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Natural Immunity Versus Vaccine Immunity

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On August 25, 2021, medRxiv published a “preprint” study by ten Israeli scientists, all associated with an Israeli research institute, Maccabitech, in Tel Aviv. Among the 10 are three MDs, three professors of epidemiology, two professors at the Tel Aviv University School of Public Health and an adjunct researcher at the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at the National Institutes of Health in the United States. The study’s conclusion: “This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity …”


A Rockefeller University study published on August 24, 2021, concluded, as the Israeli study did, that “a natural infection may induce maturation of antibodies with broader activity than a vaccine does.” The study immediately added that getting natural immunity entails contracting COVID-19, and “a natural infection can also kill you.” But that valid warning does not negate its conclusion in favor of natural immunity. Nor does the study warn that getting the vaccine may also induce harmful consequences. To its everlasting shame, that is a taboo subject in America’s medical community despite the fact that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists over 700,000 cases of suspected injury and more than 17,000 otherwise unexpected deaths temporally associated with COVID-19 vaccines.


The Librarian
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On August 25, 2021, medRxiv published a “preprint” study by ten Israeli scientists, all associated with an Israeli research institute, Maccabitech, in Tel Aviv. Among the 10 are three MDs, three professors of epidemiology, two professors at the Tel Aviv University School of Public Health and an adjunct researcher at the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at the National Institutes of Health in the United States. The study’s conclusion: “This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity …”


A Rockefeller University study published on August 24, 2021, concluded, as the Israeli study did, that “a natural infection may induce maturation of antibodies with broader activity than a vaccine does.” The study immediately added that getting natural immunity entails contracting COVID-19, and “a natural infection can also kill you.” But that valid warning does not negate its conclusion in favor of natural immunity. Nor does the study warn that getting the vaccine may also induce harmful consequences. To its everlasting shame, that is a taboo subject in America’s medical community despite the fact that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists over 700,000 cases of suspected injury and more than 17,000 otherwise unexpected deaths temporally associated with COVID-19 vaccines.

Yes, but getting covid after a vaccine is 8 times less lethal.
My boss and I both had minor flue symptoms with Covid
due to us both being vaccinated first.

Neither of us missed a day of work.
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Sword of the Lord

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Yes, but getting covid after a vaccine is 8 times less lethal.
My boss and I both had minor flue symptoms with Covid
due to us both being vaccinated first.

Neither of us missed a day of work.
I had minor flu symptoms with Covid due to not being vaccinated and letting my immune system work.

Vaxxed people still spread the disease and I don't know of anywhere where you can still work with Covid if you're vaxxed.
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I have had both the virus and the vaccine had my antibodies checked just last week with my annual blood work they came back sky high. It has been a year since I had the virus and just under nine months since my second shot.
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Aug 17, 2003
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Covid …like the poke, is not a one size fits all. Whereas one person with the prick may experience slight symptoms, others may have much worse….and some... have nothing at all. Additionally it is hard to compare symptoms with the stab… minor as they may be, because those people may or may not have had any symptoms if they didn’t get the jab…..it’s all speculation.

What is not speculation is…. the natural God given immune system does appear to provide better immunities for a greater length of time than the stick….How long, we do not know, but so far it defiantly surpasses the needle.

So, is it any wonder that the Fauci gang have not run studies on natural immunity ….something that typically would be critical and a base study for statistical analysis….kind of makes you wonder what the agenda is.

My assertion all along has been…. do what you feel is right for you.
Do what research you feel is necessary including input from your physician, but in the end, don’t be pushed into something or persuaded out of something by others…. And for Gods sakes, don’t criticize others for their decision…you are just playing into the government’s hand of causing division.
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What is not speculation is…. the natural God given immune system does appear to provide better immunities for a greater length of time than the stick….How long, we do not know, but so far it defiantly surpasses the needle.

Probably because natural immunity is more broad-spectrum than vaccine-induced immunity directed specifically at the spike protein.

My assertion all along has been…. do what you feel is right for you.

Looks like the freedom to do what you feel is right is in question again, unless you're willing to lose your job. But this issue had "Supreme Court" written all over it from the beginning and that's apparently where it will have to go now.

