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Traditional Orthodox Judaism upheld that only the Messiah could restore Israel, supernaturally. Modern Zionism was secular from the get-go. People that want to see religious significance in Israel are simply engaged in a confusion of categories, the political with the religious.
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Gog and Magog, in the Old Testament, is probably representative of "The Nations" in a broad sense, i.e. the nations hostile to ancient Israel, and probably not a reference to real places. In the Apocalypse John borrows a lot of language from the apocalyptic and prophetic literature of the Old Testament, including the Gog and Magog language.

Israel, the biblical nation described in the Old Testament, doesn't exist anymore, and hasn't for a long time. Just because a modern country calls itself "Israel" doesn't make it so. There's simply no reason to connect ancient prophetic statements in Holy Scripture with the modern country called "Israel" today.

When St. John wrote the Apocalypse he was addressing contemporary circumstances facing the Church at the end of the first century, most likely during the reign of Emperor Domitian (81-96 AD). The early Church Historian Eusebius of Caesarea tells us that the emperors after Nero were generally content to not bother the Church, and so Vespasian and Titus left Christians alone; but that when Domitian took power he eventually started persecution up again, which hadn't happened since Nero (when many of the early leaders of the Church, like Paul and Peter, were martyred). Thus, under Domitian's reign, troubles began again for Christians. John writes that he was a prisoner on the island of Patmos, exiled there on account of his Christian witness, he addresses the Apocalypse to the seven churches in the Roman province of Asia Minor in what is now south-western Turkey.

It's not altogether clear which John wrote the Apocalypse, and there is disagreement in early Christian witness about how many Johns there were. The earliest witnesses attest two Johns: John the Apostle and John the Presbyter, and attribute the Apocalypse to John the Presbyter (who is also said to have written the Epistles of John). Later Christian witnesses conflate these two as being one and the same, and John the Presbyter and John the Apostle are regarded as the same person. Thus attributing to John the Apostle authorship of the Gospel, Epistles, and Apocalypse.

Regardless, the John who wrote the Apocalypse was believed to be a central leader among the Asian churches, based in Ephesus. And thus John had been exiled from Ephesus to Patmos, just off the coast of Asia. There he received his apocalyptic visions, and wrote them down as a letter of Apocalypse (Revelation) from Jesus to the seven churches in Asia (see Revelation 1:4-20)

The context, therefore, of the entire work is the current circumstances of the late 1st century Church under the oppression of Roman power. The mini-epistles contained in Revelation chapters 2-3 address more specific content, for example the trouble with certain heretics, or the problem of spiritual laziness. Jesus accuses the Laodicaeans of having grown comfortable in their affluence and thus they had become useless; but even to the Ephesians Jesus accuses them of having forsaken their first love..

The rest of the text contains the visions which John received, written in the classic Jewish apocalyptic style. There's a point to the text beyond the graphic imagery of monstrous beasts and plagues, and that's the Victory of Christ as the Lamb of God slain before the foundation of the world over death, hell, and the devil. And that Jesus' people have victory and overcome by trusting in Him--and thus whatever the world throws at the Church cannot overcome the Church, because ultimately the Church overcomes through Christ her Lord. It is a Lamb who has conquered and is seated on the Throne. In the end, it is not the power of princes and emperors, but the power of Christ the Lamb who has Conquered, which wins. In the long arm of history, God is Victorious, because Christ has Conquered, and all the powers of this fallen age shall become nothing, "the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever" (Revelation 11:15) this is why remaining faithful to Christ and not selling oneself over to the power of the kingdoms of this world is stressed.

All manner of problems arise if we try to read the Apocalypse as a future-predicting book, which frequently leads us away from the central themes of the text: Jesus is the Lamb on the Throne, He has Conquered, and all who trust and abide in Him are also conquerors.


Apocalyptic literature is never predictive progsnostication in the Bible. It's actually much more political theology than anything else, commenting on the contemporary world situation from a religious perspective.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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All manner of problems arise if we try to read the Apocalypse as a future-predicting book, which frequently leads us away from the central themes of the text: Jesus is the Lamb on the Throne, He has Conquered, and all who trust and abide in Him are also conquerors.


Matthew 24:30 is quite interesting.

The Son of Man coming in the "Clouds of Heaven". Which I think is going to be a major cosmological event.

Doesn't wage war with mankind but gathers the elect from one end of the heavens to another. This is either the rapture or we ALL die (thus, gathering our souls). Extinction-Level-Event. The "Clouds of Heaven" could be a comet or a nearby Gamma Ray Burst hitting the Earth directly. It's also quite plausible, the verse is describing the future collision of our galaxy with the Andromeda Galaxy. The Andromeda is the Son of Man coming in the "Clouds of Heaven". Gathering the elect from the "four winds" (our galaxy has four major arms) - humans living in other stars across our galaxy are "gathered" from this collision either through death or some kind of rapture.

Some passages in the Bible are related to historic/prehistoric major cosmological events. Ironically, many ancient religions in the world have their myths based on ancient cosmological events.

There is also a passage in the Old Testament can't recall where atm, hints the reality of alien invasion events or interstellar warfare we only know in sci-fi or sci-fi horror movies. If such event happens anytime in the future, Christians and possibly the whole world can easily mistake the alien invaders for Christ's Holy Army and be thoroughly deceived. The invaders would have won without firing a single shot.
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I am inclined towards a partial Preterist interpretation of the Olivet Discourse and the coming of the Son of Man. Jesus reign is spiritual. This is why he returns to the Father to send the Holy Spirit. The "millenium" has already started.
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May 24, 2024
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we need to keep our faith and a pure soul until the end of our lives, and in the difficult times you are waiting for, don't stop praying, it is the only one that protects you from all evil...
there are prophecies that in the war everyone will be against everyone, people will rely only on weapons, and they will be partially controlled by demons, according to their deeds from the past, only those who know a long prayer or the holy rosary will defend themselves.
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Pray for peace in Israel
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only those who know a long prayer or the holy rosary will defend themselves.
Nonsense, sorry, that is not Biblical at all. We are saved by Christ and His blood, not because we memorized a particular prayer. I have no issue with praying the Rosary, but I do take issue in abusing its use by projecting more power onto it than what it is or should be given.
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Confessional Lutheran
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we need to keep our faith and a pure soul until the end of our lives, and in the difficult times you are waiting for, don't stop praying, it is the only one that protects you from all evil...
there are prophecies that in the war everyone will be against everyone, people will rely only on weapons, and they will be partially controlled by demons, according to their deeds from the past, only those who know a long prayer or the holy rosary will defend themselves.

This is nonsense.

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Messianic Arabic-Semitic Chinese
Oct 19, 2005
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As a Chinese with Western Asian ancestry who joined a Jewish Church in the United States, I personally advocate for cooperation between Isaac and Ishmael. If we cooperate and remain faithful to God in the Bible, we will bring blessings to the world. If we fight to the death, we will both suffer.

From the perspective of the Israeli military, cultivating Mosab Hasan Yousef (“The Green Prince”, son of Hamas’ creator)such talent is the best strategy. For a bright future for both Israel and the Arab world.

Genesis 12:1 (The Call of Abraham)

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