*Pure Bride*

Martyr's Crown

Sunflower Jewel
Feb 10, 2017
The Netherlands
Marital Status
This is a poem I wrote in 2008, at this time I was waiting and longing for getting married to my husband. I don't think I did quite understand the biblical meaning of being the bride of Christ, as this was written one year before we got married. Even the last sentence felt a bit weird to me, about having a crown put upon me.

But when I look at the whole poem now, the way it is written, I see it in a deeper way. This is the way we are meant to being as the Bride of Jesus Christ! Free from spots and blemishes, pure and innocent!

I will first write the original poem which was written in norwegian, and then I will write the translated part I did from this! The original have some rhyhmes written into it, which I don't have in the translated version. I translated it just directly from how my poem is written, so I didn't think a lot about rhyhmes.

*Rein Brud*

Eg vil ha uskuld kvit som sne,
vere rein i tankar og sinn.
Smile til verda den dag eg blir gift,
fordi eg holdt meg rein og kvit.
Le av lykke for det løftet eg holdt,
prise Herren foran tronen.
Skinne som ein av Gud's stjerner,
vere fyllt av ære og Gud's frykt når eg får satt på kronen.

*Pure Bride*
(translated 8/6-2020)

I want to have innocence as white as snow,
being pure in thoughts and mind.
Smile to the world the day I get married,
because I kept myself pure and white.
Laugh of happiness because of the promise I kept,
praising the Lord in front of the throne.
Shining like one of God's stars,
being filled up by honour and God's fear when I get put on the crown.

By: Martyr's Crown.