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New horrific variant found


Pray for the Persecuted
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Well, God has provided vaccines. He gave humans intelligence and ability to choose. Anyone who has chosen not to have the 3 necessary injections has no protection. It takes time to build up antibodies. To refuse is like choosing not to wear armour and shield in a battle and pretend the enemy is not dangerous.

There was a case of a preacher, Hill Song Mega Church in America, recently who chose to rely entirely on his faith and preached against vaccination. The virus killed him. Many others like him have perished. That is preventable tragedy.

It is not paranoid to take every sensible step to preserve your health and life. Scientists are working to help, so are numerous doctors, nurses, volunteers. Yet people choose to reject the help. The pharmaceutical companies are doing what they are best at and have worked miracles. We are so lucky.
The biggest obstacles are the distrust and conspiracy theories.

yes i agree i just get a bit too paranoid sometimes due to mental health issues , sometimes it can be very very bad paranoia and other times am not at all i agree it is like wear armour if we cant protect ourselves we would be able to, but we are not with covid it seems like there is a lot of miss information about the jabs weather they work or not different people have different side effects everyone is individual nobodies body is the same as another person unless they are clones they use to think that electricity was off the devil, we all use it now God Provides in his own way my husband is an athist he believes in science and tech etc he plays video games (when he not looking after me because of my mental health it helps him a lot to vent his feelings to play games he with me 24/7 only time he has a break is at night once i am sleeping or when i have my support for my mental health with support workers i can be very well one day and very ill the next day ) people years ago were scared of the games or say that the games are dangerous or that only the lazy people play games but i believe that God has provided a way for my husband to cope with my mental health issues , he don't play anything too violent just in case i wake up or come home earlier but if the games wasn't there he had to cope in other ways and that can effect his mental health too i take medication as well so i believe that it can help me , its depends on what you believe but miss infomation can put fear in people when some of it isnt true or very little amount is true
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Dec 5, 2021
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Well, God has provided vaccines. He gave humans intelligence and ability to choose. Anyone who has chosen not to have the 3 necessary injections has no protection. It takes time to build up antibodies. To refuse is like choosing not to wear armour and shield in a battle and pretend the enemy is not dangerous.

There was a case of a preacher, Hill Song Mega Church in America, recently who chose to rely entirely on his faith and preached against vaccination. The virus killed him. Many others like him have perished. That is preventable tragedy.

It is not paranoid to take every sensible step to preserve your health and life. Scientists are working to help, so are numerous doctors, nurses, volunteers. Yet people choose to reject the help. The pharmaceutical companies are doing what they are best at and have worked miracles. We are so lucky.
The biggest obstacles are the distrust and conspiracy theories.


Your starting post in this thread said this is the worst variant yet, but it turns out to be quite mild. It took 2 weeks for the first death to occur. You are fear mongering people and you were significantly wrong once already. What else could you be wrong about?
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Your starting post in this thread said this is the worst variant yet, but it turns out to be quite mild. It took 2 weeks for the first death to occur. You are fear mongering people and you were significantly wrong once already. What else could you be wrong about?

The top scientists and governments, are deeply worried and quite rightly taking action to save lives. They say this is such a heavily mutated version, it can bypass two or less vaccines. Only a third jab will help resist it. I presume the danger is it will kill unvaccinated and vulnerable people.

I am nobody. But I am taking note of those who are qualified to know. I really think we should all listen to the experts and do as they advise.
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It's not easy when I face hostility from even close family who are not taking proper care, as they want family gatherings for the season. Some are antivaxxers, others see no reason to worry. Yet in UK, it is spreading.
I am worried. I don't want to be ill or die. I don't want to visit relatives who are going out to pubs the night before.
I do not want to visit elderly loved ones in case I give them the virus. Being vaccinated is not a guarantee.
This is hard in a personal level.
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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
United States
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It's not easy when I face hostility from even close family who are not taking proper care, as they want family gatherings for the season. Some are antivaxxers, others see no reason to worry. Yet in UK, it is spreading.
I am worried. I don't want to be ill or die. I don't want to visit relatives who are going out to pubs the night before.
I do not want to visit elderly loved ones in case I give them the virus. Being vaccinated is not a guarantee.
This is hard in a personal level.