Federal appeals court lifts block on Biden vaccine mandate for employers
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As a general rule for viruses (not just COVID), getting the disease grants a greater resistance to those that survive, but getting the vaccine greatly increases the survival chances. Most people prefer to LIVE with a vaccine induced immunity than risk DEATH to gain an infection induced natural immunity.

With respect to COVID (which is a family of viruses rather than a single virus), those who were both vaccinated and later infected have a far superior immune response to other members of the COVID family than either those with natural immunity or vaccinated immunity alone. I still think that deliberately getting a disease to improve immunity is a questionable plan for anyone to pursue.

Follow the facts and make an informed decision that is best for you. (We chose vaccination and isolation and masks to protect cancer survivor parents with suppressed immune systems as the best decision for OUR household).
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Sword of the Lord

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If they are, show us the proof.
I have had both it has been nearly nine months for the vaccine and a year for the virus I actually got out on Christmas day last year. I recently had my antibodies tested with my regular yearly blood work and they were sky high.
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The study’s conclusion: “This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity …”
So, how does this compare with natural immunity against flu, versus vaccine immunity?? It is known how flu vaccination does not totally stop the flu, but ones might still get sick, but not so bad. But, or course, getting sick might act a little like a booster . . . but without getting so sick and maybe dying of the flu.

I think some number of people would prefer to have COVID vaccine immunity, in case this keeps them from getting the disease. Also, it might help to have a lot of people vaccinated so that this keeps them from helping to infect a lot of people. In case they do get sick, I think it could be that their ready immune system will reduce symptoms and reduce how able they are to produce and spread the virus.

And in case getting sick does work so well for producing immunity . . . I suppose vaccine and getting sick could work better than either alone.

I remember how ones knew getting chicken pox could naturally vaccinate you so you did not get it later in life. So, my mother made sure we got exposed to someone with chicken pox :)

But this one seems able to repeat infect people.
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that “a natural infection may induce maturation of antibodies with broader activity than a vaccine does.”
I think this could be common knowledge, plus logical.

Because if you get the virus, your immune system could detect and react to many more antigens on the virus, than what you get because of a vaccine. The RNA vaccines, anyway, get your system to focus on the spike protein portion which is produced by means of the RNA in the vaccine, right?

So, an advantage of the RNA vaccine in your system is how it can get your immune system to concentrate on attaching antibodies to the virus' spikes and blocking them so the virus can't get into cells, and then the virus gets destroyed. This can be more efficient than having the immune system going after many other parts of the virus, too > instead, just go after the attachment spike part and clog it and mark it for destruction.
the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists over 700,000 cases of suspected injury and more than 17,000 otherwise unexpected deaths temporally associated with COVID-19 vaccines.
Ok, so this means with many people vaccinated there have been 17,000 deaths . . . versus half a million deaths of how many infected people who were not vaccinated?

Now . . . according to what I have been told > the basic trouble with COVID-19 is when a person's immune system overreacts to the virus. It is not the poor little virus' fault, then . . . right? And, like this, we have people whose systems overreact to the spike protein that is produced by means of the RNA in the RNA vaccines. Now, I consider this > in case a vaccinated person is not allergic to the spike protein, then the person might not react too badly to the vaccination. But in case a person is ready to overreact . . . well, there might be quite a lot of spike stuff produced because of a vaccine . . . much more than in an actual infection. And so, in case some body is ready to overreact to a spike antigen, this could have severe results for a vaccinated person.

So, it's a lottery kind of a thing, then, if I have understood this somewhat correctly. If you get the virus, there are a lot of antigens, so you have some chance of reacting badly to at least one of them, but may be not so badly if you don't get much virus. But in case you win the lottery by being allergic to a specific spike antigen that is produced in a greater amount because of vaccination . . . uh-oh; because a lot of it will be produced.
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Apr 21, 2020
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And yet the CDC site says this

They are posting one study from Ky. Of course the CDC totally latched onto that. The study from Israel is on a much larger scale.

Plus, we already know this specific quote from the link is not true.

"In today’s MMWR, a study of COVID-19 infections in Kentucky among people who were previously infected with SAR-CoV-2 shows that unvaccinated individuals are more than twice as likely to be reinfected with COVID-19 than those who were fully vaccinated after initially contracting the virus. These data further indicate that COVID-19 vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity alone and that vaccines, even after prior infection, help prevent reinfections."

