know of a real animosity towards the faith from some who consider themselves scientists, but that is not universal.

Those who come from the Fundamentalist side of the Christian faith might have something to fear from Science. And if that's true of you them I can sympathize with you. But I come from a different side of the Christian faith. The side that was willing to accept proof from Galileo that he was right, but found his proofs really didn't prove what he claimed. I fact the proofs of Galileo's position didn't actually come until about 100 years later. I'm on the side that actually partners in running a major telescope on Hawaii. The kind that includes Father Georges LeMaitrie, the guy who came up with the Big Bang. Before that all of the scientists thought the Universe was this eternal steady state thing and some of them laughed at the idea that there was a deity who created the Universe. So if anything the scientists might need to fear the Christians who keep upending entrenched scientific dogma.

When I was little I wanted to be a Christian and a scientist. It led me to think for a short time that I should belong to the Christian Science religion. Later I found out about them. But I ended up a Christian and a biologist. And I don't fear the science. Never have. When I understood the history of creationism it was pretty clear to me that it was a recent phenomenon of people who really didn't understand Faith or Science and stood the two at odds in their own heads. I didn't have to be like them.
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Tolworth John

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Religion especially Christianity has always feared science in all of its forms. T

Well the religeon of evolution, naturalism and atheism certainly fears the historical facts of Christianity.

Many people laugh at Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis, yet when he offers to debate creation v evolution every one steps back.
Oh they excuse themselves saying, ' they don't want to publicise his nonsence.'
If evolution was so certain they would be queuing up to wipe the floor with him.

How do evolutionists deal with Children who believe in creation?
Well the uk's royal society for science's education secutary suggest that they should be reasoned with. The out cry was so great against this ' outragous idea' , by evolutionist, that he had to resign.

Which rather leaves how children should be educated about evolution as not involving reason.
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
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Religion especially Christianity has always feared science in all of its forms.

'especially Christianity'? Tell that to Gregor Mendel, the father of genetics, who was an Augustinian friar who performed his famous experiments crossbreeding plants in the garden at St. Augustine's Abbey in Brno. Heck, tell that to St. Didymus the Blind, the fourth-century Egyptian saint who developed a system by which the blind could read (obviously long before Louis Braille in the 19th century), and was also the teacher of other great Christian saints like St. Jerome.

And this isn't just a phenomenon from centuries past, either. HH Pope Tawadros II, the current Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church, got a degree in Pharmacy in 1975 from the University of Alexandria, and ran a state-owned pharmaceutical company before joining the monastery of St. Bishoy. In fact, it's something of a stereotype (which is well-grounded in reality) that the Coptic people tend to be doctors. My tiny parish back in New Mexico (six families) had a medical doctor in it, and there are entire medical associations for Coptic people. Traditionally speaking, medicine was one field that was taken to by Christians quite readily (together with some others, such as law), because it was seen as a way of cooperating with God in the restoration of creation.

So I disagree with the entire premise of this thread. What a bad take.
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d taylor

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Oct 16, 2018
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God's true literal creation found in The Bible (Genesis 1 and other areas) has no fear of the science boogeyman creation.

Science pedals its creation lies to a dark world living in evil times. They are accepting to this, sadly many christian also accept science over The Bible concerning God's creation.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
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Nov 18, 2018
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God's true literal creation found in The Bible (Genesis 1 and other areas) has no fear of the science boogeyman creation.
Almost anybody who understands some context and style of the Bible recognizes that Gen 1 is not a reportage, but a (dramatical) poetry.

Some translations even try to help you recognize that with a different font style.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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The earth is not flat nor the center of the universe

Because everyone is assuming the Bible is describing a planet. The Bible might be describing our Milky Way galaxy instead. Our galaxy is also abundant in dirt (earth), from the remains of dead stars.

Our galaxy is flat on the other hand, have "ends", and has four corners (quadrants). From non canonical scriptures and from the writings of Apostle Paul have hinted that the original Adam is very likely a celestial body, A star with sentience and both male and female. The "fruit" could have been something else and have managed to capture the soul of the star and confined to a planet.