I'm getting ready to attend a game night of 30+ people. Their listed Covid rules there are, "If you're vaccinated, no need for the mask".

This has been the narrative so far with more and more gatherings happening among the vaccinated.

Basically, vaccinated hanging out with other vaccinated people = no real concerns there.
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Dec 5, 2021
West Palm Beach
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It's not easy when I face hostility from even close family who are not taking proper care, as they want family gatherings for the season. Some are antivaxxers, others see no reason to worry. Yet in UK, it is spreading.
I am worried. I don't want to be ill or die. I don't want to visit relatives who are going out to pubs the night before.
I do not want to visit elderly loved ones in case I give them the virus. Being vaccinated is not a guarantee.
This is hard in a personal level.

I would ask yourself why you are so worried? Your profile says you are a Christian so you believe in the Lord Jesus and he says cast all your cares upon him. We are called to use wisdom of course, but you are already vaccinated and you probably wear your mask. You are doing what you need to, so no need to worry.
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Dave G.

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May 22, 2017
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I got vaccinated not out of any fear of the virus or mutations at all. The Spirit seemed to be prompting me to do it. I'm of the belief We go home when our time is up as believers, if the Lord still has a use for you here you will survive, if He wants you home you will go home vaccine or not ( my wife passed in about 3 minutes a year ago coming up in 4 days, had clear medical records good BP etc and died in about 3 minutes of a massive heart attack, I now know her expiration date despite medical records and a physical 2 weeks prior. We aren't guaranteed tomorrow will come period) . But by this seeming prompting, plus the known fact that living in this fearful society is going to get to be frankly, a pain in the butt to function without the vaccine, within two days of that prompting myself and a dear friend of mine as well were vaccinated. Now just about 3 months later as it turns out her work is mandating employees to be vaccinated. She is a shift manager at a local name brand pharmacy and she has a girl on her shift not vaccinated and more worried about her job than the virus. And thus it is that the world is going.
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Jun 9, 2017
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I would ask yourself why you are so worried? Your profile says you are a Christian so you believe in the Lord Jesus and he says cast all your cares upon him. We are called to use wisdom of course, but you are already vaccinated and you probably wear your mask. You are doing what you need to, so no need to worry.

Hi I am concerned because though I am very careful, others around me are not. Thus I could catch it from them.
Being vaccinated is not a guarantee.
There is selfish behaviour all around. People are mixing in social groups then risking infecting their family. It is hard to know what to do.

I have my faith in God of course, but He gave us a brain and the ability to reason and do our part.
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Jun 25, 2018
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Hi I am concerned because though I am very careful, others around me are not. Thus I could catch it from them.
Being vaccinated is not a guarantee.
There is selfish behaviour all around. People are mixing in social groups then risking infecting their family. It is hard to know what to do.

I have my faith in God of course, but He gave us a brain and the ability to reason and do our part.

When it was flu season did you used to stay home from work, stay home from church and live in an utter state of panic?

Or did you go to work and church without any mask, perhaps even without vaccination, without worry regardless of the fact that thousands die from flu and related complications every year?

If you hugged an elderly person at church and you unknowingly gave her the flu and it killed her would you consider yourself to be at fault?

I ask these questions because if you answer yes you did live life differently prior to COVID and with a different mindset than you have now, then you need to ask yourself why that is.

The only person you can control is yourself. Period. And you are the only one who decides whether or not to live in fear of what you can't control, or whether you are going to do the things you can, and give what's out of your control over to God...

Vaccinated and with a booster you are 12x less likely to be ill with COVID, even with this new variant. Far less likely to be hospitalized, and far far far less likely to die.

You either believe those numbers or you don't - but that's the science of what the scientist's are saying.

You only ever had a 2% risk of mortality from COVID IF you happened to be in the 2% of the population who developed symptoms - that's without any vaccine or booster. 12× better than that makes this new variant a scientific non-issue...

So wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands frequently and correctly and avoid those you know are sick... Make sure you get the recommended booster if you haven't but don't let the fear mongers make you afraid to live.

It's me they're trying to scare anyway, they just haven't yet realized I'm not going to get scared.
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Jun 25, 2018
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Don't compare this to flu. They are not comparable.

They aren't that far apart. They are both communicable viruses spread through casual contact and both can be deadly to certain segments of society.
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