Yeah,like Coach Kevin Stefanski from the Browns who not only had Covid last season but this year is "fully vaccinated" and got the booster as well. He has Covd right now. The way everyone talks here -he's supposed to have some sort of "super immunity". Yes, it's mild but so was mine without the vaccination.

I wish people would realize that there can't be a one for all approach and that everyone's systems are different.

And even though infections might be mild after getting the shot it doesn't stop the vaxxed from spreading it like wildfire as in the case of the NFL right now. The Browns are 99 percent vaxxed and obviously spread it amongst each other and their coach who had no problem catching even though he had a prior infection, two shots and a booster.

So these studies and statistics don't really matter when we are seeing it play out right in front of us.

For me personally I feel like natural immunity is better equipped to fight the varients which is why you are seeing so many "breakthrough" cases in the vaxxed. On that note, we need to stop using the word breakthrough, including myself. When a team has 53 or so players and half are infected and all of those have been vaccinated, the term breakthrough is meaningless.

The CDC also still has this on their site as well,

COVID-19 and Your Health

"Cases of reinfection with COVID-19 have been reported, but remain rare."
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See in the dark
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On August 25, 2021, medRxiv published a “preprint” study by ten Israeli scientists, all associated with an Israeli research institute, Maccabitech, in Tel Aviv. Among the 10 are three MDs, three professors of epidemiology, two professors at the Tel Aviv University School of Public Health and an adjunct researcher at the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics at the National Institutes of Health in the United States. The study’s conclusion: “This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity …”


A Rockefeller University study published on August 24, 2021, concluded, as the Israeli study did, that “a natural infection may induce maturation of antibodies with broader activity than a vaccine does.” The study immediately added that getting natural immunity entails contracting COVID-19, and “a natural infection can also kill you.” But that valid warning does not negate its conclusion in favor of natural immunity. Nor does the study warn that getting the vaccine may also induce harmful consequences. To its everlasting shame, that is a taboo subject in America’s medical community despite the fact that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lists over 700,000 cases of suspected injury and more than 17,000 otherwise unexpected deaths temporally associated with COVID-19 vaccines.

You are quoting an outlier survey, with dubious research methodology whose conclusions contradict the mainstream global consensus. Real science says vaccination is slightly better than a previous infection at preventing reinfection.

But think this through. The real argument here is whether or not it is desirable to catch covid and pass it on to your family. If vaccinated this is not as large a worry as you are 5 times less likely to be infected, ten times less likely to die or be hospitalized. Trusting in your own natural immunity is a lottery by contrast and you may well not be as strong as you think you are.
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One person, Coach Kevin Stefanski doesn't change the statistics.

I'm just using him as an example because I'm sure there are many more out there.

The thing is, anyone can be reinfected, prior infection or those that have had the shot. He had both and still has Covd at this time.

And on another note, many people that are walking around vaxxed could possibly have Covid and not even know it and are spreading it because they are asympotmatic. The NFL have to be tested, that's how they know. What about normal people on the streets? For the most part they don't know what's going on in their own bodies without proper testing.

Real science says vaccination is slightly better than a previous infection at preventing reinfection

There are certain immunologists that disagree with this fact. That say the real gold standard is natural immunity and that that's the true science and always has been. And they're not saying people should purposely get sick but if one has had it than that natural immunity can sometimes last years whereas the vaccination's strengh is waning which is the reason for the boosters.
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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
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I had minor flu symptoms with Covid due to not being vaccinated and letting my immune system work.

I had a good friend and neighbor die from Covid...so what's your point?

[quote[ Vaxxed people still spread the disease[/QUOTE]

So you're saying that's a reason NOT to get vaccinated?
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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
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As a general rule for viruses (not just COVID), getting the disease grants a greater resistance to those that survive, but getting the vaccine greatly increases the survival chances.

To many anti-vaxxers, "less likely" or ""grants greater resistance" means you can still get infected.

They think in absolutes, which is dangerous.
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This And That
Mar 13, 2017
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My assertion all along has been…. do what you feel is right for you.

Last year, people decided to do "what's right for you"(this is a selfish sentence, the two words "for you" is the indicator), ie not wear a mask in public spaces when they should have and we wound up in the predicament we are in today.
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