The accounts of creation in Genesis is likely been "humanized" perhaps to better identify with readers. The rest of the Bible have in many cases also hinted to angels as celestial bodies, manifesting as stars and galaxies.

The book of Enoch have managed to *with great accuracy* describe the immense black hole at center of our galaxy as well as the nearby structures and stars around it. He referred to these stars as those who rebelled against God.

Other myths around the world like those of ancient Egypt are also "humanized" accounts of ancient astronomical events that have occurred within our galaxy.

Non-canonical scriptures also describe a Big Bang like event at the start of creation.

I think the problem with Christianity is dismissing other scriptures that didn't get included in the canonical Bible when in fact, they are still scriptures and passages from them quoted in our canonical Bible.

It can help bring clarity in many things like perhaps, we are probably living a life that is not meant to be lived. What we see as beautiful might just be the greatest evil in the universe. And we're all probably wasting our time in things that don't even matter. It's all vanity, nothing more.
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I noticed towards the end of your post the main thesis, but I'll still leave these earlier pieces I was responding to from the beginning parts of your post, in case these points might help someone else, as you don't seem to need them as much as some do. :)

Religion especially Christianity has always feared science in all of its forms.

Galileo is a real hero. It's not really correct to suggest (if you meant to in your wording) that most Christians fear science. Some may have at times, and even some now, though it's hard to know if they really believed in God, since: if one believes in reality, they will tend to begin following what Christ said, and then will not fear all sorts of various stuff, including not only simply reality (science), but also various real threats like severe storms, illness, even death.... So, science isn't something a real faith will fear....

Biology, Geology, Astronomy, Archeology all have disproved many things in the bible

Not even one, actually. And I'm speaking from having read through the Bible several times, carefully, and also having a very extensive, broad and deep amount of reading in many sciences.

If you'd like me to discuss any 1 thing, I'd be happy to do so. (if you do, don't paste a list though, as that would be a way to avoid a real discussion by making too many topics at once, causing a focused examination to become impractical in under 3,000 words, etc.. Focus instead on a single meaningful example, alone. One at a time, and acknowledge when you have seen a new thing, etc.)

It does not threaten me, it proves the existence of god to me.

Ah, now I see your thesis, which might have been good to lead with, but still, I'm glad to hear it. I'll leave previous parts of this post anyway, just in case it's of use to anyone else that thinks that somehow there is anything in science that actually threatens genuine Christianity, so that they might gain something or if they wish to discuss it with me.
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Oct 29, 2020
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Religion especially Christianity has always feared science in all of its forms.

Not all of Christianity. many times in the past science was not understood but the Catholic Church has apologized for it and have their own science division. In modern times it is many evangelicals and fundamentalist who are ignorant of science and the ignorant fear what thy don't understand. You just can't paint with a broad brush.
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d taylor

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Oct 16, 2018
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Almost anybody who understands some context and style of the Bible recognizes that Gen 1 is not a reportage, but a (dramatical) poetry.

Some translations even try to help you recognize that with a different font style.

I believe it as a literal description, that covers all that God created.
I have seen no evidence presented by science to change my belief.
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grasping the after wind

That's grasping after the wind
Jan 18, 2010
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Religion especially Christianity has always feared science in all of its forms. The reason for this, it proves many biblical belief false. Copernicus and Galileo with telescopes figured out the earth is not the center of the universe and the church fought furiously to prevent that information from being spread.

Biology, Geology, Astronomy, Archeology all have disproved many things in the bible and Christianity fears that and so does Islam. The earth is not flat nor the center of the universe, Natural Disasters is nature acting up not punishment from god. Diseases are not caused by evil spirits but by germs. Geology, Archeology, and Astronomy have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the earth and universe are much older than religion likes to admit.
The bible is a book written over 2,000 yrs. ago by fisherman and goat herders, has been translated into and out of 100s of languages, by human beings, depending on the language one word can mean several thing. Evolution, Astronomy, Biology, Geology, Archeology, science in all its forms threatens Christians more than most. It does not threaten me, it proves the existence of god to me. If you look at how complex the universe is you can see a designer behind it. I believe in Christ, I also know that the New Testament has been edited books have been removed. I believe the bible to be a book designed to show us how to have a relationship with god, I think much of it that many consider fact is just parable and myth.

