Persecutions of the Anabaptists

Rescued One

...yet not I, but the grace of God that is with me
Dec 12, 2002
United States
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To put it in terms you are familiar with.
Travel to a deep south part of america and talk to the locals with a broad new york accent about how terrible sessecion was. Do you think you'll be welcome?
or do it the other way round go to a staunch unionist part of kentucky talking with a deep south accent about the evils of the union.

Tribalism is found nearly everywhere and it is only the civilising effects of Christianity that limits its affect.

I am a non-racist. My great-uncle (brother of my paternal grandfather) told me how much help his best
n-----r was. I could have fallen off my chair! Our ancestors on that side of the family were slave owners. They weren't taught that it was wrong. My paternal grandmother was born in the south but many of her ancestors were Quakers. My siblings are non-Christians. My older sister was a Mormon. There are times when we don't being up subjects to start a futile argument. My father was not a racist.

1 John 5:BSB
19 We know that we are of God, and that the whole world is under the power of the evil one.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
I really don't understand how Christian brethren can hunt down and torture and kill other Christian brethren when that type of behavior is 180 degrees from the teachings of the Bible...
unless the ones' doing the persecuting weren't born again to begin with.

What evidence do you have that those doing the perscution wre Christian.

I wasn"t asking about the USA (although religious freedoms are increasingly vanishing), but 16th and 17th century Europe where the Anabaptists had their beginnings. Sorry for not being clear.

But as born again Christians we are called to love our enemies and not just chum with those we get along with.

I don't think it's possible to understand, it's a mindset so foreign all we can do is refuse to be like them...

Who teaches that? It isn't Christianity.

Test Everything. "Evidence" .... "Truth"..... "Reality" .....
Test Everything.
James: For Wisdom to Understand, ask the Creator Yahweh, Who Himself Gives Understanding/ Wisdom generously and without reproach. (to those with a single mind set upon Christ, not double-minded) .....
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Site Supporter
May 16, 2010
So. Cal.
United States
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Test Everything. "Evidence" .... "Truth"..... "Reality" .....
Test Everything.
James: For Wisdom to Understand, ask the Creator Yahweh, Who Himself Gives Understanding/ Wisdom generously and without reproach. (to those with a single mind set upon Christ, not double-minded) .....
After searching the Scriptures this pretty much was the conclusion that I came up with...
unless the ones' doing the persecuting weren't born again to begin with.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
Who teaches that? It isn't Christianity.
True, (apparently in the context previous),
also realize as Jesus Says Today: Whoever is not for Me, is against Me.

He showed there is no in-between.

This was especially apparent in the centuries that the Jews who rejected Jesus joined the world group, on threat of death if they did not join or leave,
so they 'pretended' (according to some long ago read sources, in line with all that I know) , and then got infiltrated into the control/ pretending to be going along, after just 'joining' claiming to be members in order not to have to flee or die.
Then, since they were already corrupt/ unclean/ ungodly as Jews previously, they introduced vigorously and subtly error upon error, continually.
The were never "for Jesus", pretended to be though, and thus created much more confusion and deception from then on.
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