Goat herders? Seems your historical knowledge is zip. There were no goat herders or fishermen writing books. There weren't even any shepherds doing so. As most the population were illiterate only the well-educated wrote any of the books of the Bible. Nothing in the actual sciences is in any way a threat to Christians. Nor are the pseudo sciences a threat to Christians. There is nothing that exists that can pose a true threat to a Christian.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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Religion especially Christianity has always feared science in all of its forms. The reason for this, it proves many biblical belief false. Copernicus and Galileo with telescopes figured out the earth is not the center of the universe and the church fought furiously to prevent that information from being spread.

-Science now agrees that any point in the cosmos can be considered the center.
-Science offers no "proof" of anything. Only mounting evidence.
-Some branches of Christianity dispute parts of science. But most don't.
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Dec 5, 2021
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< King Solomon has entered the chat >

Ahab according to the bible Solomon was the wisest richest most powerful man of his time. Everyone came to him for advice. Why is it that? In Jewish history this time is known as the First Temple period, and begins at around 1,000BC. What evidence is there that the Temple of Solomon existed? The only evidence is the Bible. There are no other records describing it, and to date there has been no archaeological evidence of the Temple at all.

Every major culture in History over the last 6000 years has left archeological evidence of there existence outside the bible much of the old testament can not be proven. Why is that...if Solomon existed and he was as powerful and rich as the bible says he was is there no archeological evidence of him. And I am not talking about biased documents miraculously found by Christians...those never hold up well to archaeological microscope. Sumeria over 6000 years ago and there remembered there is evidence of there existence, Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome every major culture in history has left physical evidence for all to see...the only evidence you have is the bible...again a book written by goat headers and fisherman. Translated and (EDITED...THAT IS A FACT) hundreds of time. Again I can believe in god and Christ there is physical evidence of Jesus's existence most historians event the atheist believe he existed, his divinity is matter of faith...but he existed. I believe the bible to be part history, and part parable and myth. Find me respected unbiased evidence of Solomon's existence, you can not cause there is none.
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Active Member
Dec 5, 2021
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I noticed towards the end of your post the main thesis, but I'll still leave these earlier pieces I was responding to from the beginning parts of your post, in case these points might help someone else, as you don't seem to need them as much as some do. :)

Galileo is a real hero. It's not really correct to suggest (if you meant to in your wording) that most Christians fear science. Some may have at times, and even some now, though it's hard to know if they really believed in God, since: if one believes in reality, they will tend to begin following what Christ said, and then will not fear all sorts of various stuff, including not only simply reality (science), but also various real threats like severe storms, illness, even death.... So, science isn't something a real faith will fear....

Not even one, actually. And I'm speaking from having read through the Bible several times, carefully, and also having a very extensive, broad and deep amount of reading in many sciences.

If you'd like me to discuss any 1 thing, I'd be happy to do so. (if you do, don't paste a list though, as that would be a way to avoid a real discussion by making too many topics at once, causing a focused examination to become impractical in under 3,000 words, etc.. Focus instead on a single meaningful example, alone. One at a time, and acknowledge when you have seen a new thing, etc.)

Ah, now I see your thesis, which might have been good to lead with, but still, I'm glad to hear it. I'll leave previous parts of this post anyway, just in case it's of use to anyone else that thinks that somehow there is anything in science that actually threatens genuine Christianity, so that they might gain something or if they wish to discuss it with me.

I might have gotten long winded with my thesis lol. For me believing in god is easy. But I hear repeatedly Christians going about the earth and universe being a measly 10k years old at most and that is ridiculous. I know the bible we read now was created 300-400 BC, I know it was edited and I know it has been translated more times than we can count. I can also figure that the Jewish people had parables and myths and they ended up in the bible just like every other culture. I think the bible is a good book on how to have a relationship with Christ and I believe in much of the new testament, the old testament not so much.
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